2014-06-17 22:02:35 +04:00
< div my-head > < / div >
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
2014-02-10 21:25:21 +04:00
< div class = "im_page_wrap" ng-class = "{im_page_peer_not_selected: !curDialog.peer}" >
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
< div class = "im_page_split clearfix" >
2014-06-13 12:40:14 +04:00
< div class = "im_dialogs_col_wrap" ng-controller = "AppImDialogsController" my-dialogs has-tabs = "{{search.query.length > 0}}" >
2014-03-21 16:56:25 +04:00
< div class = "im_dialogs_panel" >
< div class = "dropdown im_dialogs_panel_dropdown pull-right" >
< a class = "dropdown-toggle" >
< span class = "icon-bar" > < / span >
< span class = "icon-bar" > < / span >
< span class = "icon-bar" > < / span >
< / a >
< ul class = "dropdown-menu" >
2014-06-06 19:02:12 +04:00
< li > < a ng-click = "openGroup()" > New Group< / a > < / li >
2014-06-09 20:43:20 +04:00
< li > < a ng-click = "importContact()" > New Contact< / a > < / li >
2014-09-18 21:06:25 +04:00
< li ng-if = "!isEmpty.contacts" > < a ng-click = "openContacts()" > Contacts< / a > < / li >
2014-06-06 19:02:12 +04:00
< li > < a ng-click = "openSettings()" > Settings< / a > < / li >
2014-03-21 16:56:25 +04:00
< / ul >
< / div >
< div class = "im_dialogs_search" >
2014-07-04 15:20:22 +04:00
< input class = "form-control im_dialogs_search_field no_outline" type = "search" placeholder = "Search" ng-model = "search.query" / >
2014-06-27 18:14:54 +04:00
< a class = "im_dialogs_search_clear" ng-click = "searchClear()" ng-show = "search.query.length" > < / a >
2014-03-21 16:56:25 +04:00
< / div >
2014-06-13 01:46:46 +04:00
2014-06-13 12:40:14 +04:00
< div class = "im_dialogs_tabs_wrap" >
2014-06-13 01:46:46 +04:00
< div class = "im_dialogs_tabs clearfix" >
< a href = "" class = "im_dialogs_tab" ng-class = "{active: !search.messages}" ng-click = "search.messages = false" > Conversations< / a >
< a href = "" class = "im_dialogs_tab" ng-class = "{active: search.messages}" ng-click = "search.messages = true" > Messages< / a >
< / div >
< / div >
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
< / div >
2014-06-13 01:46:46 +04:00
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
< div my-dialogs-list class = "im_dialogs_col" >
< div class = "im_dialogs_wrap nano" >
2014-06-30 17:30:42 +04:00
< div class = "im_dialogs_scrollable_wrap nano-content" >
2014-06-06 19:02:12 +04:00
< div class = "im_dialogs_empty_wrap" ng-if = "isEmpty.contacts" >
< h3 class = "im_dialogs_empty_header" > No contacts yet< / h3 >
< p class = "im_dialogs_empty_lead" > Get started by adding a contact to chat with< / p >
< button type = "button" class = "btn btn-primary btn-sm" ng-click = "importContact()" > Add contact< / button >
2014-06-09 20:43:20 +04:00
< button ng-if = "phonebookAvailable" type = "button" class = "btn btn-primary btn-sm im_dialogs_import_phonebook" ng-click = "importPhonebook()" > Import phonebook< / button >
2014-06-06 19:02:12 +04:00
< / div >
2014-06-13 01:46:46 +04:00
< div ng-switch = "search.messages" >
< ul ng-switch-when = "true" class = "nav nav-pills nav-stacked" >
< li class = "im_dialog_wrap" my-dialog dialog-message = "dialogMessage" ng-repeat = "dialogMessage in dialogs track by dialogMessage.id" ng-class = "{active: curDialog.peerID == dialogMessage.peerID && curDialog.messageID == dialogMessage.id}" > < / li >
< / ul >
< ul ng-switch-default class = "nav nav-pills nav-stacked" >
< li class = "im_dialog_wrap" my-dialog dialog-message = "dialogMessage" ng-repeat = "dialogMessage in dialogs track by dialogMessage.peerID" ng-class = "{active: curDialog.peerID == dialogMessage.peerID}" > < / li >
< / ul >
< / div >
2014-06-06 19:02:12 +04:00
2014-09-10 22:22:47 +04:00
< div class = "im_dialogs_contacts_wrap" ng-show = "!search.messages && contacts.length > 0" >
2014-03-21 12:13:04 +04:00
< h5 > Contacts< / h5 >
< ul class = "nav nav-pills nav-stacked" >
< li class = "im_dialog_wrap" ng-repeat = "contact in contacts | orderBy:'user.sortName' track by contact.userID" ng-class = "{active: curDialog.peerID == contact.userID}" >
2014-09-12 17:32:54 +04:00
< a class = "im_dialog" ng-mousedown = "dialogSelect(contact.peerString)" >
2014-03-21 12:13:04 +04:00
< div class = "im_dialog_photo pull-left" >
< img
< / div >
< div class = "im_dialog_message_wrap" >
< div class = "im_dialog_peer" >
< span class = "im_dialog_user" ng-bind-html = "contact.user.rFullName" > < / span >
< / div >
< div class = "im_dialog_message" >
2014-07-25 18:54:23 +04:00
< span class = "im_dialog_message_text" my-user-status = "::contact.userID" > < / span >
2014-03-21 12:13:04 +04:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / a >
< / li >
< / ul >
< / div >
2014-06-06 19:02:12 +04:00
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "im_history_col_wrap" ng-controller = "AppImHistoryController" >
2014-06-06 19:02:12 +04:00
< div ng-show = "state.notSelected" ng-switch = "isEmpty.contacts && isEmpty.dialogs" >
< div ng-switch-when = "true" class = "im_history_no_dialogs_wrap" >
< h3 class = "im_dialogs_empty_header" > Get started< / h3 >
< p class = "im_dialogs_empty_lead" > Welcome to Telegram Web. You can always set your profile photo and change your name in Settings.< / p >
< button type = "button" class = "btn btn-primary btn-sm" ng-click = "openSettings()" > Open Settings< / button >
< / div >
2014-06-17 22:02:35 +04:00
< div ng-switch-default class = "im_history_not_selected" my-vertical-position = "0.35" padding = "true" >
2014-06-06 19:02:12 +04:00
Please select a chat to start messaging
< / div >
2014-03-25 15:36:17 +04:00
< / div >
2014-06-17 22:02:35 +04:00
< div ng-show = "!state.notSelected && !state.loaded" class = "im_history_not_selected" my-vertical-position = "0.35" padding = "true" >
2014-03-25 18:39:17 +04:00
Loading history< span my-loading-dots > < / span >
2014-03-25 15:36:17 +04:00
< / div >
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
2014-03-25 15:36:17 +04:00
< div ng-show = "state.loaded" >
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
< div my-history class = "im_history_col" >
< div class = "im_history_panel_wrap" >
< div class = "im_history_panel clearfix" ng-controller = "AppImPanelController" >
< div class = "im_history_panel_title" >
2014-02-14 21:28:14 +04:00
< a class = "im_history_panel_info_link pull-right" ng-click = "showPeerInfo()" > Info< / a >
< a class = "im_history_panel_edit_link pull-right" ng-click = "toggleEdit()" > Edit< / a >
< div class = "dropdown im_history_panel_media_dropdown pull-right" >
< a class = "dropdown-toggle" > Media< i class = "icon icon-caret" > < / i > < / a >
< ul class = "dropdown-menu" >
2014-03-25 15:36:17 +04:00
< li > < a ng-click = "toggleMedia('photos')" > Photos< / a > < / li >
< li > < a ng-click = "toggleMedia('video')" > Videos< / a > < / li >
< li > < a ng-click = "toggleMedia('documents')" > Documents< / a > < / li >
2014-05-30 16:07:45 +04:00
< li > < a ng-click = "toggleMedia('audio')" > Voice messages< / a > < / li >
2014-02-14 21:28:14 +04:00
< / ul >
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
< / div >
2014-06-17 22:02:35 +04:00
< a ng-show = "historyFilter.mediaType.length || skippedHistory" class = "im_history_panel_return_link pull-right" ng-click = "returnToRecent()" ng-switch = "skippedHistory" >
2014-06-13 12:40:14 +04:00
< span ng-switch-when = "true" > Show recent messages< / span >
< span ng-switch-default > Show all messages< / span >
2014-06-02 20:01:16 +04:00
< strong class = "im_history_panel_return_count" ng-show = "missedCount > 0" ng-bind = "'+' + missedCount" > < / strong >
2014-02-14 21:28:14 +04:00
< / a >
2014-06-17 22:02:35 +04:00
< div ng-switch = "historyFilter.mediaType" >
2014-03-25 18:39:17 +04:00
< h4 ng-switch-when = "photos" > Photos< / h4 >
< h4 ng-switch-when = "video" > Videos< / h4 >
< h4 ng-switch-when = "documents" > Documents< / h4 >
2014-05-30 16:07:45 +04:00
< h4 ng-switch-when = "audio" > Voice messages< / h4 >
2014-03-25 18:39:17 +04:00
2014-04-01 17:23:34 +04:00
< h4 ng-switch-default ng-switch = "historyPeer.id > 0" ng-click = "showPeerInfo()" >
2014-03-25 18:39:17 +04:00
< div ng-switch-when = "true" >
< span ng-bind-html = "historyPeer.data.rFullName" > < / span >
2014-07-25 18:54:23 +04:00
< small class = "im_peer_online" my-user-status = "historyPeer.id" > < / small >
2014-03-25 18:39:17 +04:00
< / div >
< div ng-switch-default >
< span ng-bind-html = "historyPeer.data.rTitle" > < / span >
< small class = "im_chat_users" >
< ng-pluralize count = "historyPeer.data.participants_count"
when="{'0': 'No members', 'one': '1 member', 'other': '{} members'}">
< / ng-pluralize >
< / small >
< / div >
< / h4 >
< / div >
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "im_history_wrap nano" >
2014-06-30 17:30:42 +04:00
< div class = "im_history_scrollable_wrap nano-content" >
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
< div class = "im_history_scrollable" >
2014-07-24 15:50:56 +04:00
< div class = "im_history" ng-class = "{im_history_selectable: historyState.selectActions}" >
2014-09-11 23:43:12 +04:00
< div ng-if = "state.empty" class = "im_history_empty" ng-switch = "state.mayBeHasMore" my-vertical-position = "0.25" padding = "true" >
2014-06-17 22:02:35 +04:00
< span ng-switch-when = "true" > Loading history< span my-loading-dots > < / span > < / span >
< span ng-switch-default > No messages here yet...< / span >
2014-03-25 15:36:17 +04:00
< / div >
2014-04-08 16:38:24 +02:00
2014-07-24 23:22:44 +04:00
< div class = "im_history_messages" ng-class = "{im_history_messages_group: historyPeer.id < 0}" >
2014-09-15 15:51:39 +04:00
< div class = "im_history_messages_peer" ng-show = "peerHistory.peerID == historyPeer.id" ng-repeat = "peerHistory in peerHistories" >
2014-09-11 23:43:12 +04:00
< div class = "im_history_message_wrap" my-message ng-repeat = "historyMessage in peerHistory.messages" > < / div >
< / div >
2014-03-20 21:56:03 +04:00
< / div >
2014-09-11 23:43:12 +04:00
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
< / div >
< div class = "im_history_typing_wrap" >
2014-07-24 15:50:56 +04:00
< div class = "im_history_typing" ng-show = "historyState.typing.length > 0 && !historyFilter.mediaType" ng-switch = "historyState.typing.length" >
< span ng-switch-when = "1" >
< a class = "im_history_typing_author" my-user-link = "historyState.typing[0]" > < / a > is typing< span my-loading-dots > < / span >
< / span >
< span ng-switch-when = "2" >
< a class = "im_history_typing_author" my-user-link = "historyState.typing[0]" > < / a > and < a class = "im_history_typing_author" my-user-link = "historyState.typing[1]" > < / a > are typing< span my-loading-dots > < / span >
< / span >
< span ng-switch-default >
< a class = "im_history_typing_author" my-user-link = "historyState.typing[0]" > < / a > , < a class = "im_history_typing_author" my-user-link = "historyState.typing[1]" > < / a > and {{historyState.typing.length - 2}} more are typing< span my-loading-dots > < / span >
< / span >
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2014-03-05 18:34:56 +01:00
< div class = "im_bottom_panel_wrap" >
2014-01-31 23:05:24 +04:00
2014-07-24 15:50:56 +04:00
< div class = "im_edit_panel_wrap clearfix" ng-show = "historyState.selectActions" >
2014-03-05 18:34:56 +01:00
< div class = "im_edit_panel_border" > < / div >
2014-03-25 18:39:17 +04:00
< a class = "im_edit_flush_link" ng-click = "selectedFlush()" ng-switch = "historyPeer.id > 0" >
< span ng-switch-when = "true" > Delete Chat< / span >
< span ng-switch-default > Clear History< / span >
2014-03-05 18:34:56 +01:00
< / a >
2014-03-25 18:39:17 +04:00
< a class = "im_edit_cancel_link" ng-click = "selectedCancel()" > Cancel< / a >
2014-03-05 18:34:56 +01:00
< div class = "im_edit_selected_actions" >
2014-07-07 12:57:58 +04:00
< a class = "btn btn-primary im_edit_forward_btn" ng-click = "selectedForward()" ng-class = "{disabled: !selectedCount}" ng-disabled = "!selectedCount" >
2014-03-05 18:34:56 +01:00
Forward < strong class = "im_selected_count" ng-show = "selectedCount > 0" ng-bind = "selectedCount" > < / strong >
2014-07-07 12:57:58 +04:00
< / a > < a class = "btn btn-danger im_edit_delete_btn" ng-click = "selectedDelete()" ng-class = "{disabled: !selectedCount}" ng-disabled = "!selectedCount" >
2014-03-07 18:39:59 +01:00
Delete < strong class = "im_selected_count" ng-show = "selectedCount > 0" ng-bind = "selectedCount" > < / strong >
2014-03-05 18:34:56 +01:00
< / a >
< / div >
< / div >
2014-01-31 23:05:24 +04:00
2014-07-24 15:50:56 +04:00
< div class = "im_send_panel_wrap" ng-hide = "historyState.selectActions" >
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
2014-03-05 18:34:56 +01:00
< div class = "im_send_form_wrap1" >
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
2014-03-05 18:34:56 +01:00
< div class = "im_send_form_wrap clearfix" ng-controller = "AppImSendController" >
< div class = "pull-right im_panel_peer_photo" ng-click = "showPeerInfo()" >
< img
2014-07-24 12:16:28 +04:00
2014-03-05 18:34:56 +01:00
< i class = "icon im_panel_peer_online" ng-show = "historyPeer.id > 0 && historyPeer.data.status._ == 'userStatusOnline'" > < / i >
2014-01-31 23:05:24 +04:00
< / div >
2014-03-05 18:34:56 +01:00
< div class = "pull-left im_panel_own_photo" >
< img
2014-07-24 12:16:28 +04:00
2014-03-05 18:34:56 +01:00
< / div >
2014-07-24 14:27:40 +04:00
< form my-send-form draft-message = "draftMessage" class = "im_send_form" ng-class = "{im_send_form_empty: !draftMessage.text.length}" ng-submit = "sendMessage($event)" >
2014-06-19 20:03:00 +04:00
< div class = "im_send_field_wrap" >
< div class = "im_send_dropbox_wrap" > Drop photos here to send < / div >
2014-07-04 15:20:22 +04:00
< textarea ng-model = "draftMessage.text" placeholder = "Write a message..." class = "form-control im_message_field no_outline" > < / textarea >
2014-06-19 20:03:00 +04:00
< / div >
2014-01-31 23:05:24 +04:00
2014-03-25 15:36:17 +04:00
< div class = "im_media_attach pull-right" >
< input type = "file" class = "im_media_attach_input" size = "28" multiple = "true" accept = "image/*, video/*, audio/*" title = "Send media" / >
< i class = "icon icon-camera" > < / i >
< / div >
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
2014-03-25 15:36:17 +04:00
< div class = "im_attach pull-right" >
< input type = "file" class = "im_attach_input" size = "28" multiple = "true" title = "Send file" / >
< i class = "icon icon-paperclip" > < / i >
< / div >
2014-03-05 18:34:56 +01:00
2014-04-08 13:09:26 +02:00
< div class = "im_emoji_btn pull-right" title = "Insert emoticon" >
2014-03-25 15:36:17 +04:00
< i class = "icon icon-emoji" > < / i >
2014-03-21 16:05:40 +04:00
< / div >
2014-03-25 15:36:17 +04:00
2014-07-24 14:27:40 +04:00
< button type = "submit" class = "btn btn-success im_submit" >
< span class = "im_submit_text" > Send< / span >
< / button >
2014-03-05 18:34:56 +01:00
< / form >
< / div >
2014-01-31 19:05:47 +04:00
< / div >
2014-01-31 23:05:24 +04:00
< / div >
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2014-01-17 22:26:27 +04:00
< div class = "im_page_footer" >
2014-07-28 13:45:43 +04:00
< a class = "im_page_footer_brand" target = "_blank" href = "https://github.com/zhukov/webogram" > Telegram beta< / a > by izhukov & toberg
2014-01-17 13:27:49 +04:00
< / div >