Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

218 lines
4.7 KiB

import { Modes } from './mtproto/mtproto_config';
import { notifySomeone, isWorker } from '../helpers/context';
import { parse, stringify } from '../helpers/json';
class ConfigStorage {
public keyPrefix = '';
public noPrefix = false;
private cache: {[key: string]: any} = {};
private useLs = true;
storageGetPrefix() {
if(this.noPrefix) {
this.noPrefix = false;
return '';
return this.keyPrefix;
get(keys: string | string[], callback: any) {
var single = false;
if(!Array.isArray(keys)) {
keys =;
callback = keys.pop();
single = keys.length == 1;
var result = [];
var allFound = true;
var prefix = this.storageGetPrefix();
for(let key of keys) {
key = prefix + key;
if(this.cache.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
} else if(this.useLs) {
let value: any;
try {
value = localStorage.getItem(key);
} catch(e) {
this.useLs = false;
try {
value = (value === undefined || value === null) ? false : parse(value);
} catch(e) {
value = false;
result.push(this.cache[key] = value);
} else {
allFound = false;
if(allFound) {
return callback(single ? result[0] : result);
set(obj: any, callback: any) {
var keyValues: any = {};
var prefix = this.storageGetPrefix(),
key, value;
//console.log('storageSetValue', obj, callback, arguments);
for(key in obj) {
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
value = obj[key];
key = prefix + key;
this.cache[key] = value;
value = stringify(value);
if(this.useLs) {
try {
//console.log('setItem', key, value);
localStorage.setItem(key, value);
} catch (e) {
this.useLs = false;
} else {
keyValues[key] = value;
if(this.useLs) {
if(callback) {
remove(keys: any, callback: any) {
if(!Array.isArray(keys)) {
keys =
if(typeof keys[keys.length - 1] === 'function') {
callback = keys.pop();
var prefix = this.storageGetPrefix(),
i, key;
for(i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
key = keys[i] = prefix + keys[i];
delete this.cache[key];
if(this.useLs) {
try {
} catch(e) {
this.useLs = false;
if(callback) {
clear(callback: any) {
if(this.useLs) {
try {
} catch (e) {
this.useLs = false;
this.cache = {};
class AppStorage {
private taskID = 0;
private tasks: {[taskID: number]: (result: any) => void} = {};
//private log = (...args: any[]) => console.log('[SW LS]', ...args);
private log = (...args: any[]) => {};
private configStorage: ConfigStorage;
constructor() {
if(Modes.test) {
if(!isWorker) {
this.configStorage = new ConfigStorage();
public setPrefix(newPrefix: string) {
if(this.configStorage) {
this.configStorage.keyPrefix = newPrefix;
public noPrefix() {
if(this.configStorage) {
this.configStorage.noPrefix = true;
public finishTask(taskID: number, result: any) {
this.log('finishTask:', taskID, result, Object.keys(this.tasks));
if(!this.tasks.hasOwnProperty(taskID)) {
this.log('no such task:', taskID, result);
delete this.tasks[taskID];
private proxy<T>(methodName: 'set' | 'get' | 'remove' | 'clear', ..._args: any[]) {
return new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) => {
if(isWorker) {
const taskID = this.taskID++;
this.tasks[taskID] = resolve;
const task = {useLs: true, task: methodName, taskID, args: _args};
} else {
let args =;
args.push((result: T) => {
this.configStorage[methodName].apply(this.configStorage, args as any);
public get<T>(...args: any[]) {
return this.proxy<T>('get', ...args);
public set<T>(...args: any[]) {
return this.proxy<T>('set', ...args);
public remove<T>(...args: any[]) {
return this.proxy<T>('remove', ...args);
public clear<T>(...args: any[]) {
return this.proxy<T>('clear', ...args);
export default new AppStorage();