'use strict' /* global describe, it, inject, expect, beforeEach, xit */ describe('AppLangSelectController', function () { beforeEach(module('ui.bootstrap')) beforeEach(module('myApp.services')) beforeEach(module('myApp.controllers')) beforeEach(function () { inject(function (_$controller_, _$rootScope_, _, Storage, ErrorService, AppRuntimeManager) { this.$controller = _$controller_ this.$scope = _$rootScope_.$new() this.$controller('AppLangSelectController', { $scope: this.$scope, _: _, Storage: Storage, ErrorService: ErrorService, AppRuntimeManager: AppRuntimeManager }) }) }) it('holds the supportedLocales', function () { expect(this.$scope.supportedLocales).toBeDefined() }) it('holds langNames', function () { expect(this.$scope.langNames).toBeDefined() }) it('holds the current locale', function () { expect(this.$scope.curLocale).toBeDefined() }) it('has a locale form', function () { expect(this.$scope.form).toBeDefined() expect(this.$scope.form.locale).toBeDefined() }) it('allows to select a locale', function () { expect(this.$scope.localeSelect).toBeDefined() }) describe('when the user switches the locale', function () { describe('and confirms the dialogue', function () { xit('reloads the app', function (done) { done() }) }) }) })