Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

243 lines
5.9 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
import { AppMediaPlaybackController } from "../components/appMediaPlaybackController";
import { IS_MOBILE } from "../environment/userAgent";
import getTimeFormat from "../helpers/getTimeFormat";
import { nextRandomUint } from "../helpers/random";
import { AutoDownloadSettings, NotifyPeer, PeerNotifySettings } from "../layer";
import { TopPeerType, MyTopPeer } from "../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager";
import DialogsStorage from "../lib/storages/dialogs";
import FiltersStorage from "../lib/storages/filters";
import { AuthState } from "../types";
import App from "./app";
const STATE_VERSION = App.version;
const BUILD =;
export type Background = {
type?: 'color' | 'image' | 'default', // ! DEPRECATED
blur: boolean,
highlightningColor?: string,
color?: string,
slug?: string, // image slug
intensity?: number, // pattern intensity
id: string | number, // wallpaper id
export type Theme = {
name: 'day' | 'night' | 'system',
background: Background
export type AutoDownloadPeerTypeSettings = {
contacts: boolean,
private: boolean,
groups: boolean,
channels: boolean
export type State = {
allDialogsLoaded: DialogsStorage['allDialogsLoaded'],
pinnedOrders: DialogsStorage['pinnedOrders'],
// contactsList: UserId[],
contactsListCachedTime: number,
updates: Partial<{
seq: number,
pts: number,
date: number
filters: FiltersStorage['filters'],
maxSeenMsgId: number,
stateCreatedTime: number,
recentEmoji: string[],
topPeersCache: {
[type in TopPeerType]?: {
peers: MyTopPeer[],
cachedTime: number
recentSearch: PeerId[],
version: typeof STATE_VERSION,
build: typeof BUILD,
authState: AuthState,
hiddenPinnedMessages: {[peerId: PeerId]: number},
settings: {
messagesTextSize: number,
distanceUnit: 'kilometers' | 'miles',
sendShortcut: 'enter' | 'ctrlEnter',
animationsEnabled: boolean,
autoDownload: {
contacts?: boolean, // ! DEPRECATED
private?: boolean, // ! DEPRECATED
groups?: boolean, // ! DEPRECATED
channels?: boolean, // ! DEPRECATED
photo: AutoDownloadPeerTypeSettings,
video: AutoDownloadPeerTypeSettings,
file: AutoDownloadPeerTypeSettings
autoDownloadNew: AutoDownloadSettings,
autoPlay: {
gifs: boolean,
videos: boolean
stickers: {
suggest: boolean,
loop: boolean
emoji: {
suggest: boolean,
big: boolean
background?: Background, // ! DEPRECATED
themes: Theme[],
theme: Theme['name'],
notifications: {
sound: boolean
nightTheme?: boolean, // ! DEPRECATED
timeFormat: 'h12' | 'h23'
playbackParams: ReturnType<AppMediaPlaybackController['getPlaybackParams']>,
keepSigned: boolean,
chatContextMenuHintWasShown: boolean,
stateId: number,
notifySettings: {[k in Exclude<NotifyPeer['_'], 'notifyPeer'>]?: PeerNotifySettings.peerNotifySettings}
const BACKGROUND_DAY_DESKTOP: Background = {
blur: false,
slug: 'pattern',
color: '#dbddbb,#6ba587,#d5d88d,#88b884',
highlightningColor: 'hsla(86.4, 43.846153%, 45.117647%, .4)',
intensity: 50,
id: '1'
const BACKGROUND_DAY_MOBILE: Background = {
blur: false,
slug: '',
color: '#dbddbb,#6ba587,#d5d88d,#88b884',
highlightningColor: 'hsla(86.4, 43.846153%, 45.117647%, .4)',
intensity: 0,
id: '1'
const BACKGROUND_NIGHT_DESKTOP: Background = {
blur: false,
slug: 'pattern',
// color: '#dbddbb,#6ba587,#d5d88d,#88b884',
color: '#fec496,#dd6cb9,#962fbf,#4f5bd5',
highlightningColor: 'hsla(299.142857, 44.166666%, 37.470588%, .4)',
intensity: -50,
id: '-1'
const BACKGROUND_NIGHT_MOBILE: Background = {
blur: false,
slug: '',
color: '#0f0f0f',
highlightningColor: 'hsla(0, 0%, 3.82353%, 0.4)',
intensity: 0,
id: '-1'
export const STATE_INIT: State = {
allDialogsLoaded: {},
pinnedOrders: {},
// contactsList: [],
contactsListCachedTime: 0,
updates: {},
filters: {},
maxSeenMsgId: 0,
recentEmoji: [],
topPeersCache: {},
recentSearch: [],
build: BUILD,
authState: {
_: IS_MOBILE ? 'authStateSignIn' : 'authStateSignQr'
hiddenPinnedMessages: {},
settings: {
messagesTextSize: 16,
distanceUnit: 'kilometers',
sendShortcut: 'enter',
animationsEnabled: true,
autoDownload: {
photo: {
contacts: true,
private: true,
groups: true,
channels: true
video: {
contacts: true,
private: true,
groups: true,
channels: true
file: {
contacts: true,
private: true,
groups: true,
channels: true
autoDownloadNew: {
_: 'autoDownloadSettings',
file_size_max: 3145728,
pFlags: {
video_preload_large: true,
audio_preload_next: true
photo_size_max: 1048576,
video_size_max: 15728640,
video_upload_maxbitrate: 100
autoPlay: {
gifs: true,
videos: true
stickers: {
suggest: true,
loop: true
emoji: {
suggest: true,
big: true
themes: [{
name: 'day',
}, {
name: 'night',
theme: 'system',
notifications: {
sound: false
timeFormat: getTimeFormat()
playbackParams: {
volume: 1,
muted: false,
playbackRate: 1,
playbackRates: {
voice: 1,
video: 1,
audio: 1
loop: false,
round: false
keepSigned: true,
chatContextMenuHintWasShown: false,
stateId: nextRandomUint(32),
notifySettings: {}