var helper = require('./helper'); var events = require('./events'); var logger = require('./logger'); var Result = function() { var startTime =; = this.skipped = this.failed = this.success = 0; this.netTime = this.totalTime = 0; this.disconnected = this.error = false; this.totalTimeEnd = function() { this.totalTime = - startTime; }; }; // The browser is ready to execute tests. var READY = 1; // The browser is executing the tests/ var EXECUTING = 2; // The browser is not executing, but temporarily disconnected (waiting for reconnecting). var READY_DISCONNECTED = 3; // The browser is executing the tests, but temporarily disconnect (waiting for reconnecting). var EXECUTING_DISCONNECTED = 4; // The browser got permanently disconnected (being removed from the collection and destroyed). var DISCONNECTED = 5; var Browser = function(id, fullName, /* capturedBrowsers */ collection, emitter, socket, timer, /* config.browserDisconnectTimeout */ disconnectDelay) { var name = helper.browserFullNameToShort(fullName); var log = logger.create(name); = id; this.fullName = fullName; = name; this.state = READY; this.lastResult = new Result(); this.init = function() { collection.add(this); events.bindAll(this, socket);'Connected on socket %s',; // TODO(vojta): remove launchId, // it's here just for WebStorm B-C. this.launchId =; =; // TODO(vojta): move to collection emitter.emit('browsers_change', collection); emitter.emit('browser_register', this); }; this.isReady = function() { return this.state === READY; }; this.toString = function() { return; }; this.onError = function(error) { if (this.isReady()) { return; } this.lastResult.error = true; emitter.emit('browser_error', this, error); }; this.onInfo = function(info) { if (this.isReady()) { return; } // TODO(vojta): remove if (helper.isDefined(info.dump)) { emitter.emit('browser_log', this, info.dump, 'dump'); } if (helper.isDefined(info.log)) { emitter.emit('browser_log', this, info.log, info.type); } if (helper.isDefined( { =; } }; this.onComplete = function(result) { if (this.isReady()) { return; } this.state = READY; this.lastResult.totalTimeEnd(); if (!this.lastResult.success) { this.lastResult.error = true; } emitter.emit('browsers_change', collection); emitter.emit('browser_complete', this, result); }; var self = this; var disconnect = function() { self.state = DISCONNECTED; log.warn('Disconnected'); collection.remove(self); }; var pendingDisconnect; this.onDisconnect = function() { if (this.state === READY) { disconnect(); } else if (this.state === EXECUTING) { log.debug('Disconnected during run, waiting for reconnecting.'); this.state = EXECUTING_DISCONNECTED; pendingDisconnect = timer.setTimeout(function() { self.lastResult.totalTimeEnd(); self.lastResult.disconnected = true; disconnect(); emitter.emit('browser_complete', self); }, disconnectDelay); } }; this.onReconnect = function(newSocket) { if (this.state === EXECUTING_DISCONNECTED) { this.state = EXECUTING; log.debug('Reconnected.'); } else if (this.state === EXECUTING || this.state === READY) { log.debug('New connection, forgetting the old one.'); // TODO(vojta): this should only remove this browser.onDisconnect listener socket.removeAllListeners('disconnect'); } socket = newSocket; events.bindAll(this, newSocket); if (pendingDisconnect) { timer.clearTimeout(pendingDisconnect); } }; this.onResult = function(result) { if (result.length) { return result.forEach(this.onResult, this); } // ignore - probably results from last run (after server disconnecting) if (this.isReady()) { return; } if (result.skipped) { this.lastResult.skipped++; } else if (result.success) { this.lastResult.success++; } else { this.lastResult.failed++; } this.lastResult.netTime += result.time; emitter.emit('spec_complete', this, result); }; this.serialize = function() { return { id:, name:, isReady: this.state === READY }; }; }; Browser.STATE_READY = READY; Browser.STATE_EXECUTING = EXECUTING; Browser.STATE_READY_DISCONNECTED = READY_DISCONNECTED; Browser.STATE_EXECUTING_DISCONNECTED = EXECUTING_DISCONNECTED; Browser.STATE_DISCONNECTED = DISCONNECTED; var Collection = function(emitter, browsers) { browsers = browsers || []; this.add = function(browser) { browsers.push(browser); emitter.emit('browsers_change', this); }; this.remove = function(browser) { var index = browsers.indexOf(browser); if (index === -1) { return false; } browsers.splice(index, 1); emitter.emit('browsers_change', this); return true; }; this.getById = function(browserId) { for (var i = 0; i < browsers.length; i++) { // TODO(vojta): use id, once we fix WebStorm plugin if (browsers[i].launchId === browserId) { return browsers[i]; } } return null; }; this.setAllToExecuting = function() { browsers.forEach(function(browser) { browser.state = EXECUTING; }); emitter.emit('browsers_change', this); }; this.areAllReady = function(nonReadyList) { nonReadyList = nonReadyList || []; browsers.forEach(function(browser) { if (!browser.isReady()) { nonReadyList.push(browser); } }); return nonReadyList.length === 0; }; this.serialize = function() { return { return browser.serialize(); }); }; this.getResults = function() { var results = browsers.reduce(function(previous, current) { previous.success += current.lastResult.success; previous.failed += current.lastResult.failed; previous.error = previous.error || current.lastResult.error; previous.disconnected = previous.disconnected || current.lastResult.disconnected; return previous; }, {success: 0, failed: 0, error: false, disconnected: false, exitCode: 0}); // compute exit status code results.exitCode = results.failed || results.error || results.disconnected ? 1 : 0; return results; }; this.clearResults = function() { browsers.forEach(function(browser) { browser.lastResult = new Result(); }); }; this.clone = function() { return new Collection(emitter, browsers.slice()); }; // Array APIs = function(callback, context) { return, context); }; this.forEach = function(callback, context) { return browsers.forEach(callback, context); }; // this.length Object.defineProperty(this, 'length', { get: function() { return browsers.length; } }); }; Collection.$inject = ['emitter']; exports.Result = Result; exports.Browser = Browser; exports.Collection = Collection;