Telegram Web, preconfigured for usage in I2P. http://web.telegram.i2p/
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'use strict'
/* global describe, it, inject, expect, beforeEach, tsNow*/
describe('dateOrTime filter', function () {
beforeEach(inject(function (_$filter_) {
this.$filter = _$filter_
beforeEach(function () {
this.dateOrTimeFilter = this.$filter('dateOrTime')
this.miliSecondsToSeconds = 1000
this.sevenDaysAgo = -3600 * 24 * 7
this.thirteenHoursAgo = -3600 * 13
it('can handle "zero"-values', function () {
var input = 0
var expected = ''
var result = this.dateOrTimeFilter(input, false)
it('can display the time based on timestamp', function () {
var input = tsNow(true)
// Outcome format expected: HH:MM AM/PM
var expected = this.$filter('date')(input * this.miliSecondsToSeconds, 'shortTime')
var result = this.dateOrTimeFilter(input, false)
it('can display the short date based on timestamp', function () {
var input = tsNow(true)
// Outcome format expected: (M or MM)/(D or DD)/YY
var expected = this.$filter('date')((input + this.sevenDaysAgo) * this.miliSecondsToSeconds, 'shortDate')
var result = this.dateOrTimeFilter(input + this.sevenDaysAgo, false)
it('can display the medium-size date based on timestamp', function () {
var input = tsNow(true)
// Outcome format expected: Month(3 letters) Day, Year
var expected = this.$filter('date')((input + this.sevenDaysAgo) * this.miliSecondsToSeconds, 'mediumDate')
var result = this.dateOrTimeFilter(input + this.sevenDaysAgo, true)
it('can display the day of the week (in short) based on timestamp', function () {
var input = tsNow(true)
// Outcome format expcected: Day of week in three letters (Mon, Tue, etc.)
var expected = this.$filter('date')((input + this.thirteenHoursAgo) * this.miliSecondsToSeconds, 'EEE')
var result = this.dateOrTimeFilter(input + this.thirteenHoursAgo, false)
it('can display the day of the week based on timestamp', function () {
var input = tsNow(true)
// Outcome format expcected: Day of week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.)
var expected = this.$filter('date')((input + this.thirteenHoursAgo) * this.miliSecondsToSeconds, 'EEEE')
var result = this.dateOrTimeFilter(input + this.thirteenHoursAgo, true)