246 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable File
246 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable File
"use strict";
var root = (typeof self === 'object' && self.self === self && self) || (typeof global === 'object' && global.global === global && global) || this;
(function( global ) {
var Recorder = function( config ){
var that = this;
if ( !Recorder.isRecordingSupported() ) {
throw new Error("Recording is not supported in this browser");
this.state = "inactive";
this.eventTarget = global.document.createDocumentFragment();
this.audioContext = new global.AudioContext();
this.monitorNode = this.audioContext.createGain();
this.config = config = config || {};
this.config.command = "init";
this.config.bufferLength = config.bufferLength || 4096;
this.config.monitorGain = config.monitorGain || 0;
this.config.numberOfChannels = config.numberOfChannels || 1;
this.config.originalSampleRate = this.audioContext.sampleRate;
this.config.encoderSampleRate = config.encoderSampleRate || 48000;
this.config.encoderPath = config.encoderPath || 'encoderWorker.min.js';
this.config.streamPages = config.streamPages || false;
this.config.leaveStreamOpen = config.leaveStreamOpen || false;
this.config.maxBuffersPerPage = config.maxBuffersPerPage || 40;
this.config.encoderApplication = config.encoderApplication || 2049;
this.config.encoderFrameSize = config.encoderFrameSize || 20;
this.config.resampleQuality = config.resampleQuality || 3;
this.config.streamOptions = config.streamOptions || {
optional: [],
mandatory: {
googEchoCancellation: false,
googAutoGainControl: false,
googNoiseSuppression: false,
googHighpassFilter: false
this.setMonitorGain( this.config.monitorGain );
this.scriptProcessorNode = this.audioContext.createScriptProcessor( this.config.bufferLength, this.config.numberOfChannels, this.config.numberOfChannels );
this.scriptProcessorNode.onaudioprocess = function( e ){
that.encodeBuffers( e.inputBuffer );
Recorder.isRecordingSupported = function(){
return global.AudioContext && global.navigator && ( global.navigator.getUserMedia || ( global.navigator.mediaDevices && global.navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia ) );
Recorder.prototype.addEventListener = function( type, listener, useCapture ){
this.eventTarget.addEventListener( type, listener, useCapture );
Recorder.prototype.clearStream = function() {
if ( this.stream ) {
if ( this.stream.getTracks ) {
this.stream.getTracks().forEach(function ( track ) {
else {
delete this.stream;
Recorder.prototype.encodeBuffers = function( inputBuffer ){
if ( this.state === "recording" ) {
var buffers = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < inputBuffer.numberOfChannels; i++ ) {
buffers[i] = inputBuffer.getChannelData(i);
command: "encode",
buffers: buffers
Recorder.prototype.initStream = function(){
var that = this;
var onStreamInit = function( stream ){
that.stream = stream;
that.sourceNode = that.audioContext.createMediaStreamSource( stream );
that.sourceNode.connect( that.scriptProcessorNode );
that.sourceNode.connect( that.monitorNode );
that.eventTarget.dispatchEvent( new global.Event( "streamReady" ) );
return stream;
var onStreamError = function( e ){
that.eventTarget.dispatchEvent( new global.ErrorEvent( "streamError", { error: e } ) );
var constraints = { audio : this.config.streamOptions };
if ( this.stream ) {
this.eventTarget.dispatchEvent( new global.Event( "streamReady" ) );
return global.Promise.resolve( this.stream );
if ( global.navigator.mediaDevices && global.navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia ) {
return global.navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia( constraints ).then( onStreamInit, onStreamError );
if ( global.navigator.getUserMedia ) {
return new global.Promise( function( resolve, reject ) {
global.navigator.getUserMedia( constraints, resolve, reject );
}).then( onStreamInit, onStreamError );
Recorder.prototype.pause = function(){
if ( this.state === "recording" ){
this.state = "paused";
this.eventTarget.dispatchEvent( new global.Event( 'pause' ) );
Recorder.prototype.removeEventListener = function( type, listener, useCapture ){
this.eventTarget.removeEventListener( type, listener, useCapture );
Recorder.prototype.resume = function() {
if ( this.state === "paused" ) {
this.state = "recording";
this.eventTarget.dispatchEvent( new global.Event( 'resume' ) );
Recorder.prototype.setMonitorGain = function( gain ){
this.monitorNode.gain.value = gain;
Recorder.prototype.start = function(){
if ( this.state === "inactive" && this.stream ) {
var that = this;
this.encoder = new global.Worker( this.config.encoderPath );
if (this.config.streamPages){
this.encoder.addEventListener( "message", function( e ) {
that.streamPage( e.data );
else {
this.recordedPages = [];
this.totalLength = 0;
this.encoder.addEventListener( "message", function( e ) {
that.storePage( e.data );
// First buffer can contain old data. Don't encode it.
this.encodeBuffers = function(){
delete this.encodeBuffers;
this.state = "recording";
this.monitorNode.connect( this.audioContext.destination );
this.scriptProcessorNode.connect( this.audioContext.destination );
this.eventTarget.dispatchEvent( new global.Event( 'start' ) );
this.encoder.postMessage( this.config );
Recorder.prototype.stop = function(){
if ( this.state !== "inactive" ) {
this.state = "inactive";
if ( !this.config.leaveStreamOpen ) {
this.audioContext = null;
this.encoder.postMessage({ command: "done" });
Recorder.prototype.storePage = function( page ) {
if ( page === null ) {
var outputData = new Uint8Array( this.totalLength );
var outputIndex = 0;
for ( var i = 0; i < this.recordedPages.length; i++ ) {
outputData.set( this.recordedPages[i], outputIndex );
outputIndex += this.recordedPages[i].length;
this.eventTarget.dispatchEvent( new global.CustomEvent( 'dataAvailable', {
detail: outputData
this.recordedPages = [];
this.eventTarget.dispatchEvent( new global.Event( 'stop' ) );
else {
this.recordedPages.push( page );
this.totalLength += page.length;
Recorder.prototype.streamPage = function( page ) {
if ( page === null ) {
this.eventTarget.dispatchEvent( new global.Event( 'stop' ) );
else {
this.eventTarget.dispatchEvent( new global.CustomEvent( 'dataAvailable', {
detail: page
// Exports
global.Recorder = Recorder;
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
define( [], function() {
return Recorder;
else if ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {
module.exports = Recorder;