Feed2twister is a simple script to post items from RSS/ATOM feeds to [Twister](http://twister.net.co). ---- **Note:** If you upgrade an old installation where you don't have `feed2twister.conf` yet, use a copy of `feed2twister.conf.example`s and edit it so that it contains similar settings to those you had at `conf.py` ---- ### Prerequisites * Python 2 * [Twister](http://twister.net.co/) (of course) * [python-bitcoinrpc](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-bitcoinrpc/) * [feedparser](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/feedparser/) * URL shortener dependencies (see `use_shortener` at `feedparser.conf.example`) ### Installing * run `git submodule update --init` (to install a [patched version](https://github.com/thedod/python-bitcoinrpc/tree/unicode-fix-for-twister) of bitcoin-rpc (a twister-related unicode fix). If you don't have git(?) you can [download the zip](https://github.com/thedod/python-bitcoinrpc/archive/unicode-fix-for-twister.zip), and copy the bitcoinrpc directory into this directory (overwrite whatever you have ther now. probably an empty folder). * Copy `feed2twister.conf.example` to `feed2twister.conf` and edit it to taste. ### Running Normally, you would run this as a cron task: `/path/to/this/feed2twister.py [-c CONFIGFILE] [N]` if [optional] `N` is supplied, it's used as the maximum items to post (per feed). Default is (by presence order) max_new_items_per_feed from conf file or 0. If there are more than `N` new items in a feed, "over quota" items get marked as if they were posted (this can be handy when you add a new feed with a long history). Specifically, `python feed2twister.py 0` would make all feeds "catch up" without posting anything. if [optional] `CONFIGFILE` is supplied, it is used as a custom config file, instead of the first file found in the following list: `./feed2twister.conf`, `~/.config/feed2twister.conf`, `~/.feed2twister.conf` ### Hidden configuration Some more options are available: * `do_not_include_link` (boolean, default False): if True, feed2twister will NOT prepend the feed item title with the item link before posting it to twister. * `skip_first_title_char` (int, default None): if set, feed2twister will strip this amount of character from the begining of the feed item title. Usefull to skip your login from app.net feed for example.