var path = require('path'); var optimist = require('optimist'); var helper = require('./helper'); var constant = require('./constants'); var fs = require('fs'); var processArgs = function(argv, options, fs, path) { if ( { console.log(; process.exit(0); } if (argv.version) { console.log('Karma version: ' + constant.VERSION); process.exit(0); } // TODO(vojta): warn/throw when unknown argument (probably mispelled) Object.getOwnPropertyNames(argv).forEach(function(name) { if (name !== '_' && name !== '$0') { options[helper.dashToCamel(name)] = argv[name]; } }); if (helper.isString(options.autoWatch)) { options.autoWatch = options.autoWatch === 'true'; } if (helper.isString(options.colors)) { options.colors = options.colors === 'true'; } if (helper.isString(options.logLevel)) { options.logLevel = constant['LOG_' + options.logLevel.toUpperCase()] || constant.LOG_DISABLE; } if (helper.isString(options.singleRun)) { options.singleRun = options.singleRun === 'true'; } if (helper.isString(options.browsers)) { options.browsers = options.browsers.split(','); } if (options.reportSlowerThan === false) { options.reportSlowerThan = 0; } if (helper.isString(options.reporters)) { options.reporters = options.reporters.split(','); } if (helper.isString(options.removedFiles)) { options.removedFiles = options.removedFiles.split(','); } if (helper.isString(options.addedFiles)) { options.addedFiles = options.addedFiles.split(','); } if (helper.isString(options.changedFiles)) { options.changedFiles = options.changedFiles.split(','); } if (helper.isString(options.refresh)) { options.refresh = options.refresh === 'true'; } var configFile = argv._.shift(); if (!configFile) { // default config file (if exists) if (fs.existsSync('./karma.conf.js')) { configFile = './karma.conf.js'; } else if (fs.existsSync('./')) { configFile = './'; } } options.configFile = configFile ? path.resolve(configFile) : null; return options; }; var parseClientArgs = function(argv) { // extract any args after '--' as clientArgs var clientArgs = []; argv = argv.slice(2); var idx = argv.indexOf('--'); if (idx !== -1) { clientArgs = argv.slice(idx + 1); } return clientArgs; }; // return only args that occur before `--` var argsBeforeDoubleDash = function(argv) { var idx = argv.indexOf('--'); return idx === -1 ? argv : argv.slice(0, idx); }; var describeShared = function() { optimist .usage('Karma - Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript.\n\n' + 'Usage:\n' + ' $0 <command>\n\n' + 'Commands:\n' + ' start [<configFile>] [<options>] Start the server / do single run.\n' + ' init [<configFile>] Initialize a config file.\n' + ' run [<options>] [ -- <clientArgs>] Trigger a test run.\n' + ' completion Shell completion for karma.\n\n' + 'Run --help with particular command to see its description and available options.') .describe('help', 'Print usage and options.') .describe('version', 'Print current version.'); }; var describeInit = function() { optimist .usage('Karma - Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript.\n\n' + 'INIT - Initialize a config file.\n\n' + 'Usage:\n' + ' $0 init [<configFile>]') .describe('log-level', '<disable | error | warn | info | debug> Level of logging.') .describe('colors', 'Use colors when reporting and printing logs.') .describe('no-colors', 'Do not use colors when reporting or printing logs.') .describe('help', 'Print usage and options.'); }; var describeStart = function() { optimist .usage('Karma - Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript.\n\n' + 'START - Start the server / do a single run.\n\n' + 'Usage:\n' + ' $0 start [<configFile>] [<options>]') .describe('port', '<integer> Port where the server is running.') .describe('auto-watch', 'Auto watch source files and run on change.') .describe('no-auto-watch', 'Do not watch source files.') .describe('log-level', '<disable | error | warn | info | debug> Level of logging.') .describe('colors', 'Use colors when reporting and printing logs.') .describe('no-colors', 'Do not use colors when reporting or printing logs.') .describe('reporters', 'List of reporters (available: dots, progress, junit, growl, coverage).') .describe('browsers', 'List of browsers to start (eg. --browsers Chrome,ChromeCanary,Firefox).') .describe('capture-timeout', '<integer> Kill browser if does not capture in given time [ms].') .describe('single-run', 'Run the test when browsers captured and exit.') .describe('no-single-run', 'Disable single-run.') .describe('report-slower-than', '<integer> Report tests that are slower than given time [ms].') .describe('help', 'Print usage and options.'); }; var describeRun = function() { optimist .usage('Karma - Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript.\n\n' + 'RUN - Run the tests (requires running server).\n\n' + 'Usage:\n' + ' $0 run [<configFile>] [<options>] [ -- <clientArgs>]') .describe('port', '<integer> Port where the server is listening.') .describe('no-refresh', 'Do not re-glob all the patterns.') .describe('help', 'Print usage.'); }; var describeCompletion = function() { optimist .usage('Karma - Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript.\n\n' + 'COMPLETION - Bash/ZSH completion for karma.\n\n' + 'Installation:\n' + ' $0 completion >> ~/.bashrc\n') .describe('help', 'Print usage.'); }; exports.process = function() { var argv = optimist.parse(argsBeforeDoubleDash(process.argv.slice(2))); var options = { cmd: argv._.shift() }; switch (options.cmd) { case 'start': describeStart(); break; case 'run': describeRun(); options.clientArgs = parseClientArgs(process.argv); break; case 'init': describeInit(); break; case 'completion': describeCompletion(); break; default: describeShared(); if (!options.cmd) { processArgs(argv, options, fs, path); console.error('Command not specified.'); } else { console.error('Unknown command "' + options.cmd + '".'); } optimist.showHelp(); process.exit(1); } return processArgs(argv, options, fs, path); }; // just for testing exports.processArgs = processArgs; exports.parseClientArgs = parseClientArgs; exports.argsBeforeDoubleDash = argsBeforeDoubleDash;