 * Webogram v0.4.7 - messaging web application for MTProto
 * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram
 * Copyright (C) 2014 Igor Zhukov <igor.beatle@gmail.com>
 * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram/blob/master/LICENSE

 function TLSerialization (options) {
  options = options || {};
  this.maxLength = options.startMaxLength || 2048; // 2Kb
  this.offset = 0; // in bytes


  // this.debug = options.debug !== undefined ? options.debug : Config.Modes.debug;
  this.mtproto = options.mtproto || false;
  return this;

TLSerialization.prototype.createBuffer = function () {
  this.buffer   = new ArrayBuffer(this.maxLength);
  this.intView  = new Int32Array(this.buffer);
  this.byteView = new Uint8Array(this.buffer);

TLSerialization.prototype.getArray = function () {
  var resultBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(this.offset);
  var resultArray  = new Int32Array(resultBuffer);

  resultArray.set(this.intView.subarray(0, this.offset / 4));

  return resultArray;

TLSerialization.prototype.getBuffer = function () {
  return this.getArray().buffer;

TLSerialization.prototype.getBytes = function (typed) {
  if (typed) {
    var resultBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(this.offset);
    var resultArray  = new Uint8Array(resultBuffer);

    resultArray.set(this.byteView.subarray(0, this.offset));

    return resultArray;

  var bytes = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < this.offset; i++) {
  return bytes;

TLSerialization.prototype.checkLength = function (needBytes) {
  if (this.offset + needBytes < this.maxLength) {

  console.trace('Increase buffer', this.offset, needBytes, this.maxLength);
  this.maxLength = Math.ceil(Math.max(this.maxLength * 2, this.offset + needBytes + 16) / 4) * 4;
  var previousBuffer = this.buffer,
      previousArray = new Int32Array(previousBuffer);


  new Int32Array(this.buffer).set(previousArray);

TLSerialization.prototype.writeInt = function (i, field) {
  this.debug && console.log('>>>', i.toString(16), i, field);

  this.intView[this.offset / 4] = i;
  this.offset += 4;

TLSerialization.prototype.storeInt = function (i, field) {
  this.writeInt(i, (field || '') + ':int');

TLSerialization.prototype.storeBool = function (i, field) {
  if (i) {
    this.writeInt(0x997275b5, (field || '') + ':bool');
  } else {
    this.writeInt(0xbc799737, (field || '') + ':bool');

TLSerialization.prototype.storeLongP = function (iHigh, iLow, field) {
  this.writeInt(iLow, (field || '') + ':long[low]');
  this.writeInt(iHigh, (field || '') + ':long[high]');

TLSerialization.prototype.storeLong = function (sLong, field) {
  if (angular.isArray(sLong)) {
    if (sLong.length == 2) {
      return this.storeLongP(sLong[0], sLong[1], field);
    } else {
      return this.storeIntBytes(sLong, 64, field);

  if (typeof sLong != 'string') {
    sLong = sLong ? sLong.toString() : '0';
  var divRem = bigStringInt(sLong).divideAndRemainder(bigint(0x100000000));

  this.writeInt(intToUint(divRem[1].intValue()), (field || '') + ':long[low]');
  this.writeInt(intToUint(divRem[0].intValue()), (field || '') + ':long[high]');

TLSerialization.prototype.storeDouble = function (f) {
  var buffer     = new ArrayBuffer(8);
  var intView    = new Int32Array(buffer);
  var doubleView = new Float64Array(buffer);

  doubleView[0] = f;

  this.writeInt(intView[0], (field || '') + ':double[low]');
  this.writeInt(intView[1], (field || '') + ':double[high]');

TLSerialization.prototype.storeString = function (s, field) {
  this.debug && console.log('>>>', s, (field || '') + ':string');

  if (s === undefined) {
    s = '';
  var sUTF8 = unescape(encodeURIComponent(s));

  this.checkLength(sUTF8.length + 8);

  var len = sUTF8.length;
  if (len <= 253) {
    this.byteView[this.offset++] = len;
  } else {
    this.byteView[this.offset++] = 254;
    this.byteView[this.offset++] = len & 0xFF;
    this.byteView[this.offset++] = (len & 0xFF00) >> 8;
    this.byteView[this.offset++] = (len & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
  for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    this.byteView[this.offset++] = sUTF8.charCodeAt(i);

  // Padding
  while (this.offset % 4) {
    this.byteView[this.offset++] = 0;

TLSerialization.prototype.storeBytes = function (bytes, field) {
  if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
    bytes = new Uint8Array(bytes);
  else if (bytes === undefined) {
    bytes = [];
  this.debug && console.log('>>>', bytesToHex(bytes), (field || '') + ':bytes');

  var len = bytes.byteLength || bytes.length;
  this.checkLength(len + 8);
  if (len <= 253) {
    this.byteView[this.offset++] = len;
  } else {
    this.byteView[this.offset++] = 254;
    this.byteView[this.offset++] = len & 0xFF;
    this.byteView[this.offset++] = (len & 0xFF00) >> 8;
    this.byteView[this.offset++] = (len & 0xFF0000) >> 16;

  this.byteView.set(bytes, this.offset);
  this.offset += len;

  // Padding
  while (this.offset % 4) {
    this.byteView[this.offset++] = 0;

TLSerialization.prototype.storeIntBytes = function (bytes, bits, field) {
  if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
    bytes = new Uint8Array(bytes);
  var len = bytes.length;
  if ((bits % 32) || (len * 8) != bits) {
    throw new Error('Invalid bits: ' + bits + ', ' + bytes.length);

  this.debug && console.log('>>>', bytesToHex(bytes), (field || '') + ':int' + bits);

  this.byteView.set(bytes, this.offset);
  this.offset += len;

TLSerialization.prototype.storeRawBytes = function (bytes, field) {
  if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
    bytes = new Uint8Array(bytes);
  var len = bytes.length;

  this.debug && console.log('>>>', bytesToHex(bytes), (field || ''));

  this.byteView.set(bytes, this.offset);
  this.offset += len;

TLSerialization.prototype.storeMethod = function (methodName, params) {
  var schema = this.mtproto ? Config.Schema.MTProto : Config.Schema.API,
      methodData = false,

  for (i = 0; i < schema.methods.length; i++) {
    if (schema.methods[i].method == methodName) {
      methodData = schema.methods[i];
  if (!methodData) {
    throw new Error('No method ' + methodName + ' found');

  this.storeInt(intToUint(methodData.id), methodName + '[id]');

  var param, type, i, condType, fieldBit;
  var len = methodData.params.length;
  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    param = methodData.params[i];
    type = param.type;
    if (type.indexOf('?') !== -1) {
      condType = type.split('?');
      fieldBit = condType[0].split('.');
      if (!(params[fieldBit[0]] & (1 << fieldBit[1]))) {
      type = condType[1];

    this.storeObject(params[param.name], type, methodName + '[' + param.name + ']');

  return methodData.type;

TLSerialization.prototype.storeObject = function (obj, type, field) {
  switch (type) {
    case '#':
    case 'int':    return this.storeInt(obj,  field);
    case 'long':   return this.storeLong(obj,  field);
    case 'int128': return this.storeIntBytes(obj, 128, field);
    case 'int256': return this.storeIntBytes(obj, 256, field);
    case 'int512': return this.storeIntBytes(obj, 512, field);
    case 'string': return this.storeString(obj,   field);
    case 'bytes':  return this.storeBytes(obj,  field);
    case 'double': return this.storeDouble(obj,   field);
    case 'Bool':   return this.storeBool(obj,   field);

  if (angular.isArray(obj)) {
    if (type.substr(0, 6) == 'Vector') {
      this.writeInt(0x1cb5c415, field + '[id]');
    else if (type.substr(0, 6) != 'vector') {
      throw new Error('Invalid vector type ' + type);
    var itemType = type.substr(7, type.length - 8); // for "Vector<itemType>"
    this.writeInt(obj.length, field + '[count]');
    for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
      this.storeObject(obj[i], itemType, field + '[' + i + ']');
    return true;
  else if (type.substr(0, 6).toLowerCase() == 'vector') {
    throw new Error('Invalid vector object');

  if (!angular.isObject(obj)) {
    throw new Error('Invalid object for type ' + type);

  var schema = this.mtproto ? Config.Schema.MTProto : Config.Schema.API,
      predicate = obj['_'],
      isBare = false,
      constructorData = false,

  if (isBare = (type.charAt(0) == '%')) {
    type = type.substr(1);

  for (i = 0; i < schema.constructors.length; i++) {
    if (schema.constructors[i].predicate == predicate) {
      constructorData = schema.constructors[i];
  if (!constructorData) {
    throw new Error('No predicate ' + predicate + ' found');

  if (predicate == type) {
    isBare = true;

  if (!isBare) {
    this.writeInt(intToUint(constructorData.id), field + '[' + predicate + '][id]');

  var param, type, i, condType, fieldBit;
  var len = constructorData.params.length;
  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    param = constructorData.params[i];
    type = param.type;
    if (type.indexOf('?') !== -1) {
      condType = type.split('?');
      fieldBit = condType[0].split('.');
      if (!(obj[fieldBit[0]] & (1 << fieldBit[1]))) {
      type = condType[1];

    this.storeObject(obj[param.name], type, field + '[' + predicate + '][' + param.name + ']');

  return constructorData.type;

function TLDeserialization (buffer, options) {
  options = options || {};

  this.offset = 0; // in bytes
  this.override = options.override || {};

  this.buffer = buffer;
  this.intView  = new Uint32Array(this.buffer);
  this.byteView = new Uint8Array(this.buffer);

  // this.debug = options.debug !== undefined ? options.debug : Config.Modes.debug;
  this.mtproto = options.mtproto || false;
  return this;

TLDeserialization.prototype.readInt = function (field) {
  if (this.offset >= this.intView.length * 4) {
    throw new Error('Nothing to fetch: ' + field);

  var i = this.intView[this.offset / 4];

  this.debug && console.log('<<<', i.toString(16), i, field);

  this.offset += 4;

  return i;

TLDeserialization.prototype.fetchInt = function (field) {
  return this.readInt((field || '') + ':int');

TLDeserialization.prototype.fetchDouble = function (field) {
  var buffer     = new ArrayBuffer(8);
  var intView    = new Int32Array(buffer);
  var doubleView = new Float64Array(buffer);

  intView[0] = this.readInt((field || '') + ':double[low]'),
  intView[1] = this.readInt((field || '') + ':double[high]');

  return doubleView[0];

TLDeserialization.prototype.fetchLong = function (field) {
  var iLow = this.readInt((field || '') + ':long[low]'),
      iHigh = this.readInt((field || '') + ':long[high]');

  var longDec = bigint(iHigh).shiftLeft(32).add(bigint(iLow)).toString();

  return longDec;

TLDeserialization.prototype.fetchBool = function (field) {
  var i = this.readInt((field || '') + ':bool');
  if (i == 0x997275b5) {
    return true;
  } else if (i == 0xbc799737) {
    return false

  this.offset -= 4;
  return this.fetchObject('Object', field);

TLDeserialization.prototype.fetchString = function (field) {
  var len = this.byteView[this.offset++];

  if (len == 254) {
    var len = this.byteView[this.offset++] |
              (this.byteView[this.offset++] << 8) |
              (this.byteView[this.offset++] << 16);

  var sUTF8 = '';
  for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    sUTF8 += String.fromCharCode(this.byteView[this.offset++]);

  // Padding
  while (this.offset % 4) {

  try {
    var s = decodeURIComponent(escape(sUTF8));
  } catch (e) {
    var s = sUTF8;

  this.debug && console.log('<<<', s, (field || '') + ':string');

  return s;

TLDeserialization.prototype.fetchBytes = function (field) {
  var len = this.byteView[this.offset++];

  if (len == 254) {
    var len = this.byteView[this.offset++] |
              (this.byteView[this.offset++] << 8) |
              (this.byteView[this.offset++] << 16);

  var bytes = this.byteView.subarray(this.offset, this.offset + len);
  this.offset += len;

  // Padding
  while (this.offset % 4) {

  this.debug && console.log('<<<', bytesToHex(bytes), (field || '') + ':bytes');

  return bytes;

TLDeserialization.prototype.fetchIntBytes = function (bits, typed, field) {
  if (bits % 32) {
    throw new Error('Invalid bits: ' + bits);

  var len = bits / 8;
  if (typed) {
    var result = this.byteView.subarray(this.offset, this.offset + len);
    this.offset += len;
    return result;

  var bytes = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {

  this.debug && console.log('<<<', bytesToHex(bytes), (field || '') + ':int' + bits);

  return bytes;

TLDeserialization.prototype.fetchRawBytes = function (len, typed, field) {
  if (len === false) {
    len = this.readInt((field || '') + '_length');

  if (typed) {
    var bytes = new Uint8Array(len);
    bytes.set(this.byteView.subarray(this.offset, this.offset + len));
    this.offset += len;
    return bytes;

  var bytes = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {

  this.debug && console.log('<<<', bytesToHex(bytes), (field || ''));

  return bytes;

TLDeserialization.prototype.fetchObject = function (type, field) {
  switch (type) {
    case '#':
    case 'int':    return this.fetchInt(field);
    case 'long':   return this.fetchLong(field);
    case 'int128': return this.fetchIntBytes(128, false, field);
    case 'int256': return this.fetchIntBytes(256, false, field);
    case 'int512': return this.fetchIntBytes(512, false, field);
    case 'string': return this.fetchString(field);
    case 'bytes':  return this.fetchBytes(field);
    case 'double': return this.fetchDouble(field);
    case 'Bool':   return this.fetchBool(field);

  field = field || type || 'Object';

  if (type.substr(0, 6) == 'Vector' || type.substr(0, 6) == 'vector') {
    if (type.charAt(0) == 'V') {
      var constructor = this.readInt(field + '[id]');
      if (constructor != 0x1cb5c415) {
        throw new Error('Invalid vector constructor ' + constructor);
    var len = this.readInt(field + '[count]');
    var result = [];
    if (len > 0) {
      var itemType = type.substr(7, type.length - 8); // for "Vector<itemType>"
      for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        result.push(this.fetchObject(itemType, field + '[' + i + ']'))

    return result;

  var schema = this.mtproto ? Config.Schema.MTProto : Config.Schema.API,
      predicate = false,
      constructorData = false;

  if (type.charAt(0) == '%') {
    var checkType = type.substr(1);
    for (var i = 0; i < schema.constructors.length; i++) {
      if (schema.constructors[i].type == checkType) {
        constructorData = schema.constructors[i];
    if (!constructorData) {
      throw new Error('Constructor not found for type: ' + type);
  else if (type.charAt(0) >= 97 && type.charAt(0) <= 122) {
    for (var i = 0; i < schema.constructors.length; i++) {
      if (schema.constructors[i].predicate == type) {
        constructorData = schema.constructors[i];
    if (!constructorData) {
      throw new Error('Constructor not found for predicate: ' + type);
  else {
    var constructor = this.readInt(field + '[id]'),
        constructorCmp = uintToInt(constructor);

    if (constructorCmp == 0x3072cfa1) { // Gzip packed
      var compressed = this.fetchBytes(field + '[packed_string]'),
          uncompressed = gzipUncompress(compressed),
          buffer = bytesToArrayBuffer(uncompressed),
          newDeserializer = (new TLDeserialization(buffer));

      return newDeserializer.fetchObject(type, field);

    var index = schema.constructorsIndex;
    if (!index) {
      schema.constructorsIndex = index = {};
      for (var i = 0; i < schema.constructors.length; i++) {
        index[schema.constructors[i].id] = i;
    var i = index[constructorCmp];
    if (i) {
      constructorData = schema.constructors[i];

    var fallback = false;
    if (!constructorData && this.mtproto) {
      var schemaFallback = Config.Schema.API;
      for (i = 0; i < schemaFallback.constructors.length; i++) {
        if (schemaFallback.constructors[i].id == constructorCmp) {
          constructorData = schemaFallback.constructors[i];

          delete this.mtproto;
          fallback = true;
    if (!constructorData) {
      throw new Error('Constructor not found: ' + constructor);

  predicate = constructorData.predicate;

  var result = {'_': predicate},
      overrideKey = (this.mtproto ? 'mt_' : '') + predicate,
      self = this;

  if (this.override[overrideKey]) {
    this.override[overrideKey].apply(this, [result, field + '[' + predicate + ']']);
  } else {
    var i, param, type, condType, fieldBit;
    var len = constructorData.params.length;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      param = constructorData.params[i];
      type = param.type;
      if (type.indexOf('?') !== -1) {
        condType = type.split('?');
        fieldBit = condType[0].split('.');
        if (!(result[fieldBit[0]] & (1 << fieldBit[1]))) {
        type = condType[1];

      result[param.name] = self.fetchObject(type, field + '[' + predicate + '][' + param.name + ']');

  if (fallback) {
    this.mtproto = true;

  return result;

TLDeserialization.prototype.getOffset = function () {
  return this.offset;

TLDeserialization.prototype.fetchEnd = function () {
  if (this.offset != this.byteView.length) {
    throw new Error('Fetch end with non-empty buffer');
  return true;