import pygraphviz as pgv import time import json import networkx as nx from networkx.algorithms import centrality import urllib.request def position_nodes(nodes, edges): G = pgv.AGraph(strict=True, directed=False, size='10!') for n in nodes.values(): G.add_node(n.ip, label=n.label, coords=n.coords) for e in edges: G.add_edge(e.a.ip, e.b.ip, len=1.0) G.layout(prog='neato', args='-Gepsilon=0.0001 -Gmaxiter=100000') return G def compute_betweenness(G): ng = nx.Graph() for start in G.iternodes(): others = G.neighbors(start) for other in others: ng.add_edge(start, other) c = centrality.betweenness_centrality(ng) for k, v in c.items(): c[k] = v return c def canonalize_ip(ip): return ':'.join( i.rjust(4, '0') for i in ip.split(':') ) def load_db(): url = "http://[316:c51a:62a3:8b9::2]/result.json" f = urllib.request.urlopen(url) return dict( [ (canonalize_ip(v[0]), v[1]) for v in [ l.split(None)[:2] for l in json.loads(["yggnodes"].keys() ] if len(v) > 1 ] ) def get_graph_json(G): max_neighbors = 1 for n in G.iternodes(): neighbors = len(G.neighbors(n)) if neighbors > max_neighbors: max_neighbors = neighbors print('Max neighbors: %d' % max_neighbors) out_data = { 'created': int(time.time()), 'nodes': [], 'edges': [] } centralities = compute_betweenness(G) db = load_db() for n in G.iternodes(): neighbor_ratio = len(G.neighbors(n)) / float(max_neighbors) pos = n.attr['pos'].split(',', 1) centrality = centralities.get(, 0) size = 5*(1 + 1*centrality) name = db.get(canonalize_ip( # If label isn't the default value, set name to that instead if n.attr['label'] !=':')[-1]: name = n.attr['label'] out_data['nodes'].append({ 'id':, 'label': name if name else n.attr['label'], 'name': name, 'coords': n.attr['coords'], 'x': float(pos[0]), 'y': float(pos[1]), 'color': _gradient_color(neighbor_ratio, [(100, 100, 100), (0, 0, 0)]), 'size': size, 'centrality': '%.4f' % centrality }) for e in G.iteredges(): out_data['edges'].append({ 'sourceID': e[0], 'targetID': e[1] }) return json.dumps(out_data) def _gradient_color(ratio, colors): jump = 1.0 / (len(colors) - 1) gap_num = int(ratio / (jump + 0.0000001)) a = colors[gap_num] b = colors[gap_num + 1] ratio = (ratio - gap_num * jump) * (len(colors) - 1) r = int(a[0] + (b[0] - a[0]) * ratio) g = int(a[1] + (b[1] - a[1]) * ratio) b = int(a[2] + (b[2] - a[2]) * ratio) return '#%02x%02x%02x' % (r, g, b)