Go Language dns seeder for Bitcoin based networks
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package main
import (
const (
// NOUNCE is used to check if we connect to ourselves
// as we don't listen we can use a fixed value
nounce = 0x0539a019ca550825
minPort = 0
maxPort = 65535
crawlDelay = 22 // seconds between start crawlwer ticks
auditDelay = 22 // minutes between audit channel ticks
dnsDelay = 57 // seconds between updates to active dns record list
maxFails = 58 // max number of connect fails before we delete a node. Just over 24 hours(checked every 33 minutes)
maxTo = 250 // max seconds (4min 10 sec) for all comms to node to complete before we timeout
const (
dnsInvalid = iota //
dnsV4Std // ip v4 using network standard port
dnsV4Non // ip v4 using network non standard port
dnsV6Std // ipv6 using network standard port
dnsV6Non // ipv6 using network non standard port
maxDNSTypes // used in main to allocate slice
const (
// node status
statusRG = iota // reported good status. A remote node has reported this ip but we have not connected
statusCG // confirmed good. We have connected to the node and received addresses
statusWG // was good. node was confirmed good but now having problems
statusNG // no good. Will be removed from theList after 24 hours to redure bouncing ip addresses
maxStatusTypes // used in main to allocate slice
type dnsseeder struct {
id wire.BitcoinNet // Magic number - Unique ID for this network. Sent in header of all messages
theList map[string]*node // the list of current nodes
mtx sync.RWMutex // protect thelist
dnsHost string // dns host we will serve results for this domain
name string // Short name for the network
desc string // Long description for the network
initialIP string // Initial ip address to connect to and ask for addresses if we have no seeders
seeders []string // slice of seeders to pull ip addresses when starting this seeder
maxStart []uint32 // max number of goroutines to start each run for each status type
delay []int64 // number of seconds to wait before we connect to a known client for each status
counts NodeCounts // structure to hold stats for this seeder
pver uint32 // minimum block height for the seeder
ttl uint32 // DNS TTL to use for this seeder
maxSize int // max number of clients before we start restricting new entries
port uint16 // default network port this seeder uses
type result struct {
nas []*wire.NetAddress // slice of node addresses returned from a node
msg *crawlError // error string or nil if no problems
node string // theList key to the node that was crawled
version int32 // remote node protocol version
services wire.ServiceFlag // remote client supported services
lastBlock int32 // last block seen by the node
strVersion string // remote client user agent
// initCrawlers needs to be run before the startCrawlers so it can get
// a list of current ip addresses from the other seeders and therefore
// start the crawl process
9 years ago
func (s *dnsseeder) initSeeder() {
9 years ago
// range over existing seeders for the network and get starting ip addresses from them
for _, aseeder := range s.seeders {
c := 0
if aseeder == "" {
newRRs, err := net.LookupHost(aseeder)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("%s: unable to do initial lookup to seeder %s %v\n", s.name, aseeder, err)
for _, ip := range newRRs {
if newIP := net.ParseIP(ip); newIP != nil {
// 1 at the end is the services flag
if x := s.addNa(wire.NewNetAddressIPPort(newIP, s.port, 1)); x == true {
if config.verbose {
log.Printf("%s: completed import of %v addresses from %s\n", s.name, c, aseeder)
// load ip addresses into system and start crawling from them
if len(s.theList) == 0 && s.initialIP != "" {
for _, initialIP := range strings.Split(s.initialIP, ",") {
if newIP := net.ParseIP(initialIP); newIP != nil {
// 1 at the end is the services flag
if x := s.addNa(wire.NewNetAddressIPPort(newIP, s.port, 1)); x == true {
log.Printf("%s: crawling with initial IP %s \n", s.name, s.initialIP)
if len(s.theList) == 0 {
log.Printf("%s: Error: No ip addresses from seeders so I have nothing to crawl.\n", s.name)
for _, v := range s.seeders {
log.Printf("%s: Seeder: %s\n", s.name, v)
log.Printf("%s: Initial IP: %s\n", s.name, s.initialIP)
// runSeeder runs a seeder in an endless goroutine
func (s *dnsseeder) runSeeder(done <-chan struct{}, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
// receive the results from the crawl goroutines
resultsChan := make(chan *result)
// load data from other seeders so we can start crawling nodes
9 years ago
// start initial scan now so we don't have to wait for the timers to fire
// create timing channels for regular tasks
auditChan := time.NewTicker(time.Minute * auditDelay).C
crawlChan := time.NewTicker(time.Second * crawlDelay).C
dnsChan := time.NewTicker(time.Second * dnsDelay).C
dowhile := true
for dowhile == true {
select {
case r := <-resultsChan:
// process a results structure from a crawl
case <-dnsChan:
// update the system with the latest selection of dns records
case <-auditChan:
// keep theList clean and tidy
case <-crawlChan:
// start a scan to crawl nodes
case <-done:
// done channel closed so exit the select and shutdown the seeder
dowhile = false
9 years ago
fmt.Printf("shutting down seeder: %s\n", s.name)
// end the goroutine & defer will call wg.Done()
// startCrawlers is called on a time basis to start maxcrawlers new
// goroutines if there are spare goroutine slots available
func (s *dnsseeder) startCrawlers(resultsChan chan *result) {
defer s.mtx.RUnlock()
tcount := uint32(len(s.theList))
if tcount == 0 {
if config.debug {
log.Printf("%s - debug - startCrawlers fail: no node available\n", s.name)
started := make([]uint32, maxStatusTypes)
totals := make([]uint32, maxStatusTypes)
// range on a map will not return items in the same order each time
// so this is a random'ish selection
for _, nd := range s.theList {
if nd.crawlActive == true {
// do we already have enough started at this status
9 years ago
if started[nd.status] >= s.maxStart[nd.status] {
// don't crawl a node to quickly
9 years ago
if (time.Now().Unix() - s.delay[nd.status]) <= nd.lastTry.Unix() {
// all looks good so start a go routine to crawl the remote node
9 years ago
nd.crawlActive = true
nd.crawlStart = time.Now()
go crawlNode(resultsChan, s, nd)
9 years ago
// update the global stats in another goroutine to free the main goroutine
// for other work
go updateNodeCounts(s, tcount, started, totals)
// returns and read lock released
// processResult will add new nodes to the list and update the status of the crawled node
func (s *dnsseeder) processResult(r *result) {
var nd *node
9 years ago
defer s.mtx.Unlock()
if _, ok := s.theList[r.node]; ok {
nd = s.theList[r.node]
} else {
log.Printf("%s: warning - ignoring results from unknown node: %s\n", s.name, r.node)
9 years ago
// now nd has been set to a valid pointer we can use it in a defer
defer crawlEnd(nd)
9 years ago
// msg is a crawlerror or nil
if r.msg != nil {
// update the fact that we have not connected to this node
nd.lastTry = time.Now()
nd.statusStr = r.msg.Error()
// update the status of this failed node
switch nd.status {
case statusRG:
// if we are full then any RG failures will skip directly to NG
9 years ago
if len(s.theList) > s.maxSize {
nd.status = statusNG // not able to connect to this node so ignore
} else {
if nd.rating += 25; nd.rating > 30 {
nd.status = statusWG
case statusCG:
if nd.rating += 25; nd.rating >= 50 {
nd.status = statusWG
case statusWG:
if nd.rating += 15; nd.rating >= 100 {
nd.status = statusNG // not able to connect to this node so ignore
// no more to do so return which will shutdown the goroutine & call
// the deffered cleanup
if config.verbose {
log.Printf("%s: failed crawl node: %s s:r:f: %v:%v:%v %s\n",
// succesful connection and addresses received so mark status
nd.status = statusCG
cs := nd.lastConnect
nd.rating = 0
nd.connectFails = 0
nd.lastConnect = time.Now()
nd.lastTry = nd.lastConnect
nd.statusStr = "ok: received remote address list"
// update the node from the results
nd.version = r.version
nd.services = r.services
nd.lastBlock = r.lastBlock
nd.strVersion = r.strVersion
added := 0
// if we are full then skip adding more possible clients
9 years ago
if len(s.theList) < s.maxSize {
// do not accept more than one third of maxSize addresses from one node
oneThird := int(float64(s.maxSize / 3))
// loop through all the received network addresses and add to thelist if not present
for _, na := range r.nas {
// a new network address so add to the system
if x := s.addNa(na); x == true {
if added++; added > oneThird {
if config.verbose {
log.Printf("%s: crawl done: node: %s s:r:f: %v:%v:%v addr: %v:%v CrawlTime: %s Last connect: %v ago\n",
9 years ago
// crawlEnd is run as a defer to make sure node status is correctly updated
func crawlEnd(nd *node) {
nd.crawlActive = false
// addNa validates and adds a network address to theList
func (s *dnsseeder) addNa(nNa *wire.NetAddress) bool {
9 years ago
if len(s.theList) > s.maxSize {
return false
9 years ago
// generate the key and add to theList
k := net.JoinHostPort(nNa.IP.String(), strconv.Itoa(int(nNa.Port)))
if _, dup := s.theList[k]; dup == true {
return false
if nNa.Port <= minPort || nNa.Port >= maxPort {
return false
// if the reported timestamp suggests the netaddress has not been seen in the last 24 hours
// then ignore this netaddress
if (time.Now().Add(-(time.Hour * 24))).After(nNa.Timestamp) {
return false
nt := node{
na: nNa,
lastConnect: time.Now(),
version: 0,
status: statusRG,
dnsType: dnsV4Std,
// select the dns type based on the remote address type and port
if x := nt.na.IP.To4(); x == nil {
// not ipv4
if nNa.Port != s.port {
nt.dnsType = dnsV6Non
// produce the nonstdIP
nt.nonstdIP = getNonStdIP(nt.na.IP, nt.na.Port)
} else {
nt.dnsType = dnsV6Std
} else {
// ipv4
if nNa.Port != s.port {
nt.dnsType = dnsV4Non
// force ipv4 address into a 4 byte buffer
nt.na.IP = nt.na.IP.To4()
// produce the nonstdIP
nt.nonstdIP = getNonStdIP(nt.na.IP, nt.na.Port)
9 years ago
// add the new node details to theList
s.theList[k] = &nt
return true
// getNonStdIP is given an IP address and a port and returns a fake IP address
// that is encoded with the original IP and port number. Remote clients can match
// the two and work out the real IP and port from the two IP addresses.
func getNonStdIP(rip net.IP, port uint16) net.IP {
b := []byte{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}
crcAddr := crc16(rip.To4())
b[0] = byte(crcAddr >> 8)
b[1] = byte((crcAddr & 0xff))
b[2] = byte(port >> 8)
b[3] = byte(port & 0xff)
encip := net.IPv4(b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3])
if config.debug {
log.Printf("debug - encode nonstd - realip: %s port: %v encip: %s crc: %x\n", rip.String(), port, encip.String(), crcAddr)
return encip
// crc16 produces a crc16 from a byte slice
func crc16(bs []byte) uint16 {
var x, crc uint16
crc = 0xffff
for _, v := range bs {
x = crc>>8 ^ uint16(v)
x ^= x >> 4
crc = (crc << 8) ^ (x << 12) ^ (x << 5) ^ x
return crc
func (s *dnsseeder) auditNodes() {
c := 0
// set this early so for this audit run all NG clients will be purged
// and space will be made for new, possible CG clients
9 years ago
iAmFull := len(s.theList) > s.maxSize
// cgGoal is 75% of the max statusCG clients we can crawl with the current network delay & maxStart settings.
// This allows us to cycle statusCG users to keep the list fresh
cgGoal := int(float64(float64(s.delay[statusCG]/crawlDelay)*float64(s.maxStart[statusCG])) * 0.75)
cgCount := 0
log.Printf("%s: Audit start. statusCG Goal: %v System Uptime: %s\n", s.name, cgGoal, time.Since(config.uptime).String())
defer s.mtx.Unlock()
for k, nd := range s.theList {
if nd.crawlActive == true {
if time.Now().Unix()-nd.crawlStart.Unix() >= 300 {
log.Printf("warning - long running crawl > 5 minutes ====\n- %s status:rating:fails %v:%v:%v crawl start: %s last status: %s\n====\n",
// Audit task is to remove node that we have not been able to connect to
if nd.status == statusNG && nd.connectFails > maxFails {
if config.verbose {
log.Printf("%s: purging node %s after %v failed connections\n", s.name, k, nd.connectFails)
// remove the map entry and mark the old node as
// nil so garbage collector will remove it
s.theList[k] = nil
delete(s.theList, k)
// If seeder is full then remove old NG clients and fill up with possible new CG clients
if nd.status == statusNG && iAmFull {
if config.verbose {
log.Printf("%s: seeder full purging node %s\n", s.name, k)
// remove the map entry and mark the old node as
// nil so garbage collector will remove it
s.theList[k] = nil
delete(s.theList, k)
// check if we need to purge statusCG to freshen the list
if nd.status == statusCG {
if cgCount++; cgCount > cgGoal {
// we have enough statusCG clients so purge remaining to cycle through the list
if config.verbose {
log.Printf("%s: seeder cycle statusCG - purging node %s\n", s.name, k)
// remove the map entry and mark the old node as
// nil so garbage collector will remove it
s.theList[k] = nil
delete(s.theList, k)
if config.verbose {
log.Printf("%s: Audit complete. %v nodes purged\n", s.name, c)
// teatload loads the dns records with time based test data
func (s *dnsseeder) loadDNS() {
// getSeederByName returns a pointer to the seeder based on its name or nil if not found
func getSeederByName(name string) *dnsseeder {
for _, s := range config.seeders {
if s.name == name {
return s
return nil
// isDuplicateSeeder returns true if the seeder details already exist in the application
func isDuplicateSeeder(s *dnsseeder) (bool, error) {
// check for duplicate seeders with the same details
for _, v := range config.seeders {
if v.id == s.id {
9 years ago
return true, fmt.Errorf("Duplicate Magic id. Already loaded for %s so can not be used for %s", v.id, v.name, s.name)
if v.dnsHost == s.dnsHost {
9 years ago
return true, fmt.Errorf("Duplicate DNS names. Already loaded %s for %s so can not be used for %s", v.dnsHost, v.name, s.name)
return false, nil
9 years ago