Telegram Web, preconfigured for usage in I2P.
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
366 lines
9.3 KiB
366 lines
9.3 KiB
var readline = require('readline'); |
var fs = require('fs'); |
var util = require('util'); |
var path = require('path'); |
var glob = require('glob'); |
var helper = require('./helper'); |
var logger = require('./logger'); |
var constant = require('./constants'); |
var log = logger.create('init'); |
var JS_TPL_PATH = __dirname + '/../config.tpl.js'; |
var COFFEE_TPL_PATH = __dirname + '/../'; |
var COLORS_ON = { |
END: '\x1B[39m', |
NYAN: '\x1B[36m', |
GREEN: '\x1B[32m', |
BOLD: '\x1B[1m', |
bold: function(str) { |
return this.BOLD + str + '\x1B[22m'; |
}, |
green: function(str) { |
return this.GREEN + str + this.END; |
} |
}; |
// nasty global |
var colors = COLORS_ON; |
var COLORS_OFF = { |
END: '', |
NYAN: '', |
GREEN: '', |
BOLD: '', |
bold: function(str) { |
return str; |
}, |
green: function(str) { |
return str; |
} |
}; |
var validatePattern = function(value) { |
if (!glob.sync(value).length) { |
log.warn('There is no file matching this pattern.\n' + colors.NYAN); |
} |
}; |
var validateBrowser = function(name) { |
var moduleName = 'karma-' + name.toLowerCase().replace('canary', '') + '-launcher'; |
try { |
require(moduleName); |
} catch (e) { |
log.warn('Missing "%s" plugin.\n npm install %s --save-dev' + colors.NYAN, moduleName, |
moduleName); |
} |
// TODO(vojta): check if the path resolves to a binary |
}; |
var validateFramework = function(name) { |
try { |
require('karma-' + name); |
} catch (e) { |
log.warn('Missing "karma-%s" plugin.\n npm install karma-%s --save-dev' + colors.NYAN, name, |
name); |
} |
}; |
var validateRequireJs = function(useRequire) { |
if (useRequire) { |
validateFramework('requirejs'); |
} |
}; |
var questions = [{ |
id: 'framework', |
question: 'Which testing framework do you want to use ?', |
hint: 'Press tab to list possible options. Enter to move to the next question.', |
options: ['jasmine', 'mocha', 'qunit', ''], |
validate: validateFramework |
}, { |
id: 'requirejs', |
question: 'Do you want to use Require.js ?', |
hint: 'This will add Require.js plugin.\n' + |
'Press tab to list possible options. Enter to move to the next question.', |
options: ['no', 'yes'], |
validate: validateRequireJs, |
boolean: true |
}, { |
id: 'browsers', |
question: 'Do you want to capture a browser automatically ?', |
hint: 'Press tab to list possible options. Enter empty string to move to the next question.', |
options: ['Chrome', 'ChromeCanary', 'Firefox', 'Safari', 'PhantomJS', 'Opera', 'IE', ''], |
validate: validateBrowser, |
multiple: true |
}, { |
id: 'files', |
question: 'What is the location of your source and test files ?', |
hint: 'You can use glob patterns, eg. "js/*.js" or "test/**/*Spec.js".\n' + |
'Enter empty string to move to the next question.', |
multiple: true, |
validate: validatePattern |
}, { |
id: 'exclude', |
question: 'Should any of the files included by the previous patterns be excluded ?', |
hint: 'You can use glob patterns, eg. "**/*.swp".\n' + |
'Enter empty string to move to the next question.', |
multiple: true, |
validate: validatePattern |
}, { |
id: 'includedFiles', |
question: 'Which files do you want to include with <script> tag ?', |
hint: 'This should be a script that bootstraps your test by configuring Require.js and ' + |
'kicking __karma__.start(), probably your test-main.js file.\n' + |
'Enter empty string to move to the next question.', |
multiple: true, |
validate: validatePattern, |
condition: function(answers) {return answers.requirejs;} |
}, { |
id: 'autoWatch', |
question: 'Do you want Karma to watch all the files and run the tests on change ?', |
hint: 'Press tab to list possible options.', |
options: ['yes', 'no'], |
boolean: true |
}]; |
var StateMachine = function(rli) { |
var currentQuestion; |
var answers; |
var currentOptions; |
var currentOptionsPointer; |
var pendingQuestionId; |
var done; |
this.onKeypress = function(key) { |
if (!currentOptions || !key) { |
return; |
} |
if ( === 'tab' || === 'right' || === 'down') { |
this.suggestNextOption(); |
} else if ( === 'left' || === 'up') { |
currentOptionsPointer = currentOptionsPointer + currentOptions.length - 2; |
this.suggestNextOption(); |
} |
if (!key.ctrl && !key.meta && !== 'enter' && !== 'return') { |
| = 'escape'; |
} |
}; |
this.suggestNextOption = function() { |
if (!currentOptions) { |
return; |
} |
currentOptionsPointer = (currentOptionsPointer + 1) % currentOptions.length; |
rli._deleteLineLeft(); |
rli._deleteLineRight(); |
rli.write(currentOptions[currentOptionsPointer]); |
}; |
this.onLine = function(line) { |
if (pendingQuestionId) { |
line = line.trim(); |
if (currentOptions) { |
currentOptionsPointer = currentOptions.indexOf(line); |
if (currentOptionsPointer === -1) { |
return; |
} |
} |
if (line === '') { |
line = null; |
} |
if (currentQuestion.boolean) { |
line = (line === 'yes' || line === 'true' || line === 'on'); |
} |
if (line !== null && currentQuestion.validate) { |
currentQuestion.validate(line); |
} |
if (currentQuestion.multiple) { |
answers[pendingQuestionId] = answers[pendingQuestionId] || []; |
if (line !== null) { |
answers[pendingQuestionId].push(line); |
rli.prompt(); |
if (currentOptions) { |
currentOptions.splice(currentOptionsPointer, 1); |
currentOptionsPointer = -1; |
} |
} else { |
this.nextQuestion(); |
} |
} else { |
answers[pendingQuestionId] = line; |
this.nextQuestion(); |
} |
} |
}; |
this.nextQuestion = function() { |
rli.write(colors.END); |
currentQuestion = questions.shift(); |
while (currentQuestion && currentQuestion.condition && !currentQuestion.condition(answers)) { |
currentQuestion = questions.shift(); |
} |
if (currentQuestion) { |
pendingQuestionId = null; |
rli.write('\n' + colors.bold(currentQuestion.question) + '\n'); |
rli.write(currentQuestion.hint + colors.NYAN + '\n'); |
currentOptions = currentQuestion.options || null; |
currentOptionsPointer = -1; |
pendingQuestionId =; |
rli.prompt(); |
this.suggestNextOption(); |
} else { |
pendingQuestionId = null; |
currentOptions = null; |
// end |
done(answers); |
} |
}; |
this.process = function(_questions, _done) { |
questions = _questions; |
answers = {}; |
done = _done; |
this.nextQuestion(); |
}; |
}; |
var quote = function(value) { |
return '\'' + value + '\''; |
}; |
var quoteNonIncludedPattern = function(value) { |
return util.format('{pattern: %s, included: false}', quote(value)); |
}; |
var formatFiles = function(files) { |
return files.join(',\n '); |
}; |
var getBasePath = function(configFilePath, cwd) { |
var configParts = path.dirname(configFilePath).split(path.sep); |
var cwdParts = cwd.split(path.sep); |
var base = []; |
while (configParts.length && configParts[0] === cwdParts[0]) { |
configParts.shift(); |
cwdParts.shift(); |
} |
while (configParts.length) { |
var part = configParts.shift(); |
if (part === '..') { |
base.unshift(cwdParts.pop()); |
} else if (part !== '.') { |
base.unshift('..'); |
} |
} |
return base.join(path.sep); |
}; |
var getReplacementsFromAnswers = function(answers, basePath) { |
var files = ? quoteNonIncludedPattern : quote); |
if (answers.includedFiles) { |
files =; |
} |
var frameworks = []; |
if (answers.framework) { |
frameworks.push(answers.framework); |
} |
if (answers.requirejs) { |
frameworks.push('requirejs'); |
} |
return { |
DATE: new Date(), |
BASE_PATH: basePath, |
FILES: formatFiles(files), |
EXCLUDE: answers.exclude ? formatFiles( : '', |
AUTO_WATCH: answers.autoWatch ? 'true' : 'false', |
BROWSERS:', ') |
}; |
}; |
var COFFEE_REGEXP = /\.coffee$/; |
var isCoffeeFile = function(filename) { |
return COFFEE_REGEXP.test(filename); |
}; |
exports.init = function(config) { |
var useColors = true; |
var logLevel = constant.LOG_INFO; |
if (helper.isDefined(config.colors)) { |
colors = config.colors ? COLORS_ON : COLORS_OFF; |
useColors = config.colors; |
} |
if (helper.isDefined(config.logLevel)) { |
logLevel = config.logLevel; |
} |
logger.setup(logLevel, useColors); |
// need to be registered before creating readlineInterface |
process.stdin.on('keypress', function(s, key) { |
sm.onKeypress(key); |
}); |
var rli = readline.createInterface(process.stdin, process.stdout); |
var sm = new StateMachine(rli, colors); |
rli.on('line', sm.onLine.bind(sm)); |
sm.process(questions, function(answers) { |
var cwd = process.cwd(); |
var configFile = config.configFile || 'karma.conf.js'; |
var templateFile = isCoffeeFile(configFile) ? COFFEE_TPL_PATH : JS_TPL_PATH; |
var replacements = getReplacementsFromAnswers(answers, getBasePath(configFile, process.cwd())); |
var content = fs.readFileSync(templateFile).toString().replace(/%(.*)%/g, function(a, key) { |
return replacements[key]; |
}); |
var configFilePath = path.resolve(cwd, configFile); |
fs.writeFileSync(configFilePath, content); |
rli.write('\nConfig file generated at "' + configFilePath + '".\n\n')); |
rli.close(); |
}); |