Feed2twister is a simple script to post items from RSS/ATOM feeds to [Twister](http://twister.net.co). ### Prerequisites * [Twister](http://twister.net.co/) (of course) * [python-bitcoinrpc](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-bitcoinrpc/) * [feedparser](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/feedparser/) ### Installing Copy `config-example.py` to `config.py` and edit it to taste. ### Running Normally, you would run this as a cron task: `python feed2twister.py` [`N`] if [optional] `N` is supplied, it's used as the maximum items to post (per feed). Default is `conf.MAX_NEW_ITEMS_PER_FEED`. If there are more than `N` new items in a feed, "over quota" items get marked as if they were posted (this can be handy when you add a new feed with a long history). Specifically, `python feed2twister.py 0` would make all feeds "catch up" without posting anything.