Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

217 lines
6.6 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
import CAN_USE_TRANSFERABLES from '../../environment/canUseTransferables';
import IS_IMAGE_BITMAP_SUPPORTED from '../../environment/imageBitmapSupport';
import readBlobAsText from '../../helpers/blob/readBlobAsText';
import applyReplacements from './applyReplacements';
// import Module, { allocate, intArrayFromString } from './rlottie-wasm';
const _Module = (self as any).Module as any;
const DEFAULT_FPS = 60;
type LottieHandlePointer = number;
// throw new Error('test');
export class RLottieItem {
private stringOnWasmHeap: number;
private handle: LottieHandlePointer;
private frameCount: number;
private fps: number;
private dead: boolean;
// private context: OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D;
private imageData: ImageData;
private reqId: number,
private width: number,
private height: number/* ,
private canvas: OffscreenCanvas */
) {
public init(json: string, fps: number) {
if(this.dead) {
this.fps = Math.max(1, Math.min(60, fps || DEFAULT_FPS));
// this.context = canvas.getContext('2d');
/* let frame = 0;
setInterval(() => {
if(frame >= this.frameCount) frame = 0;
let _frame = frame++;
this.render(_frame, null);
}, 1000 / this.fps); */
try {
this.handle = worker.Api.init();
// @ts-ignore
this.stringOnWasmHeap = allocate(intArrayFromString(json), 'i8', 0);
this.frameCount = worker.Api.loadFromData(this.handle, this.stringOnWasmHeap);
worker.Api.resize(this.handle, this.width, this.height);
reply(['loaded', this.reqId, this.frameCount, this.fps]);
this.imageData = new ImageData(this.width, this.height);
} catch(e) {
console.error('init RLottieItem error:', e);
reply(['error', this.reqId, e]);
public render(frameNo: number, clamped?: Uint8ClampedArray) {
if(this.dead || this.handle === undefined) return;
// return;
if(this.frameCount < frameNo || frameNo < 0) {
try {
worker.Api.render(this.handle, frameNo);
const bufferPointer = worker.Api.buffer(this.handle);
const data = _Module.HEAPU8.subarray(bufferPointer, bufferPointer + (this.width * this.height * 4));
if(this.imageData) {;
createImageBitmap(this.imageData).then((imageBitmap) => {
reply(['frame', this.reqId, frameNo, imageBitmap], [imageBitmap]);
} else {
if(!clamped) {
clamped = new Uint8ClampedArray(data);
} else {
// this.context.putImageData(new ImageData(clamped, this.width, this.height), 0, 0);
reply(['frame', this.reqId, frameNo, clamped], [clamped]);
} catch(e) {
console.error('Render error:', e);
this.dead = true;
reply(['error', this.reqId, e]);
public destroy() {
this.dead = true;
if(this.handle !== undefined) {
class RLottieWorker {
public Api: {
init: () => LottieHandlePointer,
destroy: (handle: LottieHandlePointer) => void,
resize: (handle: LottieHandlePointer, width: number, height: number) => void,
buffer: (handle: LottieHandlePointer) => number,
render: (handle: LottieHandlePointer, frameNo: number) => void,
loadFromData: (handle: LottieHandlePointer, bufferPointer: number) => number
} = {} as any;
public initApi() {
this.Api = {
init: _Module.cwrap('lottie_init', '', []),
destroy: _Module.cwrap('lottie_destroy', '', ['number']),
resize: _Module.cwrap('lottie_resize', '', ['number', 'number', 'number']),
buffer: _Module.cwrap('lottie_buffer', 'number', ['number']),
render: _Module.cwrap('lottie_render', '', ['number', 'number']),
loadFromData: _Module.cwrap('lottie_load_from_data', 'number', ['number', 'number'])
public init() {
const worker = new RLottieWorker();
_Module.onRuntimeInitialized = function() {
const items: {[reqId: string]: RLottieItem} = {};
const queryableFunctions = {
loadFromData: function(reqId: number, blob: Blob, width: number, height: number, toneIndex: number/* , canvas: OffscreenCanvas */) {
const item = items[reqId] = new RLottieItem(reqId, width, height/* , canvas */);
readBlobAsText(blob).then((json) => {
try {
if(typeof(toneIndex) === 'number' && toneIndex >= 1 && toneIndex <= 5) {
/* params.animationData = copy(params.animationData);
this.applyReplacements(params.animationData, toneIndex); */
const newAnimationData = JSON.parse(json);
applyReplacements(newAnimationData, toneIndex);
json = JSON.stringify(newAnimationData);
// ! WARNING, с этой проверкой не все стикеры работают, например - ДУРКА
/* if(!/"tgs":\s*?1./.test(jsString)) {
throw new Error('Invalid file');
} */
/* let perf =;
let json = JSON.parse(jsString);
console.log('sticker decode:', - perf); */
const match = json.match(/"fr":\s*?(\d+?),/);
const frameRate = +match?.[1] || DEFAULT_FPS;
// console.log('Rendering sticker:', reqId, frameRate, 'now rendered:', Object.keys(items).length);
item.init(json, frameRate);
} catch(err) {
console.error('Invalid file for sticker:', json);
reply(['error', reqId, err]);
destroy: function(reqId: number) {
const item = items[reqId];
if(!item) {
delete items[reqId];
renderFrame: function(reqId: number, frameNo: number, clamped?: Uint8ClampedArray) {
// console.log('worker renderFrame', reqId, frameNo, clamped);
items[reqId].render(frameNo, clamped);
function reply(args: any[], transfer?: Transferable[]) {
postMessage({queryMethodListener: args.shift(), queryMethodArguments: args}, CAN_USE_TRANSFERABLES ? transfer : undefined);
onmessage = function(e) {
// @ts-ignore