The Dod 3ffb1e6524 User fullname and avatar are now in an iframe
Great performance boost.

* Input field to copy @username
  Once we can post, this may be handy
* Search is also an iframe (containing an iframe per user)
  So you can keep composing a twist while searching for usernames
* Should be responsive for cellulars (I can only resize browser
  to check. Got no phone. Anyway, the floating "Fork me" footer
  now has a link to navigation (local users), and that's about all
  the essential navigation. You can scroll a bit down from there
  for search results, or all the way up for the content.
* Make sure Dillo etc. that don't see bootstrap font icon
  can still have text links to everything

2014-04-06 13:18:18 +07:00

57 lines
2.1 KiB

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<div class="panel-heading avatars32">
<ul class="list-group media-list">{{> message}}</ul>
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<ul class="list-group media-list">{{> message}}</ul>
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<h5 class="pull-left"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-retweet"></span> Retwists:&nbsp;</h5>{{! I know it's ugly. I suck at CSS !}}
<iframe class="thumbnail pull-left"
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<ul class="list-group media-list">{{> message}}</ul>
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