A twister-based game of intrigue and bad crypto
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### Redacting prefab plaintext
10 years ago
# pOTP >>>
[['ElQpAS8v', None, 'u00NLPA=', 'jJgkj/w='], [None, None, 'iA==', None, '9kHo']]
# >>> Unredaction
Here's ███ first line,
████████ ██ a ██████ one
10 years ago
# pOTP >>>
[[None, '8HvL', None, None], ['kUbc53cUs/s=', 'U/w=', None, 'WtAU4/tV', None]]
# >>> Unredaction
██████ the █████ █████
followed by █ second ███
10 years ago
### >>> integration >>>
Here's the first line,
followed by a second one
10 years ago
### Simulating incoming [prefab] ciphertext and conflicting pads
10 years ago
# pOTP >>>
[['xWusIv5F', '29q4dg==', 'zAa7Rc4K', 'pqY7HvIXqHA1RRWMhA==', None, None, 'lSXD+g==', None, None, None, None, None, None], ['sJDRbhyB', None, None, None, None, 'uDs=', 'jWhA', None, '6Ho=', 'J4OQCp0=', '39g=', 'JuhF', 'kgS41A==', 'fR+t8fE=', None], ['5ZCA', None, None, None, 'Wco=', None, None, None, 'L+mR1ohML2foHA0=', None, None, None], ['sbuL', 'qhM8EFAOWM0=', 'oxO8cg==', None, '/eYQidGv/nc=', 'epMLVQA=', None, None, 'i5dv', 'Dh9fFA==', None, 'gNKi', 'lrEPMyg=', None], [None, None, '+UoxOmBAFcvrFg==', 'Xo4=', None, '4f56t0C6WA==']]
# >>> Unredaction
Sharky says (after interrogating ████ ███ Tung ██ ████████ ████ ███ ███ ██
access ██ ███ ███████ ██████ As far ██ we know, it may have never ███████
The █████████ ██████████ █████ is █ ██████ ██ independent ████████ ██ ████
DHQ predicts that ███ official story █████ ███ has died ██ the plane ██████
█████ ██ challenged by ███ public.
10 years ago
# pOTP >>>
[[None, None, None, None, 'nvo/RQ==', '7ebk', None, 'Pxs=', 'jvG/+ffvzr8=', 'KayU9Q==', '8H1Z', 'nKdz', '5OI='], [None, 'GmA=', 'GoX2', '/OSQHAtXxw==', 'd+Ej94lL', None, None, 'fsw=', None, None, None, None, None, None, 'AO7bwt+F+A=='], [None, 'YXBKZdaztixJ', 'YEYD2Z1b7bPBXg==', 'NvKU5HQ=', None, '6w==', '085ZT+nx', 'bao=', None, 'FwiAXEih3EA=', 'ICk=', 'r1l+FQ=='], [None, None, None, 'jY3i', None, None, 'R/kWIDE=', 'O01B', None, None, '84c=', None, 'kq8PNCM=', 'UCXLPs2F'], ['h2cYGdo=', 'wIE=', None, None, 'nl/J', None]]
# >>> Unredaction
██████ ████ ██████ █████████████ Frau Tze ████ in person), that she had no
██████ to the Pujinda paper. ██ ███ as ██ █████ ██ ███ ████ █████ leaked.
███ El-Hamdan encryption crack ██ a result of ███████████ research by FTT.
███ ████████ ████ the ████████ █████ (that FTT ███ ████ in ███ train crash)
won't be ██████████ ██ the ███████
10 years ago
### >>> integration >>>
Sharky says (after interrogating Frau Tze Tung in person), that she had no
access to the Pujinda paper. As far as we know, it may have never leaked.
The El-Hamdan encryption crack is a result of independent research by FTT.
DHQ predicts that the official story (that FTT has died in the ╳╳╳╳╳ crash)
won't be challenged by the public.