/* global describe, it, inject, expect, beforeEach, jasmine */ describe('EmbedModalController', function () { var $scope, $rootScope, $webpageManager, $errService, $input, $messManager, $pSelectService, $modalI beforeEach(module('myApp.controllers')) beforeEach(function () { $webpageManager = {} $webpageManager.wrapForFull = jasmine.createSpy('wrapForFull') $input = {} $errService = { confirm: function (message) { $input = message return { then: function (f) { f() } } } } $pSelectService = { selectPeer: function (options) { $input = options return { then: function (f) { f('Peerselected') } } } } $messManager = {} $messManager.deleteMessages = jasmine.createSpy('deleteMessages') $modalI = {} $modalI.dismiss = jasmine.createSpy('dismissModal') inject(function (_$controller_, _$rootScope_) { $rootScope = _$rootScope_ $rootScope.$broadcast = jasmine.createSpy('$broadcast') $scope = $rootScope.$new() $scope.webpageID = 'www.notRelevant.com' _$controller_('EmbedModalController', { $q: {}, $scope: $scope, $rootScope: $rootScope, $modalInstance: $modalI, PeersSelectService: $pSelectService, AppMessagesManager: $messManager, AppPeersManager: {}, AppPhotosManager: {}, AppWebPagesManager: $webpageManager, ErrorService: $errService }) }) }) // define tests it('sets the embeded webpage in the scope', function (done) { expect($scope.nav).toEqual({}) expect($webpageManager.wrapForFull).toHaveBeenCalledWith($scope.webpageID) done() }) it('forwards a message with an embeded link', function (done) { $scope.messageID = 'id1234234' $scope.forward() expect($input).toEqual({canSend: true}) expect($scope.$broadcast).toHaveBeenCalledWith('history_focus', { peerString: 'Peerselected', attachment: { _: 'fwd_messages', id: [$scope.messageID] } }) done() }) it('deletes a message with an embeded link', function (done) { $scope.messageID = 'id979565673' $scope.delete() expect($input).toEqual({type: 'MESSAGE_DELETE'}) expect($messManager.deleteMessages).toHaveBeenCalledWith([$scope.messageID]) done() }) })