339 lines
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339 lines
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* https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb
* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
* https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/master/LICENSE
* Originally from:
* https://github.com/zhukov/webogram
* Copyright (C) 2014 Igor Zhukov <igor.beatle@gmail.com>
* https://github.com/zhukov/webogram/blob/master/LICENSE
import { Database } from "../../config/databases";
import DATABASE_STATE from "../../config/databases/state";
import { isFirefox } from "../../helpers/userAgent";
import IDBStorage from "../idb";
import { log, ServiceWorkerPingTask, ServiceWorkerPushClickTask } from "./index.service";
const ctx = self as any as ServiceWorkerGlobalScope;
const defaultBaseUrl = location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + location.pathname.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/') + '/';
export type PushNotificationObject = {
loc_key: string,
loc_args: string[],
//user_id: number, // should be number
custom: {
channel_id?: string, // should be number
chat_id?: string, // should be number
from_id?: string, // should be number
msg_id: string,
peerId?: string // should be number
sound?: string,
random_id: number,
badge?: string, // should be number
description: string,
mute: string, // should be number
title: string,
action?: 'mute1d' | 'push_settings', // will be set before postMessage to main thread
class SomethingGetter<T extends Database<any>, Storage extends Record<string, any>> {
private cache: Partial<Storage> = {};
private storage: IDBStorage<T>;
db: T,
storeName: typeof db['stores'][number]['name'],
private defaults: {
[Property in keyof Storage]: ((value: Storage[Property]) => Storage[Property]) | Storage[Property]
) {
this.storage = new IDBStorage<T>(db, storeName);
public async get<T extends keyof Storage>(key: T) {
if(this.cache[key] !== undefined) {
return this.cache[key];
let value: Storage[T];
try {
value = await this.storage.get(key as string);
} catch(err) {
if(this.cache[key] !== undefined) {
return this.cache[key];
if(value === undefined) {
const callback = this.defaults[key];
value = typeof(callback) === 'function' ? callback() : callback;
return this.cache[key] = value;
public async set<T extends keyof Storage>(key: T, value: Storage[T]) {
this.cache[key] = value;
try {
this.storage.save(key as string, value);
} catch(err) {
type PushStorage = {
push_mute_until: number,
push_last_alive: number,
push_lang: Partial<ServiceWorkerPingTask['payload']['lang']>
push_settings: Partial<ServiceWorkerPingTask['payload']['settings']>
const getter = new SomethingGetter<typeof DATABASE_STATE, PushStorage>(DATABASE_STATE, 'session', {
push_mute_until: 0,
push_last_alive: 0,
push_lang: {},
push_settings: {}
ctx.addEventListener('push', (event) => {
const obj: PushNotificationObject = event.data.json();
log('push', obj);
let hasActiveWindows = false;
const checksPromise = Promise.all([
ctx.clients.matchAll({type: 'window'})
]).then((result) => {
const [muteUntil, lastAliveTime, clientList] = result;
log('matched clients', clientList);
hasActiveWindows = clientList.length > 0;
if(hasActiveWindows) {
throw 'Supress notification because some instance is alive';
const nowTime = Date.now();
if(userInvisibleIsSupported() &&
muteUntil &&
nowTime < muteUntil) {
throw `Supress notification because mute for ${Math.ceil((muteUntil - nowTime) / 60000)} min`;
if(!obj.badge) {
throw 'No badge?';
checksPromise.catch(reason => {
const notificationPromise = checksPromise.then(() => {
return Promise.all([getter.get('push_settings'), getter.get('push_lang')])
}).then((result) => {
return fireNotification(obj, result[0], result[1]);
const closePromise = notificationPromise.catch(() => {
log('Closing all notifications on push', hasActiveWindows);
if(userInvisibleIsSupported() || hasActiveWindows) {
return closeAllNotifications();
return ctx.registration.showNotification('Telegram', {
tag: 'unknown_peer'
}).then(() => {
if(hasActiveWindows) {
return closeAllNotifications();
setTimeout(() => closeAllNotifications(), hasActiveWindows ? 0 : 100);
}).catch((error) => {
log.error('Show notification error', error);
ctx.addEventListener('notificationclick', (event) => {
const notification = event.notification;
log('On notification click: ', notification.tag);
const action = event.action as PushNotificationObject['action'];
if(action === 'mute1d' && userInvisibleIsSupported()) {
log('[SW] mute for 1d');
getter.set('push_mute_until', Date.now() + 86400e3);
const data: PushNotificationObject = notification.data;
if(!data) {
const promise = ctx.clients.matchAll({
type: 'window'
}).then((clientList) => {
data.action = action;
pendingNotification = {type: 'push_click', payload: data};
for(let i = 0; i < clientList.length; i++) {
const client = clientList[i];
if('focus' in client) {
pendingNotification = undefined;
if(ctx.clients.openWindow) {
return getter.get('push_settings').then((settings) => {
return ctx.clients.openWindow(settings.baseUrl || defaultBaseUrl);
}).catch((error) => {
log.error('Clients.matchAll error', error);
ctx.addEventListener('notificationclose', onCloseNotification);
let notifications: Set<Notification> = new Set();
let pendingNotification: ServiceWorkerPushClickTask;
function pushToNotifications(notification: Notification) {
if(!notifications.has(notification)) {
// @ts-ignore
notification.onclose = onCloseNotification;
function onCloseNotification(event: NotificationEvent) {
function removeFromNotifications(notification: Notification) {
export function closeAllNotifications() {
for(const notification of notifications) {
try {
} catch(e) {}
let promise: Promise<void>;
if('getNotifications' in ctx.registration) {
promise = ctx.registration.getNotifications({}).then((notifications) => {
for(let i = 0, len = notifications.length; i < len; ++i) {
try {
} catch(e) {}
}).catch((error) => {
log.error('Offline register SW error', error);
} else {
promise = Promise.resolve();
return promise;
function userInvisibleIsSupported() {
return isFirefox;
function fireNotification(obj: PushNotificationObject, settings: PushStorage['push_settings'], lang: PushStorage['push_lang']) {
const icon = 'assets/img/logo_filled_rounded.png';
let title = obj.title || 'Telegram';
let body = obj.description || '';
let peerId: number;
if(obj.custom) {
if(obj.custom.channel_id) {
peerId = -obj.custom.channel_id;
} else if(obj.custom.chat_id) {
peerId = -obj.custom.chat_id;
} else {
peerId = +obj.custom.from_id || 0;
obj.custom.peerId = '' + peerId;
let tag = 'peer' + peerId;
if(settings && settings.nopreview) {
title = 'Telegram';
body = lang.push_message_nopreview || 'You have a new message';
tag = 'unknown_peer';
log('show notify', title, body, icon, obj);
const actions: (Omit<NotificationAction, 'action'> & {action: PushNotificationObject['action']})[] = [{
action: 'mute1d',
title: lang.push_action_mute1d || 'Mute for 24H'
}/* , {
action: 'push_settings',
title: lang.push_action_settings || 'Settings'
} */];
const notificationPromise = ctx.registration.showNotification(title, {
data: obj,
return notificationPromise.then((event) => {
// @ts-ignore
if(event && event.notification) {
// @ts-ignore
}).catch((error) => {
log.error('Show notification promise', error);
export function onPing(task: ServiceWorkerPingTask, event: ExtendableMessageEvent) {
const client = event.ports && event.ports[0] || event.source;
const payload = task.payload;
if(payload.localNotifications) {
getter.set('push_last_alive', Date.now());
if(pendingNotification &&
client &&
'postMessage' in client) {
client.postMessage(pendingNotification, []);
pendingNotification = undefined;
if(payload.lang) {
getter.set('push_lang', payload.lang);
if(payload.settings) {
getter.set('push_settings', payload.settings);