2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
/ * !
* Webogram v0 . 1 - messaging web application for MTProto
* https : //github.com/zhukov/webogram
* Copyright ( C ) 2014 Igor Zhukov < igor . beatle @ gmail . com >
* https : //github.com/zhukov/webogram/blob/master/LICENSE
* /
'use strict' ;
/* Controllers */
angular . module ( 'myApp.controllers' , [ ] )
. controller ( 'AppWelcomeController' , function ( $scope , $location , MtpApiManager ) {
MtpApiManager . getUserID ( ) . then ( function ( id ) {
if ( id ) {
2014-01-17 13:27:49 +04:00
$location . url ( '/im' ) ;
2014-01-30 15:59:54 +04:00
} else {
$scope . showWelcome = true ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
} ) ;
} )
2014-01-31 11:47:40 +04:00
. controller ( 'AppLoginController' , function ( $scope , $location , $timeout , MtpApiManager , ErrorService ) {
2014-01-22 10:42:43 +04:00
var options = { dcID : 1 } ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
$scope . credentials = { } ;
2014-01-11 18:08:31 +04:00
$scope . progress = { } ;
2014-01-31 11:47:40 +04:00
$scope . callPending = { } ;
var callTimeout ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
function saveAuth ( result ) {
2014-01-22 10:42:43 +04:00
MtpApiManager . setUserAuth ( options . dcID , {
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
expires : result . expires ,
id : result . user . id
} ) ;
2014-01-31 11:47:40 +04:00
$timeout . cancel ( callTimeout ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
2014-01-17 13:27:49 +04:00
$location . url ( '/im' ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
} ;
2014-01-31 11:47:40 +04:00
function callCheck ( ) {
$timeout . cancel ( callTimeout ) ;
if ( ! ( -- $scope . callPending . remaining ) ) {
$scope . callPending . success = false ;
MtpApiManager . invokeApi ( 'auth.sendCall' , {
phone _number : $scope . credentials . phone _number ,
phone _code _hash : $scope . credentials . phone _code _hash
} ) . then ( function ( ) {
$scope . callPending . success = true ;
} ) ;
} else {
callTimeout = $timeout ( callCheck , 1000 ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
$scope . sendCode = function ( ) {
2014-01-31 11:47:40 +04:00
$timeout . cancel ( callTimeout ) ;
2014-01-11 18:08:31 +04:00
$scope . progress . enabled = true ;
2014-01-21 22:40:17 +04:00
MtpApiManager . invokeApi ( 'auth.checkPhone' , {
phone _number : $scope . credentials . phone _number
2014-01-22 10:42:43 +04:00
} , options ) . then ( function ( result ) {
2014-01-11 18:08:31 +04:00
$scope . progress . enabled = false ;
2014-01-21 22:40:17 +04:00
if ( ! result . phone _registered ) {
2014-01-17 19:08:40 +04:00
ErrorService . showSimpleError ( 'No account' , 'Sorry, there is no Telegram account for ' + $scope . credentials . phone _number + '. Please sign up using our mobile apps.' ) ;
return false ;
2014-01-21 22:40:17 +04:00
$scope . progress . enabled = true ;
MtpApiManager . invokeApi ( 'auth.sendCode' , {
phone _number : $scope . credentials . phone _number ,
sms _type : 0 ,
api _id : 2496 ,
api _hash : '8da85b0d5bfe62527e5b244c209159c3'
2014-01-22 10:42:43 +04:00
} , options ) . then ( function ( sentCode ) {
2014-01-21 22:40:17 +04:00
$scope . progress . enabled = false ;
$scope . credentials . phone _code _hash = sentCode . phone _code _hash ;
$scope . credentials . phone _occupied = sentCode . phone _registered ;
$scope . error = { } ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
2014-01-31 11:51:06 +04:00
$scope . callPending . remaining = 60 ;
2014-01-31 11:47:40 +04:00
callCheck ( ) ;
2014-01-21 22:40:17 +04:00
} , function ( error ) {
$scope . progress . enabled = false ;
2014-01-24 19:30:02 +04:00
console . log ( 'sendCode error' , error ) ;
2014-01-21 22:40:17 +04:00
switch ( error . type ) {
$scope . error = { field : 'phone' } ;
break ;
} ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
} , function ( error ) {
2014-01-11 18:08:31 +04:00
$scope . progress . enabled = false ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
switch ( error . type ) {
$scope . error = { field : 'phone' } ;
break ;
2014-01-21 23:17:18 +04:00
default :
ErrorService . showSimpleError ( 'Unknown error occured' , 'Please check your internet connection or install the latest version of Google Chrome browser.' ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
} ) ;
$scope . logIn = function ( forceSignUp ) {
var method = 'auth.signIn' , params = {
phone _number : $scope . credentials . phone _number ,
phone _code _hash : $scope . credentials . phone _code _hash ,
phone _code : $scope . credentials . phone _code
} ;
if ( forceSignUp ) {
method = 'auth.signUp' ;
angular . extend ( params , {
first _name : $scope . credentials . first _name ,
last _name : $scope . credentials . last _name
} ) ;
2014-01-11 18:08:31 +04:00
$scope . progress . enabled = true ;
2014-01-22 10:42:43 +04:00
MtpApiManager . invokeApi ( method , params , options ) . then ( saveAuth , function ( error ) {
2014-01-11 18:08:31 +04:00
$scope . progress . enabled = false ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
if ( error . code == 400 && error . type == 'PHONE_NUMBER_UNOCCUPIED' ) {
return $scope . logIn ( true ) ;
2014-01-17 19:08:40 +04:00
} else if ( error . code == 400 && error . type == 'PHONE_NUMBER_OCCUPIED' ) {
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
return $scope . logIn ( false ) ;
2014-01-11 18:08:31 +04:00
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
switch ( error . type ) {
$scope . error = { field : 'first_name' } ;
break ;
$scope . error = { field : 'last_name' } ;
break ;
$scope . error = { field : 'phone_code' } ;
break ;
} ) ;
} ;
} )
. controller ( 'AppIMController' , function ( $scope , $location , $routeParams , MtpApiManager ) {
$scope . $on ( '$routeUpdate' , updateCurDialog ) ;
2014-01-29 18:37:18 +04:00
$scope . $on ( 'history_focus' , function ( e , peerData ) {
if ( peerData . peerString == $scope . curDialog . peer ) {
$scope . $broadcast ( 'ui_history_focus' ) ;
} else {
$location . url ( '/im?p=' + peerData . peerString ) ;
} ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
$scope . isLoggedIn = true ;
$scope . logOut = function ( ) {
MtpApiManager . logOut ( ) . then ( function ( ) {
2014-01-21 21:56:30 +04:00
location . hash = '/login' ;
location . reload ( ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
} ) ;
updateCurDialog ( ) ;
function updateCurDialog ( ) {
$scope . curDialog = {
peer : $routeParams . p || false
} ;
} )
. controller ( 'AppImDialogsController' , function ( $scope , $location , MtpApiManager , AppUsersManager , AppChatsManager , AppMessagesManager , AppPeersManager ) {
2014-01-27 21:47:04 +04:00
// console.log('init controller');
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
$scope . dialogs = [ ] ;
var offset = 0 ,
2014-01-27 21:47:04 +04:00
maxID = 0 ,
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
hasMore = false ,
limit = 20 ;
MtpApiManager . invokeApi ( 'account.updateStatus' , { offline : false } ) ;
$scope . $on ( 'dialogs_need_more' , function ( ) {
2014-01-27 21:47:04 +04:00
// console.log('on need more');
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
showMoreDialogs ( ) ;
} ) ;
$scope . $on ( 'dialog_unread' , function ( e , dialog ) {
angular . forEach ( $scope . dialogs , function ( curDialog ) {
if ( curDialog . peerID == dialog . peerID ) {
curDialog . unreadCount = dialog . unread _count ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$scope . $on ( 'dialogs_update' , function ( e , dialog ) {
var pos = false ;
angular . forEach ( $scope . dialogs , function ( curDialog , curPos ) {
if ( curDialog . peerID == dialog . peerID ) {
pos = curPos ;
} ) ;
var wrappedDialog = AppMessagesManager . wrapForDialog ( dialog . top _message , dialog . unread _count ) ;
if ( pos !== false ) {
var prev = $scope . dialogs . splice ( pos , 1 ) ;
wrappedDialog = angular . extend ( prev [ 0 ] , wrappedDialog ) ;
offset ++ ;
$scope . dialogs . unshift ( wrappedDialog ) ;
} ) ;
loadDialogs ( ) ;
function loadDialogs ( startLimit ) {
offset = 0 ;
2014-01-27 21:47:04 +04:00
maxID = 0 ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
hasMore = false ;
startLimit = startLimit || limit ;
2014-01-27 21:47:04 +04:00
AppMessagesManager . getDialogs ( maxID , startLimit ) . then ( function ( dialogsResult ) {
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
offset += startLimit ;
2014-01-27 21:47:04 +04:00
maxID = dialogsResult . dialogs [ dialogsResult . dialogs . length - 1 ] . top _message ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
hasMore = offset < dialogsResult . count ;
$scope . dialogs = [ ] ;
angular . forEach ( dialogsResult . dialogs , function ( dialog ) {
$scope . dialogs . push ( AppMessagesManager . wrapForDialog ( dialog . top _message , dialog . unread _count ) ) ;
} ) ;
$scope . $broadcast ( 'ui_dialogs_change' ) ;
} , function ( error ) {
if ( error . code == 401 ) {
2014-01-17 13:27:49 +04:00
$location . url ( '/login' ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
} ) ;
function showMoreDialogs ( ) {
if ( ! hasMore || ! offset ) {
return ;
2014-01-27 21:47:04 +04:00
AppMessagesManager . getDialogs ( maxID , limit ) . then ( function ( dialogsResult ) {
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
offset += limit ;
2014-01-27 21:47:04 +04:00
maxID = dialogsResult . dialogs [ dialogsResult . dialogs . length - 1 ] . top _message ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
hasMore = offset < dialogsResult . count ;
angular . forEach ( dialogsResult . dialogs , function ( dialog ) {
$scope . dialogs . push ( AppMessagesManager . wrapForDialog ( dialog . top _message , dialog . unread _count ) ) ;
} ) ;
$scope . $broadcast ( 'ui_dialogs_append' ) ;
} ) ;
} )
2014-01-23 23:46:00 +04:00
. controller ( 'AppImHistoryController' , function ( $scope , $location , $timeout , $rootScope , MtpApiManager , AppUsersManager , AppChatsManager , AppMessagesManager , AppPeersManager , ApiUpdatesManager , IdleManager , StatusManager ) {
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
$scope . $watch ( 'curDialog.peer' , applyDialogSelect ) ;
ApiUpdatesManager . attach ( ) ;
2014-01-09 16:13:12 +04:00
IdleManager . start ( ) ;
2014-01-23 23:46:00 +04:00
StatusManager . start ( ) ;
2014-01-09 16:13:12 +04:00
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
$scope . history = [ ] ;
$scope . typing = { } ;
var peerID , offset , hasMore , maxID , limit = 20 ;
function applyDialogSelect ( newPeer ) {
newPeer = newPeer || $scope . curDialog . peer || '' ;
peerID = AppPeersManager . getPeerID ( newPeer ) ;
$scope . curDialog . peerID = peerID ;
$scope . curDialog . inputPeer = AppPeersManager . getInputPeer ( newPeer ) ;
if ( peerID ) {
2014-01-09 16:13:12 +04:00
updateHistoryPeer ( true ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
loadHistory ( peerID ) ;
} else {
showEmptyHistory ( ) ;
2014-01-09 16:13:12 +04:00
function updateHistoryPeer ( preload ) {
var peerData = AppPeersManager . getPeer ( peerID ) ;
2014-01-24 19:30:02 +04:00
// console.log('update', preload, peerData);
2014-01-09 16:13:12 +04:00
if ( ! peerData || peerData . deleted ) {
return false ;
$scope . history = [ ] ;
$scope . historyPeer = {
id : peerID ,
data : peerData ,
photo : AppPeersManager . getPeerPhoto ( peerID , 'User' , 'Group' )
} ;
MtpApiManager . getUserID ( ) . then ( function ( id ) {
$scope . ownPhoto = AppUsersManager . getUserPhoto ( id , 'User' ) ;
} ) ;
if ( preload ) {
$scope . typing = { } ;
$scope . state = { loaded : true } ;
$scope . $broadcast ( 'ui_peer_change' ) ;
2014-01-31 23:05:24 +04:00
$scope . $broadcast ( 'ui_history_change' ) ;
2014-01-09 16:13:12 +04:00
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
function showMoreHistory ( ) {
if ( ! hasMore || ! offset ) {
return ;
2014-01-17 13:27:49 +04:00
// console.trace('load history');
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
AppMessagesManager . getHistory ( $scope . curDialog . inputPeer , maxID , limit ) . then ( function ( historyResult ) {
offset += limit ;
hasMore = offset < historyResult . count ;
maxID = historyResult . history [ historyResult . history . length - 1 ] ;
angular . forEach ( historyResult . history , function ( id ) {
$scope . history . unshift ( AppMessagesManager . wrapForHistory ( id ) ) ;
} ) ;
$scope . $broadcast ( 'ui_history_prepend' ) ;
} , function ( ) {
$scope . state = { error : true } ;
} ) ;
function loadHistory ( ) {
hasMore = false ;
offset = 0 ;
maxID = 0 ;
AppMessagesManager . getHistory ( $scope . curDialog . inputPeer , maxID , limit ) . then ( function ( historyResult ) {
offset += limit ;
hasMore = offset < historyResult . count ;
maxID = historyResult . history [ historyResult . history . length - 1 ] ;
2014-01-09 16:13:12 +04:00
updateHistoryPeer ( ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
angular . forEach ( historyResult . history , function ( id ) {
$scope . history . push ( AppMessagesManager . wrapForHistory ( id ) ) ;
} ) ;
$scope . history . reverse ( ) ;
$scope . state = { loaded : true } ;
$scope . $broadcast ( 'ui_history_change' ) ;
AppMessagesManager . readHistory ( $scope . curDialog . inputPeer ) ;
2014-01-24 19:04:31 +04:00
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
} , function ( ) {
$scope . state = { error : true } ;
} ) ;
function showEmptyHistory ( ) {
$scope . state = { notSelected : true } ;
$scope . history = [ ] ;
2014-01-31 23:05:24 +04:00
$scope . $broadcast ( 'ui_history_change' ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
var typingTimeouts = { } ;
2014-01-06 23:52:18 +04:00
$scope . $on ( 'history_update' , angular . noop ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
$scope . $on ( 'history_append' , function ( e , addedMessage ) {
if ( addedMessage . peerID == $scope . curDialog . peerID ) {
2014-01-24 19:30:02 +04:00
// console.log('append', addedMessage);
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
// console.trace();
$scope . history . push ( AppMessagesManager . wrapForHistory ( addedMessage . messageID ) ) ;
$scope . typing = { } ;
2014-01-29 18:37:18 +04:00
$scope . $broadcast ( 'ui_history_append' , { my : addedMessage . my } ) ;
2014-01-09 16:13:12 +04:00
offset ++ ;
2014-01-24 19:30:02 +04:00
// console.log('append check', $rootScope.idle.isIDLE, addedMessage.peerID, $scope.curDialog.peerID);
2014-01-09 16:13:12 +04:00
if ( ! $rootScope . idle . isIDLE ) {
$timeout ( function ( ) {
AppMessagesManager . readHistory ( $scope . curDialog . inputPeer ) ;
} ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
} ) ;
$scope . $on ( 'apiUpdate' , function ( e , update ) {
2014-01-24 19:30:02 +04:00
// console.log('on apiUpdate inline', update);
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
switch ( update . _ ) {
case 'updateUserTyping' :
2014-01-17 22:26:27 +04:00
if ( update . user _id == $scope . curDialog . peerID && AppUsersManager . hasUser ( update . user _id ) ) {
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
$scope . typing = { user : AppUsersManager . getUser ( update . user _id ) } ;
$timeout . cancel ( typingTimeouts [ update . user _id ] ) ;
typingTimeouts [ update . user _id ] = $timeout ( function ( ) {
$scope . typing = { } ;
} , 6000 ) ;
break ;
case 'updateChatUserTyping' :
2014-01-29 18:37:18 +04:00
if ( - update . chat _id == $scope . curDialog . peerID && AppUsersManager . hasUser ( update . user _id ) ) {
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
$scope . typing = { user : AppUsersManager . getUser ( update . user _id ) } ;
$timeout . cancel ( typingTimeouts [ update . user _id ] ) ;
typingTimeouts [ update . user _id ] = $timeout ( function ( ) {
$scope . typing = { } ;
} , 6000 ) ;
break ;
} ) ;
$scope . $on ( 'history_need_more' , function ( ) {
showMoreHistory ( ) ;
} ) ;
2014-01-09 16:13:12 +04:00
$rootScope . $watch ( 'idle.isIDLE' , function ( newVal ) {
if ( ! newVal && $scope . curDialog && $scope . curDialog . peerID ) {
AppMessagesManager . readHistory ( $scope . curDialog . inputPeer ) ;
} ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
} )
. controller ( 'AppImPanelController' , function ( $scope ) {
$scope . $on ( 'user_update' , angular . noop ) ;
} )
2014-01-24 19:04:31 +04:00
. controller ( 'AppImSendController' , function ( $scope , $timeout , MtpApiManager , AppConfigManager , AppPeersManager , AppMessagesManager , ApiUpdatesManager , MtpApiFileManager ) {
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
$scope . $watch ( 'curDialog.peer' , resetDraft ) ;
$scope . $on ( 'user_update' , angular . noop ) ;
2014-02-03 22:39:29 +04:00
$scope . $on ( 'ui_typing' , onTyping ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
$scope . draftMessage = { text : '' } ;
2014-02-03 22:39:29 +04:00
$scope . $watch ( 'draftMessage.text' , onMessageChange ) ;
$scope . $watch ( 'draftMessage.files' , onFilesSelected ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
$scope . sendMessage = sendMessage ;
function sendMessage ( e ) {
2014-02-03 22:39:29 +04:00
$scope . $broadcast ( 'ui_message_before_send' ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
2014-01-23 19:19:55 +04:00
$timeout ( function ( ) {
var text = $scope . draftMessage . text ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
2014-01-23 19:19:55 +04:00
if ( ! text . length ) {
return false ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
2014-01-30 15:59:54 +04:00
text = text . replace ( /:([a-z0-9\-\+\*_]+?):/gi , function ( all , name ) {
2014-01-23 19:19:55 +04:00
var utfChar = $ . emojiarea . reverseIcons [ name ] ;
if ( utfChar !== undefined ) {
return utfChar ;
return all ;
} ) ;
AppMessagesManager . sendText ( $scope . curDialog . peerID , text ) ;
resetDraft ( ) ;
$scope . $broadcast ( 'ui_message_send' ) ;
} ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
2014-01-23 19:19:55 +04:00
return cancelEvent ( e ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
2014-01-24 19:04:31 +04:00
function resetDraft ( newPeer ) {
if ( newPeer ) {
AppConfigManager . get ( 'draft' + $scope . curDialog . peerID ) . then ( function ( draftText ) {
2014-01-24 19:30:02 +04:00
// console.log('Restore draft', 'draft' + $scope.curDialog.peerID, draftText);
2014-01-24 19:04:31 +04:00
$scope . draftMessage . text = draftText || '' ;
2014-01-24 19:30:02 +04:00
// console.log('send broadcast', $scope.draftMessage);
2014-01-24 19:04:31 +04:00
$scope . $broadcast ( 'ui_peer_draft' ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
2014-01-24 19:30:02 +04:00
// console.log('Reset peer');
2014-01-24 19:04:31 +04:00
$scope . draftMessage . text = '' ;
2014-01-29 18:37:18 +04:00
$scope . $broadcast ( 'ui_peer_draft' ) ;
2014-01-24 19:04:31 +04:00
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
2014-02-03 22:39:29 +04:00
function onMessageChange ( newVal ) {
// console.log('ctrl text changed', newVal);
// console.trace('ctrl text changed', newVal);
AppMessagesManager . readHistory ( $scope . curDialog . inputPeer ) ;
if ( newVal . length ) {
var backupDraftObj = { } ;
backupDraftObj [ 'draft' + $scope . curDialog . peerID ] = newVal ;
AppConfigManager . set ( backupDraftObj ) ;
// console.log('draft save', backupDraftObj);
} else {
AppConfigManager . remove ( 'draft' + $scope . curDialog . peerID ) ;
// console.log('draft delete', 'draft' + $scope.curDialog.peerID);
function onTyping ( ) {
MtpApiManager . invokeApi ( 'messages.setTyping' , {
peer : $scope . curDialog . inputPeer ,
typing : true
} ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
function onFilesSelected ( newVal ) {
if ( ! angular . isArray ( newVal ) || ! newVal . length ) {
return ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < newVal . length ; i ++ ) {
2014-01-31 19:05:47 +04:00
AppMessagesManager . sendFile ( $scope . curDialog . peerID , newVal [ i ] , {
isMedia : $scope . draftMessage . isMedia
} ) ;
2014-01-06 23:52:18 +04:00
$scope . $broadcast ( 'ui_message_send' ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
} )
. controller ( 'PhotoModalController' , function ( $scope , AppPhotosManager ) {
$scope . photo = AppPhotosManager . wrapForFull ( $scope . photoID ) ;
} )
. controller ( 'VideoModalController' , function ( $scope , AppVideoManager ) {
$scope . video = AppVideoManager . wrapForFull ( $scope . videoID ) ;
} )
2014-01-29 18:37:18 +04:00
. controller ( 'UserModalController' , function ( $scope , $location , $rootScope , $modalStack , AppUsersManager ) {
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
$scope . user = AppUsersManager . wrapForFull ( $scope . userID ) ;
$scope . goToHistory = function ( ) {
2014-01-29 18:37:18 +04:00
$modalStack . dismissAll ( ) ;
$rootScope . $broadcast ( 'history_focus' , { peerString : $scope . user . peerString } ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
} ;
} )
2014-01-21 21:56:30 +04:00
. controller ( 'ChatModalController' , function ( $scope , $timeout , AppUsersManager , AppChatsManager , MtpApiManager ) {
$scope . chatFull = AppChatsManager . wrapForFull ( $scope . chatID , { } ) ;
MtpApiManager . invokeApi ( 'messages.getFullChat' , {
chat _id : $scope . chatID
} ) . then ( function ( result ) {
AppChatsManager . saveApiChats ( result . chats ) ;
AppUsersManager . saveApiUsers ( result . users ) ;
$scope . chatFull = AppChatsManager . wrapForFull ( $scope . chatID , result . full _chat ) ;
} ) ;
2014-01-05 20:07:11 +04:00
} )