/*! * Webogram v0.1 - messaging web application for MTProto * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram * Copyright (C) 2014 Igor Zhukov * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram/blob/master/LICENSE */ 'use strict'; /* Controllers */ angular.module('myApp.controllers', []) .controller('AppWelcomeController', function($scope, $location, MtpApiManager) { MtpApiManager.getUserID().then(function (id) { if (id) { $location.url('/im'); } }); }) .controller('AppLoginController', function ($scope, $location, MtpApiManager, ErrorService) { var options = {dcID: 1}; $scope.credentials = {}; $scope.progress = {}; function saveAuth (result) { MtpApiManager.setUserAuth(options.dcID, { expires: result.expires, id: result.user.id }); $location.url('/im'); }; $scope.sendCode = function () { $scope.progress.enabled = true; MtpApiManager.invokeApi('auth.checkPhone', { phone_number: $scope.credentials.phone_number }, options).then(function (result) { $scope.progress.enabled = false; if (!result.phone_registered) { ErrorService.showSimpleError('No account', 'Sorry, there is no Telegram account for ' + $scope.credentials.phone_number + '. Please sign up using our mobile apps.'); return false; } $scope.progress.enabled = true; MtpApiManager.invokeApi('auth.sendCode', { phone_number: $scope.credentials.phone_number, sms_type: 0, api_id: 2496, api_hash: '8da85b0d5bfe62527e5b244c209159c3' }, options).then(function (sentCode) { $scope.progress.enabled = false; $scope.credentials.phone_code_hash = sentCode.phone_code_hash; $scope.credentials.phone_occupied = sentCode.phone_registered; $scope.error = {}; }, function (error) { dLog(error); $scope.progress.enabled = false; dLog('sendCode error', error); switch (error.type) { case 'PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID': $scope.error = {field: 'phone'}; break; } }); }, function (error) { $scope.progress.enabled = false; switch (error.type) { case 'PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID': $scope.error = {field: 'phone'}; break; default: ErrorService.showSimpleError('Unknown error occured', 'Please check your internet connection or install the latest version of Google Chrome browser.'); } }); } $scope.logIn = function (forceSignUp) { var method = 'auth.signIn', params = { phone_number: $scope.credentials.phone_number, phone_code_hash: $scope.credentials.phone_code_hash, phone_code: $scope.credentials.phone_code }; if (forceSignUp) { method = 'auth.signUp'; angular.extend(params, { first_name: $scope.credentials.first_name, last_name: $scope.credentials.last_name }); } $scope.progress.enabled = true; MtpApiManager.invokeApi(method, params, options).then(saveAuth, function (error) { $scope.progress.enabled = false; if (error.code == 400 && error.type == 'PHONE_NUMBER_UNOCCUPIED') { return $scope.logIn(true); } else if (error.code == 400 && error.type == 'PHONE_NUMBER_OCCUPIED') { return $scope.logIn(false); } switch (error.type) { case 'FIRSTNAME_INVALID': $scope.error = {field: 'first_name'}; break; case 'LASTNAME_INVALID': $scope.error = {field: 'last_name'}; break; case 'PHONE_CODE_INVALID': $scope.error = {field: 'phone_code'}; break; } }); }; }) .controller('AppIMController', function ($scope, $location, $routeParams, MtpApiManager) { $scope.$on('$routeUpdate', updateCurDialog); $scope.isLoggedIn = true; $scope.logOut = function () { MtpApiManager.logOut().then(function () { location.hash = '/login'; location.reload(); }); } // $scope.userID = 0; // MtpApiManager.getUserID().then(function (userID) { // $scope.userID = userID; // }); updateCurDialog(); function updateCurDialog() { $scope.curDialog = { peer: $routeParams.p || false }; } }) .controller('AppImDialogsController', function ($scope, $location, MtpApiManager, AppUsersManager, AppChatsManager, AppMessagesManager, AppPeersManager) { $scope.dialogs = []; var offset = 0, hasMore = false, limit = 20; MtpApiManager.invokeApi('account.updateStatus', {offline: false}); $scope.$on('dialogs_need_more', function () { showMoreDialogs(); }); $scope.$on('dialog_unread', function (e, dialog) { angular.forEach($scope.dialogs, function(curDialog) { if (curDialog.peerID == dialog.peerID) { curDialog.unreadCount = dialog.unread_count; } }); }); $scope.$on('dialogs_update', function (e, dialog) { var pos = false; angular.forEach($scope.dialogs, function(curDialog, curPos) { if (curDialog.peerID == dialog.peerID) { pos = curPos; } }); var wrappedDialog = AppMessagesManager.wrapForDialog(dialog.top_message, dialog.unread_count); if (pos !== false) { var prev = $scope.dialogs.splice(pos, 1); wrappedDialog = angular.extend(prev[0], wrappedDialog); offset++; } $scope.dialogs.unshift(wrappedDialog); }); loadDialogs(); function loadDialogs (startLimit) { offset = 0; hasMore = false; startLimit = startLimit || limit; AppMessagesManager.getDialogs(offset, startLimit).then(function (dialogsResult) { offset += startLimit; hasMore = offset < dialogsResult.count; $scope.dialogs = []; angular.forEach(dialogsResult.dialogs, function (dialog) { $scope.dialogs.push(AppMessagesManager.wrapForDialog(dialog.top_message, dialog.unread_count)); }); $scope.$broadcast('ui_dialogs_change'); }, function (error) { if (error.code == 401) { $location.url('/login'); } }); } function showMoreDialogs () { if (!hasMore || !offset) { return; } AppMessagesManager.getDialogs(offset, limit).then(function (dialogsResult) { offset += limit; hasMore = offset < dialogsResult.count; angular.forEach(dialogsResult.dialogs, function (dialog) { $scope.dialogs.push(AppMessagesManager.wrapForDialog(dialog.top_message, dialog.unread_count)); }); $scope.$broadcast('ui_dialogs_append'); }); } }) .controller('AppImHistoryController', function ($scope, $location, $timeout, $rootScope, MtpApiManager, AppUsersManager, AppChatsManager, AppMessagesManager, AppPeersManager, ApiUpdatesManager, IdleManager) { $scope.$watch('curDialog.peer', applyDialogSelect); ApiUpdatesManager.attach(); IdleManager.start(); $scope.history = []; $scope.typing = {}; var peerID, offset, hasMore, maxID, limit = 20; function applyDialogSelect (newPeer) { newPeer = newPeer || $scope.curDialog.peer || ''; peerID = AppPeersManager.getPeerID(newPeer); $scope.curDialog.peerID = peerID; $scope.curDialog.inputPeer = AppPeersManager.getInputPeer(newPeer); if (peerID) { updateHistoryPeer(true); loadHistory(peerID); } else { showEmptyHistory(); } } function updateHistoryPeer(preload) { var peerData = AppPeersManager.getPeer(peerID); // dLog('update', preload, peerData); if (!peerData || peerData.deleted) { return false; } $scope.history = []; $scope.historyPeer = { id: peerID, data: peerData, photo: AppPeersManager.getPeerPhoto(peerID, 'User', 'Group') }; MtpApiManager.getUserID().then(function (id) { $scope.ownPhoto = AppUsersManager.getUserPhoto(id, 'User'); }); if (preload) { $scope.typing = {}; $scope.state = {loaded: true}; $scope.$broadcast('ui_peer_change'); } } function showMoreHistory () { if (!hasMore || !offset) { return; } // console.trace('load history'); AppMessagesManager.getHistory($scope.curDialog.inputPeer, maxID, limit).then(function (historyResult) { offset += limit; hasMore = offset < historyResult.count; maxID = historyResult.history[historyResult.history.length - 1]; angular.forEach(historyResult.history, function (id) { $scope.history.unshift(AppMessagesManager.wrapForHistory(id)); }); $scope.$broadcast('ui_history_prepend'); }, function () { $scope.state = {error: true}; }); } function loadHistory () { hasMore = false; offset = 0; maxID = 0; AppMessagesManager.getHistory($scope.curDialog.inputPeer, maxID, limit).then(function (historyResult) { offset += limit; hasMore = offset < historyResult.count; maxID = historyResult.history[historyResult.history.length - 1]; updateHistoryPeer(); angular.forEach(historyResult.history, function (id) { $scope.history.push(AppMessagesManager.wrapForHistory(id)); }); $scope.history.reverse(); $scope.state = {loaded: true}; $scope.$broadcast('ui_history_change'); AppMessagesManager.readHistory($scope.curDialog.inputPeer); }, function () { $scope.state = {error: true}; }); } function showEmptyHistory () { $scope.state = {notSelected: true}; $scope.history = []; } var typingTimeouts = {}; $scope.$on('history_update', angular.noop); $scope.$on('history_append', function (e, addedMessage) { if (addedMessage.peerID == $scope.curDialog.peerID) { // dLog('append', addedMessage); // console.trace(); $scope.history.push(AppMessagesManager.wrapForHistory(addedMessage.messageID)); $scope.typing = {}; $scope.$broadcast('ui_history_append'); offset++; // dLog('append check', $rootScope.idle.isIDLE, addedMessage.peerID, $scope.curDialog.peerID); if (!$rootScope.idle.isIDLE) { $timeout(function () { AppMessagesManager.readHistory($scope.curDialog.inputPeer); }); } } }); $scope.$on('apiUpdate', function (e, update) { // dLog('on apiUpdate inline', update); switch (update._) { case 'updateUserTyping': if (update.user_id == $scope.curDialog.peerID && AppUsersManager.hasUser(update.user_id)) { $scope.typing = {user: AppUsersManager.getUser(update.user_id)}; $timeout.cancel(typingTimeouts[update.user_id]); typingTimeouts[update.user_id] = $timeout(function () { $scope.typing = {}; }, 6000); } break; case 'updateChatUserTyping': if (-update.chat_id == $scope.curDialog.peerID) { $scope.typing = {user: AppUsersManager.getUser(update.user_id)}; $timeout.cancel(typingTimeouts[update.user_id]); typingTimeouts[update.user_id] = $timeout(function () { $scope.typing = {}; }, 6000); } break; } }); $scope.$on('history_need_more', function () { showMoreHistory(); }); $rootScope.$watch('idle.isIDLE', function (newVal) { if (!newVal && $scope.curDialog && $scope.curDialog.peerID) { AppMessagesManager.readHistory($scope.curDialog.inputPeer); } }); }) .controller('AppImPanelController', function($scope) { $scope.$on('user_update', angular.noop); }) .controller('AppImSendController', function ($scope, $timeout, MtpApiManager, AppConfigManager, AppPeersManager, AppMessagesManager, ApiUpdatesManager, MtpApiFileManager) { $scope.$watch('curDialog.peer', resetDraft); $scope.$on('user_update', angular.noop); $scope.draftMessage = {text: ''}; var lastTyping = false; $scope.$watch('draftMessage.text', function (newVal) { AppMessagesManager.readHistory($scope.curDialog.inputPeer); if (newVal.length) { var backupDraftObj = {}; backupDraftObj['draft' + $scope.curDialog.peerID] = newVal; AppConfigManager.set(backupDraftObj); // dLog('draft save', backupDraftObj); } else { AppConfigManager.remove('draft' + $scope.curDialog.peerID); // dLog('draft delete', 'draft' + $scope.curDialog.peerID); } var now = +new Date(); if (newVal === undefined || !newVal.length || now - lastTyping < 6000) { return; } lastTyping = now; MtpApiManager.invokeApi('messages.setTyping', { peer: $scope.curDialog.inputPeer, typing: true }); }); $scope.sendMessage = sendMessage; $scope.$watch('draftMessage.files', onFilesSelected); function sendMessage (e) { $timeout(function () { var text = $scope.draftMessage.text; if (!text.length) { return false; } text = text.replace(/:\s*(.+?)\s*:/g, function (all, name) { var utfChar = $.emojiarea.reverseIcons[name]; if (utfChar !== undefined) { return utfChar; } return all; }); AppMessagesManager.sendText($scope.curDialog.peerID, text); resetDraft(); $scope.$broadcast('ui_message_send'); }); return cancelEvent(e); } function resetDraft (newPeer) { if (newPeer) { AppConfigManager.get('draft' + $scope.curDialog.peerID).then(function (draftText) { // dLog('Restore draft', 'draft' + $scope.curDialog.peerID, draftText); $scope.draftMessage.text = draftText || ''; // dLog('send broadcast', $scope.draftMessage); $scope.$broadcast('ui_peer_draft'); }); } else { // dLog('Reset peer'); $scope.draftMessage.text = ''; } } function onFilesSelected (newVal) { if (!angular.isArray(newVal) || !newVal.length) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < newVal.length; i++) { AppMessagesManager.sendFile($scope.curDialog.peerID, newVal[i]); $scope.$broadcast('ui_message_send'); } } }) .controller('PhotoModalController', function ($scope, AppPhotosManager) { $scope.photo = AppPhotosManager.wrapForFull($scope.photoID); }) .controller('VideoModalController', function ($scope, AppVideoManager) { $scope.video = AppVideoManager.wrapForFull($scope.videoID); }) .controller('UserModalController', function ($scope, $location, AppUsersManager) { $scope.user = AppUsersManager.wrapForFull($scope.userID); $scope.goToHistory = function () { $scope.$close(); $location.url('/im?p=' + $scope.user.peerString); }; }) .controller('ChatModalController', function ($scope, $timeout, AppUsersManager, AppChatsManager, MtpApiManager) { $scope.chatFull = AppChatsManager.wrapForFull($scope.chatID, {}); MtpApiManager.invokeApi('messages.getFullChat', { chat_id: $scope.chatID }).then(function (result) { AppChatsManager.saveApiChats(result.chats); AppUsersManager.saveApiUsers(result.users); $scope.chatFull = AppChatsManager.wrapForFull($scope.chatID, result.full_chat); }); })