- Added embedded Soundcloud tracks and playlists.
- Added global user search to contacts list.
- Added switch to mobile version on window resize.
- Migrate to HTTPS notification
- Bugfixes.
- Added embedded Facebook posts and Vimeo videos.
- Improved IE10+ support: downloading files and style fixes.
- Added unsupported media playback warning.
- Bugfixes.
- Added Native Client module: dramatically improved encryption speed; Download and upload speed is now as high as in native applications.
- HTTPS. We recommend you to use https://web.telegram.org.
- Added multiple open tabs warning. Please note, that only one tab with Telegram Web will work.
- Added embedded Instagram, Twitter, Vine, YouTube links.
- Jump to selected spot when playing back audio.
- Bugfixes
- Usernames support: Choose a username right now!
- Search can now find public users by username.
- Most popular emoticons shown in 'recent' when empty
- [ChromeApp] Added saving window position and size
- Bugfixes
- New languages: Spanish, German and Italian are now available
- New custom-made audio player
- Bad browser page for IE 6-9
- Perfomance improvements and bugfixes
- Log in codes may be received in other Telegram apps
- Partner's online status updates automatically
- Added support for non-english hashtags in messages
- Fixed invalid scrollbar width bug
- [Desktop] Added automatic country code detection
- [FirefoxOS] Improved PUSH-notifications for <= 1.1
- [FirefoxOS] Fixed emoji in notifications
- [FirefoxOS] Fixed attachment bug for <= 1.1
- [FirefoxOS] Added phonebook permissions handling
- [FirefoxOS] Added ability to share Gallery photos in Telegram
- Updated mobile layout
- Bugfixes
- Updated mobile layout
- Improved performance
- Improved messages grouping
- [FirefoxOS] Fixed notifications for <= 1.1
- [FirefoxOS] Fixed phonebook import
- Improved key generation performance on slow devices
- Added network sleep for mobile devices
- [FirefoxOS] Added support of PUSH notifications
- Improvements of performance
- Bugfixes
- Improved mobile layout
- Bugfixes
- Improved mobile layout
- Added file cache for Firefox and Android
- New design for forwarded messages
- Hash-tags support
- Messaging bugfixes
- Added search of messages
- Improved performance of chats with lots of unread messages
- Bugfixes
- Added registration
- Improved experience for newly registered users
- Browse userpic history (click on the photo in user info)
- New GitHub, Twitter buttons in Settings
- Updated keyboard shortcuts:
- Alt+Home - switch to first (most recent) conversation
- Removed Alt+1, 2, 3.. shortcuts due to conflicts in different browsers
- Added version history to welcome screen
- Added keyboard shortcuts:
- Tab - set focus to message field
- Esc or Shift+Tab - set focus to search field
- Up/Down (while in search field) - move between conversations
- Enter (while in search field) - open selected or first conversation
- Alt+Up/Down - move to previous/next conversation
- Improved grouping for messages
- Fixed video modal positioning bug
- Fixed focusing issues on mobile