Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

399 lines
13 KiB

import { FileURLType, getFileNameByLocation, getFileURL } from '../../helpers/fileName';
import { safeReplaceArrayInObject, defineNotNumerableProperties, isObject } from '../../helpers/object';
import { Document, InputFileLocation, PhotoSize } from '../../layer';
import referenceDatabase, { ReferenceContext } from '../mtproto/referenceDatabase';
import opusDecodeController from '../opusDecodeController';
import { RichTextProcessor } from '../richtextprocessor';
import webpWorkerController from '../webp/webpWorkerController';
import appDownloadManager, { DownloadBlob } from './appDownloadManager';
import appPhotosManager from './appPhotosManager';
import blur from '../../helpers/blur';
import apiManager from '../mtproto/mtprotoworker';
import { MOUNT_CLASS_TO } from '../../config/debug';
export type MyDocument = Document.document;
// TODO: если залить картинку файлом, а потом перезайти в диалог - превьюшка заново скачается
export class AppDocsManager {
private docs: {[docId: string]: MyDocument} = {};
private savingLottiePreview: {[docId: string]: true} = {};
public onServiceWorkerFail() {
for(const id in {
const doc =[id];
delete doc.supportsStreaming;
delete doc.url;
public saveDoc(doc: Document, context?: ReferenceContext): MyDocument {
if(doc._ === 'documentEmpty') {
return undefined;
const oldDoc =[];
if(doc.file_reference) { // * because we can have a new object w/o the file_reference while sending
safeReplaceArrayInObject('file_reference', oldDoc, doc);
referenceDatabase.saveContext(doc.file_reference, context);
//console.log('saveDoc', apiDoc,[]);
if(oldDoc) {
//if(doc._ !== 'documentEmpty' && doc._ === d._) {
if(doc.thumbs) {
if(!oldDoc.thumbs) oldDoc.thumbs = doc.thumbs;
/* else if(apiDoc.thumbs[0].bytes && !d.thumbs[0].bytes) {
} else if(d.thumbs[0].url) { // fix for converted thumb in safari
apiDoc.thumbs[0] = d.thumbs[0];
} */
return oldDoc;
//return Object.assign(d, apiDoc, context);
//return context ? Object.assign(d, context) : d;
}[] = doc;
// * exclude from state
// defineNotNumerableProperties(doc, [/* 'thumbs', */'type', 'h', 'w', 'file_name',
// 'file', 'duration', 'downloaded', 'url', 'audioTitle',
// 'audioPerformer', 'sticker', 'stickerEmoji', 'stickerEmojiRaw',
// 'stickerSetInput', 'stickerThumbConverted', 'animated', 'supportsStreaming']);
defineNotNumerableProperties(doc, ['downloaded', 'url']);
doc.attributes.forEach(attribute => {
switch(attribute._) {
case 'documentAttributeFilename':
doc.file_name = RichTextProcessor.wrapPlainText(attribute.file_name);
case 'documentAttributeAudio':
doc.duration = attribute.duration;
doc.audioTitle = attribute.title;
doc.audioPerformer = attribute.performer;
doc.type = attribute.pFlags.voice && doc.mime_type === "audio/ogg" ? 'voice' : 'audio';
/* if(apiDoc.type === 'audio') {
apiDoc.supportsStreaming = true;
} */
case 'documentAttributeVideo':
doc.duration = attribute.duration;
doc.w = attribute.w;
doc.h = attribute.h;
//apiDoc.supportsStreaming = attribute.pFlags?.supports_streaming/* && apiDoc.size > 524288 */;
if(/* apiDoc.thumbs && */attribute.pFlags.round_message) {
doc.type = 'round';
} else /* if(apiDoc.thumbs) */ {
doc.type = 'video';
case 'documentAttributeSticker':
if(attribute.alt !== undefined) {
doc.stickerEmojiRaw = attribute.alt;
doc.stickerEmoji = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(doc.stickerEmojiRaw, {noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true});
if(attribute.stickerset) {
if(attribute.stickerset._ === 'inputStickerSetEmpty') {
delete attribute.stickerset;
} else if(attribute.stickerset._ === 'inputStickerSetID') {
doc.stickerSetInput = attribute.stickerset;
// * there can be no thumbs, then it is a document
if(/* apiDoc.thumbs && */doc.mime_type === 'image/webp' && (doc.thumbs || webpWorkerController.isWebpSupported())) {
doc.type = 'sticker';
doc.sticker = 1;
case 'documentAttributeImageSize':
doc.type = 'photo';
doc.w = attribute.w;
doc.h = attribute.h;
case 'documentAttributeAnimated':
if((doc.mime_type === 'image/gif' || doc.mime_type === 'video/mp4')/* && apiDoc.thumbs */) {
doc.type = 'gif';
doc.animated = true;
if(!doc.mime_type) {
switch(doc.type) {
case 'gif':
case 'video':
case 'round':
doc.mime_type = 'video/mp4';
case 'sticker':
doc.mime_type = 'image/webp';
case 'audio':
doc.mime_type = 'audio/mpeg';
case 'voice':
doc.mime_type = 'audio/ogg';
doc.mime_type = 'application/octet-stream';
if(apiManager.isServiceWorkerOnline()) {
if((doc.type === 'gif' && doc.size > 8e6) || doc.type === 'audio' || doc.type === 'video') {
doc.supportsStreaming = true;
if(!doc.url) {
doc.url = this.getFileURL(doc);
// for testing purposes
// doc.supportsStreaming = false;
// doc.url = ''; // * this will break upload urls
if(!doc.file_name) {
doc.file_name = '';
if(doc.mime_type === 'application/x-tgsticker' && doc.file_name === "AnimatedSticker.tgs") {
doc.type = 'sticker';
doc.animated = true;
doc.sticker = 2;
/* if(!doc.url) {
doc.url = this.getFileURL(doc);
} */
return doc;
public getDoc(docId: string | MyDocument): MyDocument {
return isObject(docId) && typeof(docId) !== 'string' ? docId as any :[docId as string] as any;
public getMediaInput(doc: MyDocument) {
return {
_: 'inputMediaDocument',
id: {
_: 'inputDocument',
access_hash: doc.access_hash,
file_reference: doc.file_reference
ttl_seconds: 0
public getInput(doc: MyDocument, thumbSize?: string): InputFileLocation.inputDocumentFileLocation {
return {
_: 'inputDocumentFileLocation',
access_hash: doc.access_hash,
file_reference: doc.file_reference,
thumb_size: thumbSize
public getFileDownloadOptions(doc: MyDocument, thumb?: PhotoSize.photoSize, queueId?: number, onlyCache?: boolean) {
const inputFileLocation = this.getInput(doc, thumb?.type);
let mimeType: string;
if(thumb) {
mimeType = doc.sticker ? 'image/webp' : 'image/jpeg'/* doc.mime_type */;
} else {
mimeType = doc.mime_type || 'application/octet-stream';
return {
dcId: doc.dc_id,
location: inputFileLocation,
size: thumb ? thumb.size : doc.size,
mimeType: mimeType,
fileName: doc.file_name,
public getFileURL(doc: MyDocument, download = false, thumb?: PhotoSize.photoSize) {
let type: FileURLType;
if(download) {
type = 'download';
} else if(thumb) {
type = 'thumb';
} else if(doc.supportsStreaming) {
type = 'stream';
} else {
type = 'document';
return getFileURL(type, this.getFileDownloadOptions(doc, thumb));
public getThumbURL(doc: MyDocument, thumb: PhotoSize.photoSize | PhotoSize.photoCachedSize | PhotoSize.photoStrippedSize) {
let promise: Promise<any> = Promise.resolve();
if(!thumb.url) {
if('bytes' in thumb) {
promise = blur(appPhotosManager.getPreviewURLFromBytes(thumb.bytes, !!doc.sticker)).then(url => {
defineNotNumerableProperties(thumb, ['url']); // * exclude from state
const cacheContext = appPhotosManager.getCacheContext(doc);
cacheContext.url = thumb.url = url;
}) as any;
} else {
//return this.getFileURL(doc, false, thumb);
promise = appPhotosManager.preloadPhoto(doc, thumb) as any;
return {thumb, promise};
public getThumb(doc: MyDocument, tryNotToUseBytes = true) {
const thumb = appPhotosManager.choosePhotoSize(doc, 0, 0, !tryNotToUseBytes);
if(thumb._ === 'photoSizeEmpty') return null;
return this.getThumbURL(doc, thumb as any);
public getInputFileName(doc: MyDocument, thumbSize?: string) {
return getFileNameByLocation(this.getInput(doc, thumbSize), {fileName: doc.file_name});
public downloadDoc(doc: MyDocument, queueId?: number, onlyCache?: boolean): DownloadBlob {
const fileName = this.getInputFileName(doc);
let download: DownloadBlob = appDownloadManager.getDownload(fileName);
if(download) {
return download;
const downloadOptions = this.getFileDownloadOptions(doc, undefined, queueId, onlyCache);
download =;
const originalPromise = download;
originalPromise.then((blob) => {
doc.url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
doc.downloaded = true;
}, () => {});
if(doc.type === 'voice' && !opusDecodeController.isPlaySupported()) {
download = originalPromise.then(async(blob) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
reader.onloadend = (e) => {
const uint8 = new Uint8Array( as ArrayBuffer);
//console.log('sending uint8 to decoder:', uint8);
opusDecodeController.decode(uint8).then(result => {
doc.url = result.url;
}, (err) => {
delete doc.downloaded;
return blob;
return download;
public saveLottiePreview(doc: MyDocument, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, toneIndex: number) {
const key = + '-' + toneIndex;
if(this.savingLottiePreview[key]/* || true */) return;
if(!doc.stickerCachedThumbs) {
defineNotNumerableProperties(doc, ['stickerCachedThumbs']);
doc.stickerCachedThumbs = {};
const thumb = doc.stickerCachedThumbs[toneIndex];
if(thumb && thumb.w >= canvas.width && thumb.h >= canvas.height) {
/* if(doc.thumbs.find(t => t._ === 'photoStrippedSize')
|| (doc.stickerCachedThumb || (doc.stickerSavedThumbWidth >= canvas.width && doc.stickerSavedThumbHeight >= canvas.height))) {
} */
this.savingLottiePreview[key] = true;
canvas.toBlob((blob) => {
//console.log('got lottie preview', doc, blob, URL.createObjectURL(blob));
const thumb = {
url: URL.createObjectURL(blob),
w: canvas.width,
h: canvas.height
doc.stickerCachedThumbs[toneIndex] = thumb;
delete this.savingLottiePreview[key];
/* const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = (e) => {
const uint8 = new Uint8Array( as ArrayBuffer);
const thumb: PhotoSize.photoStrippedSize = {
_: 'photoStrippedSize',
bytes: uint8,
type: 'i'
doc.stickerSavedThumbWidth = canvas.width;
doc.stickerSavedThumbHeight = canvas.width;
defineNotNumerableProperties(thumb, ['url']);
thumb.url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
doc.thumbs.findAndSplice(t => t._ === thumb._);
if(!webpWorkerController.isWebpSupported()) {
doc.pFlags.stickerThumbConverted = true;
delete this.savingLottiePreview[];
reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob); */
public saveDocFile(doc: MyDocument, queueId?: number) {
/* const options = this.getFileDownloadOptions(doc, undefined, queueId);
return appDownloadManager.downloadToDisc(options, doc.file_name); */
const promise = this.downloadDoc(doc, queueId);
promise.then(() => {
appDownloadManager.createDownloadAnchor(doc.url, doc.file_name);
return promise;
const appDocsManager = new AppDocsManager();
MOUNT_CLASS_TO.appDocsManager = appDocsManager;
export default appDocsManager;