Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

115 lines
3.4 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
* Originally from:
* Copyright (C) 2014 Igor Zhukov <>
import { EMAIL_REG_EXP, FULL_REG_EXP } from ".";
import TLD from "../../config/tld";
import { MessageEntity } from "../../layer";
import checkBrackets from "./checkBrackets";
import getEmojiUnified from "./getEmojiUnified";
export default function parseEntities(text: string) {
let match: any;
let raw = text;
const entities: MessageEntity[] = [];
let matchIndex;
let rawOffset = 0;
// var start = tsNow()
FULL_REG_EXP.lastIndex = 0;
while((match = raw.match(FULL_REG_EXP))) {
matchIndex = rawOffset + match.index;
//console.log('parseEntities match:', match);
if(match[3]) { // mentions
_: 'messageEntityMention',
offset: matchIndex + match[1].length,
length: match[2].length + match[3].length
} else if(match[4]) {
if(EMAIL_REG_EXP.test(match[4])) { // email
_: 'messageEntityEmail',
offset: matchIndex,
length: match[4].length
} else {
let url: string;
let protocol = match[5];
const tld = match[6];
// let excluded = '';
if(tld) { // URL
if(!protocol && (tld.substr(0, 4) === 'xn--' || TLD.indexOf(tld.toLowerCase()) !== -1)) {
protocol = 'http://';
if(protocol) {
const balanced = checkBrackets(match[4]);
if(balanced.length !== match[4].length) {
// excluded = match[4].substring(balanced.length);
match[4] = balanced;
url = (match[5] ? '' : protocol) + match[4];
} else { // IP address
url = (match[5] ? '' : 'http://') + match[4];
if(url) {
_: 'messageEntityUrl',
offset: matchIndex,
length: match[4].length
} else if(match[7]) { // New line
_: 'messageEntityLinebreak',
offset: matchIndex,
length: 1
} else if(match[8]) { // Emoji
//console.log('hit', match[8]);
const unified = getEmojiUnified(match[8]);
if(unified) {
_: 'messageEntityEmoji',
offset: matchIndex,
length: match[8].length,
unicode: unified
} else if(match[11]) { // Hashtag
_: 'messageEntityHashtag',
offset: matchIndex + (match[10] ? match[10].length : 0),
length: match[11].length
} else if(match[13]) { // Bot command
_: 'messageEntityBotCommand',
offset: matchIndex + (match[11] ? match[11].length : 0) + (match[12] ? match[12].length : 0),
length: 1 + match[13].length + (match[14] ? 1 + match[14].length : 0),
unsafe: true
raw = raw.substr(match.index + match[0].length);
rawOffset += match.index + match[0].length;
// if (entities.length) {
// console.log('parse entities', text, entities.slice())
// }
return entities;