/*! * Webogram v0.2.1 - messaging web application for MTProto * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram * Copyright (C) 2014 Igor Zhukov * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram/blob/master/LICENSE */ 'use strict'; /* Filters */ angular.module('myApp.filters', []) .filter('userName', [function() { return function (user) { if (!user || !user.first_name && !user.last_name) { return 'DELETED'; } return user.first_name + ' ' + user.last_name; } }]) .filter('userFirstName', [function() { return function (user) { if (!user || !user.first_name && !user.last_name) { return 'DELETED'; } return user.first_name || user.last_name; } }]) .filter('userStatus', ['$filter', function($filter) { return function (user) { if (!user || !user.status || user.status._ == 'userStatusEmpty') { return 'offline'; } if (user.status._ == 'userStatusOnline') { return 'online'; } return 'last seen ' + $filter('relativeTime')(user.status.was_online); } }]) .filter('chatTitle', [function() { return function (chat) { if (!chat || !chat.title) { return 'DELETED'; } return chat.title; } }]) .filter('dateOrTime', ['$filter', function($filter) { var cachedDates = {}; return function (timestamp) { if (cachedDates[timestamp]) { return cachedDates[timestamp]; } var ticks = timestamp * 1000, diff = Math.abs(tsNow() - ticks), format = 'HH:mm'; if (diff > 518400000) { // 6 days format = 'shortDate'; } else if (diff > 43200000) { // 12 hours format = 'EEE'; } return cachedDates[timestamp] = $filter('date')(ticks, format); } }]) .filter('time', ['$filter', function($filter) { var cachedDates = {}; return function (timestamp) { if (cachedDates[timestamp]) { return cachedDates[timestamp]; } return cachedDates[timestamp] = $filter('date')(timestamp * 1000, 'HH:mm'); } }]) .filter('myDate', ['$filter', function($filter) { var cachedDates = {}; return function (timestamp) { if (cachedDates[timestamp]) { return cachedDates[timestamp]; } return cachedDates[timestamp] = $filter('date')(timestamp * 1000, 'fullDate'); } }]) .filter('seconds', function($filter) { return function (timestamp) { var sec = timestamp % 60; return sec < 10 ? '0' + sec : sec; } }) .filter('duration', [function() { return function (duration) { var secs = duration % 60, mins = Math.floor((duration - secs) / 60.0); if (secs < 10) { secs = '0' + secs; } return mins + ':' + secs; } }]) .filter('phoneNumber', [function() { return function (phoneRaw) { var nbsp = ' '; phoneRaw = (phoneRaw || '').replace(/\D/g, ''); if (phoneRaw.charAt(0) == '7' && phoneRaw.length == 11) { return '+' + phoneRaw.charAt(0) + nbsp + '(' + phoneRaw.substr(1, 3) + ')' + nbsp + phoneRaw.substr(4, 3) + '-' + phoneRaw.substr(7, 2) + '-' + phoneRaw.substr(9, 2); } return '+' + phoneRaw; } }]) .filter('formatSize', [function () { return function (size) { if (!size) { return '0'; } else if (size < 1024) { return size + ' b'; } else if (size < 1048576) { return (Math.round(size / 1024 * 10) / 10) + ' Kb'; } return (Math.round(size / 1048576 * 100) / 100) + ' Mb'; } }]) .filter('formatSizeProgress', ['$filter', function ($filter) { return function (progress) { var done = $filter('formatSize')(progress.done), doneParts = done.split(' '), total = $filter('formatSize')(progress.total), totalParts = total.split(' '); if (totalParts[1] === doneParts[1]) { return doneParts[0] + ' of ' + totalParts[0] + ' ' + (doneParts[1] || ''); } return done + ' of ' + total; } }]) .filter('nl2br', [function () { return function (text) { return text.replace(/\n/g, '
'); } }]) .filter('richText', ['$filter', function ($filter) { return function (text) { return $filter('linky')(text, '_blank').replace(/\n| /g, '
'); } }]) .filter('relativeTime', ['$filter', function($filter) { return function (timestamp) { var ticks = timestamp * 1000, diff = Math.abs(tsNow() - ticks); if (diff < 60000) { return 'just now'; } if (diff < 3000000) { return Math.ceil(diff / 60000) + ' minutes ago'; } if (diff < 10000000) { return Math.ceil(diff / 3600000) + ' hours ago'; } return $filter('dateOrTime')(timestamp); } }])