Eduard Kuzmenko cc1ab7ec6a Chat move up animation
Rolled back reply wrapper to height animation
Preserve topbar with opened keyboard on iOS
Fix stickers size on iOS
Fix inputs size on handhelds
Fix saving scroll on ESG opening
2021-01-25 21:06:44 +02:00

90 lines
3.5 KiB

import type Chat from "./chat";
import type ChatTopbar from "./topbar";
import mediaSizes from "../../helpers/mediaSizes";
import { attachClickEvent, cancelEvent } from "../../helpers/dom";
import DivAndCaption from "../divAndCaption";
import { ripple } from "../ripple";
import ListenerSetter from "../../helpers/listenerSetter";
//const classNames: string[] = [];
const classNames: string[] = ['is-pinned-message-shown', 'is-pinned-audio-shown'];
const CLASSNAME_BASE = 'pinned-container';
const HEIGHT = 52;
export default class PinnedContainer {
private close: HTMLElement;
protected wrapper: HTMLElement;
constructor(protected topbar: ChatTopbar, protected chat: Chat, public listenerSetter: ListenerSetter, protected className: string, public divAndCaption: DivAndCaption<(title: string, subtitle: string, message?: any) => void>, onClose?: () => void | Promise<boolean>) {
/* const prev = this.divAndCaption.fill;
this.divAndCaption.fill = (mid, title, subtitle) => {
this.divAndCaption.container.dataset.mid = '' + mid;
prev(mid, title, subtitle);
}; */
divAndCaption.container.classList.add(CLASSNAME_BASE, 'hide');
divAndCaption.title.classList.add(CLASSNAME_BASE + '-title');
divAndCaption.subtitle.classList.add(CLASSNAME_BASE + '-subtitle');
divAndCaption.content.classList.add(CLASSNAME_BASE + '-content');
this.close = document.createElement('button');
this.close.classList.add(CLASSNAME_BASE + '-close', `pinned-${className}-close`, 'btn-icon', 'tgico-close');
this.wrapper = document.createElement('div');
this.wrapper.classList.add(CLASSNAME_BASE + '-wrapper');
divAndCaption.container.append(this.close, this.wrapper);
attachClickEvent(this.close, (e) => {
((onClose ? onClose() : null) || Promise.resolve(true)).then(needClose => {
if(needClose) {
}, {listenerSetter: this.listenerSetter});
public toggle(hide?: boolean) {
const isHidden = this.divAndCaption.container.classList.contains('hide');
if(hide === undefined) {
hide = !isHidden;
} else if(hide == isHidden) {
this.divAndCaption.container.classList.toggle('is-floating', mediaSizes.isMobile);
this.topbar.container.classList.toggle('is-pinned-floating', mediaSizes.isMobile);
const scrollable =;
const scrollTop = mediaSizes.isMobile /* && !appImManager.scrollable.isScrolledDown */ ? scrollable.scrollTop : undefined;
this.divAndCaption.container.classList.toggle('hide', hide);
const className = `is-pinned-${this.className}-shown`;
this.topbar.container.classList.toggle(className, !hide);
const active = classNames.filter(className => this.topbar.container.classList.contains(className));
const maxActive = hide ? 0 : 1;
if(scrollTop !== undefined && active.length <= maxActive/* && !scrollable.isScrolledDown */) {
scrollable.scrollTop = scrollTop + ((hide ? -1 : 1) * HEIGHT);
public fill(title: string, subtitle: string, message: any) {
this.divAndCaption.container.dataset.peerId = '' + message.peerId;
this.divAndCaption.container.dataset.mid = '' + message.mid;
this.divAndCaption.fill(title, subtitle, message);