Sync translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -321,7 +321,6 @@
"error_modal_flood_description": "Du führst zu viele Anfragen durch. Bitte versuche es später wieder.",
"error_modal_internal_description": "Ein interner Serverfehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es später wieder.",
"error_modal_tech_details": "Hier gibt es die technischen Details",
"error_modal_multiple_open_tabs": "Bitte andere Telegram App Tabs schliessen.",
"error_modal_recovery_na_description": "Da du für diesen Fall keine E-Mail Adresse hinterlegt hast, kannst du nur noch hoffen, dass dir dein Kennwort wieder einfällt oder du musst dein Telegram Konto zurückzusetzen.",
"error_modal_password_success_descripion": "Dein Kennwort für die zweistufige Bestätigung ist jetzt aktiv.",
"error_modal_password_disabled_descripion": "Zweistufige Bestätigung deaktiviert.",
@ -476,6 +475,10 @@
"phonebook_modal_empty": "Dein Telefonbuch ist leer.",
"phonebook_modal_submit_active": "Importiere",
"phonebook_modal_submit": "Kontakte importieren",
"inactive_tab_title": "Telegram: Zzz...",
"inactive_title": "Oh-oh, so viele Tabs....",
"inactive_description_md": "Telegram unterstützt nur jeweils einen aktiven Tab.\nBitte lade die Seite neu oder schließe den Tab. ",
"inactive_reload_btn": "Neu laden",
"country_select_modal_country_ab": "Abchasien",
"country_select_modal_country_af": "Afghanistan",
"country_select_modal_country_ax": "Åland-Inseln",
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
"conversation_you": "You",
"conversation_media_photo": "Photo",
"conversation_media_video": "Video",
"conversation_media_document": "Document",
"conversation_media_document": "File",
"conversation_media_sticker": "Sticker",
"conversation_media_audio": "Audio",
"conversation_media_location": "Location",
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
"head_edit_messages": "Edit messages",
"head_media_photos": "Photos",
"head_media_video": "Videos",
"head_media_documents": "Documents",
"head_media_documents": "Files",
"head_media_audio": "Voice messages",
"head_about": "About",
"head_clear_all": "Clear all",
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@
"im_media": "Media",
"im_media_photos": "Photos",
"im_media_video": "Videos",
"im_media_documents": "Documents",
"im_media_documents": "Files",
"im_media_audio": "Voice messages",
"im_pluralize_participants": "{'0': 'No members', 'one': '1 member', 'other': '{} members'}",
"im_show_recent_messages": "Show recent messages",
@ -532,7 +532,7 @@
"inactive_tab_title": "Telegram: Zzz...",
"inactive_title": "Such error, many tabs",
"inactive_description_md": "Telegram supports only one active tab with the app.\nPlease reload this page to continue using this tab or close it",
"inactive_description_md": "Telegram supports only one active tab with the app.\nPlease reload this page to continue using this tab or close it.",
"inactive_reload_btn": "Reload App",
@ -321,7 +321,6 @@
"error_modal_flood_description": "Estás realizando demasiadas acciones. Por favor, reinténtalo más tarde.",
"error_modal_internal_description": "Error interno del servidor. Por favor, reinténtalo más tarde.",
"error_modal_tech_details": "Detalles técnicos aquí",
"error_modal_multiple_open_tabs": "Por favor, cierra las otras pestañas de la app de Telegram.",
"error_modal_recovery_na_description": "Como no estableciste un e-mail de recuperación cuando configuraste tu contraseña, las opciones restantes son recordar tu contraseña o restablecer tu cuenta.",
"error_modal_password_success_descripion": "Tu contraseña para la verificación en dos pasos está activada.",
"error_modal_password_disabled_descripion": "Has desactivado la verificación en dos pasos.",
@ -476,6 +475,10 @@
"phonebook_modal_empty": "Tu agenda de contactos está vacía.",
"phonebook_modal_submit_active": "Importando",
"phonebook_modal_submit": "Importar contactos",
"inactive_tab_title": "Telegram: Zzz...",
"inactive_title": "Such error, many pestañas",
"inactive_description_md": "Telegram sólo permite una pestaña activa con la aplicación.\nPor favor, recarga esta página para continuar usándola o ciérrala.",
"inactive_reload_btn": "Recargar app",
"country_select_modal_country_ab": "Abjasia",
"country_select_modal_country_af": "Afganistán",
"country_select_modal_country_ax": "Islas Åland",
@ -321,7 +321,6 @@
"error_modal_flood_description": "Stai effettuando troppe operazioni. Si prega di riprovare più tardi.",
"error_modal_internal_description": "Si è verificato un errore interno al server. Si prega di riprovare più tardi.",
"error_modal_tech_details": "Dettagli tecnici qui",
"error_modal_multiple_open_tabs": "Per favore chiudi le altre finestre dell'app di Telegram.",
"error_modal_recovery_na_description": "Siccome non hai fornito un'email di recupero quando hai impostato la tua password, non ti resta che ricordarti la password o ripristinare il tuo account.",
"error_modal_password_success_descripion": "La password per la verifica in due passaggi è ora attiva.",
"error_modal_password_disabled_descripion": "Hai disabilitato la verifica in due passaggi.",
@ -476,6 +475,10 @@
"phonebook_modal_empty": "La tua rubrica è vuota.",
"phonebook_modal_submit_active": "Importazione",
"phonebook_modal_submit": "Importa contatti",
"inactive_tab_title": "Telegram: Zzz...",
"inactive_title": "Such error, many tabs",
"inactive_description_md": "Telegram supporta solo una scheda attiva con l'app.\nPer favore ricarica questa scheda per continuare a usarla o chiudila",
"inactive_reload_btn": "Ricarica l'app",
"country_select_modal_country_ab": "Abkhazia",
"country_select_modal_country_af": "Afghanistan",
"country_select_modal_country_ax": "Isole Aland",
@ -321,7 +321,6 @@
"error_modal_flood_description": "Je voert teveel acties tegelijkertijd uit. Probeer het later nog eens.",
"error_modal_internal_description": "Interne serverfout opgetreden. Probeer het later opnieuw.",
"error_modal_tech_details": "Technische details hier",
"error_modal_multiple_open_tabs": "Sluit alsjeblieft alle andere Telegram Web tabbladen in je browser.",
"error_modal_recovery_na_description": "Omdat je geen herstel-e-mailadres hebt opgegeven voor je wachtwoord zul je bij verlies van je wachtwoord je account moeten resetten.",
"error_modal_password_success_descripion": "Je wachtwoord voor twee-staps-verificatie is nu actief.",
"error_modal_password_disabled_descripion": "Twee-staps-verificatie uitgeschakeld.",
@ -476,6 +475,10 @@
"phonebook_modal_empty": "Je telefoonboek is leeg.",
"phonebook_modal_submit_active": "Importeren",
"phonebook_modal_submit": "Contacten importeren",
"inactive_tab_title": "Telegram: Zzz...",
"inactive_title": "Such error, many tabs",
"inactive_description_md": "Telegram supports only one active tab with the app.\nPlease reload this page to continue using this tab or close it",
"inactive_reload_btn": "Reload App",
"country_select_modal_country_ab": "Abchazië",
"country_select_modal_country_af": "Afghanistan",
"country_select_modal_country_ax": "Åland",
@ -321,7 +321,6 @@
"error_modal_flood_description": "Você está realizando muitas ações. Tente novamente mais tarde.",
"error_modal_internal_description": "Erro interno do servidor. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.",
"error_modal_tech_details": "Detalhes técnicos aqui",
"error_modal_multiple_open_tabs": "Por favor, feche as outras abas de aplicativos do Telegram.",
"error_modal_recovery_na_description": "Como você não indicou um e-mail de recuperação quando configurou a sua senha, as únicas opções restantes são lembrar a senha ou apagar a sua conta.",
"error_modal_password_success_descripion": "A sua senha para a verificação em duas etapas foi ativada.",
"error_modal_password_disabled_descripion": "Você deve desativar a verificação em duas etapas",
@ -476,6 +475,10 @@
"phonebook_modal_empty": "Sua agenda telefônica está vazia.",
"phonebook_modal_submit_active": "Importando",
"phonebook_modal_submit": "Importar contatos",
"inactive_tab_title": "Telegram: Zzz...",
"inactive_title": "Erro, muitas abas",
"inactive_description_md": "Telegram suporta apenas uma aba ativa com o app\nPor favor, recarregue para continuar usando essa aba ou feche-a",
"inactive_reload_btn": "Recarregar App",
"country_select_modal_country_ab": "Abcássia",
"country_select_modal_country_af": "Afeganistão",
"country_select_modal_country_ax": "Ilhas Aland",
@ -321,7 +321,6 @@
"error_modal_flood_description": "Вы выполняете слишком много действий. Попробуйте повторить позже.",
"error_modal_internal_description": "Внутренняя ошибка сервера. Попробуйте повторить позже.",
"error_modal_tech_details": "Технические подробности:",
"error_modal_multiple_open_tabs": "Пожалуйста, закройте другие вкладки с приложением Telegram.",
"error_modal_recovery_na_description": "Так как вы не указали адрес электронной почты для восстановления пароля, то оставшиеся варианты — вспомнить пароль или сбросить аккаунт.",
"error_modal_password_success_descripion": "Ваш пароль для двухэтапной аутентификации активен.",
"error_modal_password_disabled_descripion": "Вы отключили двухэтапную аутентификацию.",
@ -476,6 +475,10 @@
"phonebook_modal_empty": "Ваша телефонная книга пуста.",
"phonebook_modal_submit_active": "Импорт",
"phonebook_modal_submit": "Импортировать контакты",
"inactive_tab_title": "Telegram: Zzz...",
"inactive_title": "Such error, many tabs",
"inactive_description_md": "Telegram supports only one active tab with the app.\nPlease reload this page to continue using this tab or close it",
"inactive_reload_btn": "Reload App",
"country_select_modal_country_ab": "Абхазия",
"country_select_modal_country_af": "Афганистан",
"country_select_modal_country_ax": "Аландские о-ва",
Reference in New Issue
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