Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

670 lines
30 KiB

const lang = {
"Animations": "Animations",
"AttachAlbum": "Album",
"Appearance.Color.Hex": "HEX",
"Appearance.Color.RGB": "RGB",
"BlockModal.Search.Placeholder": "Block user...",
"DarkMode": "Dark Mode",
"FilterIncludeExcludeInfo": "Choose chats and types of chats that will\nappear and never appear in this folder.",
"FilterNameInputLabel": "Folder Name",
"FilterMenuDelete": "Delete Folder",
"FilterHeaderEdit": "Edit Folder",
"FilterAllGroups": "All Groups",
"FilterAllContacts": "All Contacts",
"FilterAllNonContacts": "All Non-Contacts",
"FilterAllChannels": "All Channels",
"FilterAllBots": "All Bots",
"WordDelimiter": ", ",
"WordDelimiterLast": " and ",
"EditContact.OriginalName": "original name",
"EditProfile.FirstNameLabel": "Name",
"EditProfile.BioLabel": "Bio (optional)",
"EditProfile.Username.Label": "Username (optional)",
"EditProfile.Username.Available": "Username is available",
"EditProfile.Username.Taken": "Username is already taken",
"EditProfile.Username.Invalid": "Username is invalid",
"EditProfile.Username.Help": "You can choose a username on Telegram. If you do, people will be able to find you by this username and contact you without needing your phone number.\n\nYou can use a–z, 0–9 and underscores. Minimum length is 5 characters.",
"ExceptionModal.Search.Placeholder": "Add exception...",
//"ChatList.Menu.Archived": "Archived",
"Chat.Menu.SelectMessages": "Select Messages",
"Chat.Menu.ClearSelection": "Clear Selection",
"Chat.Input.UnpinAll": "Unpin All Messages",
"Chat.Input.Attach.PhotoOrVideo": "Photo or Video",
"Chat.Input.Attach.Document": "Document",
"Chat.Subscribe": "SUBSCRIBE",
"Chat.Selection.MessagesCount": {
"one_value": "%d Message",
"other_value": "%d Messages"
"Chat.Selection.LimitToast": "Max selection count reached.",
//"Saved": "Saved",
"General.Keyboard": "Keyboard",
"General.SendShortcut.Enter": "Send by Enter",
"General.SendShortcut.CtrlEnter": "Send by %s + Enter",
"General.SendShortcut.NewLine.ShiftEnter": "New line by Shift + Enter",
"General.SendShortcut.NewLine.Enter": "New line by Enter",
"General.AutoplayMedia": "Auto-Play Media",
"ChatBackground.UploadWallpaper": "Upload Wallpaper",
"ChatBackground.Blur": "Blur Wallpaper Image",
"Notifications.Sound": "Notification Sound",
"Notifications.MessagePreview": "Message preview",
"NewPrivateChat": "New Private Chat",
"NewPoll.OptionLabel": "Option %d",
"NewPoll.Create": "CREATE",
"Message.Context.Selection.Copy": "Copy selected",
"Message.Context.Selection.Clear": "Clear selection",
"Message.Context.Selection.Delete": "Delete selected",
"Message.Context.Selection.Forward": "Forward selected",
"Message.Context.Selection.SendNow": "Send Now selected",
"Checkbox.Enabled": "Enabled",
"Checkbox.Disabled": "Disabled",
"Error.PreviewSender.CaptionTooLong": "Caption is too long.",
"PreviewSender.GroupItems": "Group items",
"PreviewSender.SendAlbum": {
"one_value": "Send Album",
"other_value": "Send %d Albums"
"Presence.YourChat": "chat with yourself",
"Privacy.Devices": {
"one_value": "%1$d device",
"other_value": "%1$d devices"
"PrivacyModal.Search.Placeholder": "Add Users or Groups...",
"Permissions.NoExceptions": "No exceptions",
"Permissions.ExceptionsCount": {
"one_value": "%d exception",
"other_value": "%d exceptions"
"Link.Available": "Link is available",
"Link.Taken": "Link is already taken",
"Link.Invalid": "Link is invalid",
"StickersTab.SearchPlaceholder": "Search Stickers",
"ForwardedFrom": "Forwarded from %s",
"Popup.Avatar.Title": "Drag to Reposition",
"Popup.Unpin.AllTitle": "Unpin all messages",
"Popup.Unpin.HideTitle": "Hide pinned messages",
"Popup.Unpin.HideDescription": "Do you want to hide the pinned message bar? It wil stay hidden until a new message is pinned.",
"Popup.Unpin.Hide": "Hide",
"TwoStepAuth.InvalidPassword": "Invalid password",
"TwoStepAuth.EmailCodeChangeEmail": "Change Email",
"MarkupTooltip.LinkPlaceholder": "Enter URL...",
"MediaViewer.Context.Download": "Download",
"Profile": "Profile",
"Saved": "Saved",
"ReportBug": "Report Bug",
"Notifications.Count": {
"one_value": "%d notification",
"other_value": "%d notifications"
"Notifications.Forwarded": {
"one_value": "Forwarded %d message",
"other_value": "Forwarded %d messages"
"Notifications.New": "New notification",
// * android
"ActionCreateChannel": "Channel created",
"ActionCreateGroup": "un1 created the group",
"ActionChangedTitle": "un1 changed the group name to un2",
"ActionRemovedPhoto": "un1 removed the group photo",
"ActionChangedPhoto": "un1 changed the group photo",
"ActionChangedVideo": "un1 changed the group video",
"ActionAddUser": "un1 added un2",
"ActionAddUserSelf": "un1 returned to the group",
"ActionAddUserSelfYou": "You returned to the group",
"ActionAddUserSelfMega": "un1 joined the group",
"ActionLeftUser": "un1 left the group",
"ActionKickUser": "un1 removed un2",
"ActionInviteUser": "un1 joined the group via invite link",
"ActionPinnedNoText": "un1 pinned a message",
"ActionMigrateFromGroup": "This group was upgraded to a supergroup",
"ActionYouScored": "You scored %1$s",
"ActionUserScored": "un1 scored %1$s",
"ActionYouScoredInGame": "You scored %1$s in un2",
"ActionUserScoredInGame": "un1 scored %1$s in un2",
"AttachPhoto": "Photo",
"AttachVideo": "Video",
"AttachGif": "GIF",
"AttachLocation": "Location",
"AttachLiveLocation": "Live Location",
"AttachContact": "Contact",
//"AttachDocument": "File",
"AttachSticker": "Sticker",
"AttachAudio": "Voice message",
"AttachRound": "Video message",
"AttachGame": "Game",
//"ChannelJoined": "You joined this channel",
"ChannelMegaJoined": "You joined this group",
"Channel.DescriptionPlaceholder": "Description (optional)",
"DescriptionPlaceholder": "Description",
"Draft": "Draft",
"FilterAlwaysShow": "Include Chats",
"FilterNeverShow": "Exclude Chats",
"FilterInclude": "Included Chats",
"FilterExclude": "Excluded Chats",
"FilterChatTypes": "Chat types",
"FilterChats": "Chats",
"FilterNew": "New Folder",
"Filters": "Folders",
"FilterRecommended": "Recommended Folders",
"FilterShowMoreChats": {
"one_value": "Show %1$d More Chat",
"other_value": "Show %1$d More Chats"
"FromYou": "You",
"Add": "Add",
"Chats": {
"one_value": "%1$d chat",
"other_value": "%1$d chats"
"Channels": {
"one_value": "%1$d channel",
"other_value": "%1$d channels"
"Groups": {
"one_value": "%1$d group",
"other_value": "%1$d groups"
"Users": {
"one_value": "%1$d user",
"other_value": "%1$d users"
"Members": {
"one_value": "%1$d member",
"other_value": "%1$d members"
"messages": {
"one_value": "%1$d message",
"other_value": "%1$d messages"
"UsernameHelpLink": "This link opens a chat with you:\n%1$s",
"NewChannel": "New Channel",
"NewGroup": "New Group",
"Contacts": "Contacts",
"SavedMessages": "Saved Messages",
"Settings": "Settings",
"SettingsHelp": "Help",
"General": "General",
"TextSize": "Message Text Size",
"ChatBackground": "Chat Background",
"EnableAnimations": "Enable Animations",
"AutoDownloadMedia": "Auto-Download Media",
"AutodownloadContacts": "Contacts",
"AutodownloadPrivateChats": "Private Chats",
"AutodownloadGroupChats": "Group Chats",
"AutodownloadChannels": "Channels",
"AutoplayGIF": "GIFs",
"AutoplayVideo": "Videos",
"NotificationsForGroups": "Notifications for groups",
"NotificationsForPrivateChats": "Notifications for private chats",
"NotificationsForChannels": "Notifications for channels",
"NotificationsPrivateChats": "Private Chats",
"NotificationsGroups": "Groups",
"NotificationsChannels": "Channels",
"NotificationsOther": "Other",
"MarkAsUnread": "Mark as unread",
"MarkAsRead": "Mark as read",
"ContactJoined": "Contact joined Telegram",
"Loading": "Loading...",
"Unblock": "Unblock",
"BlockedUsers": "Blocked Users",
"BlockedUsersInfo": "Blocked users will not be able to contact you and will not see your Last Seen time.",
"BlockedEmpty": "None",
"TwoStepVerification": "Two-Step Verification",
"TwoStepVerificationTitle": "Two-Step Verification",
"PinnedMessage": "Pinned Message",
"PinnedMessagesCount": {
"one_value": "Pinned Message",
"other_value": "%1$d Pinned Messages"
//"PreviousPinnedMessage": "Previous Message",
"PrivacyExceptions": "Exceptions",
"PrivacyLastSeen": "Last Seen & Online",
"PrivacySettings": "Privacy and Security",
"PrivacyTitle": "Privacy",
"PrivacyPhone": "Phone Number",
"PrivacyPhoneTitle": "Who can see my phone number?",
"PrivacyPhoneTitle2": "Who can find me by my number?",
"PrivacyPhoneInfo": "Users who have your number saved in their contacts will also see it on Telegram.",
"PrivacyPhoneInfo3": "Users who add your number to their contacts will see it on Telegram only if they are your contacts.",
"PrivacyProfilePhoto": "Profile Photos",
"PrivacyProfilePhotoTitle": "Who can see my profile photos & videos?",
"PrivacyP2PHeader": "Peer-to-Peer",
"PrivacyForwardsTitle": "Who can add a link to my account when forwarding my messages?",
"Reminders": "Reminders",
"ScheduledMessages": "Scheduled Messages",
"LastSeenTitle": "Who can see your Last Seen time?",
"SessionsTitle": "Active Sessions",
"CurrentSession": "This device",
"TerminateAllSessions": "Terminate All Other Sessions",
"TerminateSessionText": "Are you sure you want to terminate this session?",
"OtherSessions": "Active sessions",
"AreYouSureDeleteSingleMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this message?",
"AreYouSureDeleteFewMessages": "Are you sure you want to delete these messages?",
"AreYouSureDeleteSingleMessageMega": "Are you sure you want to delete this message for everyone?",
"AreYouSureDeleteFewMessagesMega": "Are you sure you want to delete these messages for everyone?",
"AreYouSureDeleteAndExitName": "Are you sure you want to delete and leave the group **%1$s**?",
"AreYouSureDeleteThisChatSavedMessages": "Are you sure you want to delete **Saved Messages**?",
"AreYouSureDeleteThisChatWithUser": "Are you sure you want to delete the chat with **%1$s**?",
"AreYouSureSessionTitle": "Terminate session",
"AreYouSureSessionsTitle": "Terminate sessions",
"AreYouSureSessions": "Are you sure you want to terminate all other sessions?",
"Terminate": "Terminate",
"WhoCanCallMe": "Who can call me?",
"WhoCanAddMe": "Who can add me to group chats?",
"ArchivedChats": "Archived Chats",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"HistoryCleared": "History was cleared",
"Archive": "Archive",
"Unarchive": "Unarchive",
"Delete": "Delete",
"Reply": "Reply",
"Edit": "Edit",
"Forward": "Forward",
"CopyLink": "Copy Link",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Search": "Search",
"LinkCopied": "Link copied to clipboard",
"LinkCopiedPrivateInfo": "This link will only work for members of this chat.",
"GroupAddMembers": "Add Members",
"SendMessageTo": "Add people...",
//"SelectChat": "Select Chat",
"JumpToDate": "Jump to Date",
"Caption": "Caption",
"Message": "Message",
"Poll": "Poll",
"SharedFilesTab2": "Files",
"SharedMediaTab2": "Media",
//"SharedMediaTabFull2": "Shared Media",
//"SharedGroupsTab2": "Groups",
"SharedLinksTab2": "Links",
"SharedMusicTab2": "Music",
"SharedVoiceTab2": "Voice",
//"SharedGIFsTab2": "GIFs",
"NewPoll": "New Poll",
"PollOptions": "Poll options",
"AskAQuestion": "Ask a Question",
"AddAnExplanationInfo": "Users will see this text after choosing the wrong answer, good for educational purposes.",
"AccDescrQuizExplanation": "Explanation",
"PhoneCopied": "Phone copied to clipboard",
"UsernameCopied": "Username copied to clipboard.",
//"HashtagCopied": "Hashtag copied to clipboard.",
"BioCopied": "Bio copied to clipboard.",
"UserBio": "Bio",
"Username": "Username",
"Phone": "Phone",
"Notifications": "Notifications",
"AreYouSureDeleteContact": "Are you sure you want to delete this contact?",
"AreYouSureDeleteAndExit": "Are you sure you want to delete and leave the group?",
"AreYouSureDeleteAndExitChannel": "Do you want to delete and leave the channel?",
"DeleteContact": "Delete contact",
"GroupType": "Group Type",
"ChannelType": "Channel Type",
"TypePrivate": "Private",
"TypePublic": "Public",
"TypePrivateGroup": "Private",
"TypePublicGroup": "Public",
"GroupMembers": "Members",
"DeleteMega": "Delete Group",
"DeleteMegaMenu": "Delete group",
"ChannelDeleteMenu": "Delete channel",
"ChannelPermissions": "Permissions",
"ChannelPermissionsHeader": "What can members of this group do?",
"ChannelAddException": "Add Exception",
"ChannelBlockedUsers": "Removed users",
"NoBlockedUsers": "No removed users",
"UserRestrictions": "User Permissions",
"UserRestrictionsDisabled": "This option is disabled for all members in Group Permissions",
"UserRestrictionsCanDo": "What can this user do?",
"UserRestrictionsRead": "Read Messages",
"UserRestrictionsSend": "Send Messages",
"UserRestrictionsSendMedia": "Send Media",
"UserRestrictionsSendPolls": "Send Polls",
"UserRestrictionsSendStickers": "Send Stickers and GIFs",
"UserRestrictionsEmbedLinks": "Embed Links",
"UserRestrictionsChangeInfo": "Change Chat Info",
"UserRestrictionsPinMessages": "Pin Messages",
"UserRestrictionsInviteUsers": "Add Users",
//"UserRestrictionsNoRead": "can't read",
"UserRestrictionsNoSend": "can't send messages",
"UserRestrictionsNoSendMedia": "no media",
"UserRestrictionsNoSendPolls": "no polls",
"UserRestrictionsNoSendStickers": "no stickers & GIFs",
"UserRestrictionsNoEmbedLinks": "no embed links",
"UserRestrictionsNoChangeInfo": "can't change Info",
"UserRestrictionsNoPinMessages": "no pins",
"UserRestrictionsNoInviteUsers": "can't add users",
"UserRestrictionsBlock": "Ban and remove from group",
"ChannelPublic": "Public Channel",
"MegaPublic": "Public Group",
//"MegaLocation": "Location-based Group",
"ChannelPublicInfo": "Public channels can be found in search, anyone can join them.",
"MegaPublicInfo": "Public groups can be found in search, chat history is available to everyone and anyone can join.",
"ChannelPrivate": "Private Channel",
"MegaPrivate": "Private Group",
"ChannelPrivateInfo": "Private channels can only be joined via an invite link.",
"MegaPrivateInfo": "Private groups can only be joined if you were invited or have an invite link.",
"ChannelPrivateLinkHelp": "People can join your channel by following this link. You can revoke the link any time.",
"MegaPrivateLinkHelp": "People can join your group by following this link. You can revoke the link any time.",
"RevokeButton": "Revoke",
"RevokeLink": "Revoke Link",
"RevokeAlert": "Are you sure you want to revoke this link? Once the link is revoked, no one will be able to join using it.",
"SetUrlPlaceholder": "Link",
"Subscribers": {
"one_value": "%1$d subscriber",
"other_value": "%1$d subscribers"
"SearchGifsTitle": "Search GIFs",
"PinMessageAlert": "Pin this message in the group?",
"PinMessageAlertTitle": "Pin message",
"PinMessageAlertChannel": "Do you want to pin this message in this channel?",
"PinMessageAlertChat": "Do you want to pin this message at the top of the chat?",
"UnpinMessageAlertTitle": "Unpin message",
"UnpinMessageAlert": "Do you want to unpin this message?",
"PinNotify": "Notify all members",
"PinMessage": "Pin",
"UnpinMessage": "Unpin",
"PinAlsoFor": "Also pin for %1$s",
"DeleteMessagesTitle": "Delete %1$s",
"DeleteSingleMessagesTitle": "Delete message",
"DeleteMessagesOption": "Unsend My Messages",
"DeleteMessagesOptionAlso": "Also delete for %1$s",
"DeleteForAll": "Delete for all members",
"DeleteMessagesTextGroup": "You can also delete the %1$s you sent from the inboxes of other group members by checking \"Unsend my messages\".",
"LeaveChannel": "Leave Channel",
"LeaveChannelMenu": "Leave channel",
"ChannelLeaveAlertWithName": "Are you sure you want to leave **%1$s**?",
"LeaveMegaMenu": "Leave group",
"DeleteChatUser": "Delete chat",
"PleaseEnterCurrentPassword": "Enter your password",
"PleaseEnterFirstPassword": "Enter a password",
"PleaseReEnterPassword": "Re-enter your password",
"Continue": "Continue",
"YourEmailSkip": "Skip",
"YourEmailSkipWarning": "Warning",
"YourEmailSkipWarningText": "No, seriously.\n\nIf you forget your password, you will lose access to your Telegram account. There will be no way to restore it.",
"TurnPasswordOffQuestionTitle": "Disable password",
"TurnPasswordOffQuestion": "Are you sure you want to disable your password?",
"Disable": "Disable",
"TwoStepVerificationSetPassword": "Set Password",
"TwoStepVerificationPasswordSet": "Password Set!",
"TwoStepVerificationPasswordSetInfo": "This password will be required when you log in on a new device in addition to the code you get in the SMS.",
"TwoStepVerificationPasswordReturnSettings": "Return to Settings",
"RecoveryEmail": "Recovery email",
"RecoveryEmailTitle": "Recovery Email",
"ResendCode": "Resend code",
"PasswordAsHintError": "Hint must be different from your password",
"AddStickersCount": "ADD %1$s",
"RemoveStickersCount": "REMOVE %1$s",
"Stickers": {
"one_value": "%1$d sticker",
"other_value": "%1$d stickers"
"HidAccount": "The account was hidden by the user",
"TelegramFeatures": "Telegram Features",
"SetColor": "Set a color",
"Open": "Open",
"OpenUrlTitle": "Open Link",
"OpenUrlAlert2": "Do you want to open %1$s?",
"FilterNoChatsToDisplay": "Folder is empty",
"FilterNoChatsToDisplayInfo": "No chats currently belong to this folder.",
// * macos
"AccountSettings.Filters": "Chat Folders",
"AccountSettings.Notifications": "Notifications and Sounds",
"AccountSettings.PrivacyAndSecurity": "Privacy and Security",
"AccountSettings.Language": "Language",
"Appearance.Reset": "Reset to Defaults",
"Bio.Description": "Any details such as age, occupation or city.\nExample: 23 y.o. designer from San Francisco",
"Channel.UsernameAboutChannel": "People can share this link with others and can find your channel using Telegram search.",
"Channel.UsernameAboutGroup": "People can share this link with others and find your group using Telegram search.",
"Chat.CopySelectedText": "Copy Selected Text",
"Chat.Confirm.Unpin": "Would you like to unpin this message?",
"Chat.Context.Scheduled.SendNow": "Send Now",
"Chat.Context.Scheduled.Reschedule": "Re-schedule",
"Chat.Date.ScheduledFor": "Scheduled for %@",
//"Chat.Date.ScheduledUntilOnline": "Scheduled until online",
"Chat.Date.ScheduledForToday": "Scheduled for today",
"Chat.DropTitle": "Drop files here to send them",
"Chat.DropQuickDesc": "in a quick way",
"Chat.DropAsFilesDesc": "without compression",
"Chat.Service.PeerJoinedTelegram": "%@ joined Telegram",
"Chat.Service.Channel.UpdatedTitle": "Channel renamed to \"%@\"",
"Chat.Service.Channel.UpdatedPhoto": "Channel photo updated",
"Chat.Service.Channel.RemovedPhoto": "Channel photo removed",
"Chat.Service.Channel.UpdatedVideo": "Channel video updated",
"Chat.Service.BotPermissionAllowed": "You allowed this bot to message you when you logged in on %@",
"Chat.Poll.Unvote": "Retract Vote",
"Chat.Poll.Stop": "Stop Poll",
"Chat.Poll.ViewResults": "View Results",
"Chat.Poll.SubmitVote": "Vote",
"Chat.Poll.Type.Anonymous": "Anonymous Poll",
"Chat.Poll.Type.Public": "Poll",
"Chat.Poll.Type.AnonymousQuiz": "Anonymous Quiz",
"Chat.Poll.Type.Quiz": "Quiz",
"Chat.Poll.Type.Closed": "Final Results",
"Chat.Poll.TotalVotes1": {
"one_value": "%d vote",
"other_value": "%d votes"
"Chat.Quiz.TotalVotes": {
"one_value": "%d answer",
"other_value": "%d answers"
"Chat.Poll.TotalVotesEmpty": "No votes yet",
"Chat.Poll.TotalVotesResultEmpty": "No votes",
"Chat.Quiz.TotalVotesEmpty": "No answers yet",
"Chat.Quiz.TotalVotesResultEmpty": "No answers",
// "Chat.Poll.Stop.Confirm.Header": "Stop Poll?",
// "Chat.Poll.Stop.Confirm.Text": "If you stop this poll now, nobody will be able to vote in it anymore. This action cannot be undone.",
// "Chat.Pinned.UnpinAll": {
// "one_value": "Unpin %d Message",
// "other_value": "Unpin All %d Messages"
// },
"Chat.Pinned.DontShow": "Don't Show Pinned Messages",
"Chat.Title.Comments": {
"one_value": "%d Comment",
"other_value": "%d Comments"
"Chat.Send.WithoutSound": "Send Without Sound",
"Chat.Send.SetReminder": "Set a Reminder",
"Chat.Send.ScheduledMessage": "Schedule Message",
"Chat.UnpinAllMessagesConfirmation": {
"one_value": "Do you want to unpin %d message in this chat?",
"other_value": "Do you want to unpin all %d messages in this chat?"
"ChatList.Context.Mute": "Mute",
"ChatList.Context.Unmute": "Unmute",
"ChatList.Context.Pin": "Pin",
"ChatList.Context.Unpin": "Unpin",
"ChatList.Context.DeleteChat": "Delete Chat",
"ChatList.Context.DeleteAndExit": "Delete and Leave",
"ChatList.Context.LeaveChannel": "Leave Channel",
"ChatList.Context.LeaveGroup": "Leave Group",
"ChatList.Service.Call.incoming": "Incoming Call (%@)",
"ChatList.Service.Call.outgoing": "Outgoing Call (%@)",
"ChatList.Service.Call.Cancelled": "Cancelled Call",
"ChatList.Service.Call.Missed": "Missed Call",
"ChatList.Filter.Header": "Create folders for different groups of chats and quickly switch between them.",
"ChatList.Filter.NewTitle": "Create Folder",
"ChatList.Filter.List.Title": "Chat Folders",
"ChatList.Filter.Include.AddChat": "Add Chats",
"ChatList.Filter.Exclude.AddChat": "Add Chats",
"ChatList.Filter.All": "All",
"ChatList.Filter.Contacts": "Contacts",
"ChatList.Filter.NonContacts": "Non-Contacts",
"ChatList.Filter.Groups": "Groups",
"ChatList.Filter.Channels": "Channels",
"ChatList.Filter.Bots": "Bots",
"ChatList.Filter.MutedChats": "Muted",
"ChatList.Filter.ReadChats": "Read",
"ChatList.Filter.Archive": "Archived",
"ChatList.Filter.Include.LimitReached": "Sorry, you can only add up to 100 individual chats. Try using chat types.",
"ChatList.Filter.Exclude.LimitReached": "Sorry, you can only add up to 100 individual chats. Try using chat types.",
"Channel.ChannelNameHolder": "Channel Name",
"Channel.DescriptionHolderDescrpiton": "You can provide an optional description for your channel.",
"CreateGroup.NameHolder": "Group Name",
"Date.Today": "Today",
"DeleteChat.DeleteGroupForAll": "Delete for all members",
"DeleteChannelForAll": "Delete for all subscribers",
"EditAccount.Username": "Username",
"EditAccount.Title": "Edit Profile",
"EditAccount.Logout": "Log Out",
"Emoji.Recent": "Frequently Used",
"Emoji.SmilesAndPeople": "Smileys & People",
"Emoji.AnimalsAndNature": "Animals & Nature",
"Emoji.FoodAndDrink": "Food & Drink",
"Emoji.ActivityAndSport": "Activity & Sport",
"Emoji.TravelAndPlaces": "Travel & Places",
"Emoji.Objects": "Objects",
//"Emoji.Symbols": "Symbols",
"Emoji.Flags": "Flags",
"LastSeen.HoursAgo": {
"one_value": "last seen %d hour ago",
"other_value": "last seen %d hours ago"
"Login.Register.LastName.Placeholder": "Last Name",
"Modal.Send": "Send",
"Telegram.GeneralSettingsViewController": "General Settings",
"Telegram.InstalledStickerPacksController": "Stickers",
"Telegram.NotificationSettingsViewController": "Notifications",
"Telegram.LanguageViewController": "Language",
"Stickers.SearchAdd": "Add",
"Stickers.SearchAdded": "Added",
"Stickers.SuggestStickers": "Suggest Stickers by Emoji",
"ShareModal.Search.ForwardPlaceholder": "Forward to...",
"InstalledStickers.LoopAnimated": "Loop Animated Stickers",
"Peer.Activity.User.PlayingGame": "playing a game",
"Peer.Activity.User.TypingText": "typing",
"Peer.Activity.User.SendingPhoto": "sending a photo",
"Peer.Activity.User.RecordingVideo": "recording video",
"Peer.Activity.User.SendingVideo": "sending a video",
"Peer.Activity.User.RecordingAudio": "recording voice",
"Peer.Activity.User.SendingFile": "sending file",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.PlayingGame": "%@ is playing a game",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.TypingText": "%@ is typing",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.SendingPhoto": "%@ is sending a photo",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.RecordingVideo": "%@ is recording video",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.SendingVideo": "%@ is sending a video",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.RecordingAudio": "%@ is recording voice",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.SendingFile": "%@ is sending a file",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.Multi.PlayingGame1": "%@ and %d others are playing a game",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.Multi.TypingText1": "%@ and %d others are typing",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.Multi.SendingPhoto1": "%@ and %d others are sending photos",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.Multi.RecordingVideo1": "%@ and %d others are recording video",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.Multi.SendingVideo1": "%@ and %d others are sending videos",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.Multi.RecordingAudio1": "%@ and %d others are recording voice",
//"Peer.Activity.Chat.Multi.SendingAudio1": "%@ and %d others are sending audio",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.Multi.SendingFile1": "%@ and %d others are sending files",
"Peer.ServiceNotifications": "service notifications",
"Peer.RepliesNotifications": "Reply Notifications",
"": "online",
"Peer.Status.recently": "last seen recently",
"Peer.Status.justNow": "last seen just now",
"Peer.Status.lastWeek": "last seen within a week",
"Peer.Status.lastMonth": "last seen within a month",
"Peer.Status.longTimeAgo": "last seen a long time ago",
"Peer.Status.Today": "today",
"Peer.Status.Yesterday": "yesterday",
"Peer.Status.LastSeenAt": "last seen %@ at %@",
"Peer.Status.minAgo": {
"one_value": "last seen %d minute ago",
"other_value": "last seen %d minutes ago"
"Peer.Status.Member": {
"one_value": "%d member",
"other_value": "%d members"
"Peer.Status.Subscribers": {
"one_value": "%d subscriber",
"other_value": "%d subscribers"
"PeerInfo.Administrators": "Administrators",
"PeerInfo.DeleteChannel": "Delete Channel",
"PeerInfo.Discussion": "Discussion",
"PeerInfo.Discussion.Add": "Add",
"PeerInfo.SignMessages": "Sign Messages",
"PeerInfo.SharedMedia": "Shared Media",
"PeerInfo.Subscribers": "Subscribers",
"PeerInfo.DeleteContact": "Delete Contact",
"PeerInfo.Confirm.AddMembers1": {
"one_value": "Add %d user to the group?",
"other_value": "Add %d users to the group?"
"PeerInfo.Confirm.AddMember": "Add \"%@\" to the group?",
//"PeerInfo.Confirm.RemovePeer": "Remove %@ from the group?",
"PeerMedia.Members": "Members",
"PollResults.Title.Poll": "Poll Results",
"PollResults.Title.Quiz": "Quiz Results",
"PollResults.LoadMore": {
"other_value": "Show More (%d)"
//"PeerInfo.Confirm.DeleteGroupConfirmation": "Wait! Deleting this group will remove all members and all messages will be lost. Delete the group anyway?",
"PreviewSender.CaptionPlaceholder": "Add a caption...",
"PreviewSender.SendFile": {
"one_value": "Send File",
"other_value": "Send %d Files"
"PreviewSender.SendPhoto": {
"one_value": "Send Photo",
"other_value": "Send %d Photos"
"PreviewSender.SendVideo": {
"one_value": "Send Video",
"other_value": "Send %d Videos"
"": "bot",
"Presence.Support": "support",
"PrivacyAndSecurity.Item.On": "On",
"PrivacyAndSecurity.Item.Off": "Off",
"PrivacySettings.VoiceCalls": "Calls",
"PrivacySettings.Forwards": "Forwarded Messages",
"PrivacySettings.Groups": "Groups and Channels",
"PrivacySettingsController.AddUsers": "Add Users",
"PrivacySettingsController.GroupDescription": "You can restrict who can add you to groups and channels with granular precision.",
"PrivacySettingsController.Forwards.CustomHelp": "You can restrict who can add a link to your account when forwarding your messages.",
"PrivacySettingsController.P2p.Desc": "Disabling peer-to-peer will relay all calls through Telegram servers to avoid revealing your IP address, but may slightly decrease audio and video quality.",
"PrivacySettingsController.PhoneCallDescription": "You can restrict who can call you with granular precision.",
"PrivacySettingsController.ProfilePhoto.CustomHelp": "You can restrict who can see your profile photo with granular precision.",
"PrivacySettingsController.LastSeenDescription": "You won't see Last Seen and Online statuses for people with whom you don't share yours. Approximate last seen will be shown instead (recently, within a week, within a month).",
"PrivacySettingsController.PeerInfo": "You can add users or entire groups as exceptions that will override the settings above.",
"PrivacySettingsController.Everbody": "Everybody",
"PrivacySettingsController.MyContacts": "My Contacts",
"PrivacySettingsController.Nobody": "Nobody",
"PrivacySettingsController.NeverShare": "Never Share With",
"PrivacySettingsController.AlwaysShare": "Always Share With",
"PrivacySettingsController.NeverAllow": "Never Allow",
"PrivacySettingsController.AlwaysAllow": "Always Allow",
"PrivacySettingsController.UserCount": {
"one_value": "%d user",
"other_value": "%d users"
"RecentSessions.Error.FreshReset": "For security reasons, you can't terminate older sessions from a device that you've just connected. Please use an earlier connection or wait for a few hours.",
"Message.Context.Select": "Select",
"Message.Context.Pin": "Pin",
"Message.Context.Unpin": "Unpin",
"NewPoll.Anonymous": "Anonymous Voting",
"NewPoll.Explanation.Placeholder": "Add a Comment (Optional)",
"NewPoll.OptionsAddOption": "Add an Option",
"NewPoll.MultipleChoice": "Multiple Answers",
"NewPoll.Quiz": "Quiz Mode",
"GroupPermission.Delete": "Delete Exception",
"Schedule.SendToday": "Send today at %@",
"Schedule.SendDate": "Send on %@ at %@",
//"Schedule.SendWhenOnline": "Send When Online",
"TwoStepAuth.SetPasswordHelp": "You can set a password that will be required when you log in on a new device in addition to the code you get in the SMS.",
"TwoStepAuth.GenericHelp": "You have enabled Two-Step verification.\nYou'll need the password you set up here to log in to your Telegram account.",
"TwoStepAuth.ChangePassword": "Change Password",
"TwoStepAuth.RemovePassword": "Turn Password Off",
"TwoStepAuth.SetupEmail": "Set Recovery Email",
"TwoStepAuth.ChangeEmail": "Change Recovery Email",
"TwoStepAuth.ConfirmEmailCodeDesc": "Please enter the code we've just emailed to %@.",
"TwoStepAuth.RecoveryTitle": "Email Code",
"TwoStepAuth.RecoveryCode": "Code",
"TwoStepAuth.RecoveryCodeInvalid": "Invalid code. Please try again.",
"TwoStepAuth.RecoveryCodeExpired": "Code Expired",
"TwoStepAuth.SetupHintTitle": "Password Hint",
"TwoStepAuth.SetupHintPlaceholder": "Hint"
export default lang;