Server to collect DHT views from yggdrasil nodes and store in a data base
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

33 lines
1.1 KiB

# Author: silentfamiliar@matrix
def keyTo128BitAddress(key):
key260bits = int("1" + key, 16) # "1" to avoid trimming leading 0s
source_cursor = 4 # skip the "1"
# loop over each bit while NOT(bit) is 1
while (1 & ~(key260bits >> (260 - source_cursor - 1))) == 1:
source_cursor = source_cursor + 1
ones_count = source_cursor - 4 # 1s to count minus 4 which was our initial offset
source_cursor = source_cursor + 1 # skipping trailing 0
dest = (0x2 << 8) | ones_count # set header
bitsToAdd = 128 - 16 # header was 2 bytes which is 16 bit
# append needed amount of NOT key starting from source_cursor
dest = (dest << bitsToAdd) | ((2**bitsToAdd - 1) & ~(key260bits >> (260 - source_cursor - bitsToAdd)))
# the long addr
dest_hex = "0" + hex(dest)[2:]
# format ipv6 128bit addr
addr = ""
for i in range(8):
piece = int(dest_hex[i*4:i*4+4], 16)
if (len(addr) != 0) and not (addr[len(addr)-2:len(addr)] == "::"):
addr += ":"
if (piece != 0):
addr += hex(piece)[2:]
return addr