Telegram offers great [apps for mobile communication]( It is based on the [MTProto protocol]( and has an [Open API]( I personally like Telegram for its speed and cloud-support (that makes a web app possible, unlike in the case of WA and others).
| Chrome Web Store | [ clhhggbfdinjmjhajaheehoeibfljjno]( | packed
All of the apps above are submitted and maintained by [@zhukov](, so feel free to use them and report bugs [here]( Please do not report bugs which are only reproducible in different locations.
The app is based on the AngularJS JavaScript framework, and written in pure JavaScript. jQuery is used for DOM manipulations, and Bootstrap as the CSS-framework.
To run this application in Google Chrome as a packaged app, open this URL (in Chrome): `chrome://extensions/`, then tick "Developer mode" and press "Load unpacked extension...". Select the downloaded `app` folder and Webogram should appear in the list.
To run this application in Firefox as a packaged app, open "Menu" -> "Developer" -> "WebIDE" (or hit `Shift + F8`). Choose "Open packaged app" from the Project menu and select the `app` folder.
Run `gulp clean`, then `gulp publish` to build the minimized production version of the app. Copy `dist` folder contents to your web server. Don't forget to set `X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN` header ([docs](