A minimalistic, no-js client for twister.net.co
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

219 lines
10 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import cherrypy, pystache
from twister import Twister
from appdir import APPDIR
stache = pystache.Renderer(
### twistparser (format users, urls, etc. in text). Subclasses twitter-text-python
from ttp import ttp
class TwistParser(ttp.Parser):
def format_tag(self, tag, text):
'''Return formatted HTML for a hashtag.'''
return '<a target="_top" href="{0}/tag/{1}">{2}{3}</a>'.format(
ttp.urllib.quote(text.lower().encode('utf-8'),'xmlcharrefreplace'), tag, text)
def format_username(self, at_char, user):
'''Return formatted HTML for a username.'''
return '<a target="_top" href="{0}/user/{1}">{2}{3}</a>'.format(
user, at_char, user.lower())
def format_list(self, at_char, user, list_name):
'''We don't have lists, so we see it as "@user" followed by "/something"'''
return '<a target="_top" href="{0}/user/{1}">{2}{3}</a>/{4}'.format(
cherrypy.request.base+cherrypy.request.script_name, user, at_char, user.lower(), list_name)
def format_url(self, url, text):
'''Return formatted HTML for a url.'''
return '<a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="{0}">{1}</a>'.format(ttp.escape(url), text)
twistparser = TwistParser()
def format_twist(message):
return twistparser.parse(message).html
def format_trending(twister,num_messages=8):
# ttp would only parse (for example) "#two" in "#two-words". rsplit removes the "-words" (sucks a bit less)
return [html.rsplit('>',1)[0]+'>' for html in [
format_twist(u'#{0}'.format(t)) for t in twister.get_trending_tags(num_messages)
] if html.find('>')>0] # the if is because ttf doesn't do unicode tags (TODO: find a better ttp fork or find/write some other lib)
### The Swizzler app
class SwizzlerApp(object):
def search_embed(self,userprefix=''):
conf = cherrypy.request.app.config['swizzler']
twister = Twister(conf['rpc_url'],format_twist)
result = {'site_root':cherrypy.request.base+cherrypy.request.script_name}
userprefix = userprefix.strip().split(' ')[0]
if not userprefix.startswith('@'): userprefix = '@'+userprefix
if len(userprefix)>1:
result['user_prefix'] = userprefix
result['users'] = twister.get_users_by_partial_name(userprefix[1:],conf['num_messages'])
result['trending'] = format_trending(twister,3*conf['num_messages']) # no avatar = about 1/3 height :)
return stache.render(stache.load_template('search'),result)
def twist(self,username,k):
conf = cherrypy.request.app.config['swizzler']
twister = Twister(conf['rpc_url'],format_twist)
twist = twister.get_twist(username,k)
twist['style_large'] = True
rts = twister.get_twist_rts(username,k)
replies = twister.get_twist_replies(username,k)
result = {
'title':u"@{0}: {1} - Swizzler".format(username,twist['time']),
'in_reply_to':twist.get('reply') and twister.get_twist(twist['reply']['username'],twist['reply']['k']) or None,
'any_replies':not not replies,
'any_rts':not not rts,
return stache.render(stache.load_template('twist'),result)
def user(self,username='nobody'):
if username=='nobody':
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/') # promoted posts are nobody's profile
conf = cherrypy.request.app.config['swizzler']
twister = Twister(conf['rpc_url'],format_twist)
user = twister.get_user_info(username)
messages = twister.get_user_posts(username,conf['num_messages'])
result = {
'title':u"{fullname} (@{username}): Profile - Swizzler".format(**user),
'any_messages':not not messages,
return stache.render(stache.load_template('standard'),result)
def user_embed(self,username='nobody',style='normal'):
if username=='nobody': username='' # to enable /nobody/large
conf = cherrypy.request.app.config['swizzler']
twister = Twister(conf['rpc_url'],format_twist)
result = {
'title':'@{0} - Swizzler'.format(username),
result['style_{0}'.format(style)] = True
return stache.render(stache.load_template('user-iframe'),result)
def tag(self,tag=''):
tag = tag.strip().split(' ')[0]
if tag.startswith('#'): tag = tag[1:]
if not tag:
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/') # go home to promoted posts
conf = cherrypy.request.app.config['swizzler']
twister = Twister(conf['rpc_url'],format_twist)
messages = twister.get_tag_posts(tag)
result = {
'title':u"#{0} - Swizzler".format(tag),
'any_messages':not not messages,
return stache.render(stache.load_template('standard'),result)
def home(self,localusername='nobody',mode='feed'):
if localusername=='nobody':
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/') # promoted posts are nobody's home
conf = cherrypy.request.app.config['swizzler']
twister = Twister(conf['rpc_url'],format_twist)
menu = twister.local_user_menu(localusername)
if mode=='mentions':
messages = twister.get_user_mentions(localusername)
messages = twister.get_user_feed(localusername,conf['num_messages'])
result = {
'title':u"{fullname} (@{username}): {mode} - Swizzler".format(mode=mode=='mentions' and 'Mentions' or 'Home',**menu['active']),
'any_messages':not not messages,
return stache.render(stache.load_template('standard'),result)
def messages(self,localusername,remoteusername=None):
conf = cherrypy.request.app.config['swizzler']
twister = Twister(conf['rpc_url'],format_twist)
localuser = twister.get_user_info(localusername)
remoteuser = remoteusername and twister.get_user_info(remoteusername) or None
threads = remoteusername and twister.get_user_messages(localusername,remoteusername,conf['num_messages']) or twister.get_user_messages(localusername)
result = {
'title':u"{0} (@{1}): direct messages{2}".format(
remoteuser and u" with {fullname} (@{username}) - Swizzler".format(**remoteuser) or ""),
'any_threads':not not threads,
return stache.render(stache.load_template('messages'),result)
def index(self):
conf = cherrypy.request.app.config['swizzler']
twister = Twister(conf['rpc_url'],format_twist)
messages = twister.get_promoted_posts(conf['num_messages'])
result = {
'is_user':True, # i.e. we want to display "bio" and not mentions/DMs/profile buttons
'is_promoted':True, # message template needs to know not to show "permalink"
'title':"Welcome to Swizzler",
'local_users':twister.local_user_menu('')['users'], # '' means: "Nobody" is active
'subject':{ # pseudo-user describing promoted posts
'fullname':'Promoted posts',
Mining the twister blockchain protects the #twister-verse from attacks like http://twister.net.co/?p=236
but unlike doge, we don't have shiny coins to offer "our protectors".
Instead, they enjoy occasional minutes of fame in the form of the promoted posts you see here.
We #Respect their hard earned crypto-graffiti by appreciating them on coffee/spliff/soy-milk/etc. breaks, because that's how we roll yo.
Start mining today, and this (&#119834;&#119847;&#119837; moral satisfaction) can be yours.""")
'any_messages':not not messages,
return stache.render(stache.load_template('standard'),result)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = SwizzlerApp()
conf = cherrypy.tree.apps[''].config
u,p = conf['swizzler'].get('browser_user'),conf['swizzler'].get('browser_password')
print u,p
if u and p:
conf['/'].update({ 'tools.basic_auth.on': True,
'tools.basic_auth.realm': 'Swizzler VIP lounge',
'tools.basic_auth.users': {u:p},
'tools.basic_auth.encrypt': lambda x: x})