#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os,feedparser,anydbm,argparse,ConfigParser from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Feed2twister is a simple script to post items from RSS/ATOM feeds to Twister.') arg_parser.add_argument('--config', '-c', help='Alternate config file. Default is {0}.'.format(os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, 'feed2twister.conf'))) arg_parser.add_argument('--repost-existing', '-f', action='store_true', help='For debugging purposes. reposts items even if they are marked as already posted. Use with care.') arg_parser.add_argument('maxitems', metavar='N', type=int, nargs='?', default=None, help="""Maximum items to post (per feed). Default is 0. If there are more than N new items in a feed, "over quota" items get marked as if they were posted (this can be handy when you add a new feed with a long history). Specifically, %(prog)s 0 would make all feeds "catch up" without posting anything.""") args = arg_parser.parse_args() from xdg.BaseDirectory import xdg_config_home main_config_file = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() if args.config: main_config_file.read([os.path.expanduser(args.config)]) else: main_config_file.read([os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, 'feed2twister.conf'), os.path.join(xdg_config_home, 'feed2twister.conf'), os.path.expanduser('~/.feed2twister.conf')]) main_config = main_config_file.defaults() def get_bool_conf_option(option): if option in main_config and main_config[option]: v = main_config[option] return str(v).lower() in ('yes', 'true', 't', '1') return False def get_array_conf_option(option): if option in main_config and main_config[option]: return main_config[option].split("\n") return [] import logging log_level = logging.ERROR if 'logging_level' in main_config and main_config['logging_level']: log_level = main_config['logging_level'] log_level = getattr(logging, log_level.upper()) logging.basicConfig(level=log_level) if get_bool_conf_option('use_shortener'): try: import gdshortener except ImportError: USE_SHORTENER = False ### truncated_utf8() is based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/13738452 def _is_utf8_lead_byte(b): '''A UTF-8 intermediate byte starts with the bits 10xxxxxx.''' return (ord(b) & 0xC0) != 0x80 def truncated_utf8(text,max_bytes,ellipsis='\xe2\x80\xa6'): '''If text[max_bytes] is not a lead byte, back up until a lead byte is found and truncate before that character.''' utf8 = text.encode('utf8') if len(utf8) <= max_bytes: return utf8 i = max_bytes-len(ellipsis) while i > 0 and not _is_utf8_lead_byte(utf8[i]): i -= 1 return utf8[:i]+ellipsis def get_next_k(twister,username): try: return twister.getposts(1,[{'username':username}])[0]['userpost']['k']+1 except: return 0 def main(max_items): db = anydbm.open(os.path.expanduser(main_config['db_filename']),'c') twister = AuthServiceProxy(main_config['rpc_url']) for feed_url in get_array_conf_option('feeds'): logging.info(feed_url) feed = feedparser.parse(feed_url) n_items = 0 for i, e in enumerate(feed.entries): eid = '{0}|{1}'.format(feed_url,e.id) if db.has_key(eid) and not args.repost_existing: # been there, done that (or not - for a reason) logging.debug('Skipping duplicate {0}'.format(eid)) else: # format as a <=140 character string if not get_bool_conf_option('do_not_include_link'): # Construct the link, possibly with shortener entry_url = gdshortener.ISGDShortener().shorten(url=e.link, log_stat=get_bool_conf_option('shortener_stats'))[0] if get_bool_conf_option('use_shortener') else e.link if len(entry_url) <= int(main_config['max_url_length']): msg = u'{0} {1}'.format(entry_url,e.title) else: # Link too long. Not enough space left for text :( msg = '' else: entry_title = e.title if 'skip_first_title_char' in main_config and main_config['skip_first_title_char']: entry_title = entry_title[int(main_config['skip_first_title_char']):] msg = u'{0}'.format(entry_title) if len(msg)>140: # Truncate (and hope it's still meaningful) msg = msg[:137]+u'...' utfmsg = truncated_utf8(msg,140)# limit is 140 utf-8 bytes (not chars) msg = unicode(utfmsg,'utf-8') # AuthServiceProxy needs unicode [we just needed to know where to truncate, and that's utf-8] if not msg: # We've marked it as "posted", but no sense really posting it. logging.warn(u'Link too long at {0}'.format(eid)) continue if n_items >= max_items: # Avoid accidental flooding logging.warn(u'Skipping "over quota" item: {0}'.format(msg)) continue logging.info(u'posting {0}'.format(msg)) try: next_k = get_next_k(twister, main_config['username']) twister.newpostmsg(main_config['username'], next_k, msg) db[eid] = utfmsg # anydbm can't handle unicode, so it's a good thing we've also kept the utf-8 :) except Exception, e: logging.error(`e`) # usually not very informative :( n_items+=1 if n_items >= max_items: logging.warn(u'Quota reached. Skipping {0} items:'.format(len(feed.entries[i+1:]))) for ee in feed.entries[i+1:]: logging.warn(u' {0}|{1}'.format(feed_url, ee.id)) break if __name__=='__main__': if args.maxitems != None: n = args.maxitems elif 'max_new_items_per_feed' in main_config and main_config['max_new_items_per_feed']: n = int(main_config['max_new_items_per_feed']) else: n = 0 main(n)