Go Language dns seeder for Bitcoin based networks
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package main
import (
// NodeCounts holds various statistics about the running system for use in html templates
type NodeCounts struct {
NdStatus []uint32 // number of nodes at each of the 4 statuses - RG, CG, WG, NG
NdStarts []uint32 // number of crawles started last startcrawlers run
DNSCounts []uint32 // number of dns requests for each dns type - dnsV4Std, dnsV4Non, dnsV6Std, dnsV6Non
mtx sync.RWMutex // protect the structures
// configData holds information on the application
type configData struct {
dnsUnknown uint64 // the number of dns requests for we are not configured to handle
uptime time.Time // application start time
port string // port for the dns server to listen on
http string // port for the web server to listen on
version string // application version
seeders map[string]*dnsseeder // holds a pointer to all the current seeders
smtx sync.RWMutex // protect the seeders map
order []string // the order of loading the netfiles so we can display in this order
dns map[string][]dns.RR // holds details of all the currently served dns records
dnsmtx sync.RWMutex // protect the dns map
verbose bool // verbose output cmdline option
debug bool // debug cmdline option
stats bool // stats cmdline option
var config configData
var netfile string
func main() {
var j bool
config.version = "0.9.1"
config.uptime = time.Now()
flag.StringVar(&netfile, "netfile", "", "List of json config files to load")
flag.StringVar(&config.port, "p", "8053", "DNS Port to listen on")
flag.StringVar(&config.http, "w", "", "Web Port to listen on. No port specified & no web server running")
flag.BoolVar(&j, "j", false, "Write network template file (dnsseeder.json) and exit")
flag.BoolVar(&config.verbose, "v", false, "Display verbose output")
flag.BoolVar(&config.debug, "d", false, "Display debug output")
flag.BoolVar(&config.stats, "s", false, "Display stats output")
if j == true {
fmt.Printf("Template file has been created\n")
// configure the network options so we can start crawling
netwFiles := strings.Split(netfile, ",")
if len(netwFiles) == 0 {
fmt.Printf("Error - No filenames specified. Please add -net=<file[, file2]> to load these files\n")
config.seeders = make(map[string]*dnsseeder)
config.dns = make(map[string][]dns.RR)
config.order = []string{}
for _, nwFile := range netwFiles {
nnw, err := loadNetwork(nwFile)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error loading data from netfile %s - %v\n", nwFile, err)
if nnw != nil {
config.seeders[nnw.name] = nnw
config.order = append(config.order, nnw.name)
if config.debug == true {
config.verbose = true
config.stats = true
if config.verbose == true {
config.stats = true
for _, v := range config.seeders {
log.Printf("status - system is configured for network: %s\n", v.name)
if config.verbose == false {
log.Printf("status - Running in quiet mode with limited output produced\n")
// start the web interface if we want it running
if config.http != "" {
go startHTTP(config.http)
// start dns server
dns.HandleFunc(".", handleDNS)
go serve("udp", config.port)
//go serve("tcp", config.port)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
done := make(chan struct{})
// start a goroutine for each seeder
for _, s := range config.seeders {
go s.runSeeder(done, &wg)
sig := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sig, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
// block until a signal is received
fmt.Println("\nShutting down on signal:", <-sig)
// FIXME - call dns server.Shutdown()
// close the done channel to signal to all seeders to shutdown
// and wait for them to exit
fmt.Printf("\nProgram exiting. Bye\n")
// updateNodeCounts runs in a goroutine and updates the global stats with the latest
// counts from a startCrawlers run
func updateNodeCounts(s *dnsseeder, tcount uint32, started, totals []uint32) {
for st := range []int{statusRG, statusCG, statusWG, statusNG} {
if config.stats {
log.Printf("%s: started crawler: %s total: %v started: %v\n", s.name, status2str(uint32(st)), totals[st], started[st])
// update the stats counters
s.counts.NdStatus[st] = totals[st]
s.counts.NdStarts[st] = started[st]
if config.stats {
log.Printf("%s: crawlers started. total nodes: %d\n", s.name, tcount)
// status2str will return the string description of the status
func status2str(status uint32) string {
switch status {
case statusRG:
return "statusRG"
case statusCG:
return "statusCG"
case statusWG:
return "statusWG"
case statusNG:
return "statusNG"
return "Unknown"
// updateDNSCounts runs in a goroutine and updates the global stats for the number of DNS requests
func updateDNSCounts(name, qtype string) {
var ndType uint32
var counted bool
nonstd := strings.HasPrefix(name, "nonstd.")
switch qtype {
case "A":
if nonstd {
ndType = dnsV4Non
} else {
ndType = dnsV4Std
case "AAAA":
if nonstd {
ndType = dnsV6Non
} else {
ndType = dnsV6Std
ndType = dnsInvalid
// for DNS requests we do not have a reference to a seeder so we have to find it
for _, s := range config.seeders {
if name == s.dnsHost+"." || name == "nonstd."+s.dnsHost+"." {
counted = true
if counted != true {
atomic.AddUint64(&config.dnsUnknown, 1)