Telegram Web, preconfigured for usage in I2P. http://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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'use strict'
/* global describe, it, inject, expect, beforeEach, jasmine, tsNow*/
describe('relativeTime filter', function () {
beforeEach(inject(function (_$filter_, ___) {
this.$filter = _$filter_
this._ = ___
beforeEach(function () {
this.minuteSpy = jasmine.createSpy()
this.hourSpy = jasmine.createSpy()
// local vars are used to prevent scoping problems
var ms = this.minuteSpy
var hs = this.hourSpy
this._.pluralize = function (msgid) {
if (msgid === 'relative_time_pluralize_minutes_ago') {
return ms
} else if (msgid === 'relative_time_pluralize_hours_ago') {
return hs
this.relativeTimeFilter = this.$filter('relativeTime', {$filter: this.$filter, _: this._})
it('can mark time as "just now"', function () {
var input = tsNow(true)
var expected = this._('relative_time_just_now')
var result = this.relativeTimeFilter(input)
// because the exact of tsNow in hard to estimate, a Spy is used instead of checking the return value
it('can convert time that is max. 1 hour away', function () {
var input = tsNow(true) - 3500
// because the exact of tsNow in hard to estimate, a Spy is used instead of checking the return value
it('can convert time that is max. 24 hours away', function () {
var input = tsNow(true) - 86000
it('can convert time after 24 hours based on timestamp', function () {
var input = tsNow(true) - 1000000
var expected = this.$filter('dateOrTime')(input, true)
var result = this.relativeTimeFilter(input)
// Further testing on the dateOrTimeFilter is present in dateOrTimeFilterSpec.js