/* A little utility to translate Country names for Webogram. * You need to install nodejs. * Usage: node <thisfile> <languageCode> <inputFile> [outputFile] * If outputFile is not specified, inputFile will be overwritten. * * @author: Michele Locati <mlocati@gmail.com> * @licence: MIT */ try { var fs = require('fs'), path = require('path'); var cldrFolder = path.join(__dirname, 'cldr'); if(!(isDir(cldrFolder) && isDir(path.join(cldrFolder, 'main')))) { process.stderr.write('Please download the CLDR json data from http://cldr.unicode.org and extract it to the following directory:\n' + cldrFolder + '\n'); process.exit(1); } var locale, inputFile, outputFile = ''; switch(process.argv.length) { case 5: outputFile = process.argv[4]; /*-fallthrough*/ case 4: inputFile = process.argv[3]; locale = process.argv[2]; break; default: process.stderr.write('Syntax:\n' + process.argv[0] + ' ' + path.basename(process.argv[1]) + ' <languageCode> <inputFile> [outputFile]' + '\n'); process.exit(1); } var foundLocale = ''; getLocaleAlternatives(locale).every(function(loc) { if(isDir(path.join(cldrFolder, 'main', loc))) { foundLocale = loc; return false; } return true; }); if(foundLocale.length === 0) { process.stderr.write('Unable to find data folder for the "' + locale + '" language.'); process.exit(1); } process.stdout.write('Found locale: ' + foundLocale + '\n'); var territoryData = readJsonFromFile(path.join(cldrFolder, 'main', foundLocale, 'territories.json')); var displayNames = territoryData.main[foundLocale].localeDisplayNames.territories; var theData = readJsonFromFile(inputFile); var inputKey, match, territoryID; for(inputKey in theData) { if (theData.hasOwnProperty(inputKey)) { match = /^country_select_modal_country_([a-z]+)$/.exec(inputKey); if(match) { territoryID = match[1].toUpperCase(); process.stdout.write('Found territory: ' + territoryID + ' (' + theData[inputKey] + ')... '); if(displayNames.hasOwnProperty(territoryID)) { process.stdout.write('translated as "' + displayNames[territoryID] + '"\n'); theData[inputKey] = displayNames[territoryID]; } else { process.stdout.write('NOT FOUND IN CLDR!\n'); } } } } if(outputFile.length === 0) { outputFile = inputFile; } writeJsonToFile(outputFile, theData); process.stdout.write('File written: "' + outputFile + '"!\n'); } catch(e) { process.stderr.write(e.message + '\n'); process.exit(1); } function isFile(path) { var r = false; if((typeof(path) === 'string') && (path.length > 0)) { try { if(fs.existsSync(path)) { if(fs.lstatSync(path).isFile()) { r = true; } } } catch(x) { } } return r; } function isDir(path) { var r = false; if((typeof(path) === 'string') && (path.length > 0)) { try { if(fs.existsSync(path)) { if(fs.lstatSync(path).isDirectory()) { r = true; } } } catch(x) { } } return r; } function getLocaleAlternatives(locale) { var language = '', script = '', territory = ''; locale.replace(/_/g, '-').split('-').forEach(function(chunk, index) { if(index === 0) { language = chunk.toLowerCase(); } else if(chunk.length === 4) { if(script.length > 0) { throw new Error('"' + locale + '" is not a valid locale identifier'); } script = chunk.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + chunk.substr(1).toLowerCase(); } else if(territory.length) { throw new Error('"' + locale + '" is not a valid locale identifier'); } else { if(/^[a-z]{2}$/i.test(chunk) || /^[0-9]{3}$/i.test(chunk)) { territory = chunk.toUpperCase(); } else { console.log(chunk); throw new Error('"' + locale + '" is not a valid locale identifier'); } } }); if(language.length === 0) { throw new Error('"' + locale + '" is not a valid locale identifier'); } var result = []; if((script.length > 0) && (territory.length > 0)) { result.push([language, script, territory].join('-')); } if(script.length > 0) { result.push([language, script].join('-')); } if(territory.length > 0) { result.push([language, territory].join('-')); } result.push(language); return result; } function readJsonFromFile(path) { if(!isFile(path)) { throw new Error('File not found: ' + path); } var fileContents = fs.readFileSync(path), data; try { data = JSON.parse(fileContents); } catch(e) { throw new Error('Error reading JSON file ' + path + ':\n' + e.message); } return data; } function writeJsonToFile(path, data) { fs.writeFileSync(path, JSON.stringify(data, null, 4)); }