'use strict' /* global describe, it, inject, expect, beforeEach */ describe('formatSizeProgress filter', function () { beforeEach(module('myApp.filters')) beforeEach(inject(function (_$filter_, ___) { this.$filter = _$filter_ this._ = ___ })) beforeEach(function () { this.formatSizeProgressFilter = this.$filter('formatSizeProgress') }) it('can handle "zero"-input', function () { var input = { total: 0 } var expected = '' var result = this.formatSizeProgressFilter(input) expect(result).toBe(expected) }) it('can format progress with different scale of magnitude', function () { var input = { total: 1024, done: 1023 } var expected = this._('format_size_progress', {done: '1023 b', total: '1 KB'}) var result = this.formatSizeProgressFilter(input) expect(result).toBe(expected) }) it('can format progress with the same scale of size', function () { var input = { total: 2048, done: 1024 } var expected = this._('format_size_progress_mulitple', {done: '1', total: '2', parts: 'KB'}) var result = this.formatSizeProgressFilter(input) expect(result).toBe(expected) }) // Further testing for options is done in formatSizeFilterSpec.js })