Telegram Web, preconfigured for usage in I2P.
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
846 lines
43 KiB
846 lines
43 KiB
{ |
"modal_search": "Search", |
"modal_close": "Close", |
"modal_edit": "Edit", |
"modal_cancel": "Cancel", |
"modal_more": "More...", |
"modal_next": "Next", |
"modal_ok": "OK", |
"modal_done": "Done", |
"group_modal_info": "Group info", |
"group_modal_pluralize_participants": "{'0': 'No members', 'one': '1 member', 'other': '{} members'}", |
"group_modal_pluralize_online_participants": "{'one': '1 online', 'other': '{} online'}", |
"group_modal_participants": "{total}, {online}", |
"group_modal_add_member": "Add member", |
"group_modal_return": "Return to group", |
"group_modal_update_photo": "Update photo", |
"group_modal_update_active": "Updating", |
"group_modal_menu_more": "More", |
"group_modal_menu_delete_photo": "Delete photo", |
"group_modal_menu_edit_group": "Edit group", |
"group_modal_menu_leave": "Leave", |
"group_modal_menu_delete_group": "Delete and exit", |
"group_modal_menu_clear_history": "Clear history", |
"group_modal_delete_group": "Delete group", |
"group_modal_settings": "Settings", |
"group_modal_notifications": "Notifications", |
"group_modal_menu_share_link": "Invite to group via link", |
"group_modal_migrate_to_supergroup": "Upgrade to supergroup", |
"group_modal_members": "Members", |
"group_modal_members_kick": "Remove", |
"group_modal_migrate_header": "Members limit reached", |
"group_modal_migrate_desc": "To go over the limit and get additional features, upgrade to a supergroup:", |
"group_modal_migrate_item1": "Supergroups can get up to 1000 members", |
"group_modal_migrate_item2": "New members see the entire chat history", |
"group_modal_migrate_item3": "Admins delete messages for everyone", |
"group_modal_migrate_item4": "Notifications are muted by default", |
"channel_modal_info": "Channel info", |
"channel_modal_description": "Description", |
"channel_modal_share_link": "Share link", |
"channel_modal_share_loading": "Loading{dots}", |
"channel_modal_join": "Join channel", |
"channel_modal_add_member": "Invite members", |
"channel_modal_leave_channel": "Leave channel", |
"channel_modal_delete_channel": "Delete channel", |
"country_select_modal_title": "Country", |
"settings_modal_title": "Settings", |
"settings_modal_menu_more": "More", |
"settings_modal_delete_photo": "Delete profile photo", |
"settings_modal_set_photo": "Set profile photo", |
"settings_modal_photo_updating": "Updating", |
"settings_modal_edit_profile": "Edit profile", |
"settings_modal_edit_username": "Change username", |
"settings_modal_empty_username_set": "Set username", |
"settings_modal_terminate_sessions": "Terminate all sessions", |
"settings_modal_active_sessions": "Active sessions", |
"settings_modal_settings": "Settings", |
"settings_modal_notification_alert": "Notification alerts", |
"settings_modal_vibrate": "Vibrate", |
"settings_modal_sounds": "Sounds", |
"settings_modal_language": "Language", |
"settings_modal_notifications": "Desktop notifications", |
"settings_modal_message_preview": "Message preview", |
"settings_modal_sound": "Sound", |
"settings_modal_enter_send_description_md": "**Enter** - send message, **Shift + Enter** - new line", |
"settings_modal_ctrl_enter_send_description_md": "**Ctrl + Enter** - send message, **Enter** - new line", |
"settings_modal_send_on_enter": "Send on Enter", |
"settings_switch_back_to_desktop": "Switch back to desktop layout", |
"settings_modal_about": "About", |
"settings_modal_source_code_github": "Source code on GitHub", |
"settings_modal_follow_us_twitter": "Follow us on Twitter!", |
"settings_modal_recent_updates": "Recent updates (ver. {version})", |
"settings_modal_set_password": "Set additional password", |
"settings_modal_change_password": "Change password", |
"settings_modal_disable_password": "Turn off", |
"settings_modal_disable_password_mobile": "Turn password off", |
"settings_modal_password_email_pending": "Click the link in {email} to complete Two-Step Verification setup.", |
"settings_modal_password_email_pending_cancel": "Abort", |
"settings_modal_password_email_pending_cancel_mobile": "Abort password", |
"password_delete_title": "Turn password off", |
"password_change_title": "Two-Step Verification", |
"password_current_placeholder": "Enter current password", |
"password_create_placeholder": "Enter a password", |
"password_new_placeholder": "Enter new password", |
"password_confirm_placeholder": "Re-enter new password", |
"password_hint_placeholder": "Enter password hint", |
"password_email_placeholder": "Enter recovery e-mail", |
"password_create_description": "This password will be required when you log in on a new device in addition to the pin code.", |
"password_create_active": "Saving...", |
"password_create_submit": "Save", |
"password_delete_active": "Deleting...", |
"password_delete_submit": "Delete password", |
"sessions_modal_title": "Active sessions", |
"sessions_modal_loading": "Loading{dots}", |
"sessions_modal_current_session": "Current session", |
"sessions_modal_session_online": "online", |
"sessions_modal_terminate_one": "Terminate", |
"sessions_modal_terminate_all": "Terminate all other sessions", |
"sessions_modal_active_sessions": "Active sessions", |
"stickerset_modal_title_loading": "Stickerset", |
"stickerset_modal_install": "Add stickers", |
"stickerset_modal_uninstall": "Remove stickers", |
"stickerset_modal_share": "Share", |
"stickerset_modal_loading": "Loading{dots}", |
"page_title_pluralize_notifications": "{'0': 'No notifications', 'one': '1 notification', 'other': '{} notifications'}", |
"profile_edit_modal_title": "Edit profile", |
"profile_edit_first_name": "First name", |
"profile_edit_last_name": "Last name", |
"profile_edit_submit": "Save", |
"profile_edit_submit_active": "Saving...", |
"username_edit_modal_title": "Change username", |
"username_edit_placeholder": "Username", |
"username_edit_description_md": "You can choose a username on **Telegram**. If you do, other people will be able to find you by this username and contact you without knowing your phone number.\n\nYou can use a-z, 0-9 and underscores. Minimum length is 5 characters.", |
"username_edit_submit": "Save", |
"username_edit_submit_active": "Saving...", |
"user_modal_menu_more": "More", |
"user_modal_send_message": "Send message", |
"user_modal_edit_contact": "Edit contact", |
"user_modal_delete_contact": "Delete contact", |
"user_modal_add_contact": "Add to contacts", |
"user_modal_share_contact": "Share contact", |
"user_modal_block_user": "Block user", |
"user_modal_unblock_user": "Unblock user", |
"user_modal_clear_history": "Clear history", |
"user_modal_delete_chat": "Delete conversation", |
"user_modal_add_to_group": "Add to group", |
"user_modal_info": "Info", |
"user_modal_phone": "Phone", |
"user_modal_about": "About", |
"user_modal_bot_settings": "Settings", |
"user_modal_bot_help": "Help", |
"user_modal_username": "Username", |
"user_modal_settings": "Settings", |
"user_modal_notifications": "Notifications", |
"user_modal_contact_info": "Contact info", |
"media_modal_photo": "Photo", |
"media_modal_photo_index": "Photo {pos} of {count}", |
"media_modal_video": "Video", |
"media_modal_forward": "Forward", |
"media_modal_download": "Download", |
"media_modal_delete": "Delete", |
"game_modal_share_game": "Share Game", |
"game_modal_share_score": "Share Score", |
"error_browser_no_local_file_system_image_md": "Your browser doesn't support {moz-link: | LocalFileSystem} feature which is needed to display this image.\nPlease, install {chrome-link: | Google Chrome} or use {telegram-link: | mobile app} instead.", |
"error_image_download_failed": "Download failed", |
"error_browser_no_local_file_system_video_md": "Your browser doesn't support {moz-link: | LocalFileSystem} feature which is needed to play this video.\nPlease, install {chrome-link: | Google Chrome} or use {telegram-link: | mobile app} instead.", |
"error_video_download_failed": "Video download failed", |
"unread_messages_split": "Unread messages", |
"user_name_deleted": "DELETED", |
"user_first_name_deleted": "DELETED", |
"user_status_online": "online", |
"user_status_last_seen": "last seen {0}", |
"user_status_recently": "last seen recently", |
"user_status_last_week": "last seen within a week", |
"user_status_last_month": "last seen within a month", |
"user_status_long_ago": "last seen a long time ago", |
"user_status_bot": "bot", |
"user_status_service_notifications": "service notifications", |
"user_status_support": "support", |
"user_status_bot_noprivacy": "has access to messages", |
"user_status_bot_privacy": "has no access to messages", |
"chat_title_deleted": "DELETED", |
"format_size_progress_mulitple": "{done} of {total} {parts}", |
"format_size_progress": "{done} of {total}", |
"relative_time_pluralize_minutes_ago": "{'one': '1 minute ago', 'other': '{} minutes ago'}", |
"relative_time_pluralize_hours_ago": "{'one': '1 hour ago', 'other': '{} hours ago'}", |
"relative_time_just_now": "just now", |
"changelog_modal_header_recent_updates_md": "Recent updates in **Telegram Web**", |
"changelog_modal_header_new_updates_md": "**Telegram Web** has been updated!", |
"changelog_modal_title_current_version": "current version", |
"group_create_contacts_modal_title": "New group", |
"group_create_modal_title": "Create group", |
"group_create_name": "Group name", |
"group_create_submit": "Create group", |
"group_create_submit_active": "Creating...", |
"group_edit_modal_title": "Edit group", |
"group_edit_name": "Group name", |
"group_edit_about": "Group description", |
"group_edit_submit": "Save", |
"group_edit_submit_active": "Saving...", |
"channel_edit_modal_title": "Edit channel", |
"channel_edit_name": "Channel name", |
"channel_edit_about": "Channel description", |
"channel_edit_submit": "Save", |
"channel_edit_submit_active": "Saving...", |
"group_invite_link_modal_title": "Invite link", |
"group_invite_link_link_label": "Copy link", |
"group_invite_link_loading": "Loading...", |
"group_invite_revoke_active": "Revoking...", |
"group_invite_revoke": "Revoke", |
"clipboard_copied": "Copied!", |
"clipboard_press_ctrl_c": "Press Ctrl+C to copy", |
"clipboard_press_cmd_c": "Press ⌘+C to copy", |
"confirm_modal_logout": "Are you sure you want to log out?", |
"confirm_modal_update_reload": "A new version of Telegram Web has been downloaded. Launch it?", |
"confirm_modal_history_flush": "Are you sure? This can not be undone!", |
"confirm_modal_history_leave_flush_md": "Are you sure, you want to delete all message history and leave the group?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.", |
"confirm_modal_leave_channel_md": "Are you sure, you want to leave this channel?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.", |
"confirm_modal_leave_group_md": "Are you sure, you want to leave this group?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.", |
"confirm_modal_terminate_sessions": "Are you sure you want to log out all devices except for this one?", |
"confirm_modal_terminate_session": "Are you sure you want to log out this device?", |
"confirm_modal_clipboard_file_send": "Are you sure to send file(s) from clipboard?", |
"confirm_modal_clipboard_X_files_send": "{'one': 'Are you sure to send file from clipboard?', 'other': 'Are you sure to send {} files from clipboard?'}", |
"confirm_modal_message_delete": "Are you sure you want to delete the message?", |
"confirm_modal_X_messages_delete": "{'one': 'Are you sure you want to delete the message?', 'other': 'Are you sure you want to delete {} messages?'}", |
"confirm_modal_photo_delete": "Are you sure you want to delete the photo?", |
"confirm_modal_contacts_import": "Telegram will now sync your contacts in order to find your friends.", |
"confirm_modal_login_phone_correct": "Is this phone number correct?", |
"confirm_modal_forward_to_peer": "Forward to {peer}?", |
"confirm_modal_forward_to_peer_success": "Message was successfully forwarded.", |
"confirm_modal_send_to_peer": "Send to {peer}?", |
"confirm_modal_share_file_peer": "Share with {peer}?", |
"confirm_modal_invite_peer": "Invite to {peer}?", |
"confirm_modal_share_game": "Share the game to {peer}?", |
"confirm_modal_apply_lang_with_reload_md": "Reload the App to apply language?", |
"confirm_modal_migrate_to_https_md": "Telegram Web now supports additional SSL encryption. Would you like to switch to HTTPS?\nThe HTTP version will be disabled soon.", |
"confirm_modal_resize_desktop_md": "Would you like to switch to desktop version?", |
"confirm_modal_resize_mobile_md": "Would you like to switch to mobile version?", |
"confirm_modal_recovery_email_empty_md": "Warning! Are you sure you don't want to add a password recovery e-mail?\n\nIf you forget your password, you will lose access to your Telegram account", |
"confirm_modal_abort_password_setup": "Abort two-step verification setup?", |
"confirm_modal_reset_account_md": "Are you sure?\nThis action can not be undone.\n\nYou will lose all your chats and messages, along with any media and files you shared, if you proceed with resetting your account.", |
"confirm_modal_join_group_link": "Do you want to join the group «{title}»?", |
"confirm_modal_join_channel_link": "Do you want to join the channel «{title}»?", |
"confirm_modal_revoke_group_link": "Are you sure you want to revoke this link? Once you do, no one will be able to join the group using it.", |
"confirm_modal_revoke_channel_link": "Are you sure you want to revoke this link? Once you do, no one will be able to join the channel using it.", |
"confirm_modal_delete_channel_md": "Are you sure you want to delete this channel?\n\nAll members will be removed and all messages will be lost.", |
"confirm_modal_delete_group_md": "Are you sure you want to delete this group?\n\nAll members will be removed and all messages will be lost.", |
"confirm_modal_jump_ext_url_md": "Open this link?\n\n{url}", |
"confirm_modal_migrate_supergroup_md": "Please note that group members will need to update their Telegram apps to the latest version to see your supergroup.\n\nAre you sure you want to upgrade this group?", |
"confirm_modal_bot_access_phone": "The bot will know your phone number. This can be useful for integration with other services.", |
"confirm_modal_bot_access_geo": "This will send your current location to the bot.", |
"confirm_modal_bot_access_geo_inline": "This bot would like to know your location each time you send it a request. This can be used to provide location-specific results.", |
"confirm_modal_are_u_sure": "Are you sure?", |
"confirm_modal_logout_submit": "Log out", |
"confirm_modal_clear_history_submit": "Clear history", |
"confirm_modal_leave_chat_submit": "Leave", |
"confirm_modal_delete_chat_submit": "Delete chat", |
"confirm_modal_clipboard_files_send_submit": "Send", |
"confirm_modal_clipboard_file_send_submit": "Send", |
"confirm_modal_message_delete_submit": "Delete", |
"confirm_modal_messages_delete_submit": "Delete", |
"confirm_modal_photo_delete_submit": "Delete", |
"confirm_modal_forward_message_submit": "Forward message", |
"confirm_modal_share_photo_submit": "Forward photo", |
"confirm_modal_share_video_submit": "Forward video", |
"confirm_modal_share_contact_submit": "Send contact", |
"confirm_modal_share_file_submit": "Share file", |
"confirm_modal_reset_account_submit": "Reset my account", |
"contacts_modal_edit_list": "Edit", |
"contacts_modal_edit_cancel": "Cancel", |
"contacts_modal_edit_delete": "Delete", |
"contacts_modal_pluralize_new_group_members": "{'one': '1 participant', 'other': '{} participants'}", |
"contacts_modal_title": "Contacts", |
"contacts_modal_new_contact": "New contact", |
"contacts_modal_empty_list": "Your contacts list is empty. You can {import-link: add new contact} by phone number.", |
"conversations_modal_forward_title": "Forward", |
"conversations_modal_forward_submit": "Forward", |
"conversations_modal_select_recipients": "Select recipients", |
"conversations_modal_recipients": "Recipients:", |
"conversations_modal_share_url_loading": "Loading{dots}", |
"conversations_modal_share_url_copy": "Click to copy share link", |
"contact_edit_modal_first_name": "First name", |
"contact_edit_modal_last_name": "Last name", |
"contact_edit_modal_title": "Edit contact", |
"contact_edit_modal_submit": "Save", |
"contact_edit_modal_submit_active": "Saving...", |
"contact_import_modal_title": "Add new contact", |
"contact_import_modal_phone": "Phone number", |
"contact_import_modal_phonebook": "Phonebook", |
"contact_import_modal_submit": "Save", |
"contact_import_modal_submit_active": "Importing...", |
"conversation_you": "You", |
"conversation_draft": "Draft:", |
"conversation_media_photo": "Photo", |
"conversation_media_video": "Video", |
"conversation_media_document": "File", |
"conversation_media_sticker": "Sticker", |
"conversation_media_gif": "GIF", |
"conversation_media_audio": "Audio", |
"conversation_media_location": "Location", |
"conversation_media_contact": "Contact", |
"conversation_media_attachment": "Attachment", |
"conversation_group_created": "created the group", |
"conversation_group_renamed": "changed group name", |
"conversation_group_photo_updated": "changed group photo", |
"conversation_group_photo_removed": "removed group photo", |
"conversation_returned_to_group": "returned to group", |
"conversation_joined_group": "joined the group", |
"conversation_invited_user": "invited {user}", |
"conversation_invited_users": "{'one': 'invited {} user', 'other': 'invited {} users'}", |
"conversation_left_group": "left group", |
"conversation_kicked_user": "removed {user}", |
"conversation_invited_user_message": "invited user", |
"conversation_kicked_user_message": "removed user", |
"conversation_joined_by_link": "joined the group", |
"conversation_converted_to_supergroup": "upgraded to a supergroup", |
"conversation_created_channel": "Channel created", |
"conversation_changed_channel_name": "Channel renamed", |
"conversation_changed_channel_photo": "Channel photo updated", |
"conversation_removed_channel_photo": "Channel photo removed", |
"conversation_pinned_message": "pinned message", |
"conversation_scored_X": "{'one': 'scored {}', 'other': 'scored {}'}", |
"conversation_message_sent": "sent you a message", |
"conversation_forwarded_X_messages": "{'one': 'forwarded {} message', 'other': 'forwarded {} messages'}", |
"conversation_unknown_user": "Somebody", |
"conversation_unknown_chat": "Unknown chat", |
"message_service_created_group": "created the group {group-name}", |
"message_service_changed_group_name": "changed group name to {group-name}", |
"message_service_changed_group_photo": "changed group photo", |
"message_service_removed_group_photo": "removed group photo", |
"message_service_invited_user": "invited {user}", |
"message_service_invited_users": "invited {user} and {num-more} more", |
"message_service_returned_to_group": "returned to group", |
"message_service_kicked_user": "removed {user}", |
"message_service_left_group": "left group", |
"message_service_joined_by_link": "joined group via invite link", |
"message_service_joined": "joined the group", |
"message_service_pinned_message": "pinned «{message}»", |
"message_service_scored_game": "{scored} in {message}", |
"message_service_unsupported_action": "unsupported action {action}", |
"message_service_bot_intro_header": "What can this bot do?", |
"message_service_converted_to_supergroup": "upgraded the group to a supergroup", |
"message_service_created_channel": "Channel created", |
"message_service_changed_channel_name": "Channel renamed to {channel-name}", |
"message_service_changed_channel_photo": "Channel photo updated", |
"message_service_removed_channel_photo": "Channel photo removed", |
"message_service_scored_X": "{'one': 'scored {}', 'other': 'scored {}'}", |
"message_action_reply": "Reply", |
"message_action_delete": "Delete", |
"message_action_forward": "Forward", |
"message_action_select": "Select", |
"message_action_cancel": "Cancel", |
"message_action_retry": "Try again", |
"error_modal_warning_title": "Warning", |
"error_modal_bad_request_title": "Error", |
"error_modal_unauthorized_title": "Unauthorized", |
"error_modal_forbidden_title": "Access denied", |
"error_modal_not_found_title": "Not found", |
"error_modal_network_title": "Network error", |
"error_modal_flood_title": "Too fast", |
"error_modal_internal_title": "Server error", |
"error_modal_alert": "Alert", |
"error_modal_email_unconfirmed_title": "Almost there!", |
"error_modal_email_unconfirmed_descripion": "Please check your e-mail (don't forget the spam folder) to complete Two-Step Verification setup.", |
"error_modal_password_success_title": "Success!", |
"error_modal_password_disabled_title": "Password deactivated", |
"error_modal_media_not_supported_title": "Unsupported media", |
"error_modal_recovery_na_title": "Sorry", |
"error_modal_network_description": "Please check your internet connection.", |
"error_modal_firstname_invali_description": "The first name you entered is invalid.", |
"error_modal_lastname_invalid_description": "The last name you entered is invalid.", |
"error_modal_phone_invalid_description": "The phone number you entered is invalid.", |
"error_modal_users_too_much_description": "Too many group members.", |
"error_modal_photo_dimensions_invalid_description": "The photo dimensions are invalid, please select another file.", |
"error_modal_video_file_invalid_description": "The video file extension is invalid or unsupported, please select another file.", |
"error_modal_photo_too_small_description": "The photo you provided is too small.", |
"error_modal_no_phone_user_description_md": "Sorry, there is no **Telegram** account with the phone number you provided.", |
"error_modal_no_phone_users_description_md": "Sorry, there are no **Telegram** accounts with the phone numbers you provided.", |
"error_modal_username_invalid_description": "Sorry, this username is not allowed.", |
"error_modal_phonebook_required_description": "Telegram needs access to phonebook to import contacts.", |
"error_modal_username_occupied_description": "Sorry, this username is already taken.", |
"error_modal_media_not_supported_description": "Your browser cannot play this media file. Try downloading the file and opening it in a standalone player.", |
"error_modal_username_not_found_description": "There is no Telegram account with the username you provided.", |
"error_modal_bad_request_description": "One of the params is missing or invalid.", |
"error_modal_unauthorized_description": "This action requires authorization access. Please {login-link: log in}.", |
"error_modal_forbidden_description": "You are not allowed for this action.", |
"error_modal_not_found_description": "The page was not found.", |
"error_modal_flood_description": "You are performing too many actions. Please try again later.", |
"error_modal_internal_description": "Internal server error occured. Please try again later.", |
"error_modal_tech_details": "Technical details here", |
"error_modal_recovery_na_description": "Since you haven't provided a recovery e-mail when setting up your password, your remaining options are either to remember your password or to reset your account.", |
"error_modal_password_success_descripion": "Your password for Two-Step Verification is now active.", |
"error_modal_password_disabled_descripion": "You have disabled Two-Step Verification.", |
"error_modal_user_not_mutual_contact": "The user can be invited by his contact only", |
"error_modal_invite_link_invalid": "The invite link is invalid", |
"error_modal_channel_not_accessible": "Sorry, this channel is not accessible.", |
"error_modal_not_contact_flood": "Sorry, you can only send messages to mutual contacts at the moment. {more-info-link: More info »}", |
"error_modal_gelocation_na": "App was unable to determine your current location", |
"error_modal_2fa_recent_confirm": "Your recent attempts to reset this account have been cancelled by its active user. Please try again in 7 days.", |
"error_modal_2fa_delayed_time_md": "You'll be able to reset your account in: **{time}**", |
"head_telegram": "Telegram", |
"head_new_group": "New group", |
"head_new_contact": "New contact", |
"head_contacts": "Contacts", |
"head_contacts_title": "Contacts", |
"head_telegram_faq": "Telegram FAQ", |
"head_settings": "Settings", |
"head_log_out": "Log out", |
"head_peer_more": "More", |
"head_edit_messages": "Edit messages", |
"head_media_photos": "Photos", |
"head_media_video": "Videos", |
"head_media_documents": "Files", |
"head_media_audio": "Voice messages", |
"head_about": "About", |
"head_clear_all": "Clear history", |
"head_edit": "Edit", |
"head_typing": "typing", |
"head_pluralize_participants": "{'0': 'No members', 'one': '1 member', 'other': '{} members'}", |
"head_one_typing": "{name1} is typing{dots}", |
"head_two_typing": "{name1}, {name2}{dots}", |
"head_many_typing": "{name1}+{names}{dots}", |
"head_waiting_for_network": "Waiting for network", |
"head_retry": "Retry", |
"head_connecting": "Connecting", |
"footer_twitter": "Twitter", |
"im_new_group": "New group", |
"im_new_contact": "New contact", |
"im_contacts": "Contacts", |
"im_contacts_title": "Contacts", |
"im_settings": "Settings", |
"im_conversations": "Conversations", |
"im_found_title": "Global search", |
"im_messages": "Messages", |
"im_no_contacts": "No contacts yet", |
"im_get_started_long": "Get started by adding a contact to chat with", |
"im_add_contact": "Add contact", |
"im_import_phonebook": "Import phonebook", |
"im_get_started": "Get started", |
"im_welcome_text": "Welcome to Telegram Web. You can always set your profile photo and change your name in Settings.", |
"im_open_settings": "Open settings", |
"im_select_a_chat": "Please select a chat to start messaging", |
"im_loading_history": "Loading history", |
"im_info": "Info", |
"im_edit": "Edit", |
"im_media": "Media", |
"im_media_photos": "Photos", |
"im_media_video": "Videos", |
"im_media_documents": "Files", |
"im_media_audio": "Voice messages", |
"im_pluralize_participants": "{'0': 'No members', 'one': '1 member', 'other': '{} members'}", |
"im_show_recent_messages": "Show recent messages", |
"im_show_all_messages": "Show all messages", |
"im_no_messages": "No messages here yet...", |
"im_one_typing": "{name1} is typing{dots}", |
"im_two_typing": "{name1} and {name2} are typing{dots}", |
"im_many_typing": "{name1}, {name2} and {count} more are typing{dots}", |
"im_conversation_single_typing": "typing{dots}", |
"im_conversation_group_typing": "{name} is typing{dots}", |
"im_delete_chat": "Delete chat", |
"im_clear_history": "Clear history", |
"im_delete": "Delete {count}", |
"im_forward": "Forward {count}", |
"im_reply": "Reply", |
"im_start": "Start", |
"im_channel_join": "+ Join", |
"im_channel_mute": "Mute", |
"im_channel_unmute": "Unmute", |
"im_reply_loading": "Loading{dots}", |
"im_X_forwarded_messages": "{'one': '{} forwarded message', 'other': '{} forwarded messages'}", |
"im_photos_drop_text": "Drop photos here to send", |
"im_message_field_placeholder": "Write a message...", |
"im_broadcast_field_placeholder": "Broadcast a message...", |
"im_emoji_tab": "Emoji", |
"im_stickers_tab": "Stickers", |
"im_stickers_tab_recent": "Frequently used", |
"im_media_attach_title": "Send media", |
"im_attach_file_title": "Send file", |
"im_emoji_btn_title": "Insert emoticon", |
"im_submit_message": "Send", |
"login_sign_in": "Sign in", |
"login_enter_number_description": "Please choose your country and enter your full phone number.", |
"login_incorrect_number": "Incorrect phone number", |
"login_code_input_placeholder": "Code", |
"login_tel_input_placeholder": "Phone number", |
"login_country_select_placeholder": "Country", |
"login_generating_key": "Generating keys", |
"login_generating_keys_info": "Keys are only generated once. This can take a few minutes on slower devices, please be patient.", |
"login_edit_number": "Edit phone number", |
"login_enter_code_label_md": "We've sent the code to the **Telegram** app on your other device.\nPlease enter the code below.", |
"login_enter_sms_code_label_md": "We've sent an SMS with an activation code to your phone.\nPlease enter the code below.", |
"login_enter_call_code_label_md": "We are calling your phone to dictate a code.\nPlease enter the code below.", |
"login_code_remaining": "You will be able to request SMS in {remaining}", |
"login_call_remaining": "You will be able to request call in {remaining}", |
"login_code_not_received": "Send code via SMS", |
"login_code_not_received_call": "Send code via Call", |
"login_code_requesting": "Requesting code", |
"login_incorrect_sms_code": "Incorrect SMS code", |
"login_number_input_placeholder": "Enter your code", |
"login_checking_code": "Checking code", |
"login_your_info": "Your info", |
"login_fulll_name_label": "Please enter your full name to set up a Telegram account.", |
"login_incorrect_first_name": "Incorrect first name", |
"login_first_name": "First name", |
"login_incorrect_last_name": "Incorrect last name", |
"login_last_name": "Last name", |
"login_signing_up": "Signing up", |
"login_sign_up": "Sign up", |
"login_about_title": "About", |
"login_about_desc1_md": "The Telegram web-client is a free, fast and secure way to enjoy most of **Telegram**'s features right in your **web-browser**.", |
"login_about_desc2_md": "It is always synced with the **Telegram app** on your mobile device, which makes it a perfect tool for messaging and file sharing.", |
"login_about_desc3_md": "Our {source-link: source code} is open, so everyone can make a contribution.", |
"login_about_intro": "Welcome to the official Telegram web-client.", |
"login_about_learn": "Learn more", |
"login_password_title": "Password", |
"login_password_label": "You have enabled Two-Step Verification, so your account is protected with an additional password.", |
"login_password_forgot_link": "Forgot password?", |
"login_account_reset": "Reset account", |
"login_password": "Your password", |
"login_incorrect_password": "Incorrect password", |
"login_checking_password": "Checking", |
"login_recovery_title": "Forgot password?", |
"login_code_placeholder": "Code", |
"login_code_incorrect": "Incorrect code", |
"login_recovery_description_md": "We have sent a recovery code to the e-mail you provided:\n\n{email}\n\nPlease check your e-mail and enter the 6-digit code we have sent here.", |
"password_recover_active": "Checking...", |
"password_recover_submit": "Submit", |
"login_controller_unknown_country": "Unknown", |
"message_forwarded_message": "Forwarded message", |
"message_via_bot": "via {bot}", |
"message_forwarded_message_mobile": "Forwarded from {from}", |
"message_forwarded_via_message_mobile": "Forwarded from {from} via {bot}", |
"message_attach_audio_message": "Voice message", |
"message_attach_audio_play": "Play", |
"message_attach_document_open": "Open", |
"message_attach_document_download": "Download", |
"message_attach_document_save": "Save file", |
"message_attach_video_video": "Video", |
"message_attach_video_download": "Download", |
"message_attach_video_save": "Save file", |
"message_attach_video_play": "Play video", |
"message_attach_unsupported": "The message is not supported on your version of Telegram Web. Update the app to view: {link}.", |
"conversation_select_modal_title": "Select conversation", |
"conversation_select_modal_contacts": "Contacts", |
"conversation_one_selected": "{name1}", |
"conversation_two_selected": "{name1} and {name2}", |
"conversation_many_selected": "{name1}, {name2} and {count} more", |
"phonebook_modal_title": "Phonebook", |
"phonebook_modal_deselect_all": "Deselect all", |
"phonebook_modal_select_all": "Select all", |
"phonebook_modal_empty": "Your phonebook is empty.", |
"phonebook_modal_submit_active": "Importing", |
"phonebook_modal_submit": "Import contacts", |
"inactive_tab_title": "Telegram: Zzz...", |
"inactive_title": "Such error, many tabs", |
"inactive_description_md": "Telegram supports only one active tab with the app.\nPlease reload this page to continue using this tab or close it.", |
"inactive_reload_btn": "Reload App", |
"country_select_modal_country_ab": "Abkhazia", |
"country_select_modal_country_af": "Afghanistan", |
"country_select_modal_country_ax": "Åland Islands", |
"country_select_modal_country_al": "Albania", |
"country_select_modal_country_dz": "Algeria", |
"country_select_modal_country_as": "American Samoa", |
"country_select_modal_country_ad": "Andorra", |
"country_select_modal_country_ao": "Angola", |
"country_select_modal_country_ai": "Anguilla", |
"country_select_modal_country_ag": "Antigua & Barbuda", |
"country_select_modal_country_ar": "Argentina", |
"country_select_modal_country_am": "Armenia", |
"country_select_modal_country_aw": "Aruba", |
"country_select_modal_country_sh_ac": "Ascension", |
"country_select_modal_country_au": "Australia", |
"country_select_modal_country_au_et": "Australian External Territories", |
"country_select_modal_country_at": "Austria", |
"country_select_modal_country_az": "Azerbaijan", |
"country_select_modal_country_bs": "Bahamas", |
"country_select_modal_country_bh": "Bahrain", |
"country_select_modal_country_bd": "Bangladesh", |
"country_select_modal_country_bb": "Barbados", |
"country_select_modal_country_ag_bar": "Barbuda", |
"country_select_modal_country_by": "Belarus", |
"country_select_modal_country_be": "Belgium", |
"country_select_modal_country_bz": "Belize", |
"country_select_modal_country_bj": "Benin", |
"country_select_modal_country_bm": "Bermuda", |
"country_select_modal_country_bt": "Bhutan", |
"country_select_modal_country_bo": "Bolivia", |
"country_select_modal_country_bq": "Caribbean Netherlands", |
"country_select_modal_country_ba": "Bosnia & Herzegovina", |
"country_select_modal_country_bw": "Botswana", |
"country_select_modal_country_br": "Brazil", |
"country_select_modal_country_io": "British Indian Ocean Territory", |
"country_select_modal_country_vg": "British Virgin Islands", |
"country_select_modal_country_bn": "Brunei", |
"country_select_modal_country_bg": "Bulgaria", |
"country_select_modal_country_bf": "Burkina Faso", |
"country_select_modal_country_mm": "Myanmar (Burma)", |
"country_select_modal_country_bi": "Burundi", |
"country_select_modal_country_kh": "Cambodia", |
"country_select_modal_country_cm": "Cameroon", |
"country_select_modal_country_ca": "Canada", |
"country_select_modal_country_cv": "Cape Verde", |
"country_select_modal_country_ky": "Cayman Islands", |
"country_select_modal_country_cf": "Central African Republic", |
"country_select_modal_country_td": "Chad", |
"country_select_modal_country_cl": "Chile", |
"country_select_modal_country_cn": "China", |
"country_select_modal_country_cx": "Christmas Island", |
"country_select_modal_country_cc": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", |
"country_select_modal_country_co": "Colombia", |
"country_select_modal_country_km": "Comoros", |
"country_select_modal_country_cg": "Congo - Brazzaville", |
"country_select_modal_country_cd": "Congo - Kinshasa", |
"country_select_modal_country_ck": "Cook Islands", |
"country_select_modal_country_cr": "Costa Rica", |
"country_select_modal_country_ci": "Côte d’Ivoire", |
"country_select_modal_country_hr": "Croatia", |
"country_select_modal_country_cu": "Cuba", |
"country_select_modal_country_cw": "Curaçao", |
"country_select_modal_country_cy": "Cyprus", |
"country_select_modal_country_cz": "Czech Republic", |
"country_select_modal_country_dk": "Denmark", |
"country_select_modal_country_dg": "Diego Garcia", |
"country_select_modal_country_dj": "Djibouti", |
"country_select_modal_country_dm": "Dominica", |
"country_select_modal_country_do": "Dominican Republic", |
"country_select_modal_country_tl": "Timor-Leste", |
"country_select_modal_country_ec": "Ecuador", |
"country_select_modal_country_eg": "Egypt", |
"country_select_modal_country_sv": "El Salvador", |
"country_select_modal_country_gq": "Equatorial Guinea", |
"country_select_modal_country_er": "Eritrea", |
"country_select_modal_country_ee": "Estonia", |
"country_select_modal_country_et": "Ethiopia", |
"country_select_modal_country_fk": "Falkland Islands", |
"country_select_modal_country_fo": "Faroe Islands", |
"country_select_modal_country_fj": "Fiji", |
"country_select_modal_country_fi": "Finland", |
"country_select_modal_country_fr": "France", |
"country_select_modal_country_gf": "French Guiana", |
"country_select_modal_country_pf": "French Polynesia", |
"country_select_modal_country_ga": "Gabon", |
"country_select_modal_country_gm": "Gambia", |
"country_select_modal_country_ge": "Georgia", |
"country_select_modal_country_de": "Germany", |
"country_select_modal_country_gh": "Ghana", |
"country_select_modal_country_gi": "Gibraltar", |
"country_select_modal_country_gr": "Greece", |
"country_select_modal_country_gl": "Greenland", |
"country_select_modal_country_gd": "Grenada", |
"country_select_modal_country_gp": "Guadeloupe", |
"country_select_modal_country_gu": "Guam", |
"country_select_modal_country_gt": "Guatemala", |
"country_select_modal_country_gg": "Guernsey", |
"country_select_modal_country_gn": "Guinea", |
"country_select_modal_country_gw": "Guinea-Bissau", |
"country_select_modal_country_gy": "Guyana", |
"country_select_modal_country_ht": "Haiti", |
"country_select_modal_country_hn": "Honduras", |
"country_select_modal_country_hk": "Hong Kong SAR China", |
"country_select_modal_country_hu": "Hungary", |
"country_select_modal_country_is": "Iceland", |
"country_select_modal_country_in": "India", |
"country_select_modal_country_id": "Indonesia", |
"country_select_modal_country_ir": "Iran", |
"country_select_modal_country_iq": "Iraq", |
"country_select_modal_country_ie": "Ireland", |
"country_select_modal_country_il": "Israel", |
"country_select_modal_country_it": "Italy", |
"country_select_modal_country_jm": "Jamaica", |
"country_select_modal_country_sj": "Svalbard & Jan Mayen", |
"country_select_modal_country_jp": "Japan", |
"country_select_modal_country_je": "Jersey", |
"country_select_modal_country_jo": "Jordan", |
"country_select_modal_country_kz": "Kazakhstan", |
"country_select_modal_country_ke": "Kenya", |
"country_select_modal_country_ki": "Kiribati", |
"country_select_modal_country_kp": "North Korea", |
"country_select_modal_country_kr": "South Korea", |
"country_select_modal_country_kw": "Kuwait", |
"country_select_modal_country_kg": "Kyrgyzstan", |
"country_select_modal_country_la": "Laos", |
"country_select_modal_country_lv": "Latvia", |
"country_select_modal_country_lb": "Lebanon", |
"country_select_modal_country_ls": "Lesotho", |
"country_select_modal_country_lr": "Liberia", |
"country_select_modal_country_ly": "Libya", |
"country_select_modal_country_li": "Liechtenstein", |
"country_select_modal_country_lt": "Lithuania", |
"country_select_modal_country_lu": "Luxembourg", |
"country_select_modal_country_mo": "Macau SAR China", |
"country_select_modal_country_mk": "Macedonia", |
"country_select_modal_country_mg": "Madagascar", |
"country_select_modal_country_mw": "Malawi", |
"country_select_modal_country_my": "Malaysia", |
"country_select_modal_country_mv": "Maldives", |
"country_select_modal_country_ml": "Mali", |
"country_select_modal_country_mt": "Malta", |
"country_select_modal_country_mh": "Marshall Islands", |
"country_select_modal_country_mq": "Martinique", |
"country_select_modal_country_mr": "Mauritania", |
"country_select_modal_country_mu": "Mauritius", |
"country_select_modal_country_yt": "Mayotte", |
"country_select_modal_country_mx": "Mexico", |
"country_select_modal_country_fm": "Micronesia", |
"country_select_modal_country_md": "Moldova", |
"country_select_modal_country_mc": "Monaco", |
"country_select_modal_country_mn": "Mongolia", |
"country_select_modal_country_me": "Montenegro", |
"country_select_modal_country_ms": "Montserrat", |
"country_select_modal_country_ma": "Morocco", |
"country_select_modal_country_mz": "Mozambique", |
"country_select_modal_country_na": "Namibia", |
"country_select_modal_country_nr": "Nauru", |
"country_select_modal_country_np": "Nepal", |
"country_select_modal_country_nl": "Netherlands", |
"country_select_modal_country_nc": "New Caledonia", |
"country_select_modal_country_nz": "New Zealand", |
"country_select_modal_country_ni": "Nicaragua", |
"country_select_modal_country_ne": "Niger", |
"country_select_modal_country_ng": "Nigeria", |
"country_select_modal_country_nu": "Niue", |
"country_select_modal_country_nf": "Norfolk Island", |
"country_select_modal_country_mp": "Northern Mariana Islands", |
"country_select_modal_country_no": "Norway", |
"country_select_modal_country_om": "Oman", |
"country_select_modal_country_pk": "Pakistan", |
"country_select_modal_country_pw": "Palau", |
"country_select_modal_country_ps": "Palestinian Territories", |
"country_select_modal_country_pa": "Panama", |
"country_select_modal_country_pg": "Papua New Guinea", |
"country_select_modal_country_py": "Paraguay", |
"country_select_modal_country_pe": "Peru", |
"country_select_modal_country_ph": "Philippines", |
"country_select_modal_country_pn": "Pitcairn Islands", |
"country_select_modal_country_pl": "Poland", |
"country_select_modal_country_pt": "Portugal", |
"country_select_modal_country_pr": "Puerto Rico", |
"country_select_modal_country_qa": "Qatar", |
"country_select_modal_country_re": "Réunion", |
"country_select_modal_country_ro": "Romania", |
"country_select_modal_country_ru": "Russia", |
"country_select_modal_country_rw": "Rwanda", |
"country_select_modal_country_bl": "St. Barthélemy", |
"country_select_modal_country_sh": "St. Helena", |
"country_select_modal_country_kn": "St. Kitts & Nevis", |
"country_select_modal_country_lc": "St. Lucia", |
"country_select_modal_country_mf": "St. Martin (France)", |
"country_select_modal_country_pm": "St. Pierre and Miquelon", |
"country_select_modal_country_vc": "St. Vincent and the Grenadines", |
"country_select_modal_country_ws": "Samoa", |
"country_select_modal_country_sm": "San Marino", |
"country_select_modal_country_st": "São Tomé & Príncipe", |
"country_select_modal_country_sa": "Saudi Arabia", |
"country_select_modal_country_sn": "Senegal", |
"country_select_modal_country_rs": "Serbia", |
"country_select_modal_country_sc": "Seychelles", |
"country_select_modal_country_sl": "Sierra Leone", |
"country_select_modal_country_sg": "Singapore", |
"country_select_modal_country_nl_bq3": "Sint Eustatius", |
"country_select_modal_country_sx": "Sint Maarten", |
"country_select_modal_country_sk": "Slovakia", |
"country_select_modal_country_si": "Slovenia", |
"country_select_modal_country_sb": "Solomon Islands", |
"country_select_modal_country_so": "Somalia", |
"country_select_modal_country_za": "South Africa", |
"country_select_modal_country_gs": "South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands", |
"country_select_modal_country_ge_so": "South Ossetia", |
"country_select_modal_country_ss": "South Sudan", |
"country_select_modal_country_es": "Spain", |
"country_select_modal_country_lk": "Sri Lanka", |
"country_select_modal_country_sd": "Sudan", |
"country_select_modal_country_sr": "Suriname", |
"country_select_modal_country_sj_no": "Svalbard", |
"country_select_modal_country_sz": "Swaziland", |
"country_select_modal_country_se": "Sweden", |
"country_select_modal_country_ch": "Switzerland", |
"country_select_modal_country_sy": "Syria", |
"country_select_modal_country_tw": "Taiwan", |
"country_select_modal_country_tj": "Tajikistan", |
"country_select_modal_country_tz": "Tanzania", |
"country_select_modal_country_th": "Thailand", |
"country_select_modal_country_tg": "Togo", |
"country_select_modal_country_tk": "Tokelau", |
"country_select_modal_country_to": "Tonga", |
"country_select_modal_country_tt": "Trinidad & Tobago", |
"country_select_modal_country_tn": "Tunisia", |
"country_select_modal_country_tr": "Turkey", |
"country_select_modal_country_tm": "Turkmenistan", |
"country_select_modal_country_tc": "Turks & Caicos Islands", |
"country_select_modal_country_tv": "Tuvalu", |
"country_select_modal_country_ug": "Uganda", |
"country_select_modal_country_ua": "Ukraine", |
"country_select_modal_country_ae": "United Arab Emirates", |
"country_select_modal_country_uk": "United Kingdom", |
"country_select_modal_country_us": "United States", |
"country_select_modal_country_uy": "Uruguay", |
"country_select_modal_country_vi": "U.S. Virgin Islands", |
"country_select_modal_country_uz": "Uzbekistan", |
"country_select_modal_country_vu": "Vanuatu", |
"country_select_modal_country_ve": "Venezuela", |
"country_select_modal_country_va": "Vatican City", |
"country_select_modal_country_vn": "Vietnam", |
"country_select_modal_country_wf": "Wallis & Futuna", |
"country_select_modal_country_ye": "Yemen", |
"country_select_modal_country_zm": "Zambia", |
"country_select_modal_country_tz_uk": "Zanzibar", |
"country_select_modal_country_zw": "Zimbabwe" |