Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

877 lines
40 KiB

const lang = {
"Animations": "Animations",
"AttachAlbum": "Album",
"Appearance.Color.Hex": "HEX",
"Appearance.Color.RGB": "RGB",
"BlockModal.Search.Placeholder": "Block user...",
"DarkMode": "Dark Mode",
"FilterIncludeExcludeInfo": "Choose chats and types of chats that will\nappear and never appear in this folder.",
"FilterNameInputLabel": "Folder Name",
"FilterMenuDelete": "Delete Folder",
"FilterHeaderEdit": "Edit Folder",
"FilterAllGroups": "All Groups",
"FilterAllContacts": "All Contacts",
"FilterAllNonContacts": "All Non-Contacts",
"FilterAllChannels": "All Channels",
"FilterAllBots": "All Bots",
"WordDelimiter": ", ",
"WordDelimiterLast": " and ",
"EditContact.OriginalName": "original name",
"EditProfile.FirstNameLabel": "Name",
"EditProfile.BioLabel": "Bio (optional)",
"EditProfile.Username.Label": "Username (optional)",
"EditProfile.Username.Available": "Username is available",
"EditProfile.Username.Taken": "Username is already taken",
"EditProfile.Username.Invalid": "Username is invalid",
"ExceptionModal.Search.Placeholder": "Add exception...",
"Chat.Menu.SelectMessages": "Select Messages",
"Chat.Menu.ClearSelection": "Clear Selection",
"Chat.Menu.Hint": "To **edit** or **reply**, close this menu.\nThen tap next to a message.",
"Chat.Input.UnpinAll": "Unpin All Messages",
"Chat.Input.Attach.PhotoOrVideo": "Photo or Video",
"Chat.Input.Attach.Document": "Document",
"Chat.Subscribe": "SUBSCRIBE",
"Chat.Selection.LimitToast": "Max selection count reached.",
"Chat.Search.MessagesFound": {
"one_value": "%d message found",
"other_value": "%d messages found",
"Chat.Search.NoMessagesFound": "No messages found",
"Chat.Search.PrivateSearch": "Private Search",
"ChatList.Main.EmptyPlaceholder.Title": "Your chats will appear here",
"ChatList.Main.EmptyPlaceholder.Subtitle": "You have %s on Telegram",
"ChatList.Main.EmptyPlaceholder.SubtitleNoContacts": "Use Telegram app on your [Android]( or [iOS]( device to sync your contacts",
//"ChatList.Menu.Archived": "Archived",
"ChatList.Menu.SwitchTo.Webogram": "Switch to Old Version",
"ChatList.Menu.SwitchTo.Z": "Switch to Z version",
"ChatMigration.From": "Migrated from %s",
"ChatMigration.To": "Migrated to %s",
"ConnectionStatus.ForceReconnect": "force reconnect",
"ConnectionStatus.ReconnectIn": "Reconnect in %ds, %s",
"ConnectionStatus.Reconnect": "reconnect",
"ConnectionStatus.Reconnecting": "Reconnecting...",
"ConnectionStatus.TimedOut": "Request timed out, %s",
"ConnectionStatus.Waiting": "Waiting for network...",
"Contacts.Count": {
"one_value": "%d contact",
"other_value": "%d contacts",
"Deactivated.Title": "Too many tabs...",
"Deactivated.Subtitle": "Telegram supports only one active tab with the app.\nClick anywhere to continue using this tab.",
/* "Drafts": {
"one_value": "%d draft",
"other_value": "%d drafts",
}, */
"General.Keyboard": "Keyboard",
"General.SendShortcut.Enter": "Send by Enter",
"General.SendShortcut.CtrlEnter": "Send by %s + Enter",
"General.SendShortcut.NewLine.ShiftEnter": "New line by Shift + Enter",
"General.SendShortcut.NewLine.Enter": "New line by Enter",
"General.AutoplayMedia": "Auto-Play Media",
"General.TimeFormat": "Time Format",
"General.TimeFormat.h12": "12-hour",
"General.TimeFormat.h23": "24-hour",
"ChatBackground.UploadWallpaper": "Upload Wallpaper",
"ChatBackground.Blur": "Blur Wallpaper Image",
"Notifications.Sound": "Notification Sound",
"Notifications.MessagePreview": "Message preview",
"NewPrivateChat": "New Private Chat",
"NewPoll.OptionLabel": "Option %d",
"Message.Context.Selection.Copy": "Copy selected",
"Message.Context.Selection.Clear": "Clear selection",
"Message.Context.Selection.Delete": "Delete selected",
"Message.Context.Selection.Forward": "Forward selected",
"Message.Context.Selection.SendNow": "Send Now selected",
"Checkbox.Enabled": "Enabled",
"Checkbox.Disabled": "Disabled",
"Error.PreviewSender.CaptionTooLong": "Caption is too long.",
"PreviewSender.GroupItems": "Group items",
"PreviewSender.SendAlbum": {
"one_value": "Send Album",
"other_value": "Send %d Albums"
"Presence.YourChat": "chat with yourself",
"Privacy.Devices": {
"one_value": "%1$d device",
"other_value": "%1$d devices"
"Privacy.SensitiveContent": "Sensitive Content",
"PrivacyModal.Search.Placeholder": "Add Users or Groups...",
"Permissions.NoExceptions": "No exceptions",
"Permissions.ExceptionsCount": {
"one_value": "%d exception",
"other_value": "%d exceptions"
"Link.Available": "Link is available",
"Link.Taken": "Link is already taken",
"Link.Invalid": "Link is invalid",
"Search.Chats": "Chats",
"Search.Global": "Global Search",
"Search.Messages": "Messages",
"StickersTab.SearchPlaceholder": "Search Stickers",
"ForwardedFrom": "Forwarded from %s",
"Popup.Avatar.Title": "Drag to Reposition",
"Popup.Unpin.AllTitle": "Unpin all messages",
"Popup.Unpin.HideTitle": "Hide pinned messages",
"Popup.Unpin.HideDescription": "Do you want to hide the pinned message bar? It wil stay hidden until a new message is pinned.",
"Popup.Unpin.Hide": "Hide",
"TwoStepAuth.InvalidPassword": "Invalid password",
"TwoStepAuth.EmailCodeChangeEmail": "Change Email",
"MarkupTooltip.LinkPlaceholder": "Enter URL...",
"MediaViewer.Context.Download": "Download",
"Profile": "Profile",
"Saved": "Saved",
"Deleted": "Deleted",
"ReportBug": "Report Bug",
"Notifications.Count": {
"one_value": "%d notification",
"other_value": "%d notifications"
"Notifications.Forwarded": {
"one_value": "Forwarded %d message",
"other_value": "Forwarded %d messages"
"Notifications.New": "New notification",
"PushNotification.Action.Mute1d": "Mute background alerts for 1 day",
"PushNotification.Action.Settings": "Background alerts settings",
"PushNotification.Action.Mute1d.Mobile": "Mute for 24H",
"PushNotification.Action.Settings.Mobile": "Alerts settings",
"PushNotification.Message.NoPreview": "You have a new message",
"LogOut.Description": "Are you sure you want to log out?\n\nNote that you can seamlessly use Telegram on all your devices at once.",
//"PushNotification.Action.Mute1d.Success": "Notification settings were successfully saved.",
// * android
"AccDescrEditing": "Editing",
"ActionCreateChannel": "Channel created",
"ActionCreateGroup": "un1 created the group",
"ActionChangedTitle": "un1 changed the group name to un2",
"ActionRemovedPhoto": "un1 removed the group photo",
"ActionChangedPhoto": "un1 changed the group photo",
"ActionChangedVideo": "un1 changed the group video",
"ActionAddUser": "un1 added un2",
"ActionAddUserSelf": "un1 returned to the group",
"ActionAddUserSelfYou": "You returned to the group",
"ActionAddUserSelfMega": "un1 joined the group",
"ActionLeftUser": "un1 left the group",
"ActionKickUser": "un1 removed un2",
"ActionInviteUser": "un1 joined the group via invite link",
"ActionPinnedNoText": "un1 pinned a message",
"ActionMigrateFromGroup": "This group was upgraded to a supergroup",
"ActionYouScored": "You scored %1$s",
"ActionUserScored": "un1 scored %1$s",
"ActionYouScoredInGame": "You scored %1$s in un2",
"ActionUserScoredInGame": "un1 scored %1$s in un2",
"AndOther": {
"one_value": "and %1$d other",
"other_value": "and %1$d others"
"AttachPhoto": "Photo",
"AttachVideo": "Video",
"AttachGif": "GIF",
"AttachLocation": "Location",
"AttachLiveLocation": "Live Location",
"AttachContact": "Contact",
//"AttachDocument": "File",
"AttachSticker": "Sticker",
"AttachAudio": "Voice message",
"AttachRound": "Video message",
"AttachGame": "Game",
"Bot": "bot",
//"ChannelJoined": "You joined this channel",
"ChannelMegaJoined": "You joined this group",
"EnterChannelName": "Channel name",
"DescriptionOptionalPlaceholder": "Description (optional)",
"DescriptionPlaceholder": "Description",
"DiscussionStarted": "Discussion started",
"Draft": "Draft",
"FilterAlwaysShow": "Include Chats",
"FilterNeverShow": "Exclude Chats",
"FilterInclude": "Included Chats",
"FilterExclude": "Excluded Chats",
"FilterChatTypes": "Chat types",
"FilterChats": "Chats",
"FilterNew": "New Folder",
"Filters": "Folders",
"FilterRecommended": "Recommended Folders",
"FilterShowMoreChats": {
"one_value": "Show %1$d More Chat",
"other_value": "Show %1$d More Chats"
"ForwardedMessageCount": {
"one_value": "Forwarded message",
"other_value": "%1$d forwarded messages"
"FromYou": "You",
"Add": "Add",
"Chats": {
"one_value": "%1$d chat",
"other_value": "%1$d chats"
"Channels": {
"one_value": "%1$d channel",
"other_value": "%1$d channels"
"Comments": {
"one_value": "%1$d Comment",
"other_value": "%1$d Comments"
"Groups": {
"one_value": "%1$d group",
"other_value": "%1$d groups"
"Users": {
"one_value": "%1$d user",
"other_value": "%1$d users"
"Members": {
"one_value": "%1$d member",
"other_value": "%1$d members"
"messages": {
"one_value": "%1$d message",
"other_value": "%1$d messages"
"UsernameHelpLink": "This link opens a chat with you:\n%1$s",
"NewChannel": "New Channel",
"NewGroup": "New Group",
"Contacts": "Contacts",
"SavedMessages": "Saved Messages",
"Settings": "Settings",
"SettingsHelp": "Help",
"General": "General",
"TextSize": "Message Text Size",
"ChatBackground": "Chat Background",
"EnableAnimations": "Enable Animations",
"AutoDownloadMedia": "Auto-Download Media",
"AutodownloadContacts": "Contacts",
"AutodownloadPrivateChats": "Private Chats",
"AutodownloadGroupChats": "Group Chats",
"AutodownloadChannels": "Channels",
"AutoplayGIF": "GIFs",
"AutoplayVideo": "Videos",
"NotificationsForGroups": "Notifications for groups",
"NotificationsForPrivateChats": "Notifications for private chats",
"NotificationsForChannels": "Notifications for channels",
"NotificationsPrivateChats": "Private Chats",
"NotificationsGroups": "Groups",
"NotificationsChannels": "Channels",
"NotificationsOther": "Other",
"MarkAsUnread": "Mark as unread",
"MarkAsRead": "Mark as read",
"ContactJoined": "Contact joined Telegram",
"Loading": "Loading...",
"Unblock": "Unblock",
"BlockedUsers": "Blocked Users",
"BlockedUsersInfo": "Blocked users will not be able to contact you and will not see your Last Seen time.",
"BlockedEmpty": "None",
"TwoStepVerification": "Two-Step Verification",
"TwoStepVerificationTitle": "Two-Step Verification",
"PinnedMessage": "Pinned Message",
"PinnedMessagesCount": {
"one_value": "Pinned Message",
"other_value": "%1$d Pinned Messages"
//"PreviousPinnedMessage": "Previous Message",
"PrivacyExceptions": "Exceptions",
"PrivacyLastSeen": "Last Seen & Online",
"PrivacySettings": "Privacy and Security",
"PrivacyTitle": "Privacy",
"PrivacyPhone": "Phone Number",
"PrivacyPhoneTitle": "Who can see my phone number?",
"PrivacyPhoneTitle2": "Who can find me by my number?",
"PrivacyPhoneInfo": "Users who have your number saved in their contacts will also see it on Telegram.",
"PrivacyPhoneInfo3": "Users who add your number to their contacts will see it on Telegram only if they are your contacts.",
"PrivacyProfilePhoto": "Profile Photos",
"PrivacyProfilePhotoTitle": "Who can see my profile photos & videos?",
"PrivacyP2PHeader": "Peer-to-Peer",
"PrivacyForwardsTitle": "Who can add a link to my account when forwarding my messages?",
"Reminders": "Reminders",
"ScheduledMessages": "Scheduled Messages",
"LastSeenTitle": "Who can see your Last Seen time?",
"SessionsTitle": "Active Sessions",
"CurrentSession": "This device",
"TerminateAllSessions": "Terminate All Other Sessions",
"TerminateSessionText": "Are you sure you want to terminate this session?",
"OtherSessions": "Active sessions",
"AreYouSureDeleteSingleMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this message?",
"AreYouSureDeleteFewMessages": "Are you sure you want to delete these messages?",
"AreYouSureDeleteSingleMessageMega": "Are you sure you want to delete this message for everyone?",
"AreYouSureDeleteFewMessagesMega": "Are you sure you want to delete these messages for everyone?",
"AreYouSureDeleteAndExitName": "Are you sure you want to delete and leave the group **%1$s**?",
"AreYouSureDeleteThisChatSavedMessages": "Are you sure you want to delete **Saved Messages**?",
"AreYouSureDeleteThisChatWithUser": "Are you sure you want to delete the chat with **%1$s**?",
"AreYouSureSessionTitle": "Terminate session",
"AreYouSureSessionsTitle": "Terminate sessions",
"AreYouSureSessions": "Are you sure you want to terminate all other sessions?",
"Terminate": "Terminate",
"WhoCanCallMe": "Who can call me?",
"WhoCanAddMe": "Who can add me to group chats?",
"ArchivedChats": "Archived Chats",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"HistoryCleared": "History was cleared",
"Archive": "Archive",
"Unarchive": "Unarchive",
"Delete": "Delete",
"Reply": "Reply",
"Edit": "Edit",
"Forward": "Forward",
"CopyLink": "Copy Link",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Search": "Search",
"LinkCopied": "Link copied to clipboard",
"LinkCopiedPrivateInfo": "This link will only work for members of this chat.",
"GroupAddMembers": "Add Members",
"SendMessageTo": "Add people...",
//"SelectChat": "Select Chat",
"JumpToDate": "Jump to Date",
"Caption": "Caption",
"Message": "Message",
"Poll": "Poll",
"SharedFilesTab2": "Files",
"SharedMediaTab2": "Media",
//"SharedMediaTabFull2": "Shared Media",
//"SharedGroupsTab2": "Groups",
"SharedLinksTab2": "Links",
"SharedMusicTab2": "Music",
"SharedVoiceTab2": "Voice",
//"SharedGIFsTab2": "GIFs",
"NewPoll": "New Poll",
"PollOptions": "Poll options",
"AskAQuestion": "Ask a Question",
"AddAnExplanationInfo": "Users will see this text after choosing the wrong answer, good for educational purposes.",
"AccDescrQuizExplanation": "Explanation",
"PhoneCopied": "Phone copied to clipboard",
"UsernameCopied": "Username copied to clipboard.",
//"HashtagCopied": "Hashtag copied to clipboard.",
"BioCopied": "Bio copied to clipboard.",
"UserBio": "Bio",
"Username": "Username",
"Phone": "Phone",
"Notifications": "Notifications",
"AreYouSureDeleteContact": "Are you sure you want to delete this contact?",
"AreYouSureDeleteAndExit": "Are you sure you want to delete and leave the group?",
"AreYouSureDeleteAndExitChannel": "Do you want to delete and leave the channel?",
"DeleteContact": "Delete contact",
"GroupType": "Group Type",
"ChannelType": "Channel Type",
"TypePrivate": "Private",
"TypePublic": "Public",
"TypePrivateGroup": "Private",
"TypePublicGroup": "Public",
"GroupMembers": "Members",
"DeleteMega": "Delete Group",
"DeleteMegaMenu": "Delete group",
"DeleteAndExitButton": "Delete and Leave Group",
"ChannelDelete": "Delete Channel",
"ChannelDeleteMenu": "Delete channel",
"ChannelPermissions": "Permissions",
"ChannelPermissionsHeader": "What can members of this group do?",
"ChannelAddException": "Add Exception",
"ChannelBlockedUsers": "Removed users",
"NoBlockedUsers": "No removed users",
"UserRestrictions": "User Permissions",
"UserRestrictionsDisabled": "This option is disabled for all members in Group Permissions",
"UserRestrictionsCanDo": "What can this user do?",
"UserRestrictionsRead": "Read Messages",
"UserRestrictionsSend": "Send Messages",
"UserRestrictionsSendMedia": "Send Media",
"UserRestrictionsSendPolls": "Send Polls",
"UserRestrictionsSendStickers": "Send Stickers and GIFs",
"UserRestrictionsEmbedLinks": "Embed Links",
"UserRestrictionsChangeInfo": "Change Chat Info",
"UserRestrictionsPinMessages": "Pin Messages",
"UserRestrictionsInviteUsers": "Add Users",
//"UserRestrictionsNoRead": "can't read",
"UserRestrictionsNoSend": "can't send messages",
"UserRestrictionsNoSendMedia": "no media",
"UserRestrictionsNoSendPolls": "no polls",
"UserRestrictionsNoSendStickers": "no stickers & GIFs",
"UserRestrictionsNoEmbedLinks": "no embed links",
"UserRestrictionsNoChangeInfo": "can't change Info",
"UserRestrictionsNoPinMessages": "no pins",
"UserRestrictionsNoInviteUsers": "can't add users",
"UserRestrictionsBlock": "Ban and remove from group",
"ChannelPublic": "Public Channel",
"MegaPublic": "Public Group",
//"MegaLocation": "Location-based Group",
"ChannelPublicInfo": "Public channels can be found in search, anyone can join them.",
"MegaPublicInfo": "Public groups can be found in search, chat history is available to everyone and anyone can join.",
"ChannelPrivate": "Private Channel",
"MegaPrivate": "Private Group",
"ChannelPrivateInfo": "Private channels can only be joined via an invite link.",
"MegaPrivateInfo": "Private groups can only be joined if you were invited or have an invite link.",
"ChannelPrivateLinkHelp": "People can join your channel by following this link. You can revoke the link any time.",
"MegaPrivateLinkHelp": "People can join your group by following this link. You can revoke the link any time.",
"RevokeButton": "Revoke",
"RevokeLink": "Revoke Link",
"RevokeAlert": "Are you sure you want to revoke this link? Once the link is revoked, no one will be able to join using it.",
"SetUrlPlaceholder": "Link",
"Subscribers": {
"one_value": "%1$d subscriber",
"other_value": "%1$d subscribers"
"SearchGifsTitle": "Search GIFs",
"PinMessageAlert": "Pin this message in the group?",
"PinMessageAlertTitle": "Pin message",
"PinMessageAlertChannel": "Do you want to pin this message in this channel?",
"PinMessageAlertChat": "Do you want to pin this message at the top of the chat?",
"UnpinMessageAlertTitle": "Unpin message",
"UnpinMessageAlert": "Do you want to unpin this message?",
"PinNotify": "Notify all members",
"PinMessage": "Pin",
"UnpinMessage": "Unpin",
"PinAlsoFor": "Also pin for %1$s",
"DeleteMessagesTitle": "Delete %1$s",
"DeleteSingleMessagesTitle": "Delete message",
"DeleteMessagesOption": "Unsend My Messages",
"DeleteMessagesOptionAlso": "Also delete for %1$s",
"DeleteForAll": "Delete for all members",
"DeleteMessagesTextGroup": "You can also delete the %1$s you sent from the inboxes of other group members by checking \"Unsend my messages\".",
"LeaveChannel": "Leave Channel",
"LeaveChannelMenu": "Leave channel",
"ChannelLeaveAlertWithName": "Are you sure you want to leave **%1$s**?",
"LeaveMegaMenu": "Leave group",
"DeleteChatUser": "Delete chat",
"PleaseEnterCurrentPassword": "Enter your password",
"PleaseEnterFirstPassword": "Enter a password",
"PleaseReEnterPassword": "Re-enter your password",
"Continue": "Continue",
"YourEmailSkip": "Skip",
"YourEmailSkipWarning": "Warning",
"YourEmailSkipWarningText": "No, seriously.\n\nIf you forget your password, you will lose access to your Telegram account. There will be no way to restore it.",
"TurnPasswordOffQuestionTitle": "Disable password",
"TurnPasswordOffQuestion": "Are you sure you want to disable your password?",
"Disable": "Disable",
"TwoStepVerificationSetPassword": "Set Password",
"TwoStepVerificationPasswordSet": "Password Set!",
"TwoStepVerificationPasswordSetInfo": "This password will be required when you log in on a new device in addition to the code you get in the SMS.",
"TwoStepVerificationPasswordReturnSettings": "Return to Settings",
"RecoveryEmail": "Recovery email",
"RecoveryEmailTitle": "Recovery Email",
"ResendCode": "Resend code",
"PasswordAsHintError": "Hint must be different from your password",
"AddStickersCount": "ADD %1$s",
"RemoveStickersCount": "REMOVE %1$s",
"Stickers": {
"one_value": "%1$d sticker",
"other_value": "%1$d stickers"
"HidAccount": "The account was hidden by the user",
"TelegramFeatures": "Telegram Features",
"SetColor": "Set a color",
"Open": "Open",
"OpenUrlTitle": "Open Link",
"OpenUrlAlert2": "Do you want to open %1$s?",
"FilterNoChatsToDisplay": "Folder is empty",
"FilterNoChatsToDisplayInfo": "No chats currently belong to this folder.",
"SupportStatus": "support",
"Lately": "last seen recently",
"WithinAWeek": "last seen within a week",
"WithinAMonth": "last seen within a month",
"ALongTimeAgo": "last seen a long time ago",
"Online": "online",
"MessageScheduleSend": "Send Now",
"MessageScheduleEditTime": "Reschedule",
"YouLeft": "You left this group",
"Recent": "Recent",
"Of": "%1$d of %2$d",
"NoResult": "No results",
"Updating": "Updating...",
"Emoji": "Emoji",
"AddContactTitle": "Add Contact",
"HiddenName": "Deleted Account",
"ActionGroupCallStarted": "un1 started a voice chat",
"ActionGroupCallStartedByYou": "You started a voice chat",
"ActionGroupCallJustStarted": "Voice chat started",
"ActionGroupCallEnded": "Voice chat ended (%s)",
"ActionGroupCallInvited": "un1 invited un2 to the voice chat",
"ActionGroupCallYouInvited": "You invited un2 to the voice chat",
"ActionGroupCallInvitedYou": "un1 invited you to the voice chat",
"Seconds": {
"one_value": "%1$d second",
"other_value": "%1$d seconds"
"Minutes": {
"one_value": "%1$d minute",
"other_value": "%1$d minutes"
"Hours": {
"one_value": "%1$d hour",
"other_value": "%1$d hours"
"Days": {
"one_value": "%1$d day",
"other_value": "%1$d days"
"Weeks": {
"one_value": "%1$d week",
"other_value": "%1$d weeks"
"TodayAtFormattedWithToday": "today at %1$s",
"formatDateAtTime": "%1$s at %2$s",
"JoinByPeekChannelTitle": "Join Channel",
"JoinByPeekGroupTitle": "Join Group",
"YouWereKicked": "you were removed",
"ViaBot": "via",
"InviteExpired": "This invite link has expired.",
"NoUsernameFound": "There is no Telegram account with this username.",
"PrivacyDeleteCloudDrafts": "Delete All Cloud Drafts",
"AreYouSureClearDraftsTitle": "Delete cloud drafts",
"AreYouSureClearDrafts": "Are you sure you want to delete all cloud drafts?",
"BotInfoTitle": "What can this bot do?",
"ChatYourSelf": "forward here to save",
"GroupEmptyTitle1": "You have created a **group**.",
"GroupEmptyTitle2": "Groups can have:",
"GroupDescription1": "Up to 200,000 members",
"GroupDescription2": "Persistent chat history",
"GroupDescription3": "Public links such as",
"GroupDescription4": "Admins with different rights",
"ChatYourSelfDescription1": "Forward messages here to save them",
"ChatYourSelfDescription2": "Send media and files to store them",
"ChatYourSelfDescription3": "Access this chat from any device",
"ChatYourSelfDescription4": "Use search to quickly find things",
"ChatYourSelfTitle": "Your cloud storage",
"ActionYouCreateGroup": "You created the group",
"NoMessages": "No messages here yet...",
"NoScheduledMessages": "No scheduled messages here yet...",
"NoMessagesGreetingsDescription": "Send a message or tap the greeting below.",
"InviteToGroupError": "Sorry, you can\'t add this user to groups because of user\'s privacy settings.",
"InviteToChannelError": "Sorry, you can\'t add this user to channels because of user\'s privacy settings.",
"AddMembersAlertTitle": "Add %1$s",
"AddOneMemberAlertTitle": "Add member",
"AddMembersAlertNamesText": "Are you sure you want to add %1$s to **%2$s**?",
"AddMembersAlertCountText": "Are you sure you want to add %1$s to **%2$s**?",
"AddMembersForwardMessages": "Show the last 100 messages to the new members",
"AddOneMemberForwardMessages": "Show the last 100 messages to **%1$s**",
"PinToTopLimitReached2": "Sorry, you can only pin %1$s to the top in the main list. More chats can be pinned in Chat Folders and your Archive.",
"FiltersSetupPinAlert": "Set Up Folders",
"AppName": "Telegram",
"OK": "OK",
"PinFolderLimitReached": "Sorry, you can\'t pin any more chats to the top.",
"Send": "Send",
"ChannelJoin": "JOIN",
"Yesterday": "yesterday",
"LeaveAComment": "Leave a comment",
"ViewInChat": "View in chat",
"LinkNotFound": "Unfortunately, you can\'t access this message. You are not a member of the chat where it was posted.",
"Create": "Create",
"ViewDiscussion": "View discussion",
"MessageScheduledUntilOnline": "Scheduled until online",
"ReportChat": "Report",
"ReportChatSpam": "Spam",
// "ReportChatFakeAccount": "Fake Account",
"ReportChatViolence": "Violence",
"ReportChatPornography": "Pornography",
"ReportChatChild": "Child Abuse",
"ReportChatOther": "Other",
"ReportChatDescription": "Description",
"ReportInfo": "Please enter any additional details relevant to your report.",
"ReportSentInfo": "Telegram moderators will review your report.\nThank you for your cooperation!",
"ReportHint": "Additional details...",
"ChatHistory": "Chat history for new members",
"ShareContact": "Share contact",
"SendMessageTitle": "Send message",
"SendContactToGroupText": "Do you want to send this contact to **%1$s**?",
"ChannelBroadcast": "Broadcast",
"ChannelSilentBroadcast": "Silent Broadcast",
"Comment": "Comment",
"SendAnonymously": "Send anonymously",
"DiscardVoiceMessageTitle": "Discard Voice Message",
"DiscardVoiceMessageDescription": "Are you sure you want to stop recording and discard your voice message?",
"DiscardVoiceMessageAction": "Discard",
"AddContact": "Add to contacts",
"BlockUser": "Block user",
"MobileHidden": "Mobile hidden",
"MobileHiddenExceptionInfo": "Phone number will be visible once %1$s adds you as a contact.",
"FirstName": "First name (required)",
"LastName": "Last name (optional)",
"AreYouSureBlockContact2": "Are you sure you want to block **%1$s**?",
"UserBlocked": "User blocked",
"UserUnblocked": "User unblocked",
"AudioUnknownArtist": "Unknown artist",
"AudioUnknownTitle": "Unknown title",
"LogOut": "Log out",
"OnlineCount": {
"one_value": "%1$d online",
"other_value": "%1$d online"
"EditedMessage": "edited",
// * macos
"AccountSettings.Filters": "Chat Folders",
"AccountSettings.Notifications": "Notifications and Sounds",
"AccountSettings.PrivacyAndSecurity": "Privacy and Security",
"AccountSettings.Language": "Language",
"Alert.UserDoesntExists": "Sorry, this user doesn't seem to exist.",
"Alert.Confirm.Discard": "Discard",
"Appearance.Reset": "Reset to Defaults",
"Bio.Description": "Any details such as age, occupation or city.\nExample: 23 y.o. designer from San Francisco",
"Contacts.PhoneNumber.NotRegistred": "The person with this phone number is not registered on Telegram yet.",
"Channel.UsernameAboutChannel": "People can share this link with others and can find your channel using Telegram search.",
"Channel.UsernameAboutGroup": "People can share this link with others and find your group using Telegram search.",
"Chat.CopySelectedText": "Copy Selected Text",
"Chat.Confirm.Unpin": "Would you like to unpin this message?",
"Chat.Date.ScheduledFor": "Scheduled for %@",
"Chat.Date.ScheduledForToday": "Scheduled for today",
"Chat.DropTitle": "Drop files here to send them",
"Chat.DropQuickDesc": "in a quick way",
"Chat.DropAsFilesDesc": "without compression",
"Chat.Edit.Cancel.Text": "Are you sure you want to discard all changes?",
"Chat.Service.PeerJoinedTelegram": "%@ joined Telegram",
"Chat.Service.Channel.UpdatedTitle": "Channel renamed to \"%@\"",
"Chat.Service.Channel.UpdatedPhoto": "Channel photo updated",
"Chat.Service.Channel.RemovedPhoto": "Channel photo removed",
"Chat.Service.Channel.UpdatedVideo": "Channel video updated",
"Chat.Service.BotPermissionAllowed": "You allowed this bot to message you when you logged in on %@",
"Chat.Service.Group.UpdatedPinnedMessage": "%@ pinned \"%@\"",
"Chat.Service.VoiceChatFinished": "%1$@ ended the voice chat (%2$@)",
"Chat.Service.VoiceChatFinishedYou": "You ended the voice chat (%@)",
//"Chat.Service.VoiceChatScheduled": "%1$@ scheduled a [voice chat](open) for %2$@",
//"Chat.Service.VoiceChatScheduledYou": "You scheduled a [voice chat](open) for %1$@",
"Chat.Poll.Unvote": "Retract Vote",
"Chat.Poll.Stop": "Stop Poll",
"Chat.Poll.ViewResults": "View Results",
"Chat.Poll.SubmitVote": "Vote",
"Chat.Poll.Type.Anonymous": "Anonymous Poll",
"Chat.Poll.Type.Public": "Poll",
"Chat.Poll.Type.AnonymousQuiz": "Anonymous Quiz",
"Chat.Poll.Type.Quiz": "Quiz",
"Chat.Poll.Type.Closed": "Final Results",
"Chat.Poll.TotalVotes1": {
"one_value": "%d vote",
"other_value": "%d votes"
"Chat.Quiz.TotalVotes": {
"one_value": "%d answer",
"other_value": "%d answers"
"Chat.Poll.TotalVotesEmpty": "No votes yet",
"Chat.Poll.TotalVotesResultEmpty": "No votes",
"Chat.Quiz.TotalVotesEmpty": "No answers yet",
"Chat.Quiz.TotalVotesResultEmpty": "No answers",
// "Chat.Poll.Stop.Confirm.Header": "Stop Poll?",
// "Chat.Poll.Stop.Confirm.Text": "If you stop this poll now, nobody will be able to vote in it anymore. This action cannot be undone.",
// "Chat.Pinned.UnpinAll": {
// "one_value": "Unpin %d Message",
// "other_value": "Unpin All %d Messages"
// },
"Chat.Pinned.DontShow": "Don't Show Pinned Messages",
"Chat.Title.Comments": {
"one_value": "%d Comment",
"other_value": "%d Comments"
"ChatTitle.ReportMessages": "Report Messages",
"Chat.Send.WithoutSound": "Send Without Sound",
"Chat.Send.SetReminder": "Set a Reminder",
"Chat.Send.ScheduledMessage": "Schedule Message",
"Chat.UnpinAllMessagesConfirmation": {
"one_value": "Do you want to unpin %d message in this chat?",
"other_value": "Do you want to unpin all %d messages in this chat?"
"ChatList.Context.Mute": "Mute",
"ChatList.Context.Unmute": "Unmute",
"ChatList.Context.Pin": "Pin",
"ChatList.Context.Unpin": "Unpin",
"ChatList.Context.DeleteChat": "Delete Chat",
"ChatList.Context.DeleteAndExit": "Delete and Leave",
"ChatList.Context.LeaveChannel": "Leave Channel",
"ChatList.Context.LeaveGroup": "Leave Group",
"ChatList.Service.Call.incoming": "Incoming Call (%@)",
"ChatList.Service.Call.outgoing": "Outgoing Call (%@)",
"ChatList.Service.Call.Cancelled": "Cancelled Call",
"ChatList.Service.Call.Missed": "Missed Call",
"ChatList.Service.VoiceChatScheduled": "%1$@ scheduled a voice chat for %2$@",
"ChatList.Service.VoiceChatScheduledYou": "You scheduled a voice chat for %2$@",
"ChatList.Service.VoiceChatScheduled.Channel": "Voice chat scheduled for %@",
"ChatList.Filter.Header": "Create folders for different groups of chats and quickly switch between them.",
"ChatList.Filter.NewTitle": "Create Folder",
"ChatList.Filter.List.Title": "Chat Folders",
"ChatList.Filter.Include.AddChat": "Add Chats",
"ChatList.Filter.Exclude.AddChat": "Add Chats",
//"ChatList.Filter.All": "All",
"ChatList.Filter.AllChats": "All Chats",
"ChatList.Filter.Contacts": "Contacts",
"ChatList.Filter.NonContacts": "Non-Contacts",
"ChatList.Filter.Groups": "Groups",
"ChatList.Filter.Channels": "Channels",
"ChatList.Filter.Bots": "Bots",
"ChatList.Filter.MutedChats": "Muted",
"ChatList.Filter.ReadChats": "Read",
"ChatList.Filter.Archive": "Archived",
"ChatList.Filter.Include.LimitReached": "Sorry, you can only add up to 100 individual chats. Try using chat types.",
"ChatList.Filter.Exclude.LimitReached": "Sorry, you can only add up to 100 individual chats. Try using chat types.",
"ChatList.Filter.Confirm.Remove.Header": "Remove Folder",
"ChatList.Filter.Confirm.Remove.Text": "Are you sure you want to remove this folder? Your chats will not be deleted.",
"Channel.DescriptionHolderDescrpiton": "You can provide an optional description for your channel.",
"CreateGroup.NameHolder": "Group Name",
"Date.Today": "Today",
"DeleteChat.DeleteGroupForAll": "Delete for all members",
"DeleteChannelForAll": "Delete for all subscribers",
"EditAccount.Username": "Username",
"EditAccount.Title": "Edit Profile",
"EditAccount.Logout": "Log Out",
"Emoji.Recent": "Frequently Used",
"Emoji.SmilesAndPeople": "Smileys & People",
"Emoji.AnimalsAndNature": "Animals & Nature",
"Emoji.FoodAndDrink": "Food & Drink",
"Emoji.ActivityAndSport": "Activity & Sport",
"Emoji.TravelAndPlaces": "Travel & Places",
"Emoji.Objects": "Objects",
//"Emoji.Symbols": "Symbols",
"Emoji.Flags": "Flags",
"LastSeen.HoursAgo": {
"one_value": "last seen %d hour ago",
"other_value": "last seen %d hours ago"
"Login.Register.LastName.Placeholder": "Last Name",
"Modal.Send": "Send",
"Telegram.GeneralSettingsViewController": "General Settings",
"Telegram.InstalledStickerPacksController": "Stickers",
"Telegram.NotificationSettingsViewController": "Notifications",
"Telegram.LanguageViewController": "Language",
"Stickers.SearchAdd": "Add",
"Stickers.SearchAdded": "Added",
"Stickers.SuggestStickers": "Suggest Stickers by Emoji",
"ShareModal.Search.Placeholder": "Share to...",
"ShareModal.Search.ForwardPlaceholder": "Forward to...",
"InstalledStickers.LoopAnimated": "Loop Animated Stickers",
"Peer.Activity.User.PlayingGame": "playing a game",
"Peer.Activity.User.TypingText": "typing",
"Peer.Activity.User.SendingPhoto": "sending a photo",
"Peer.Activity.User.RecordingVideo": "recording video",
"Peer.Activity.User.SendingVideo": "sending a video",
"Peer.Activity.User.RecordingAudio": "recording voice",
"Peer.Activity.User.SendingFile": "sending file",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.PlayingGame": "%@ is playing a game",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.TypingText": "%@ is typing",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.SendingPhoto": "%@ is sending a photo",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.RecordingVideo": "%@ is recording video",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.SendingVideo": "%@ is sending a video",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.RecordingAudio": "%@ is recording voice",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.SendingFile": "%@ is sending a file",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.Multi.PlayingGame1": "%@ and %d others are playing a game",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.Multi.TypingText1": "%@ and %d others are typing",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.Multi.SendingPhoto1": "%@ and %d others are sending photos",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.Multi.RecordingVideo1": "%@ and %d others are recording video",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.Multi.SendingVideo1": "%@ and %d others are sending videos",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.Multi.RecordingAudio1": "%@ and %d others are recording voice",
//"Peer.Activity.Chat.Multi.SendingAudio1": "%@ and %d others are sending audio",
"Peer.Activity.Chat.Multi.SendingFile1": "%@ and %d others are sending files",
"Peer.ServiceNotifications": "service notifications",
"Peer.RepliesNotifications": "Reply Notifications",
"Peer.Status.justNow": "last seen just now",
"Peer.Status.Today": "today",
"Peer.Status.Yesterday": "yesterday",
"Peer.Status.LastSeenAt": "last seen %@ at %@",
"Peer.Status.minAgo": {
"one_value": "last seen %d minute ago",
"other_value": "last seen %d minutes ago"
"Peer.Status.Member": {
"one_value": "%d member",
"other_value": "%d members"
"Peer.Status.Subscribers": {
"one_value": "%d subscriber",
"other_value": "%d subscribers"
"PeerInfo.Administrators": "Administrators",
"PeerInfo.DeleteChannel": "Delete Channel",
"PeerInfo.Discussion": "Discussion",
"PeerInfo.Discussion.Add": "Add",
"PeerInfo.SignMessages": "Sign Messages",
"PeerInfo.SharedMedia": "Shared Media",
"PeerInfo.Subscribers": "Subscribers",
"PeerInfo.DeleteContact": "Delete Contact",
//"PeerInfo.Confirm.RemovePeer": "Remove %@ from the group?",
"PeerMedia.Members": "Members",
"PollResults.Title.Poll": "Poll Results",
"PollResults.Title.Quiz": "Quiz Results",
"PollResults.LoadMore": {
"other_value": "Show More (%d)"
//"PeerInfo.Confirm.DeleteGroupConfirmation": "Wait! Deleting this group will remove all members and all messages will be lost. Delete the group anyway?",
"Preview.Dragging.AddItems": {
"one_value": "Add Item",
"other_value": "Add Items"
"PreviewSender.CaptionPlaceholder": "Add a caption...",
"PreviewSender.CompressFile": "Send compressed",
"PreviewSender.SendFile": {
"one_value": "Send File",
"other_value": "Send %d Files"
"PreviewSender.SendPhoto": {
"one_value": "Send Photo",
"other_value": "Send %d Photos"
"PreviewSender.SendVideo": {
"one_value": "Send Video",
"other_value": "Send %d Videos"
"PrivacyAndSecurity.Item.On": "On",
"PrivacyAndSecurity.Item.Off": "Off",
"PrivacyAndSecurity.SensitiveText": "Disable filtering",
"PrivacyAndSecurity.SensitiveDesc": "Display sensitive media in public channels on all your Telegram devices.",
"PrivacySettings.VoiceCalls": "Calls",
"PrivacySettings.Forwards": "Forwarded Messages",
"PrivacySettings.Groups": "Groups and Channels",
"PrivacySettingsController.AddUsers": "Add Users",
"PrivacySettingsController.GroupDescription": "You can restrict who can add you to groups and channels with granular precision.",
"PrivacySettingsController.Forwards.CustomHelp": "You can restrict who can add a link to your account when forwarding your messages.",
"PrivacySettingsController.P2p.Desc": "Disabling peer-to-peer will relay all calls through Telegram servers to avoid revealing your IP address, but may slightly decrease audio and video quality.",
"PrivacySettingsController.PhoneCallDescription": "You can restrict who can call you with granular precision.",
"PrivacySettingsController.ProfilePhoto.CustomHelp": "You can restrict who can see your profile photo with granular precision.",
"PrivacySettingsController.LastSeenDescription": "You won't see Last Seen and Online statuses for people with whom you don't share yours. Approximate last seen will be shown instead (recently, within a week, within a month).",
"PrivacySettingsController.PeerInfo": "You can add users or entire groups as exceptions that will override the settings above.",
"PrivacySettingsController.Everbody": "Everybody",
"PrivacySettingsController.MyContacts": "My Contacts",
"PrivacySettingsController.Nobody": "Nobody",
"PrivacySettingsController.NeverShare": "Never Share With",
"PrivacySettingsController.AlwaysShare": "Always Share With",
"PrivacySettingsController.NeverAllow": "Never Allow",
"PrivacySettingsController.AlwaysAllow": "Always Allow",
"PrivacySettingsController.UserCount": {
"one_value": "%d user",
"other_value": "%d users"
"RecentSessions.Error.FreshReset": "For security reasons, you can't terminate older sessions from a device that you've just connected. Please use an earlier connection or wait for a few hours.",
"Message.Context.Select": "Select",
"Message.Context.Pin": "Pin",
"Message.Context.Unpin": "Unpin",
"Message.Context.Goto": "Show Message",
"MessageContext.CopyMessageLink1": "Copy Message Link",
"NewPoll.Anonymous": "Anonymous Voting",
"NewPoll.Explanation.Placeholder": "Add a Comment (Optional)",
"NewPoll.OptionsAddOption": "Add an Option",
"NewPoll.MultipleChoice": "Multiple Answers",
"NewPoll.Quiz": "Quiz Mode",
"GeneralSettings.BigEmoji": "Large Emoji",
"GeneralSettings.EmojiPrediction": "Suggest Emoji",
"GroupPermission.Delete": "Delete Exception",
"": "at",
"Schedule.SendToday": "Send today at %@",
"Schedule.SendDate": "Send on %@ at %@",
"Schedule.SendWhenOnline": "Send When Online",
"Stickers.Recent": "Recent",
//"Stickers.Favorite": "Favorite",
"Text.Context.Copy.Username": "Copy Username",
"Text.Context.Copy.Hashtag": "Copy Hashtag",
"Time.TomorrowAt": "tomorrow at %@",
"TwoStepAuth.SetPasswordHelp": "You can set a password that will be required when you log in on a new device in addition to the code you get in the SMS.",
"TwoStepAuth.GenericHelp": "You have enabled Two-Step verification.\nYou'll need the password you set up here to log in to your Telegram account.",
"TwoStepAuth.ChangePassword": "Change Password",
"TwoStepAuth.RemovePassword": "Turn Password Off",
"TwoStepAuth.SetupEmail": "Set Recovery Email",
"TwoStepAuth.ChangeEmail": "Change Recovery Email",
"TwoStepAuth.ConfirmEmailCodeDesc": "Please enter the code we've just emailed to %@.",
"TwoStepAuth.RecoveryTitle": "Email Code",
"TwoStepAuth.RecoveryCode": "Code",
"TwoStepAuth.RecoveryCodeInvalid": "Invalid code. Please try again.",
"TwoStepAuth.RecoveryCodeExpired": "Code Expired",
"TwoStepAuth.SetupHintTitle": "Password Hint",
"TwoStepAuth.SetupHintPlaceholder": "Hint",
"UsernameSettings.ChangeDescription": "You can choose a username on Telegram. If you do, people will be able to find you by this username and contact you without needing your phone number.\n\n\nYou can use a-z, 0-9 and underscores. Minimum length is 5 characters."
export default lang;