Various Python scripts for Twister
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

314 lines
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11 years ago
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from http.client import HTTPException
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen, Request
import datetime
import json
11 years ago
import pickle
import time
11 years ago
import sys
from os.path import expanduser, exists
11 years ago
cacheTimeout = 24 * 3600
from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy
except ImportError as exc:
sys.stderr.write("Error: install python-bitcoinrpc (\n")
class MaxGeoRequestsException(Exception):
def __init__(self, since):
super(Exception, self).__init__()
self.lastReset = since
def __str__(self):
return "Reached max amounts of requests per hour ({} since {})".format(GeoLocationService.MAXREQUESTS,
class Borg:
_shared_state = {}
def __init__(self):
self.__dict__ = self._shared_state
class GeoLocationService(Borg):
MAXREQUESTS = 60 * 60 # 1 req per second
CACHEFILE = expanduser('~/.twister/_localusers_geolocation.db')
NOMINATIM_URL = "{query}"
11 years ago
def __init__(self):
super(GeoLocationService, self).__init__()
if len(self.__dict__) == 0: # set up only if it's the first instance
self.db = {}
self._counter = 0
self._lastCounterReset = None
if exists(GeoLocationService.CACHEFILE):
with open(GeoLocationService.CACHEFILE, 'rb') as gcache:
self.db = pickle.load(gcache)
def _resetCounter(self):
self._counter = 0
self._lastCounterReset =
def canWeAsk(self):
""" Check if we can make a lookup.
:return: boolean
if self._counter <= (GeoLocationService.MAXREQUESTS - 1):
return True
now =
delta = now - self._lastCounterReset
if delta.total_seconds() > (60 * 60):
return True
return False
def locate(self, location):
11 years ago
Query Google API and save coordinates. Max 50 requests per hour
11 years ago
:return: dict with coordinates { 'lat':12345, 'lng':13245 }
:raises: MaxGeoRequestsException when geolocation threshold has been reached
11 years ago
# if in cache, return that
if location in self.db:
# this harmonization is due to old data
if type(self.db[location]) == dict:
coordTuple = (self.db[location]['lat'], self.db[location]['lng'])
self.db[location] = coordTuple
return self.db[location]
# not in cache? ok, let's look it up
if not self.canWeAsk():
# sorry, can't do it now
raise MaxGeoRequestsException(self._lastCounterReset)
print("Looking up \"{}\"".format(location))
loc = urlencode({'q': location})
request = Request(GeoLocationService.NOMINATIM_URL.format(query=loc))
request.add_header('User-Agent', 'Twister User-Mapper script')
urldoc = urlopen(request)
self._counter += 1
jsonText = urldoc.readall().decode('utf-8')
jsObj = json.loads(jsonText)
if len(jsObj) > 0:
coords = jsObj[0]['lat'], jsObj[0]['lon']
# let's cache it and save db
self.db[location] = coords
time.sleep(1) # to follow nominatim usage policy:
return coords
# still here? it's all rubbish
11 years ago
return None
def saveDb(self):
""" Save db to file """
with open(GeoLocationService.CACHEFILE, 'wb') as gfile:
pickle.dump(self.db, gfile)
class User:
def __init__(self):
self.locService = GeoLocationService()
self.username = ""
self.avatar = ""
self.fullname = ""
self.location = ""
self.coords = None = ""
self.url = ""
self.updateTime = 0
self.following = []
def locate(self):
# OO wrapper for GeoLocationService.locate()
if hasattr(self, 'location') and self.location == '':
return None
if hasattr(self, 'coords') and self.coords is not None:
return self.coords
if not hasattr(self, 'locService'):
self.__dict__['locService'] = GeoLocationService()
self.coords = self.locService.locate(self.location)
return self.coords
def __setstate__(self, data):
""" Custom unpickling function to re-instantiate the location service
:param data: dictionary passed by pickle.load()
self.__dict__ = data
self.locService = GeoLocationService()
def __getstate__(self):
""" Custom pickler to drop references to the location service
:return: dict containing the object state
self.locService = None
return self.__dict__
11 years ago
class TwisterDb:
def __init__(self):
self.lastBlockHash = None
self.users = {}
class TwisterScraper:
CACHE_MAX_DURATION = datetime.timedelta(7) # ([days [, seconds [,microseconds]]])
def __init__(self, dbPath, server='localhost', port=28332, user='user', password='pwd', protocol='http'):
self.serverUrl = '{protocol}://{user}:{passwd}@{server}:{port}'.format(protocol=protocol,
self.twister = AuthServiceProxy(self.serverUrl)
self.dbFile = dbPath
self.locService = GeoLocationService()
11 years ago
with open(self.dbFile, 'rb') as dbFile:
self.db = pickle.load(dbFile)
except FileNotFoundError:
self.db = TwisterDb()
def get_user(self, username):
if username in self.db.users:
return self.db.users[username]
return None
def scrape_users(self):
nextHash = 0
nextHash = self.twister.getblockhash(0)
usernames = set()
index = 0
while True:
block = self.twister.getblock(nextHash)
self.db.lastBlockHash = block['hash']
usernames = usernames.union(set(block['usernames']))
if len(usernames) > index:
index = len(usernames)
print('Found {0} usernames'.format(index))
if "nextblockhash" in block:
nextHash = block["nextblockhash"]
if len(self.db.users) == 0:
# first run
for u in usernames:
blankUser = User(self.locService)
11 years ago
blankUser.username = u
blankUser.updateTime = - self.CACHE_MAX_DURATION
now =
old_users = self.db.users.keys()
need_refresh = [u for u in old_users if (self.db.users[u].updateTime + self.CACHE_MAX_DURATION) < now]
new_users = usernames.difference(set(old_users))
to_fetch = new_users.union(set(need_refresh))
total_to_fetch = len(to_fetch)
for n, u in enumerate(to_fetch):
user = self._fetch_user_details(u)
if hasattr(u, 'location'):
except MaxGeoRequestsException:
print("Could not locate '' because of max request limit reached")
11 years ago
self.db.users[user.username] = user
if n % 5 == 0:
11 years ago
print("({line} of {total}) Fetched {user} ...".format(user=u, line=n, total=total_to_fetch))
except HTTPException as e:
print("Connection error retrieving user {0}: {1}".format(u, str(e)))
def saveDb(self):
print("Saving db")
with open(self.dbFile, 'wb') as dbFile:
pickle.dump(self.db, dbFile)
except (KeyboardInterrupt, Exception):
print("Closing db before quitting...")
if dbFile:
# close the hung descriptor and re-try the dumping
except Exception:
with open(self.dbFile, 'wb') as dbFile:
pickle.dump(self.db, dbFile)
# once clean, re-raise
11 years ago
def get_posts_since(self, username, dateObj, maxNum=1000):
since_epoch = time.mktime(dateObj.timetuple())
all_posts = self.twister.getposts(1000, [{'username': username}])
all_posts = sorted(all_posts, key=lambda x: x['userpost']['time'])
index = int(len(all_posts) / 2)
def _post_time(i):
return all_posts[i]['userpost']['time']
while 0 > index > len(all_posts):
if _post_time(index - 1) < since_epoch < _post_time(index + 1):
if _post_time(index) < since_epoch:
index += 1
elif _post_time(index) > since_epoch:
index = int(index / 2)
elif _post_time(index) < since_epoch:
index = int(index + index / 2)
return all_posts[index:]
def _fetch_user_details(self, username):
user = User(self.locService)
11 years ago
user.username = username
avatarData = self.twister.dhtget(username, "avatar", "s")
if len(avatarData) == 1:
if 'p' in avatarData[0]:
if 'v' in avatarData[0]['p']:
user.avatar = avatarData[0]['p']['v']
profileData = self.twister.dhtget(username, 'profile', 's')
if len(profileData) == 1:
if 'p' in profileData[0]:
if 'v' in profileData[0]['p']:
profile = profileData[0]['p']['v']
for key in ['location', 'url', 'bio', 'fullname']:
if key in profile:
setattr(user, key, profile[key])
user.following = self.twister.getfollowing(username)
user.updateTime =
return user
if __name__ == '__main__':
ts = TwisterScraper(expanduser('~/.twister/_localusersdb'), 'localhost')
print("Total users in db: {0}".format(len(ts.db.users)))