2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00

353 lines
11 KiB

var path = require('path');
var logger = require('./logger');
var log = logger.create('config');
var helper = require('./helper');
var constant = require('./constants');
// Coffee is required here to enable config files written in coffee-script.
// It's not directly used in this file.
var Pattern = function(pattern, served, included, watched) {
this.pattern = pattern;
this.served = helper.isDefined(served) ? served : true;
this.included = helper.isDefined(included) ? included : true;
this.watched = helper.isDefined(watched) ? watched : true;
var UrlPattern = function(url) {
Pattern.call(this, url, false, true, false);
var createPatternObject = function(pattern) {
if (helper.isString(pattern)) {
return helper.isUrlAbsolute(pattern) ? new UrlPattern(pattern) : new Pattern(pattern);
if (helper.isObject(pattern)) {
if (!helper.isDefined(pattern.pattern)) {
log.warn('Invalid pattern %s!\n\tObject is missing "pattern" property".', pattern);
return helper.isUrlAbsolute(pattern.pattern) ?
new UrlPattern(pattern.pattern) :
new Pattern(pattern.pattern, pattern.served, pattern.included, pattern.watched);
log.warn('Invalid pattern %s!\n\tExpected string or object with "pattern" property.', pattern);
return new Pattern(null, false, false, false);
var normalizeConfig = function(config, configFilePath) {
var basePathResolve = function(relativePath) {
if (helper.isUrlAbsolute(relativePath)) {
return relativePath;
if (!helper.isDefined(config.basePath) || !helper.isDefined(relativePath)) {
return '';
return path.resolve(config.basePath, relativePath);
var createPatternMapper = function(resolve) {
return function(objectPattern) {
objectPattern.pattern = resolve(objectPattern.pattern);
return objectPattern;
if (helper.isString(configFilePath)) {
// resolve basePath
config.basePath = path.resolve(path.dirname(configFilePath), config.basePath);
// always ignore the config file itself
} else {
config.basePath = path.resolve(config.basePath || '.');
config.files = config.files.map(createPatternObject).map(createPatternMapper(basePathResolve));
config.exclude = config.exclude.map(basePathResolve);
config.junitReporter.outputFile = basePathResolve(config.junitReporter.outputFile);
config.coverageReporter.dir = basePathResolve(config.coverageReporter.dir);
// normalize paths on windows
config.basePath = helper.normalizeWinPath(config.basePath);
config.files = config.files.map(createPatternMapper(helper.normalizeWinPath));
config.exclude = config.exclude.map(helper.normalizeWinPath);
config.junitReporter.outputFile = helper.normalizeWinPath(config.junitReporter.outputFile);
config.coverageReporter.dir = helper.normalizeWinPath(config.coverageReporter.dir);
// normalize urlRoot
var urlRoot = config.urlRoot;
if (urlRoot.charAt(0) !== '/') {
urlRoot = '/' + urlRoot;
if (urlRoot.charAt(urlRoot.length - 1) !== '/') {
urlRoot = urlRoot + '/';
if (urlRoot !== config.urlRoot) {
log.warn('urlRoot normalized to "%s"', urlRoot);
config.urlRoot = urlRoot;
if (config.proxies && config.proxies.hasOwnProperty(config.urlRoot)) {
log.warn('"%s" is proxied, you should probably change urlRoot to avoid conflicts',
if (config.singleRun && config.autoWatch) {
log.debug('autoWatch set to false, because of singleRun');
config.autoWatch = false;
if (helper.isString(config.reporters)) {
config.reporters = config.reporters.split(',');
// TODO(vojta): remove
if (helper.isDefined(config.reporter)) {
log.warn('"reporter" is deprecated, use "reporters" instead');
// normalize preprocessors
var preprocessors = config.preprocessors || {};
var normalizedPreprocessors = config.preprocessors = Object.create(null);
Object.keys(preprocessors).forEach(function(pattern) {
var normalizedPattern = helper.normalizeWinPath(basePathResolve(pattern));
normalizedPreprocessors[normalizedPattern] = helper.isString(preprocessors[pattern]) ?
[preprocessors[pattern]] : preprocessors[pattern];
// define custom launchers/preprocessors/reporters - create an inlined plugin
var module = Object.create(null);
var hasSomeInlinedPlugin = false;
['launcher', 'preprocessor', 'reporter'].forEach(function(type) {
var definitions = config['custom' + helper.ucFirst(type) + 's'] || {};
Object.keys(definitions).forEach(function(name) {
var definition = definitions[name];
if (!helper.isObject(definition)) {
return log.warn('Can not define %s %s. Definition has to be an object.', type, name);
if (!helper.isString(definition.base)) {
return log.warn('Can not define %s %s. Missing base %s.', type, name, type);
var token = type + ':' + definition.base;
var locals = {
args: ['value', definition]
module[type + ':' + name] = ['factory', function(injector) {
return injector.createChild([locals], [token]).get(token);
hasSomeInlinedPlugin = true;
if (hasSomeInlinedPlugin) {
return config;
// TODO(vojta): remove in 0.11
var CONFIG_SYNTAX_FRAMEWORKS_HELP = ' module.exports = function(config) {\n' +
' config.set({\n' +
' // your config\n' +
' frameworks: ["%s"]\n' +
' });\n' +
' };\n';
var CONST_ERR = '%s is not supported anymore. Please use:\n'+CONFIG_SYNTAX_FRAMEWORKS_HELP;
['JASMINE', 'MOCHA', 'QUNIT'].forEach(function(framework) {
[framework, framework + '_ADAPTER'].forEach(function(name) {
Object.defineProperty(global, name, {configurable: true, get: function() {
log.warn(CONST_ERR, name, framework.toLowerCase());
return __dirname + '/../../karma-' + framework.toLowerCase() + '/lib/' +
(framework === name ? framework.toLowerCase() : 'adapter') + '.js';
['REQUIRE', 'REQUIRE_ADAPTER'].forEach(function(name) {
Object.defineProperty(global, name, {configurable: true, get: function() {
log.warn(CONST_ERR, name, 'requirejs');
return __dirname + '/../../karma-requirejs/lib/' +
(name === 'REQUIRE' ? 'require' : 'adapter') + '.js';
Object.defineProperty(global, name, {configurable: true, get: function() {
log.warn(CONST_ERR, name, 'ng-scenario');
return __dirname + '/../../karma-ng-scenario/lib/' +
(name === 'ANGULAR_SCENARIO' ? 'angular-scenario' : 'adapter') + '.js';
['LOG_DISABLE', 'LOG_INFO', 'LOG_DEBUG', 'LOG_WARN', 'LOG_ERROR'].forEach(function(name) {
Object.defineProperty(global, name, {configurable: true, get: function() {
log.warn('%s is not supported anymore.\n Please use `config.%s` instead.', name, name);
return constant[name];
var Config = function() {
var config = this;
this.LOG_DISABLE = constant.LOG_DISABLE;
this.LOG_ERROR = constant.LOG_ERROR;
this.LOG_WARN = constant.LOG_WARN;
this.LOG_INFO = constant.LOG_INFO;
this.LOG_DEBUG = constant.LOG_DEBUG;
this.set = function(newConfig) {
Object.keys(newConfig).forEach(function(key) {
config[key] = newConfig[key];
// TODO(vojta): remove this in 0.10
this.configure = function(newConfig) {
log.warn('config.configure() is deprecated, please use config.set() instead.');
// TODO(vojta): remove this in 0.10
['launcher', 'reporter', 'preprocessor'].forEach(function(type) {
var methodName = 'define' + helper.ucFirst(type);
var propertyName = 'custom' + helper.ucFirst(type) + 's';
config[methodName] = function(name, base, options) {
log.warn('config.%s is deprecated, please use "%s" instead.', methodName, propertyName);
if (!helper.isString(name)) {
return log.warn('Can not define %s. Name has to be a string.', type);
if (!helper.isString(base)) {
return log.warn('Can not define %s %s. Missing parent %s.', type, name, type);
if (!helper.isObject(options)) {
return log.warn('Can not define %s %s. Arguments has to be an object.', type, name);
config[propertyName] = config[propertyName] || {};
config[propertyName][name] = options;
options.base = base;
this.frameworks = [];
this.port = constant.DEFAULT_PORT;
this.hostname = constant.DEFAULT_HOSTNAME;
this.basePath = '';
this.files = [];
this.exclude = [];
this.logLevel = constant.LOG_INFO;
this.colors = true;
this.autoWatch = false;
this.autoWatchBatchDelay = 250;
this.reporters = ['progress'];
this.singleRun = false;
this.browsers = [];
this.captureTimeout = 60000;
this.proxies = {};
this.proxyValidateSSL = true;
this.preprocessors = {'**/*.coffee': 'coffee', '**/*.html': 'html2js'};
this.urlRoot = '/';
this.reportSlowerThan = 0;
this.loggers = [constant.CONSOLE_APPENDER];
this.transports = ['websocket', 'flashsocket', 'xhr-polling', 'jsonp-polling'];
this.plugins = ['karma-*'];
this.client = {
args: []
this.browserDisconnectTimeout = 2000;
// TODO(vojta): remove in 0.10
this.junitReporter = {
outputFile: 'test-results.xml',
suite: ''
// TODO(vojta): remove in 0.10
this.coverageReporter = {
type: 'html',
dir: 'coverage'
var CONFIG_SYNTAX_HELP = ' module.exports = function(config) {\n' +
' config.set({\n' +
' // your config\n' +
' });\n' +
' };\n';
var parseConfig = function(configFilePath, cliOptions) {
var configModule;
if (configFilePath) {
log.debug('Loading config %s', configFilePath);
try {
configModule = require(configFilePath);
} catch(e) {
if (e.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' && e.message.indexOf(configFilePath) !== -1) {
log.error('File %s does not exist!', configFilePath);
} else {
log.error('Invalid config file!\n ' + e.stack);
return process.exit(1);
if (!helper.isFunction(configModule)) {
log.error('Config file must export a function!\n' + CONFIG_SYNTAX_HELP);
return process.exit(1);
} else {
log.debug('No config file specified.');
// if no config file path is passed, we define a dummy config module.
configModule = function() {};
var config = new Config();
try {
} catch(e) {
log.error('Error in config file!\n', e);
return process.exit(1);
// merge the config from config file and cliOptions (precendense)
// configure the logger as soon as we can
logger.setup(config.logLevel, config.colors, config.loggers);
return normalizeConfig(config, configFilePath);
exports.parseConfig = parseConfig;
exports.Pattern = Pattern;
exports.createPatternObject = createPatternObject;