3842 lines
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3842 lines
117 KiB
* Webogram v0.3.2 - messaging web application for MTProto
* https://github.com/zhukov/webogram
* Copyright (C) 2014 Igor Zhukov <igor.beatle@gmail.com>
* https://github.com/zhukov/webogram/blob/master/LICENSE
'use strict';
/* Services */
angular.module('myApp.services', ['myApp.i18n', 'izhukov.utils'])
.service('AppUsersManager', function ($rootScope, $modal, $modalStack, $filter, $q, MtpApiFileManager, MtpApiManager, RichTextProcessor, SearchIndexManager, ErrorService, Storage, _) {
var users = {},
cachedPhotoLocations = {},
contactsIndex = SearchIndexManager.createIndex(),
serverTimeOffset = 0;
Storage.get('server_time_offset').then(function (to) {
if (to) {
serverTimeOffset = to;
function fillContacts () {
if (contactsFillPromise) {
return contactsFillPromise;
return contactsFillPromise = MtpApiManager.invokeApi('contacts.getContacts', {
hash: ''
}).then(function (result) {
var userID, searchText, i;
contactsList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < result.contacts.length; i++) {
userID = result.contacts[i].user_id;
SearchIndexManager.indexObject(userID, getUserSearchText(userID), contactsIndex);
return contactsList;
function getUserSearchText (id) {
var user = users[id];
if (!user) {
return false;
return (user.first_name || '') + ' ' + (user.last_name || '') + ' ' + (user.phone || '') + ' ' + (user.username || '');
function getContacts (query) {
return fillContacts().then(function (contactsList) {
if (angular.isString(query) && query.length) {
var results = SearchIndexManager.search(query, contactsIndex),
filteredContactsList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < contactsList.length; i++) {
if (results[contactsList[i]]) {
contactsList = filteredContactsList;
return contactsList;
function saveApiUsers (apiUsers) {
angular.forEach(apiUsers, saveApiUser);
function saveApiUser (apiUser) {
if (!angular.isObject(apiUser)) {
if (apiUser.phone) {
apiUser.rPhone = $filter('phoneNumber')(apiUser.phone);
apiUser.num = (Math.abs(apiUser.id) % 8) + 1;
if (apiUser.first_name) {
apiUser.rFirstName = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(apiUser.first_name, {noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true});
apiUser.rFullName = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(apiUser.first_name + ' ' + (apiUser.last_name || ''), {noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true});
} else {
apiUser.rFirstName = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(apiUser.last_name, {noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true}) || apiUser.rPhone || _('user_first_name_deleted');
apiUser.rFullName = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(apiUser.last_name, {noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true}) || apiUser.rPhone || _('user_name_deleted');
apiUser.sortName = SearchIndexManager.cleanSearchText(apiUser.first_name + ' ' + (apiUser.last_name || ''));
apiUser.sortStatus = apiUser.status && (apiUser.status.expires || apiUser.status.was_online) || 0;
if (users[apiUser.id] === undefined) {
users[apiUser.id] = apiUser;
} else {
safeReplaceObject(users[apiUser.id], apiUser);
$rootScope.$broadcast('user_update', apiUser.id);
if (cachedPhotoLocations[apiUser.id] !== undefined) {
safeReplaceObject(cachedPhotoLocations[apiUser.id], apiUser && apiUser.photo && apiUser.photo.photo_small || {empty: true});
function getUser (id) {
if (angular.isObject(id)) {
return id;
return users[id] || {id: id, deleted: true};
function hasUser(id) {
return angular.isObject(users[id]);
function getUserPhoto(id, placeholder) {
var user = getUser(id);
if (id == 333000) {
return {
placeholder: 'img/placeholders/DialogListAvatarSystem@2x.png'
if (cachedPhotoLocations[id] === undefined) {
cachedPhotoLocations[id] = user && user.photo && user.photo.photo_small || {empty: true};
return {
num: user.num,
placeholder: 'img/placeholders/' + placeholder + 'Avatar' + user.num + '@2x.png',
location: cachedPhotoLocations[id]
function getUserString (id) {
var user = getUser(id);
return 'u' + id + (user.access_hash ? '_' + user.access_hash : '');
function getUserInput (id) {
var user = getUser(id);
if (user._ == 'userSelf') {
return {_: 'inputUserSelf'};
return {
_: 'inputUserForeign',
user_id: id,
access_hash: user.access_hash || 0
function updateUsersStatuses () {
var timestampNow = tsNow(true) + serverTimeOffset;
angular.forEach(users, function (user) {
if (user.status && user.status._ == 'userStatusOnline' &&
user.status.expires < timestampNow) {
user.status = {_: 'userStatusOffline', was_online: user.status.expires};
$rootScope.$broadcast('user_update', user.id);
function forceUserOnline (id) {
var user = getUser(id);
if (user && (!user.status || user.status._ != 'userStatusOnline')) {
user.status = {_: 'userStatusOnline', expires: tsNow(true) + serverTimeOffset + 60};
$rootScope.$broadcast('user_update', id);
function wrapForFull (id) {
var user = getUser(id);
return user;
function openUser (userID, override) {
var scope = $rootScope.$new();
scope.userID = userID;
scope.override = override || {};
var modalInstance = $modal.open({
templateUrl: templateUrl('user_modal'),
controller: 'UserModalController',
scope: scope,
windowClass: 'user_modal_window mobile_modal'
function importContact (phone, firstName, lastName) {
return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('contacts.importContacts', {
contacts: [{
_: 'inputPhoneContact',
client_id: '1',
phone: phone,
first_name: firstName,
last_name: lastName
replace: false
}).then(function (importedContactsResult) {
var foundUserID = false;
angular.forEach(importedContactsResult.imported, function (importedContact) {
onContactUpdated(foundUserID = importedContact.user_id, true);
return foundUserID || false;
function importContacts (contacts) {
var inputContacts = [],
i, j;
for (i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < contacts[i].phones.length; j++) {
_: 'inputPhoneContact',
client_id: (i << 16 | j).toString(10),
phone: contacts[i].phones[j],
first_name: contacts[i].first_name,
last_name: contacts[i].last_name
return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('contacts.importContacts', {
contacts: inputContacts,
replace: false
}).then(function (importedContactsResult) {
var result = [];
angular.forEach(importedContactsResult.imported, function (importedContact) {
onContactUpdated(importedContact.user_id, true);
return result;
function deleteContacts (userIDs) {
var ids = []
angular.forEach(userIDs, function (userID) {
ids.push({_: 'inputUserContact', user_id: userID})
return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('contacts.deleteContacts', {
id: ids
}).then(function () {
angular.forEach(userIDs, function (userID) {
onContactUpdated(userID, false);
function onContactUpdated (userID, isContact) {
if (angular.isArray(contactsList)) {
var curPos = curIsContact = contactsList.indexOf(parseInt(userID)),
curIsContact = curPos != -1;
if (isContact != curIsContact) {
if (isContact) {
SearchIndexManager.indexObject(userID, getUserSearchText(userID), contactsIndex);
} else {
contactsList.splice(curPos, 1);
$rootScope.$broadcast('contacts_update', userID);
function openImportContact () {
return $modal.open({
templateUrl: templateUrl('import_contact_modal'),
controller: 'ImportContactModalController',
windowClass: 'import_contact_modal_window mobile_modal'
}).result.then(function (foundUserID) {
if (!foundUserID) {
return $q.reject();
return foundUserID;
$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', function (e, update) {
// console.log('on apiUpdate', update);
switch (update._) {
case 'updateUserStatus':
var userID = update.user_id,
user = users[userID];
if (user) {
user.status = update.status;
user.sortStatus = update.status && (update.status.expires || update.status.was_online) || 0;
$rootScope.$broadcast('user_update', userID);
case 'updateUserPhoto':
var userID = update.user_id;
if (users[userID]) {
safeReplaceObject(users[userID].photo, update.photo);
if (cachedPhotoLocations[userID] !== undefined) {
safeReplaceObject(cachedPhotoLocations[userID], update.photo && update.photo.photo_small || {empty: true});
$rootScope.$broadcast('user_update', userID);
case 'updateContactLink':
onContactUpdated(update.user_id, update.my_link._ == 'contacts.myLinkContact');
setInterval(updateUsersStatuses, 60000);
return {
getContacts: getContacts,
saveApiUsers: saveApiUsers,
saveApiUser: saveApiUser,
getUser: getUser,
getUserInput: getUserInput,
forceUserOnline: forceUserOnline,
getUserPhoto: getUserPhoto,
getUserString: getUserString,
getUserSearchText: getUserSearchText,
hasUser: hasUser,
importContact: importContact,
importContacts: importContacts,
deleteContacts: deleteContacts,
wrapForFull: wrapForFull,
openUser: openUser,
openImportContact: openImportContact
.service('PhonebookContactsService', function ($q, $modal, $sce, FileManager) {
return {
isAvailable: isAvailable,
openPhonebookImport: openPhonebookImport,
getPhonebookContacts: getPhonebookContacts
function isAvailable () {
if (Config.Mobile && Config.Navigator.ffos && Config.Modes.packed) {
try {
return navigator.mozContacts && navigator.mozContacts.getAll;
} catch (e) {
console.error(dT(), 'phonebook n/a', e);
return false;
return false;
function openPhonebookImport () {
return $modal.open({
templateUrl: templateUrl('phonebook_modal'),
controller: 'PhonebookModalController',
windowClass: 'phonebook_modal_window mobile_modal'
function getPhonebookContacts () {
try {
var request = window.navigator.mozContacts.getAll({});
} catch (e) {
return $q.reject(e);
var deferred = $q.defer(),
contacts = [],
count = 0;
request.onsuccess = function () {
if (this.result) {
var contact = {
id: count,
first_name: (this.result.givenName || []).join(' '),
last_name: (this.result.familyName || []).join(' '),
phones: []
if (this.result.tel != undefined) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.result.tel.length; i++) {
if (this.result.photo && this.result.photo[0]) {
try {
contact.photo = FileManager.getUrl(this.result.photo[0]);
} catch (e) {}
if (!contact.photo) {
contact.photo = 'img/placeholders/UserAvatar' + ((Math.abs(count) % 8) + 1) + '@2x.png';
contact.photo = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(contact.photo);
if (!this.result || count >= 1000) {
request.onerror = function (e) {
console.log('phonebook error', e, e.type, e.message);
return deferred.promise;
.service('AppChatsManager', function ($rootScope, $modal, _, MtpApiFileManager, MtpApiManager, AppUsersManager, RichTextProcessor) {
var chats = {},
cachedPhotoLocations = {};
function saveApiChats (apiChats) {
angular.forEach(apiChats, saveApiChat);
function saveApiChat (apiChat) {
if (!angular.isObject(apiChat)) {
apiChat.rTitle = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(apiChat.title, {noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true}) || _('chat_title_deleted');
if (chats[apiChat.id] === undefined) {
chats[apiChat.id] = apiChat;
} else {
safeReplaceObject(chats[apiChat.id], apiChat);
if (cachedPhotoLocations[apiChat.id] !== undefined) {
safeReplaceObject(cachedPhotoLocations[apiChat.id], apiChat && apiChat.photo && apiChat.photo.photo_small || {empty: true});
function getChat (id) {
return chats[id] || {id: id, deleted: true};
function hasChat (id) {
return angular.isObject(chats[id]);
function getChatPhoto(id, placeholder) {
var chat = getChat(id);
if (cachedPhotoLocations[id] === undefined) {
cachedPhotoLocations[id] = chat && chat.photo && chat.photo.photo_small || {empty: true};
return {
placeholder: 'img/placeholders/' + placeholder + 'Avatar'+((Math.abs(id) % 4) + 1)+'@2x.png',
location: cachedPhotoLocations[id]
function getChatString (id) {
var chat = getChat(id);
return 'g' + id;
function wrapForFull (id, fullChat) {
var chatFull = angular.copy(fullChat),
chat = getChat(id);
if (chatFull.participants && chatFull.participants._ == 'chatParticipants') {
MtpApiManager.getUserID().then(function (myID) {
angular.forEach(chatFull.participants.participants, function(participant){
participant.user = AppUsersManager.getUser(participant.user_id);
participant.inviter = AppUsersManager.getUser(participant.inviter_id);
participant.canKick = myID != participant.user_id && (myID == chatFull.participants.admin_id || myID == participant.inviter_id);
chatFull.thumb = {
placeholder: 'img/placeholders/GroupAvatar'+((Math.abs(id) % 4) + 1)+'@2x.png',
location: chat && chat.photo && chat.photo.photo_small,
width: 120,
height: 120,
size: 0
chatFull.peerString = getChatString(id);
chatFull.chat = chat;
return chatFull;
function openChat (chatID, accessHash) {
var scope = $rootScope.$new();
scope.chatID = chatID;
var modalInstance = $modal.open({
templateUrl: templateUrl('chat_modal'),
controller: 'ChatModalController',
scope: scope,
windowClass: 'chat_modal_window mobile_modal'
return {
saveApiChats: saveApiChats,
saveApiChat: saveApiChat,
getChat: getChat,
getChatPhoto: getChatPhoto,
getChatString: getChatString,
hasChat: hasChat,
wrapForFull: wrapForFull,
openChat: openChat
.service('AppPeersManager', function (AppUsersManager, AppChatsManager) {
return {
getInputPeer: function (peerString) {
var isUser = peerString.charAt(0) == 'u',
peerParams = peerString.substr(1).split('_');
return isUser
? {_: 'inputPeerForeign', user_id: peerParams[0], access_hash: peerParams[1]}
: {_: 'inputPeerChat', chat_id: peerParams[0]};
getInputPeerByID: function (peerID) {
if (peerID > 0) {
return {
_: 'inputPeerForeign',
user_id: peerID,
access_hash: AppUsersManager.getUser(peerID).access_hash || 0
} else if (peerID < 0) {
return {
_: 'inputPeerChat',
chat_id: -peerID
getPeerSearchText: function (peerID) {
var text;
if (peerID > 0) {
text = AppUsersManager.getUserSearchText(peerID);
} else if (peerID < 0) {
var chat = AppChatsManager.getChat(-peerID);
text = chat.title || '';
return text;
getOutputPeer: function (peerID) {
return peerID > 0
? {_: 'peerUser', user_id: peerID}
: {_: 'peerChat', chat_id: -peerID};
getPeerID: function (peerString) {
if (angular.isObject(peerString)) {
return peerString.user_id
? peerString.user_id
: -peerString.chat_id;
var isUser = peerString.charAt(0) == 'u',
peerParams = peerString.substr(1).split('_');
return isUser ? peerParams[0] : -peerParams[0] || 0;
getPeer: function (peerID) {
return peerID > 0
? AppUsersManager.getUser(peerID)
: AppChatsManager.getChat(-peerID);
getPeerPhoto: function (peerID, userPlaceholder, chatPlaceholder) {
return peerID > 0
? AppUsersManager.getUserPhoto(peerID, userPlaceholder)
: AppChatsManager.getChatPhoto(-peerID, chatPlaceholder)
.service('AppMessagesManager', function ($q, $rootScope, $location, $filter, ApiUpdatesManager, AppUsersManager, AppChatsManager, AppPeersManager, AppPhotosManager, AppVideoManager, AppDocsManager, AppAudioManager, MtpApiManager, MtpApiFileManager, RichTextProcessor, NotificationsManager, SearchIndexManager, PeersSelectService,Storage, _) {
var messagesStorage = {};
var messagesForHistory = {};
var messagesForDialogs = {};
var historiesStorage = {};
var dialogsStorage = {count: null, dialogs: []};
var pendingByRandomID = {};
var pendingByMessageID = {};
var pendingAfterMsgs = {};
var sendFilePromise = $q.when();
var tempID = -1;
var dialogsIndex = SearchIndexManager.createIndex(),
cachedResults = {query: false};
var lastSearchFilter = {},
lastSearchResults = [];
var serverTimeOffset = 0,
timestampNow = tsNow(true),
midnightNoOffset = timestampNow - (timestampNow % 86400),
midnightOffseted = new Date(),
Storage.get('server_time_offset').then(function (to) {
if (to) {
serverTimeOffset = to;
var dateOrTimeFilter = $filter('dateOrTime');
midnightOffset = midnightNoOffset - (Math.floor(+midnightOffseted / 1000));
function getDialogs (query, maxID, limit) {
var curDialogStorage = dialogsStorage;
if (angular.isString(query) && query.length) {
if (!limit || cachedResults.query !== query) {
cachedResults.query = query;
var results = SearchIndexManager.search(query, dialogsIndex);
cachedResults.dialogs = [];
angular.forEach(dialogsStorage.dialogs, function (dialog) {
if (results[dialog.peerID]) {
cachedResults.count = cachedResults.dialogs.length;
curDialogStorage = cachedResults;
} else {
cachedResults.query = false;
var offset = 0;
if (maxID > 0) {
for (offset = 0; offset < curDialogStorage.dialogs.length; offset++) {
if (maxID > curDialogStorage.dialogs[offset].top_message) {
if (curDialogStorage.count !== null && curDialogStorage.dialogs.length == curDialogStorage.count ||
curDialogStorage.dialogs.length >= offset + (limit || 1)
) {
return $q.when({
count: curDialogStorage.count,
dialogs: curDialogStorage.dialogs.slice(offset, offset + (limit || 20))
limit = limit || 20;
return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('messages.getDialogs', {
offset: offset,
limit: limit,
max_id: maxID || 0
}).then(function (dialogsResult) {
if (maxID > 0) {
for (offset = 0; offset < curDialogStorage.dialogs.length; offset++) {
if (maxID > curDialogStorage.dialogs[offset].top_message) {
curDialogStorage.count = dialogsResult.count || dialogsResult.dialogs.length;
curDialogStorage.dialogs.splice(offset, curDialogStorage.dialogs.length - offset);
angular.forEach(dialogsResult.dialogs, function (dialog) {
var peerID = AppPeersManager.getPeerID(dialog.peer),
peerText = AppPeersManager.getPeerSearchText(peerID);
SearchIndexManager.indexObject(peerID, peerText, dialogsIndex);
peerID: peerID,
top_message: dialog.top_message,
unread_count: dialog.unread_count
if (historiesStorage[peerID] === undefined) {
historiesStorage[peerID] = {count: null, history: [dialog.top_message], pending: []}
NotificationsManager.savePeerSettings(peerID, dialog.notify_settings);
return {
count: curDialogStorage.count,
dialogs: curDialogStorage.dialogs.slice(offset, offset + limit)
function requestHistory (inputPeer, maxID, limit, offset) {
return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('messages.getHistory', {
peer: inputPeer,
offset: offset || 0,
limit: limit || 0,
max_id: maxID || 0
}, {noErrorBox: true}).then(function (historyResult) {
return historyResult;
function fillHistoryStorage (inputPeer, maxID, fullLimit, historyStorage) {
// console.log('fill history storage', inputPeer, maxID, fullLimit, angular.copy(historyStorage));
return requestHistory (inputPeer, maxID, fullLimit).then(function (historyResult) {
historyStorage.count = historyResult.count || historyResult.messages.length;
var offset = 0;
if (maxID > 0) {
for (offset = 0; offset < historyStorage.history.length; offset++) {
if (maxID > historyStorage.history[offset]) {
historyStorage.history.splice(offset, historyStorage.history.length - offset);
angular.forEach(historyResult.messages, function (message) {
fullLimit -= historyResult.messages.length;
if (fullLimit > 0 && historyStorage.history.length < historyStorage.count) {
maxID = historyStorage.history[historyStorage.history.length - 1];
return fillHistoryStorage(inputPeer, maxID, fullLimit, historyStorage);
return true;
function getHistory (inputPeer, maxID, limit, backLimit, prerendered) {
var peerID = AppPeersManager.getPeerID(inputPeer),
historyStorage = historiesStorage[peerID],
offset = 0,
offsetNotFound = false,
unreadOffset = false,
unreadSkip = false,
resultPending = [];
prerendered = prerendered ? Math.min(50, prerendered) : 0;
if (historyStorage === undefined) {
historyStorage = historiesStorage[peerID] = {count: null, history: [], pending: []};
else if (!maxID && historyStorage.pending.length) {
resultPending = historyStorage.pending.slice();
if (!limit && !maxID) {
var foundDialog = getDialogByPeerID(peerID);
if (foundDialog && foundDialog[0] && foundDialog[0].unread_count > 1) {
var unreadCount = foundDialog[0].unread_count;
if (unreadSkip = (unreadCount > 50)) {
limit = 10;
unreadOffset = 6;
offset = unreadCount - unreadOffset;
} else {
limit = Math.max(10, prerendered, unreadCount + 2);
unreadOffset = unreadCount;
else if (Config.Mobile) {
limit = 20;
else if (maxID > 0) {
offsetNotFound = true;
for (offset = 0; offset < historyStorage.history.length; offset++) {
if (maxID > historyStorage.history[offset]) {
offsetNotFound = false;
if (!offsetNotFound && (
historyStorage.count !== null && historyStorage.history.length == historyStorage.count ||
historyStorage.history.length >= offset + (limit || 1)
)) {
if (backLimit) {
backLimit = Math.min(offset, backLimit);
offset = Math.max(0, offset - backLimit);
limit += backLimit;
} else {
limit = limit || (offset ? 20 : (prerendered || 5));
return $q.when({
count: historyStorage.count,
history: resultPending.concat(historyStorage.history.slice(offset, offset + limit)),
unreadOffset: unreadOffset,
unreadSkip: unreadSkip
if (!backLimit && !limit) {
limit = prerendered || 20;
if (offsetNotFound) {
offset = 0;
if (backLimit || unreadSkip || maxID && historyStorage.history.indexOf(maxID) == -1) {
if (backLimit) {
offset = -backLimit;
limit += backLimit;
return requestHistory(inputPeer, maxID, limit, offset).then(function (historyResult) {
historyStorage.count = historyResult.count || historyResult.messages.length;
var history = [];
angular.forEach(historyResult.messages, function (message) {
return {
count: historyStorage.count,
history: resultPending.concat(history),
unreadOffset: unreadOffset,
unreadSkip: unreadSkip
return fillHistoryStorage(inputPeer, maxID, limit, historyStorage).then(function () {
offset = 0;
if (maxID > 0) {
for (offset = 0; offset < historyStorage.history.length; offset++) {
if (maxID > historyStorage.history[offset]) {
return {
count: historyStorage.count,
history: resultPending.concat(historyStorage.history.slice(offset, offset + limit)),
unreadOffset: unreadOffset,
unreadSkip: unreadSkip
function getSearch (inputPeer, query, inputFilter, maxID, limit) {
var foundMsgs = [],
useSearchCache = !query,
peerID = AppPeersManager.getPeerID(inputPeer),
newSearchFilter = {peer: peerID, filter: inputFilter},
sameSearchCache = useSearchCache && angular.equals(lastSearchFilter, newSearchFilter);
if (useSearchCache && !sameSearchCache) {
lastSearchFilter = newSearchFilter;
lastSearchResults = [];
if (!maxID && !query) {
var historyStorage = historiesStorage[peerID];
if (historyStorage !== undefined && historyStorage.history.length) {
var neededContents = {},
neededLimit = limit || 20,
i, message;
switch (inputFilter._) {
case 'inputMessagesFilterPhotos':
neededContents['messageMediaPhoto'] = true;
case 'inputMessagesFilterVideo':
neededContents['messageMediaVideo'] = true;
case 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo':
neededContents['messageMediaPhoto'] = true;
neededContents['messageMediaVideo'] = true;
case 'inputMessagesFilterDocument':
neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true;
case 'inputMessagesFilterAudio':
neededContents['messageMediaAudio'] = true;
for (i = 0; i < historyStorage.history.length; i++) {
message = messagesStorage[historyStorage.history[i]];
if (message.media && neededContents[message.media._]) {
if (foundMsgs.length >= neededLimit) {
// console.log(dT(), sameSearchCache, foundMsgs, lastSearchResults);
if (foundMsgs.length < neededLimit && lastSearchResults.length && sameSearchCache) {
var minID = foundMsgs.length ? foundMsgs[foundMsgs.length - 1] : 0xFFFFFFFF;
for (var i = 0; i < lastSearchResults.length; i++) {
if (lastSearchResults[i] < minID) {
if (foundMsgs.length >= neededLimit) {
// console.log(dT(), foundMsgs);
if (foundMsgs.length || limit == 1000) {
if (useSearchCache) {
lastSearchResults = listMergeSorted(lastSearchResults, foundMsgs);
return $q.when({
count: null,
history: foundMsgs
return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('messages.search', {
peer: inputPeer,
q: query || '',
filter: inputFilter || {_: 'inputMessagesFilterEmpty'},
min_date: 0,
max_date: 0,
limit: limit || 20,
max_id: maxID || 0
}).then(function (searchResult) {
var foundCount = searchResult.count || searchResult.messages.length;
foundMsgs = [];
angular.forEach(searchResult.messages, function (message) {
if (useSearchCache) {
lastSearchResults = listMergeSorted(lastSearchResults, foundMsgs);
return {
count: foundCount,
history: foundMsgs
function getMessage (messageID) {
return messagesStorage[messageID] || {deleted: true};
function deleteMessages (messageIDs) {
return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('messages.deleteMessages', {
id: messageIDs
}).then(function (deletedMessageIDs) {
_: 'updateShort',
update: {
_: 'updateDeleteMessages',
messages: deletedMessageIDs
return deletedMessageIDs;
function processAffectedHistory (inputPeer, affectedHistory, method) {
if (!ApiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({
_: 'updates',
seq: affectedHistory.seq,
updates: []
})) {
return false;
if (!affectedHistory.offset) {
return $q.when();
return MtpApiManager.invokeApi(method, {
peer: inputPeer,
offset: affectedHistory.offset,
max_id: 0,
read_contents: true
}).then(function (affectedHistory) {
return processAffectedHistory(inputPeer, affectedHistory, method);
function readHistory (inputPeer) {
// console.trace('start read');
var peerID = AppPeersManager.getPeerID(inputPeer),
historyStorage = historiesStorage[peerID],
foundDialog = getDialogByPeerID(peerID);
if (!foundDialog[0] || !foundDialog[0].unread_count) {
if (!historyStorage || !historyStorage.history.length) {
return false;
var messageID,
foundUnread = false;
for (i = historyStorage.history.length; i >= 0; i--) {
messageID = historyStorage.history[i];
message = messagesStorage[messageID];
// console.log('ms', message);
if (message && !message.out && message.unread) {
foundUnread = true;
if (!foundUnread) {
return false;
if (historyStorage.readPromise) {
return historyStorage.readPromise;
historyStorage.readPromise = MtpApiManager.invokeApi('messages.readHistory', {
peer: inputPeer,
offset: 0,
max_id: 0,
read_contents: true
}).then(function (affectedHistory) {
return processAffectedHistory(inputPeer, affectedHistory, 'messages.readHistory');
}).then(function () {
if (foundDialog[0]) {
// console.log('done read history', peerID);
foundDialog[0].unread_count = 0;
$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_unread', {peerID: peerID, count: 0});
})['finally'](function () {
delete historyStorage.readPromise;
if (historyStorage && historyStorage.history.length) {
var messageID, message, i, peerID, foundDialog, dialog;
for (i = 0; i < historyStorage.history.length; i++) {
messageID = historyStorage.history[i];
message = messagesStorage[messageID];
if (message && !message.out) {
message.unread = false;
if (messagesForHistory[messageID]) {
messagesForHistory[messageID].unread = false;
if (messagesForDialogs[messageID]) {
messagesForDialogs[messageID].unread = false;
return historyStorage.readPromise;
function flushHistory (inputPeer) {
// console.log('start flush');
var peerID = AppPeersManager.getPeerID(inputPeer),
historyStorage = historiesStorage[peerID];
return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('messages.deleteHistory', {
peer: inputPeer,
offset: 0
}).then(function (affectedHistory) {
return processAffectedHistory(inputPeer, affectedHistory, 'messages.deleteHistory');
}).then(function () {
var foundDialog = getDialogByPeerID(peerID);
if (foundDialog[0]) {
dialogsStorage.dialogs.splice(foundDialog[1], 1);
delete historiesStorage[peerID];
$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_flush', {peerID: peerID});
function saveMessages (apiMessages) {
angular.forEach(apiMessages, function (apiMessage) {
apiMessage.unread = apiMessage.flags & 1 ? true : false;
apiMessage.out = apiMessage.flags & 2 ? true : false;
messagesStorage[apiMessage.id] = apiMessage;
apiMessage.date -= serverTimeOffset;
if (apiMessage.media && apiMessage.media._ == 'messageMediaPhoto') {
if (apiMessage.media && apiMessage.media._ == 'messageMediaVideo') {
if (apiMessage.media && apiMessage.media._ == 'messageMediaDocument') {
if (apiMessage.media && apiMessage.media._ == 'messageMediaAudio') {
if (apiMessage.action && apiMessage.action._ == 'messageActionChatEditPhoto') {
function sendText(peerID, text) {
if (!angular.isString(text) || !text.length) {
var messageID = tempID--,
randomID = [nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)],
randomIDS = bigint(randomID[0]).shiftLeft(32).add(bigint(randomID[1])).toString(),
historyStorage = historiesStorage[peerID],
inputPeer = AppPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID),
if (historyStorage === undefined) {
historyStorage = historiesStorage[peerID] = {count: null, history: [], pending: []};
MtpApiManager.getUserID().then(function (fromID) {
message = {
_: 'message',
id: messageID,
from_id: fromID,
to_id: AppPeersManager.getOutputPeer(peerID),
flags: 3,
date: tsNow(true) + serverTimeOffset,
message: text,
media: {_: 'messageMediaEmpty'},
random_id: randomIDS,
pending: true
var toggleError = function (on) {
var historyMessage = messagesForHistory[messageID];
if (on) {
message.error = true;
if (historyMessage) {
historyMessage.error = true;
} else {
delete message.error;
if (historyMessage) {
delete historyMessage.error;
message.send = function () {
var sentRequestOptions = {};
if (pendingAfterMsgs[peerID]) {
sentRequestOptions.afterMessageID = pendingAfterMsgs[peerID].messageID;
MtpApiManager.invokeApi('messages.sendMessage', {
peer: inputPeer,
message: text,
random_id: randomID
}, sentRequestOptions).then(function (sentMessage) {
message.date = sentMessage.date;
message.id = sentMessage.id;
_: 'updates',
users: [],
chats: [],
seq: sentMessage.seq,
updates: [{
_: 'updateMessageID',
random_id: randomIDS,
id: sentMessage.id
}, {
_: 'updateNewMessage',
message: message,
pts: sentMessage.pts
}, function (error) {
})['finally'](function () {
if (pendingAfterMsgs[peerID] === sentRequestOptions) {
delete pendingAfterMsgs[peerID];
pendingAfterMsgs[peerID] = sentRequestOptions;
$rootScope.$broadcast('history_append', {peerID: peerID, messageID: messageID, my: true});
// setTimeout(function () {
// }, 5000);
pendingByRandomID[randomIDS] = [peerID, messageID];
function sendFile(peerID, file, options) {
options = options || {};
var messageID = tempID--,
randomID = [nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)],
randomIDS = bigint(randomID[0]).shiftLeft(32).add(bigint(randomID[1])).toString(),
historyStorage = historiesStorage[peerID],
inputPeer = AppPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID),
attachType, fileName;
if (!options.isMedia) {
attachType = 'document';
fileName = 'document.' + file.type.split('/')[1];
} else if (['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/bmp'].indexOf(file.type) >= 0) {
attachType = 'photo';
fileName = 'photo.' + file.type.split('/')[1];
} else if (file.type.substr(0, 6) == 'video/') {
attachType = 'video';
fileName = 'video.mp4';
} else if (file.type.substr(0, 6) == 'audio/') {
attachType = 'audio';
fileName = 'audio.' + (file.type.split('/')[1] == 'ogg' ? 'ogg' : 'mp3');
} else {
attachType = 'document';
fileName = 'document.' + file.type.split('/')[1];
if (!file.name) {
file.name = fileName;
if (historyStorage === undefined) {
historyStorage = historiesStorage[peerID] = {count: null, history: [], pending: []};
MtpApiManager.getUserID().then(function (fromID) {
var media = {
_: 'messageMediaPending',
type: attachType,
file_name: file.name,
size: file.size,
progress: {percent: 1, total: file.size}
var message = {
_: 'message',
id: messageID,
from_id: fromID,
to_id: AppPeersManager.getOutputPeer(peerID),
flags: 3,
date: tsNow(true) + serverTimeOffset,
message: '',
media: media,
random_id: randomIDS,
pending: true
var toggleError = function (on) {
var historyMessage = messagesForHistory[messageID];
if (on) {
message.error = true;
if (historyMessage) {
historyMessage.error = true;
} else {
delete message.error;
if (historyMessage) {
delete historyMessage.error;
message.send = function () {
var sendFileDeferred = $q.defer();
sendFilePromise.then(function () {
var uploaded = false,
uploadPromise = MtpApiFileManager.uploadFile(file);
uploadPromise.then(function (inputFile) {
uploaded = true;
var inputMedia;
switch (attachType) {
case 'photo':
inputMedia = {_: 'inputMediaUploadedPhoto', file: inputFile};
case 'video':
inputMedia = {_: 'inputMediaUploadedVideo', file: inputFile, duration: 0, w: 0, h: 0, mime_type: file.type};
case 'audio':
inputMedia = {_: 'inputMediaUploadedAudio', file: inputFile, duration: 0, mime_type: file.type};
case 'document':
inputMedia = {_: 'inputMediaUploadedDocument', file: inputFile, file_name: file.name, mime_type: file.type};
MtpApiManager.invokeApi('messages.sendMedia', {
peer: inputPeer,
media: inputMedia,
random_id: randomID
}).then(function (statedMessage) {
message.date = statedMessage.message.date;
message.id = statedMessage.message.id;
message.media = statedMessage.message.media;
_: 'updates',
users: statedMessage.users,
chats: statedMessage.chats,
seq: statedMessage.seq,
updates: [{
_: 'updateMessageID',
random_id: randomIDS,
id: statedMessage.message.id
}, {
_: 'updateNewMessage',
message: message,
pts: statedMessage.pts
}, function (error) {
}, function (error) {
}, function (progress) {
// console.log('upload progress', progress);
media.progress.done = progress.done;
media.progress.percent = Math.max(1, Math.floor(100 * progress.done / progress.total));
$rootScope.$broadcast('history_update', {peerID: peerID});
media.progress.cancel = function () {
if (!uploaded) {
uploadPromise['finally'](function () {
sendFilePromise = sendFileDeferred.promise;
$rootScope.$broadcast('history_append', {peerID: peerID, messageID: messageID, my: true});
pendingByRandomID[randomIDS] = [peerID, messageID];
function sendOther(peerID, inputMedia) {
var messageID = tempID--,
randomID = [nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)],
randomIDS = bigint(randomID[0]).shiftLeft(32).add(bigint(randomID[1])).toString(),
historyStorage = historiesStorage[peerID],
inputPeer = AppPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID);
if (historyStorage === undefined) {
historyStorage = historiesStorage[peerID] = {count: null, history: [], pending: []};
MtpApiManager.getUserID().then(function (fromID) {
var media;
switch (inputMedia._) {
case 'inputMediaContact':
media = angular.extend({}, inputMedia, {_: 'messageMediaContact'});
case 'inputMediaPhoto':
media = {photo: AppPhotosManager.getPhoto(inputMedia.id.id)};
var message = {
_: 'message',
id: messageID,
from_id: fromID,
to_id: AppPeersManager.getOutputPeer(peerID),
flags: 3,
date: tsNow(true) + serverTimeOffset,
message: '',
media: media,
random_id: randomIDS,
pending: true
var toggleError = function (on) {
var historyMessage = messagesForHistory[messageID];
if (on) {
message.error = true;
if (historyMessage) {
historyMessage.error = true;
} else {
delete message.error;
if (historyMessage) {
delete historyMessage.error;
message.send = function () {
MtpApiManager.invokeApi('messages.sendMedia', {
peer: inputPeer,
media: inputMedia,
random_id: randomID
}).then(function (statedMessage) {
message.date = statedMessage.message.date;
message.id = statedMessage.message.id;
message.media = statedMessage.message.media;
_: 'updates',
users: statedMessage.users,
chats: statedMessage.chats,
seq: statedMessage.seq,
updates: [{
_: 'updateMessageID',
random_id: randomIDS,
id: statedMessage.message.id
}, {
_: 'updateNewMessage',
message: message,
pts: statedMessage.pts
}, function (error) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('history_append', {peerID: peerID, messageID: messageID, my: true});
pendingByRandomID[randomIDS] = [peerID, messageID];
function forwardMessages (peerID, msgIDs) {
msgIDs = msgIDs.sort();
return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('messages.forwardMessages', {
peer: AppPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID),
id: msgIDs
}).then(function (statedMessages) {
var updates = [];
angular.forEach(statedMessages.messages, function(apiMessage) {
_: 'updateNewMessage',
message: apiMessage,
pts: statedMessages.pts
_: 'updates',
users: statedMessages.users,
chats: statedMessages.chats,
seq: statedMessages.seq,
updates: updates
function cancelPendingMessage (randomID) {
var pendingData = pendingByRandomID[randomID];
console.log('pending', randomID, pendingData);
if (pendingData) {
var peerID = pendingData[0],
tempID = pendingData[1],
historyStorage = historiesStorage[peerID],
_: 'updateShort',
update: {
_: 'updateDeleteMessages',
messages: [tempID]
for (i = 0; i < historyStorage.pending.length; i++) {
if (historyStorage.pending[i] == tempID) {
historyStorage.pending.splice(i, 1);
delete messagesForHistory[tempID];
delete messagesStorage[tempID];
return true;
return false;
function finalizePendingMessage(randomID, finalMessage) {
var pendingData = pendingByRandomID[randomID];
// console.log('pdata', randomID, pendingData);
if (pendingData) {
var peerID = pendingData[0],
tempID = pendingData[1],
historyStorage = historiesStorage[peerID],
index = false,
message = false,
historyMessage = false,
// console.log('pending', randomID, historyStorage.pending);
for (i = 0; i < historyStorage.pending.length; i++) {
if (historyStorage.pending[i] == tempID) {
historyStorage.pending.splice(i, 1);
if (message = messagesStorage[tempID]) {
delete message.pending;
delete message.error;
delete message.random_id;
delete message.send;
if (historyMessage = messagesForHistory[tempID]) {
messagesForHistory[finalMessage.id] = angular.extend(historyMessage, wrapForHistory(finalMessage.id));
delete historyMessage.pending;
delete historyMessage.error;
delete historyMessage.random_id;
delete historyMessage.send;
delete messagesForHistory[tempID];
delete messagesStorage[tempID];
return message;
return false;
function getMessagePeer (message) {
var toID = message.to_id && AppPeersManager.getPeerID(message.to_id) || 0;
if (toID < 0) {
return toID;
} else if (message.out || message.flags & 2) {
return toID;
return message.from_id;
function wrapForDialog (msgID, unreadCount) {
var useCache = unreadCount != -1;
if (useCache && messagesForDialogs[msgID] !== undefined) {
return messagesForDialogs[msgID];
var message = angular.copy(messagesStorage[msgID]) || {id: msgID};
message.fromUser = AppUsersManager.getUser(message.from_id);
if (message.chatID = message.to_id.chat_id) {
message.peerID = -message.chatID;
message.peerData = AppChatsManager.getChat(message.chatID);
message.peerString = AppChatsManager.getChatString(message.chatID);
} else {
message.peerID = message.out ? message.to_id.user_id : message.from_id;
message.peerData = AppUsersManager.getUser(message.peerID);
message.peerString = AppUsersManager.getUserString(message.peerID);
message.peerPhoto = AppPeersManager.getPeerPhoto(message.peerID, 'User', 'Group');
message.unreadCount = unreadCount;
if (message._ == 'messageService' && message.action.user_id) {
message.action.user = AppUsersManager.getUser(message.action.user_id);
if (message.message && message.message.length) {
message.richMessage = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(message.message.substr(0, 64), {noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true});
message.dateText = dateOrTimeFilter(message.date);
if (useCache) {
messagesForDialogs[msgID] = message;
return message;
function wrapForHistory (msgID) {
if (messagesForHistory[msgID] !== undefined) {
return messagesForHistory[msgID];
var message = angular.copy(messagesStorage[msgID]) || {id: msgID};
if (message.media && message.media.progress !== undefined) {
message.media.progress = messagesStorage[msgID].media.progress;
if (message.media) {
switch (message.media._) {
case 'messageMediaPhoto':
message.media.photo = AppPhotosManager.wrapForHistory(message.media.photo.id)
case 'messageMediaVideo':
message.media.video = AppVideoManager.wrapForHistory(message.media.video.id);
case 'messageMediaDocument':
message.media.document = AppDocsManager.wrapForHistory(message.media.document.id);
case 'messageMediaAudio':
message.media.audio = AppAudioManager.wrapForHistory(message.media.audio.id);
case 'messageMediaContact':
message.media.rFullName = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(
message.media.first_name + ' ' + (message.media.last_name || ''),
{noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true}
case 'messageMediaEmpty':
delete message.media;
else if (message.action) {
switch (message.action._) {
case 'messageActionChatEditPhoto':
message.action.photo = AppPhotosManager.wrapForHistory(message.action.photo.id);
case 'messageActionChatCreate':
case 'messageActionChatEditTitle':
message.action.rTitle = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(message.action.title, {noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true}) || _('chat_title_deleted');
if (message.message && message.message.length) {
message.richMessage = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(message.message);
return messagesForHistory[msgID] = message;
function regroupWrappedHistory (history, limit) {
if (!history || !history.length) {
return false;
var start = 0,
len = history.length,
end = len,
i, curDay, prevDay, curMessage, prevMessage, curGrouped, prevGrouped,
wasUpdated = false,
groupFwd = !Config.Mobile;
if (limit > 0) {
end = Math.min(limit, len);
} else if (limit < 0) {
start = Math.max(0, end + limit);
for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
curMessage = history[i];
curDay = Math.floor((curMessage.date + midnightOffset) / 86400);
prevGrouped = prevMessage && prevMessage.grouped;
curGrouped = curMessage.grouped;
if (curDay === prevDay) {
if (curMessage.needDate) {
delete curMessage.needDate;
wasUpdated = true;
} else if (!i || prevMessage) {
if (!curMessage.needDate) {
curMessage.needDate = true;
wasUpdated = true;
if (prevMessage &&
curMessage.from_id == prevMessage.from_id &&
!prevMessage.fwd_from_id == !curMessage.fwd_from_id &&
!prevMessage.action &&
!curMessage.action &&
curMessage.date < prevMessage.date + 900) {
var singleLine = curMessage.message && curMessage.message.length < 70 && curMessage.message.indexOf("\n") == -1;
if (groupFwd && curMessage.fwd_from_id && curMessage.fwd_from_id == prevMessage.fwd_from_id) {
curMessage.grouped = singleLine ? 'im_grouped_fwd_short' : 'im_grouped_fwd';
} else {
curMessage.grouped = !curMessage.fwd_from_id && singleLine ? 'im_grouped_short' : 'im_grouped';
if (groupFwd && curMessage.fwd_from_id) {
if (!prevMessage.grouped) {
prevMessage.grouped = 'im_grouped_fwd_start';
if (curMessage.grouped && i == len - 1) {
curMessage.grouped += ' im_grouped_fwd_end';
} else if (prevMessage || !i) {
delete curMessage.grouped;
if (groupFwd && prevMessage && prevMessage.grouped && prevMessage.fwd_from_id) {
prevMessage.grouped += ' im_grouped_fwd_end';
if (!wasUpdated && prevGrouped != (prevMessage && prevMessage.grouped)) {
wasUpdated = true;
prevMessage = curMessage;
prevDay = curDay;
if (!wasUpdated && curGrouped != (prevMessage && prevMessage.grouped)) {
wasUpdated = true;
return wasUpdated;
function getDialogByPeerID (peerID) {
for (var i = 0; i < dialogsStorage.dialogs.length; i++) {
if (dialogsStorage.dialogs[i].peerID == peerID) {
return [dialogsStorage.dialogs[i], i];
return [];
function notifyAboutMessage (message) {
var peerID = getMessagePeer(message);
var fromUser = AppUsersManager.getUser(message.from_id);
var fromPhoto = AppUsersManager.getUserPhoto(message.from_id, 'User');
var peerString;
var notification = {},
notificationMessage = false,
if (message.message) {
notificationMessage = RichTextProcessor.wrapPlainText(message.message);
} else if (message.media && message.media._ != 'messageMediaEmpty') {
switch (message.media._) {
case 'messageMediaPhoto': notificationMessage = _('conversation_media_photo_raw'); break;
case 'messageMediaVideo': notificationMessage = _('conversation_media_video_raw'); break;
case 'messageMediaDocument': notificationMessage = message.media.document.file_name || _('conversation_media_document_raw'); break;
case 'messageMediaAudio': notificationMessage = _('conversation_media_audio_raw'); break;
case 'messageMediaGeo': notificationMessage = _('conversation_media_location_raw'); break;
case 'messageMediaContact': notificationMessage = _('conversation_media_contact_raw'); break;
default: notificationMessage = _('conversation_media_attachment_raw'); break;
} else if (message._ == 'messageService') {
switch (message.action._) {
case 'messageActionChatCreate': notificationMessage = _('conversation_group_created_raw'); break;
case 'messageActionChatEditTitle': notificationMessage = _('conversation_group_renamed_raw'); break;
case 'messageActionChatEditPhoto': notificationMessage = _('conversation_group_photo_updated_raw'); break;
case 'messageActionChatDeletePhoto': notificationMessage = _('conversation_group_photo_removed_raw'); break;
case 'messageActionChatAddUser':
notificationMessage = message.action.user_id == message.from_id ? _('conversation_returned_to_group') : _('conversation_invited_user_message_raw');
case 'messageActionChatDeleteUser':
notificationMessage = message.action.user_id == message.from_id ? _('conversation_left_group') : _('conversation_kicked_user_message_raw');
if (peerID > 0) {
notification.title = (fromUser.first_name || '') +
(fromUser.first_name && fromUser.last_name ? ' ' : '') +
(fromUser.last_name || '');
notificationPhoto = fromPhoto;
peerString = AppUsersManager.getUserString(peerID);
} else {
notification.title = (fromUser.first_name || fromUser.last_name || _('conversation_unknown_user_raw')) +
' @ ' +
(AppChatsManager.getChat(-peerID).title || _('conversation_unknown_chat_raw'));
notificationPhoto = AppChatsManager.getChatPhoto(-peerID, 'Group');
peerString = AppChatsManager.getChatString(-peerID);
notification.title = RichTextProcessor.wrapPlainText(notification.title);
notification.onclick = function () {
$rootScope.$broadcast('history_focus', {peerString: peerString});
notification.message = notificationMessage;
notification.image = notificationPhoto.placeholder;
notification.key = 'msg' + message.id;
notification.tag = peerString;
if (notificationPhoto.location && !notificationPhoto.location.empty) {
MtpApiFileManager.downloadSmallFile(notificationPhoto.location, notificationPhoto.size).then(function (url) {
notification.image = url;
if (message.unread) {
} else {
if (window.navigator.mozSetMessageHandler) {
window.navigator.mozSetMessageHandler('activity', function(activityRequest) {
var source = activityRequest.source;
console.log(dT(), 'Received activity', source.name, source.data);
if (source.name === 'share' && source.data.blobs.length > 0) {
PeersSelectService.selectPeer({confirm_type: 'EXT_SHARE_PEER'}).then(function (peerString) {
var peerID = AppPeersManager.getPeerID(peerString);
angular.forEach(source.data.blobs, function (blob) {
sendFile(peerID, blob, {isMedia: true});
$rootScope.$broadcast('history_focus', {peerString: peerString});
$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', function (e, update) {
// if (update._ != 'updateUserStatus') {
// console.log('on apiUpdate', update);
// }
switch (update._) {
case 'updateMessageID':
pendingByMessageID[update.id] = update.random_id;
case 'updateNewMessage':
var message = update.message,
peerID = getMessagePeer(message),
historyStorage = historiesStorage[peerID];
if (historyStorage !== undefined) {
var topMsgID = historiesStorage[peerID].history[0];
if (historiesStorage[peerID].history.indexOf(message.id) != -1) {
return false;
else {
if (message.id > 0 && message.id < topMsgID || true) {
historyStorage.history.sort(function (a, b) {
return b - a;
} else {
historyStorage = historiesStorage[peerID] = {count: null, history: [message.id], pending: []};
if (!message.out) {
if (historyStorage.count !== null) {
var randomID = pendingByMessageID[message.id],
if (randomID) {
if (pendingMessage = finalizePendingMessage(randomID, message)) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('history_update', {peerID: peerID});
delete pendingByMessageID[message.id];
if (!pendingMessage) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('history_append', {peerID: peerID, messageID: message.id});
var foundDialog = getDialogByPeerID(peerID),
if (foundDialog.length) {
dialog = foundDialog[0];
dialogsStorage.dialogs.splice(foundDialog[1], 1);
} else {
dialog = {peerID: peerID, unread_count: 0, top_message: false}
if (!message.out && message.unread) {
// console.log('inc unread count', dialog.unread_count);
dialog.top_message = message.id;
// console.log('new message', message, peerID, historyStorage, foundDialog, dialog);
SearchIndexManager.indexObject(peerID, AppPeersManager.getPeerSearchText(peerID), dialogsIndex);
$rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_update', dialog);
if ((Config.Mobile && $rootScope.selectedPeerID != peerID || $rootScope.idle.isIDLE) &&
!message.out &&
message.unread) {
NotificationsManager.getPeerMuted(peerID).then(function (muted) {
if (!message.unread || muted) {
case 'updateReadMessages':
var dialogsUpdated = {},
messageID, message, i, peerID, foundDialog, dialog,
foundAffected = false;
for (i = 0; i < update.messages.length; i++) {
messageID = update.messages[i];
message = messagesStorage[messageID];
// console.log('read', messageID, message.unread, message);
if (message && message.unread) {
message.unread = false;
if (messagesForHistory[messageID]) {
messagesForHistory[messageID].unread = false;
if (!foundAffected) {
foundAffected = true;
if (messagesForDialogs[messageID]) {
messagesForDialogs[messageID].unread = false;
peerID = getMessagePeer(message);
if (!message.out) {
foundDialog = getDialogByPeerID(peerID);
if (foundDialog) {
dialogsUpdated[peerID] = --foundDialog[0].unread_count;
NotificationsManager.cancel('msg' + messageID);
else if (peerID > 0) {
angular.forEach(dialogsUpdated, function(count, peerID) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_unread', {peerID: peerID, count: count});
if (foundAffected) {
case 'updateDeleteMessages':
var dialogsUpdated = {},
historiesUpdated = {},
messageID, message, i, peerID, foundDialog, dialog, history;
for (i = 0; i < update.messages.length; i++) {
messageID = update.messages[i];
message = messagesStorage[messageID];
if (message) {
peerID = getMessagePeer(message);
history = historiesUpdated[peerID] || (historiesUpdated[peerID] = {count: 0, unread: 0, msgs: {}});
if (!message.out && message.unread) {
NotificationsManager.cancel('msg' + messageID);
history.msgs[messageID] = true;
if (messagesForHistory[messageID]) {
messagesForHistory[messageID].deleted = true;
delete messagesForHistory[messageID];
if (messagesForDialogs[messageID]) {
messagesForDialogs[messageID].deleted = true;
delete messagesForDialogs[messageID];
message.deleted = true;
messagesStorage[messageID] = {
deleted: true,
id: messageID,
from_id: message.from_id,
to_id: message.to_id,
flags: message.flags,
out: message.out,
unread: message.unread,
date: message.date
angular.forEach(historiesUpdated, function (updatedData, peerID) {
var foundDialog = getDialogByPeerID(peerID);
if (foundDialog) {
if (updatedData.unread) {
foundDialog[0].unread_count -= updatedData.unread;
$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_unread', {peerID: peerID, count: foundDialog[0].unread_count});
var historyStorage = historiesStorage[peerID];
if (historyStorage !== undefined) {
var newHistory = [],
newPending = [];
for (var i = 0; i < historyStorage.history.length; i++) {
if (!updatedData.msgs[historyStorage.history[i]]) {
historyStorage.history = newHistory;
for (var i = 0; i < historyStorage.pending.length; i++) {
if (!updatedData.msgs[historyStorage.pending[i]]) {
historyStorage.pending = newPending;
$rootScope.$broadcast('history_delete', {peerID: peerID, msgs: updatedData.msgs});
return {
getDialogs: getDialogs,
getHistory: getHistory,
getSearch: getSearch,
getMessage: getMessage,
readHistory: readHistory,
flushHistory: flushHistory,
deleteMessages: deleteMessages,
saveMessages: saveMessages,
sendText: sendText,
sendFile: sendFile,
sendOther: sendOther,
forwardMessages: forwardMessages,
getMessagePeer: getMessagePeer,
wrapForDialog: wrapForDialog,
wrapForHistory: wrapForHistory,
regroupWrappedHistory: regroupWrappedHistory
.service('AppPhotosManager', function ($modal, $window, $timeout, $rootScope, MtpApiManager, MtpApiFileManager, AppUsersManager, FileManager) {
var photos = {},
windowW = $(window).width(),
windowH = $(window).height();
function savePhoto (apiPhoto) {
photos[apiPhoto.id] = apiPhoto;
angular.forEach(apiPhoto.sizes, function (photoSize) {
if (photoSize._ == 'photoCachedSize') {
MtpApiFileManager.saveSmallFile(photoSize.location, photoSize.bytes);
// Memory
photoSize.size = photoSize.bytes.length;
delete photoSize.bytes;
photoSize._ = 'photoSize';
function choosePhotoSize (photo, width, height) {
var bestPhotoSize = {_: 'photoSizeEmpty'},
bestDiff = 0xFFFFFF;
angular.forEach(photo.sizes, function (photoSize) {
var diff = Math.abs(photoSize.w * photoSize.h - width * height);
if (diff < bestDiff) {
bestPhotoSize = photoSize;
bestDiff = diff;
// console.log('choosing', photo, width, height, bestPhotoSize);
return bestPhotoSize;
function getUserPhotos (inputUser, maxID, limit) {
return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('photos.getUserPhotos', {
user_id: inputUser,
offset: 0,
limit: limit || 20,
max_id: maxID || 0
}).then(function (photosResult) {
var photoIDs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < photosResult.photos.length; i++) {
return {
count: photosResult.count || photosResult.photos.length,
photos: photoIDs
function preloadPhoto (photoID) {
if (!photos[photoID]) {
var photo = photos[photoID],
fullWidth = $(window).width() - 36,
fullHeight = $($window).height() - 150,
fullPhotoSize = choosePhotoSize(photo, fullWidth, fullHeight);
if (fullPhotoSize && !fullPhotoSize.preloaded) {
fullPhotoSize.preloaded = true;
if (fullPhotoSize.size) {
MtpApiFileManager.downloadFile(fullPhotoSize.location.dc_id, {
_: 'inputFileLocation',
volume_id: fullPhotoSize.location.volume_id,
local_id: fullPhotoSize.location.local_id,
secret: fullPhotoSize.location.secret
}, fullPhotoSize.size);
} else {
$rootScope.preloadPhoto = preloadPhoto;
function getPhoto (photoID) {
return photos[photoID] || {_: 'photoEmpty'};
function wrapForHistory (photoID) {
var photo = angular.copy(photos[photoID]) || {_: 'photoEmpty'},
width = Math.min(windowW - 80, Config.Mobile ? 210 : 260),
height = Math.min(windowH - 100, Config.Mobile ? 210 : 260),
thumbPhotoSize = choosePhotoSize(photo, width, height),
thumb = {
placeholder: 'img/placeholders/PhotoThumbConversation.gif',
width: width,
height: height
// console.log('chosen photo size', photoID, thumbPhotoSize);
if (thumbPhotoSize && thumbPhotoSize._ != 'photoSizeEmpty') {
if ((thumbPhotoSize.w / thumbPhotoSize.h) > (width / height)) {
thumb.height = parseInt(thumbPhotoSize.h * width / thumbPhotoSize.w);
else {
thumb.width = parseInt(thumbPhotoSize.w * height / thumbPhotoSize.h);
if (thumb.width > width) {
thumb.height = parseInt(thumb.height * width / thumb.width);
thumb.width = width;
thumb.location = thumbPhotoSize.location;
thumb.size = thumbPhotoSize.size;
} else {
thumb.width = 100;
thumb.height = 100;
photo.thumb = thumb;
return photo;
function wrapForFull (photoID) {
var photo = wrapForHistory(photoID),
fullWidth = $(window).width() - (Config.Mobile ? 20 : 36),
fullHeight = $($window).height() - 150,
fullPhotoSize = choosePhotoSize(photo, fullWidth, fullHeight),
full = {
placeholder: 'img/placeholders/PhotoThumbModal.gif'
if (fullWidth > 800) {
fullWidth -= 200;
full.width = fullWidth;
full.height = fullHeight;
if (fullPhotoSize && fullPhotoSize._ != 'photoSizeEmpty') {
var wh = calcImageInBox(fullPhotoSize.w, fullPhotoSize.h, fullWidth, fullHeight, Config.Mobile);
full.width = wh.w;
full.height = wh.h;
full.modalWidth = Math.max(full.width, Math.min(400, fullWidth));
full.location = fullPhotoSize.location;
full.size = fullPhotoSize.size;
photo.full = full;
return photo;
function openPhoto (photoID, peerListID) {
if (!photoID || photoID === '0') {
return false;
var scope = $rootScope.$new(true);
scope.photoID = photoID;
if (peerListID < 0) {
scope.userID = -peerListID;
} else{
scope.messageID = peerListID;
var modalInstance = $modal.open({
templateUrl: templateUrl('photo_modal'),
controller: scope.userID ? 'UserpicModalController' : 'PhotoModalController',
scope: scope,
windowClass: 'photo_modal_window'
function downloadPhoto (photoID) {
var photo = photos[photoID],
ext = 'jpg',
mimeType = 'image/jpeg',
fileName = 'photo' + photoID + '.' + ext,
fullWidth = Math.max(screen.width || 0, $(window).width() - 36, 800),
fullHeight = Math.max(screen.height || 0, $($window).height() - 150, 800),
fullPhotoSize = choosePhotoSize(photo, fullWidth, fullHeight),
inputFileLocation = {
_: 'inputFileLocation',
volume_id: fullPhotoSize.location.volume_id,
local_id: fullPhotoSize.location.local_id,
secret: fullPhotoSize.location.secret
FileManager.chooseSave(fileName, ext, mimeType).then(function (writableFileEntry) {
if (writableFileEntry) {
fullPhotoSize.location.dc_id, inputFileLocation, fullPhotoSize.size, {
mime: mimeType,
toFileEntry: writableFileEntry
}).then(function (url) {
// console.log('file save done');
}, function (e) {
console.log('photo download failed', e);
}, function () {
fullPhotoSize.location.dc_id, inputFileLocation, fullPhotoSize.size, {mime: mimeType}
).then(function (url) {
FileManager.download(url, mimeType, fileName);
}, function (e) {
console.log('photo download failed', e);
$rootScope.openPhoto = openPhoto;
return {
savePhoto: savePhoto,
preloadPhoto: preloadPhoto,
getUserPhotos: getUserPhotos,
getPhoto: getPhoto,
wrapForHistory: wrapForHistory,
wrapForFull: wrapForFull,
openPhoto: openPhoto,
downloadPhoto: downloadPhoto
.service('AppVideoManager', function ($sce, $rootScope, $modal, $window, $timeout, MtpApiFileManager, AppUsersManager, FileManager) {
var videos = {},
videosForHistory = {},
windowW = $(window).width(),
windowH = $(window).height();
function saveVideo (apiVideo) {
videos[apiVideo.id] = apiVideo;
if (apiVideo.thumb && apiVideo.thumb._ == 'photoCachedSize') {
MtpApiFileManager.saveSmallFile(apiVideo.thumb.location, apiVideo.thumb.bytes);
// Memory
apiVideo.thumb.size = apiVideo.thumb.bytes.length;
delete apiVideo.thumb.bytes;
apiVideo.thumb._ = 'photoSize';
function wrapForHistory (videoID) {
if (videosForHistory[videoID] !== undefined) {
return videosForHistory[videoID];
var video = angular.copy(videos[videoID]),
width = Math.min(windowW - 80, Config.Mobile ? 210 : 150),
height = Math.min(windowH - 100, Config.Mobile ? 210 : 150),
thumbPhotoSize = video.thumb,
thumb = {
placeholder: 'img/placeholders/VideoThumbConversation.gif',
width: width,
height: height
if (thumbPhotoSize && thumbPhotoSize._ != 'photoSizeEmpty') {
if ((thumbPhotoSize.w / thumbPhotoSize.h) > (width / height)) {
thumb.height = parseInt(thumbPhotoSize.h * width / thumbPhotoSize.w);
else {
thumb.width = parseInt(thumbPhotoSize.w * height / thumbPhotoSize.h);
if (thumb.width > width) {
thumb.height = parseInt(thumb.height * width / thumb.width);
thumb.width = width;
thumb.location = thumbPhotoSize.location;
thumb.size = thumbPhotoSize.size;
video.thumb = thumb;
return videosForHistory[videoID] = video;
function wrapForFull (videoID) {
var video = wrapForHistory(videoID),
fullWidth = Math.min($(window).width() - 60, 542),
fullHeight = $($window).height() - 150,
fullPhotoSize = video,
full = {
placeholder: 'img/placeholders/VideoThumbModal.gif',
width: fullWidth,
height: fullHeight,
if (!video.w || !video.h) {
full.height = full.width = Math.min(fullWidth, fullHeight);
} else {
var wh = calcImageInBox(video.w, video.h, fullWidth, fullHeight);
full.width = wh.w;
full.height = wh.h;
video.full = full;
video.fullThumb = angular.copy(video.thumb);
video.fullThumb.width = full.width;
video.fullThumb.height = full.height;
return video;
function openVideo (videoID, messageID) {
var scope = $rootScope.$new(true);
scope.videoID = videoID;
scope.messageID = messageID;
return $modal.open({
templateUrl: templateUrl('video_modal'),
controller: 'VideoModalController',
scope: scope,
windowClass: 'video_modal_window'
function updateVideoDownloaded (videoID) {
var video = videos[videoID],
historyVideo = videosForHistory[videoID] || video || {},
inputFileLocation = {
_: 'inputVideoFileLocation',
id: videoID,
access_hash: video.access_hash
// historyVideo.progress = {enabled: true, percent: 10, total: video.size};
if (historyVideo.downloaded === undefined) {
MtpApiFileManager.getDownloadedFile(inputFileLocation, video.size).then(function () {
historyVideo.downloaded = true;
}, function () {
historyVideo.downloaded = false;
function downloadVideo (videoID, toFileEntry) {
var video = videos[videoID],
historyVideo = videosForHistory[videoID] || video || {},
inputFileLocation = {
_: 'inputVideoFileLocation',
id: videoID,
access_hash: video.access_hash
historyVideo.progress = {enabled: !historyVideo.downloaded, percent: 1, total: video.size};
var downloadPromise = MtpApiFileManager.downloadFile(video.dc_id, inputFileLocation, video.size, {
mime: video.mime_type || 'video/ogg',
toFileEntry: toFileEntry
downloadPromise.then(function (url) {
delete historyVideo.progress;
historyVideo.url = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(url);
historyVideo.downloaded = true;
console.log('video save done');
}, function (e) {
console.log('video download failed', e);
historyVideo.progress.enabled = false;
}, function (progress) {
console.log('dl progress', progress);
historyVideo.progress.enabled = true;
historyVideo.progress.done = progress.done;
historyVideo.progress.percent = Math.max(1, Math.floor(100 * progress.done / progress.total));
historyVideo.progress.cancel = downloadPromise.cancel;
return downloadPromise;
function saveVideoFile (videoID) {
var video = videos[videoID],
mimeType = video.mime_type || 'video/mpeg4',
fileExt = mimeType.split('.')[1] || 'mp4',
fileName = 't_video' + videoID + '.' + fileExt,
historyVideo = videosForHistory[videoID] || video || {};
FileManager.chooseSave(fileName, fileExt, mimeType).then(function (writableFileEntry) {
if (writableFileEntry) {
downloadVideo(videoID, writableFileEntry);
}, function () {
downloadVideo(videoID).then(function (url) {
FileManager.download(url, mimeType, fileName);
return {
saveVideo: saveVideo,
wrapForHistory: wrapForHistory,
wrapForFull: wrapForFull,
openVideo: openVideo,
updateVideoDownloaded: updateVideoDownloaded,
downloadVideo: downloadVideo,
saveVideoFile: saveVideoFile
.service('AppDocsManager', function ($sce, $rootScope, $modal, $window, $timeout, $q, MtpApiFileManager, FileManager) {
var docs = {},
docsForHistory = {},
windowW = $(window).width(),
windowH = $(window).height();
function saveDoc (apiDoc) {
docs[apiDoc.id] = apiDoc;
if (apiDoc.thumb && apiDoc.thumb._ == 'photoCachedSize') {
MtpApiFileManager.saveSmallFile(apiDoc.thumb.location, apiDoc.thumb.bytes);
// Memory
apiDoc.thumb.size = apiDoc.thumb.bytes.length;
delete apiDoc.thumb.bytes;
apiDoc.thumb._ = 'photoSize';
function wrapForHistory (docID) {
if (docsForHistory[docID] !== undefined) {
return docsForHistory[docID];
var doc = angular.copy(docs[docID]),
isGif = doc.mime_type == 'image/gif',
isAudio = doc.mime_type.substr(0, 6) == 'audio/',
width = isGif ? Math.min(windowW - 80, 260) : 100,
height = isGif ? Math.min(windowH - 100, 260) : 100,
thumbPhotoSize = doc.thumb,
thumb = {
width: width,
height: height
if (thumbPhotoSize && thumbPhotoSize._ != 'photoSizeEmpty') {
if ((thumbPhotoSize.w / thumbPhotoSize.h) > (width / height)) {
thumb.height = parseInt(thumbPhotoSize.h * width / thumbPhotoSize.w);
else {
thumb.width = parseInt(thumbPhotoSize.w * height / thumbPhotoSize.h);
if (thumb.width > width) {
thumb.height = parseInt(thumb.height * width / thumb.width);
thumb.width = width;
thumb.location = thumbPhotoSize.location;
thumb.size = thumbPhotoSize.size;
} else {
thumb = false;
doc.thumb = thumb;
doc.canDownload = !(window.chrome && chrome.fileSystem && chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry);
doc.withPreview = doc.canDownload && doc.mime_type.match(/^(image\/|application\/pdf)/) ? 1 : 0;
if (isGif && doc.thumb) {
doc.isSpecial = 'gif';
else if (isAudio) {
doc.isSpecial = 'audio';
return docsForHistory[docID] = doc;
function updateDocDownloaded (docID) {
var doc = docs[docID],
historyDoc = docsForHistory[docID] || doc || {},
inputFileLocation = {
_: 'inputDocumentFileLocation',
id: docID,
access_hash: doc.access_hash
// historyDoc.progress = {enabled: true, percent: 10, total: doc.size};
if (historyDoc.downloaded === undefined) {
MtpApiFileManager.getDownloadedFile(inputFileLocation, doc.size).then(function () {
historyDoc.downloaded = true;
}, function () {
historyDoc.downloaded = false;
function downloadDoc (docID, toFileEntry) {
var doc = docs[docID],
historyDoc = docsForHistory[docID] || doc || {},
inputFileLocation = {
_: 'inputDocumentFileLocation',
id: docID,
access_hash: doc.access_hash
historyDoc.progress = {enabled: !historyDoc.downloaded, percent: 1, total: doc.size};
var downloadPromise = MtpApiFileManager.downloadFile(doc.dc_id, inputFileLocation, doc.size, {
mime: doc.mime_type,
toFileEntry: toFileEntry
downloadPromise.then(function (url) {
delete historyDoc.progress;
historyDoc.url = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(url);
historyDoc.downloaded = true;
console.log('file save done');
}, function (e) {
console.log('document download failed', e);
historyDoc.progress.enabled = false;
}, function (progress) {
console.log('dl progress', progress);
historyDoc.progress.enabled = true;
historyDoc.progress.done = progress.done;
historyDoc.progress.percent = Math.max(1, Math.floor(100 * progress.done / progress.total));
historyDoc.progress.cancel = downloadPromise.cancel;
return downloadPromise;
function openDoc (docID, messageID) {
var scope = $rootScope.$new(true);
scope.docID = docID;
scope.messageID = messageID;
var modalInstance = $modal.open({
templateUrl: templateUrl('document_modal'),
controller: 'DocumentModalController',
scope: scope,
windowClass: 'document_modal_window'
function saveDocFile (docID) {
var doc = docs[docID],
historyDoc = docsForHistory[docID] || doc || {};
var ext = (doc.file_name.split('.', 2) || [])[1] || '';
FileManager.chooseSave(doc.file_name, ext, doc.mime_type).then(function (writableFileEntry) {
if (writableFileEntry) {
downloadDoc(docID, writableFileEntry);
}, function () {
downloadDoc(docID).then(function (url) {
FileManager.download(url, doc.mime_type, doc.file_name);
return {
saveDoc: saveDoc,
wrapForHistory: wrapForHistory,
updateDocDownloaded: updateDocDownloaded,
downloadDoc: downloadDoc,
openDoc: openDoc,
saveDocFile: saveDocFile
.service('AppAudioManager', function ($sce, $rootScope, $modal, $window, $timeout, MtpApiFileManager, FileManager) {
var audios = {};
var audiosForHistory = {};
function saveAudio (apiAudio) {
audios[apiAudio.id] = apiAudio;
function wrapForHistory (audioID) {
if (audiosForHistory[audioID] !== undefined) {
return audiosForHistory[audioID];
var audio = angular.copy(audios[audioID]);
return audiosForHistory[audioID] = audio;
function updateAudioDownloaded (audioID) {
var audio = audios[audioID],
historyAudio = audiosForHistory[audioID] || audio || {},
inputFileLocation = {
_: 'inputAudioFileLocation',
id: audioID,
access_hash: audio.access_hash
// historyAudio.progress = {enabled: !historyAudio.downloaded, percent: 10, total: audio.size};
if (historyAudio.downloaded === undefined) {
MtpApiFileManager.getDownloadedFile(inputFileLocation, audio.size).then(function () {
historyAudio.downloaded = true;
}, function () {
historyAudio.downloaded = false;
function downloadAudio (audioID, toFileEntry) {
var audio = audios[audioID],
historyAudio = audiosForHistory[audioID] || audio || {},
inputFileLocation = {
_: 'inputAudioFileLocation',
id: audioID,
access_hash: audio.access_hash
historyAudio.progress = {enabled: !historyAudio.downloaded, percent: 1, total: audio.size};
var downloadPromise = MtpApiFileManager.downloadFile(audio.dc_id, inputFileLocation, audio.size, {
mime: audio.mime_type || 'audio/ogg',
toFileEntry: toFileEntry
downloadPromise.then(function (url) {
delete historyAudio.progress;
historyAudio.url = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(url);
historyAudio.downloaded = true;
console.log('audio save done');
}, function (e) {
console.log('audio download failed', e);
historyAudio.progress.enabled = false;
}, function (progress) {
console.log('dl progress', progress);
historyAudio.progress.enabled = true;
historyAudio.progress.done = progress.done;
historyAudio.progress.percent = Math.max(1, Math.floor(100 * progress.done / progress.total));
historyAudio.progress.cancel = downloadPromise.cancel;
return downloadPromise;
function saveAudioFile (audioID) {
var audio = audios[audioID],
mimeType = audio.mime_type || 'audio/ogg',
fileExt = mimeType.split('.')[1] || 'ogg',
fileName = 't_audio' + audioID + '.' + fileExt,
historyAudio = audiosForHistory[audioID] || audio || {};
FileManager.chooseSave(fileName, fileExt, mimeType).then(function (writableFileEntry) {
if (writableFileEntry) {
downloadAudio(audioID, writableFileEntry);
}, function () {
downloadAudio(audioID).then(function (url) {
FileManager.download(url, mimeType, fileName);
return {
saveAudio: saveAudio,
wrapForHistory: wrapForHistory,
updateAudioDownloaded: updateAudioDownloaded,
downloadAudio: downloadAudio,
saveAudioFile: saveAudioFile
.service('ApiUpdatesManager', function ($rootScope, MtpNetworkerFactory, AppUsersManager, AppChatsManager, AppPeersManager, MtpApiManager) {
var isSynchronizing = true,
getDifferencePending = false,
curState = {},
pendingUpdates = {};
function popPendingUpdate () {
var nextSeq = curState.seq + 1,
updateMessage = pendingUpdates[nextSeq];
if (updateMessage) {
console.log(dT(), 'pop pending update', nextSeq, updateMessage);
if (processUpdateMessage(updateMessage)) {
delete pendingUpdates[nextSeq];
function forceGetDifference () {
if (!isSynchronizing) {
function processUpdateMessage (updateMessage) {
if (updateMessage.seq) {
if (!saveSeq(updateMessage.seq, updateMessage.seq_start)) {
pendingUpdates[updateMessage.seq_start || updateMessage.seq] = updateMessage;
return false;
if (updateMessage.date) {
curState.date = updateMessage.date;
switch (updateMessage._) {
case 'updatesTooLong':
case 'new_session_created':
case 'updateShort':
case 'updateShortMessage':
if (!AppUsersManager.hasUser(updateMessage.from_id)) {
console.log('User not found', updateMessage.from_id, 'getDiff');
_: 'updateNewMessage',
message: {
_: 'message',
id: updateMessage.id,
from_id: updateMessage.from_id,
to_id: AppPeersManager.getOutputPeer(MtpApiManager.getUserID()),
flags: 1,
date: updateMessage.date,
message: updateMessage.message,
media: {_: 'messageMediaEmpty'}
pts: updateMessage.pts
case 'updateShortChatMessage':
if (!AppUsersManager.hasUser(updateMessage.from_id) ||
!AppChatsManager.hasChat(updateMessage.chat_id)) {
console.log('User or chat not found', updateMessage.from_id, updateMessage.chat_id, 'getDiff');
_: 'updateNewMessage',
message: {
_: 'message',
id: updateMessage.id,
from_id: updateMessage.from_id,
to_id: AppPeersManager.getOutputPeer(-updateMessage.chat_id),
flags: 1,
date: updateMessage.date,
message: updateMessage.message,
media: {_: 'messageMediaEmpty'}
pts: updateMessage.pts
case 'updatesCombined':
case 'updates':
var i, update, message;
for (var i = 0; i < updateMessage.updates.length; i++) {
update = updateMessage.updates[i];
switch (update._) {
case 'updateNewMessage':
message = update.message;
if (message.from_id && !AppUsersManager.hasUser(message.from_id)) {
console.log('User not found', message.from_id, 'getDiff');
return false;
if (message.to_id.chat_id && !AppChatsManager.hasChat(message.to_id.chat_id)) {
console.log('Chat not found', message.to_id.chat_id, 'getDiff');
return false;
angular.forEach(updateMessage.updates, function (update) {
console.warn(dT(), 'Unknown update message', updateMessage);
if (getDifferencePending && curState.seq >= getDifferencePending.seqAwaiting) {
console.log(dT(), 'cancel pending getDiff', getDifferencePending.seqAwaiting);
getDifferencePending = false;
return true;
function getDifference () {
isSynchronizing = true;
if (getDifferencePending) {
getDifferencePending = false;
MtpApiManager.invokeApi('updates.getDifference', {pts: curState.pts, date: curState.date, qts: 0}).then(function (differenceResult) {
if (differenceResult._ == 'updates.differenceEmpty') {
console.log(dT(), 'apply empty diff', differenceResult.seq);
curState.date = differenceResult.date;
curState.seq = differenceResult.seq;
isSynchronizing = false;
return false;
// Should be first because of updateMessageID
angular.forEach(differenceResult.other_updates, function(update){
angular.forEach(differenceResult.new_messages, function (apiMessage) {
_: 'updateNewMessage',
message: apiMessage,
pts: curState.pts
var nextState = differenceResult.intermediate_state || differenceResult.state;
curState.seq = nextState.seq;
curState.pts = nextState.pts;
curState.date = nextState.date;
console.log(dT(), 'apply diff', curState.seq, curState.pts);
if (differenceResult._ == 'updates.differenceSlice') {
} else {
isSynchronizing = false;
function saveUpdate (update) {
if (update.pts) {
curState.pts = update.pts;
$rootScope.$broadcast('apiUpdate', update);
function saveSeq (seq, seqStart) {
seqStart = seqStart || seq;
if (!seqStart) {
return true;
if (isSynchronizing) {
console.log(dT(), 'Seq decline', seqStart);
return false;
if (seqStart != curState.seq + 1) {
if (seqStart > curState.seq) {
console.warn(dT(), 'Seq hole', seqStart, getDifferencePending && getDifferencePending.seqAwaiting);
if (!getDifferencePending) {
getDifferencePending = {
seqAwaiting: seqStart,
timeout: setTimeout(function () {
}, 5000)
return false;
} else {
// console.log(dT(), 'Seq apply', seqStart);
curState.seq = seq;
return true;
function attach () {
MtpApiManager.invokeApi('updates.getState', {}, {noErrorBox: true}).then(function (stateResult) {
curState.seq = stateResult.seq;
curState.pts = stateResult.pts;
curState.date = stateResult.date;
setTimeout(function () {
isSynchronizing = false;
}, 1000);
return {
processUpdateMessage: processUpdateMessage,
attach: attach
.service('RichTextProcessor', function ($sce, $sanitize, ExternalResourcesManager) {
var emojiUtf = [],
emojiMap = {},
emojiData = Config.Emoji,
emojiIconSize = 18,
emojiSupported = navigator.userAgent.search(/OS X|iPhone|iPad|iOS|Android/i) != -1,
for (emojiCode in emojiData) {
emojiMap[emojiData[emojiCode][0]] = emojiCode;
var regexAlphaChars = "a-z" +
"\\u00c0-\\u00d6\\u00d8-\\u00f6\\u00f8-\\u00ff" + // Latin-1
"\\u0100-\\u024f" + // Latin Extended A and B
"\\u0253\\u0254\\u0256\\u0257\\u0259\\u025b\\u0263\\u0268\\u026f\\u0272\\u0289\\u028b" + // IPA Extensions
"\\u02bb" + // Hawaiian
"\\u0300-\\u036f" + // Combining diacritics
"\\u1e00-\\u1eff" + // Latin Extended Additional (mostly for Vietnamese)
"\\u0400-\\u04ff\\u0500-\\u0527" + // Cyrillic
"\\u2de0-\\u2dff\\ua640-\\ua69f" + // Cyrillic Extended A/B
"\\u0591-\\u05bf\\u05c1-\\u05c2\\u05c4-\\u05c5\\u05c7" +
"\\u05d0-\\u05ea\\u05f0-\\u05f4" + // Hebrew
"\\ufb1d-\\ufb28\\ufb2a-\\ufb36\\ufb38-\\ufb3c\\ufb3e\\ufb40-\\ufb41" +
"\\ufb43-\\ufb44\\ufb46-\\ufb4f" + // Hebrew Pres. Forms
"\\u0610-\\u061a\\u0620-\\u065f\\u066e-\\u06d3\\u06d5-\\u06dc" +
"\\u06de-\\u06e8\\u06ea-\\u06ef\\u06fa-\\u06fc\\u06ff" + // Arabic
"\\u0750-\\u077f\\u08a0\\u08a2-\\u08ac\\u08e4-\\u08fe" + // Arabic Supplement and Extended A
"\\ufb50-\\ufbb1\\ufbd3-\\ufd3d\\ufd50-\\ufd8f\\ufd92-\\ufdc7\\ufdf0-\\ufdfb" + // Pres. Forms A
"\\ufe70-\\ufe74\\ufe76-\\ufefc" + // Pres. Forms B
"\\u200c" + // Zero-Width Non-Joiner
"\\u0e01-\\u0e3a\\u0e40-\\u0e4e" + // Thai
"\\u1100-\\u11ff\\u3130-\\u3185\\uA960-\\uA97F\\uAC00-\\uD7AF\\uD7B0-\\uD7FF" + // Hangul (Korean)
"\\u3003\\u3005\\u303b" + // Kanji/Han iteration marks
"\\uff21-\\uff3a\\uff41-\\uff5a" + // full width Alphabet
"\\uff66-\\uff9f" + // half width Katakana
"\\uffa1-\\uffdc"; // half width Hangul (Korean)
var regexAlphaNumericChars = "0-9\.\_" + regexAlphaChars;
var regExp = new RegExp('((?:(ftp|https?)://|(?:mailto:)?([A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@))(\\S*\\.\\S*[^\\s.;,(){}<>"\']))|(\\n)|(' + emojiUtf.join('|') + ')|(^|\\s)(#[' + regexAlphaNumericChars + ']{3,20})', 'i');
var youtubeRegex = /(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?youtu(?:|.be|be.com|.b)(?:\/v\/|\/watch\\?v=|e\/|(?:\/\??#)?\/watch(?:.+)v=)(.{11})(?:\&[^\s]*)?/;
var instagramRegex = /https?:\/\/(?:instagr\.am\/p\/|instagram\.com\/p\/)([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+)/i;
var vineRegex = /https?:\/\/vine\.co\/v\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+)/i;
var twitterRegex = /https?:\/\/twitter\.com\/.+?\/status\/\d+/i;
return {
wrapRichText: wrapRichText,
wrapPlainText: wrapPlainText
function getEmojiSpritesheetCoords(emojiCode) {
var i, row, column, totalColumns;
for (var cat = 0; cat < Config.EmojiCategories.length; cat++) {
totalColumns = Config.EmojiCategorySpritesheetDimens[cat][1];
i = Config.EmojiCategories[cat].indexOf(emojiCode);
if (i > -1) {
row = Math.floor(i / totalColumns);
column = (i % totalColumns);
return { category: cat, row: row, column: column };
console.error('emoji not found in spritesheet', emojiCode);
return null;
function wrapRichText(text, options) {
if (!text || !text.length) {
return '';
options = options || {};
text = text.replace(/\ufe0f/g, '', text);
var match,
raw = text,
html = [],
emojiFound = false,
while ((match = raw.match(regExp))) {
// console.log(2, match);
html.push(encodeEntities(raw.substr(0, match.index)));
if (match[1]) { // URL
if (!options.noLinks) {
if (match[3]) {
'<a href="',
encodeEntities('mailto:' + match[3] + match[4]),
'" target="_blank">',
encodeEntities(match[3] + match[4]),
} else {
'<a href="',
encodeEntities(match[2] + '://' + match[4]),
'" target="_blank">',
encodeEntities(match[2] + '://' + match[4]),
} else {
else if (match[5]) { // New line
if (!options.noLinebreaks) {
} else {
html.push(' ');
else if (match[6]) {
if ((emojiCode = emojiMap[match[6]]) &&
(emojiCoords = getEmojiSpritesheetCoords(emojiCode))) {
emojiTitle = encodeEntities(emojiData[emojiCode][1][0]);
emojiFound = true;
'<span class="emoji emoji-',
(emojiIconSize * emojiCoords.column),
(emojiIconSize * emojiCoords.row),
'" ',
'title="',emojiTitle, '">',
':', emojiTitle, ':</span>'
} else {
else if (match[8]) {
if (!options.noLinks) {
'<a href="#/im?q=',
} else {
raw = raw.substr(match.index + match[0].length);
text = $sanitize(html.join(''));
// console.log(3, text, html);
if (emojiFound) {
text = text.replace(/<span class="emoji emoji-(\d)-(\d+)-(\d+)"(.+?)<\/span>/g,
'<span class="emoji emoji-spritesheet-$1" style="background-position: -$2px -$3px;" $4</span>');
// console.log(4, text, html);
if (!options.noLinks && !Config.Navigator.mobile) {
var embedUrlMatches,
embedTag = Config.Modes.chrome_packed ? 'webview' : 'iframe';
if (embedUrlMatches = text.match(youtubeRegex)) {
var videoID = embedUrlMatches[1]
text = text + '<div class="im_message_media_embed im_message_video_embed"><' + embedTag + ' type="text/html" frameborder="0" ' +
'src="//www.youtube.com/embed/' + videoID +
'?autoplay=0&controls=2"></' + embedTag + '></div>'
else if (embedUrlMatches = text.match(instagramRegex)) {
var instaID = embedUrlMatches[1];
text = text + '<div class="im_message_media_embed im_message_insta_embed"><' + embedTag + ' type="text/html" frameborder="0" ' +
'src="//instagram.com/p/' + instaID +
'/embed/"></' + embedTag + '></div>';
else if (embedUrlMatches = text.match(vineRegex)) {
var vineID = embedUrlMatches[1];
text = text + '<div class="im_message_media_embed im_message_vine_embed"><' + embedTag + ' type="text/html" frameborder="0" ' +
'src="//vine.co/v/' + vineID + '/embed/simple"></' + embedTag + '></div>';
else if (embedUrlMatches = !Config.Modes.chrome_packed && text.match(twitterRegex)) {
text = text + '<div class="im_message_twitter_embed"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><a href="' + embedUrlMatches[0] + '"></a></blockquote></div>';
return $sce.trustAs('html', text);
function wrapPlainText (text, options) {
if (emojiSupported) {
return text;
if (!text || !text.length) {
return '';
options = options || {};
text = text.replace(/\ufe0f/g, '', text);
var match,
raw = text,
text = [],
while ((match = raw.match(regExp))) {
text.push(raw.substr(0, match.index));
if (match[6]) {
if ((emojiCode = emojiMap[match[6]]) &&
(emojiTitle = emojiData[emojiCode][1][0])) {
text.push(':' + emojiTitle + ':');
} else {
} else {
raw = raw.substr(match.index + match[0].length);
return text.join('');
.service('StatusManager', function ($timeout, $rootScope, MtpApiManager, IdleManager) {
var toPromise, lastOnlineUpdated = 0, started = false;
return {
start: start
function start() {
if (!started) {
started = true;
$rootScope.$watch('idle.isIDLE', checkIDLE);
$rootScope.$watch('offline', checkIDLE);
function sendUpdateStatusReq(offline) {
var date = tsNow();
if (offline && !lastOnlineUpdated ||
!offline && (date - lastOnlineUpdated) < 50000 ||
$rootScope.offline) {
lastOnlineUpdated = offline ? 0 : date;
return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('account.updateStatus', {
offline: offline
}, {noErrorBox: true});
function checkIDLE() {
toPromise && $timeout.cancel(toPromise);
if ($rootScope.idle.isIDLE) {
toPromise = $timeout(function () {
}, 5000);
} else {
toPromise = $timeout(checkIDLE, 60000);
.service('NotificationsManager', function ($rootScope, $window, $timeout, $interval, $q, _, MtpApiManager, AppPeersManager, IdleManager, Storage, AppRuntimeManager) {
navigator.vibrate = navigator.vibrate || navigator.mozVibrate || navigator.webkitVibrate;
var notificationsUiSupport = ('Notification' in window) || ('mozNotification' in navigator);
var notificationsShown = {};
var notificationIndex = 0;
var notificationsCount = 0;
var vibrateSupport = !!navigator.vibrate;
var peerSettings = {};
var faviconBackupEl = $('link[rel="icon"]:first'),
faviconNewEl = $('<link rel="icon" href="favicon_unread.ico" type="image/x-icon" />');
var langNotificationsPluralize = _.pluralize('page_title_pluralize_notifications');
var titleBackup = document.title,
$rootScope.$watch('idle.isIDLE', function (newVal) {
// console.log('isIDLE watch', newVal);
if (!newVal) {
document.title = titleBackup;
} else {
titleBackup = document.title;
titlePromise = $interval(function () {
var time = tsNow();
if (!notificationsCount || time % 2000 > 1000) {
document.title = titleBackup;
var curFav = $('link[rel="icon"]:first');
if (curFav.attr('href').indexOf('favicon_unread') != -1) {
} else {
document.title = langNotificationsPluralize(notificationsCount);
}, 1000);
$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', function (e, update) {
// console.log('on apiUpdate', update);
switch (update._) {
case 'updateNotifySettings':
if (update.peer._ == 'notifyPeer') {
var peerID = AppPeersManager.getPeerID(update.peer.peer);
savePeerSettings(peerID, update.notify_settings);
var registeredDevice = false;
if (window.navigator.mozSetMessageHandler) {
window.navigator.mozSetMessageHandler('push', function(e) {
console.log(dT(), 'received push', e);
window.navigator.mozSetMessageHandler('push-register', function(e) {
console.log(dT(), 'received push', e);
registeredDevice = false;
return {
start: start,
notify: notify,
cancel: notificationCancel,
clear: notificationsClear,
getPeerSettings: getPeerSettings,
getPeerMuted: getPeerMuted,
savePeerSettings: savePeerSettings,
updatePeerSettings: updatePeerSettings,
getVibrateSupport: getVibrateSupport,
testSound: playSound
function getPeerSettings (peerID) {
if (peerSettings[peerID] !== undefined) {
return peerSettings[peerID];
return peerSettings[peerID] = MtpApiManager.invokeApi('account.getNotifySettings', {
peer: {
_: 'inputNotifyPeer',
peer: AppPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID)
function savePeerSettings (peerID, settings) {
// console.trace(dT(), 'peer settings', peerID, settings);
peerSettings[peerID] = $q.when(settings);
function updatePeerSettings (peerID, settings) {
savePeerSettings(peerID, settings);
var inputSettings = angular.copy(settings);
inputSettings._ = 'inputPeerNotifySettings';
return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('account.updateNotifySettings', {
peer: {
_: 'inputNotifyPeer',
peer: AppPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID)
settings: inputSettings
function getPeerMuted (peerID) {
return getPeerSettings(peerID).then(function (peerNotifySettings) {
return peerNotifySettings._ == 'peerNotifySettings' &&
peerNotifySettings.mute_until * 1000 > tsNow();
function start () {
if (!notificationsUiSupport) {
return false;
if ('Notification' in window && Notification.permission !== 'granted' && Notification.permission !== 'denied') {
$($window).on('click', requestPermission);
try {
if ('onbeforeunload' in window) {
$($window).on('beforeunload', notificationsClear);
} catch (e) {}
function requestPermission() {
$($window).off('click', requestPermission);
function notify (data) {
// console.log('notify', $rootScope.idle.isIDLE, notificationsUiSupport);
// FFOS Notification blob src bug workaround
if (Config.Navigator.ffos) {
data.image = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zhukov/webogram/master/app/img/icons/icon60.png';
else if (!data.image) {
data.image = 'img/icons/icon60.png';
if (!notificationsUiSupport ||
'Notification' in window && Notification.permission !== 'granted') {
return false;
Storage.get('notify_nosound', 'notify_volume').then(function (settings) {
if (!settings[0] && settings[1] === false || settings[1] > 0) {
playSound(settings[1] || 0.5);
Storage.get('notify_nodesktop', 'notify_novibrate').then(function (settings) {
if (settings[0]) {
if (vibrateSupport && !settings[1]) {
navigator.vibrate([200, 100, 200]);
var idx = ++notificationIndex,
key = data.key || 'k' + idx,
if ('Notification' in window) {
notification = new Notification(data.title, {
icon: data.image || '',
body: data.message || '',
tag: data.tag || ''
else if ('mozNotification' in navigator) {
notification = navigator.mozNotification.createNotification(data.title, data.message || '', data.image || '');
else {
notification.onclick = function () {
if (data.onclick) {
notification.onclose = function () {
delete notificationsShown[key];
if (notification.show) {
notificationsShown[key] = notification;
function playSound (volume) {
var filename = 'img/sound_a.wav';
var obj = $('#notify_sound').html('<audio autoplay="autoplay">' +
'<source src="' + filename + '" type="audio/mpeg" />' +
'<embed hidden="true" autostart="true" loop="false" volume="' + (volume * 100) +'" src="' + filename +'" />' +
obj.find('audio')[0].volume = volume;
function notificationCancel (key) {
var notification = notificationsShown[key];
if (notification) {
if (notificationsCount > 0) {
try {
if (notification.close) {
} catch (e) {}
delete notificationsCount[key];
function notificationsClear() {
angular.forEach(notificationsShown, function (notification) {
try {
if (notification.close) {
} catch (e) {}
notificationsShown = {};
notificationsCount = 0;
var registerDevicePeriod = 1000,
function registerDevice () {
if (registeredDevice) {
return false;
if (navigator.push && Config.Navigator.ffos && Config.Modes.packed) {
var req = navigator.push.register();
req.onsuccess = function(e) {
console.log(dT(), 'Push registered', req.result);
registeredDevice = req.result;
MtpApiManager.invokeApi('account.registerDevice', {
token_type: 4,
token: registeredDevice,
device_model: navigator.userAgent || 'Unknown UserAgent',
system_version: navigator.platform || 'Unknown Platform',
app_version: Config.App.version,
app_sandbox: false,
lang_code: navigator.language || 'en'
req.onerror = function(e) {
console.error('Push register error', e, e.toString());
registerDeviceTO = setTimeout(registerDevice, registerDevicePeriod);
registerDevicePeriod = Math.min(30000, registerDevicePeriod * 1.5);
function unregisterDevice () {
if (!registeredDevice) {
return false;
MtpApiManager.invokeApi('account.unregisterDevice', {
token_type: 4,
token: registeredDevice
}).then(function () {
registeredDevice = false;
function getVibrateSupport () {
return vibrateSupport;
.service('ErrorService', function ($rootScope, $modal, $window) {
var shownBoxes = 0;
function show (params, options) {
if (shownBoxes >= 2) {
console.log('Skip error box, too many open', shownBoxes, params, options);
return false;
options = options || {};
var scope = $rootScope.$new();
angular.extend(scope, params);
var modal = $modal.open({
templateUrl: templateUrl('error_modal'),
scope: scope,
windowClass: options.windowClass || 'error_modal_window'
modal.result['finally'](function () {
return modal;
function alert (title, description) {
return show ({
title: title,
description: description
function confirm (params, options) {
options = options || {};
var scope = $rootScope.$new();
angular.extend(scope, params);
var modal = $modal.open({
templateUrl: templateUrl('confirm_modal'),
scope: scope,
windowClass: options.windowClass || 'confirm_modal_window'
return modal.result;
$window.safeConfirm = function (params, callback) {
if (typeof params === 'string') {
params = {message: params};
confirm(params).then(function (result) {
callback(result || true)
}, function () {
return {
show: show,
alert: alert,
confirm: confirm
.service('PeersSelectService', function ($rootScope, $modal) {
function selectPeer (options) {
var scope = $rootScope.$new();
if (options) {
angular.extend(scope, options);
return $modal.open({
templateUrl: templateUrl('peer_select'),
controller: 'PeerSelectController',
scope: scope,
windowClass: 'peer_select_window mobile_modal'
return {
selectPeer: selectPeer
.service('ContactsSelectService', function ($rootScope, $modal) {
function select (multiSelect, options) {
options = options || {};
var scope = $rootScope.$new();
scope.multiSelect = multiSelect;
angular.extend(scope, options);
if (!scope.action && multiSelect) {
scope.action = 'select';
return $modal.open({
templateUrl: templateUrl('contacts_modal'),
controller: 'ContactsModalController',
scope: scope,
windowClass: 'contacts_modal_window mobile_modal'
return {
selectContacts: function (options) {
return select (true, options);
selectContact: function (options) {
return select (false, options);
.service('ChangelogNotifyService', function (Storage, $rootScope, $http, $modal) {
function versionCompare (ver1, ver2) {
if (typeof ver1 !== 'string') {
ver1 = '';
if (typeof ver2 !== 'string') {
ver2 = '';
ver1 = ver1.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').split('.');
ver2 = ver2.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').split('.');
var a = Math.max(ver1.length, ver2.length), i;
for (i = 0; i < a; i++) {
if (ver1[i] == ver2[i]) {
if (ver1[i] > ver2[i]) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
return 0;
function checkUpdate () {
Storage.get('last_version').then(function (lastVersion) {
if (lastVersion != Config.App.version) {
if (lastVersion) {
Storage.set({last_version: Config.App.version});
function showChangelog (lastVersion) {
var $scope = $rootScope.$new();
$scope.lastVersion = lastVersion;
$scope.canShowVersion = function (curVersion) {
if ($scope.lastVersion === false || $scope.lastVersion === undefined) {
return true;
return versionCompare(curVersion, lastVersion) >= 0;
controller: 'ChangelogModalController',
templateUrl: templateUrl('changelog_modal'),
scope: $scope,
windowClass: 'changelog_modal_window mobile_modal'
return {
checkUpdate: checkUpdate,
showChangelog: showChangelog