Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

327 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
import type {DownloadMediaOptions, DownloadOptions} from '../mtproto/apiFileManager';
import type {AppMessagesManager} from './appMessagesManager';
import deferredPromise, {CancellablePromise} from '../../helpers/cancellablePromise';
import {InputFile, Photo, PhotoSize} from '../../layer';
import getFileNameForUpload from '../../helpers/getFileNameForUpload';
import {AppManagers} from './managers';
import rootScope from '../rootScope';
import {MOUNT_CLASS_TO} from '../../config/debug';
import noop from '../../helpers/noop';
import getDownloadMediaDetails from './utils/download/getDownloadMediaDetails';
import getDownloadFileNameFromOptions from './utils/download/getDownloadFileNameFromOptions';
import indexOfAndSplice from '../../helpers/array/indexOfAndSplice';
import makeError from '../../helpers/makeError';
export type ResponseMethodBlob = 'blob';
export type ResponseMethodJson = 'json';
export type ResponseMethod = ResponseMethodBlob | ResponseMethodJson;
/* export type DownloadBlob = {promise: Promise<Blob>, controller: AbortController};
export type DownloadJson = {promise: Promise<any>, controller: AbortController}; */
export type DownloadBlob = CancellablePromise<Blob>;
export type DownloadUrl = CancellablePromise<string>;
export type DownloadJson = CancellablePromise<any>;
// export type Download = DownloadBlob/* | DownloadJson */;
export type Download = DownloadBlob | DownloadUrl/* | DownloadJson */;
export type Progress = {done: number, fileName: string, total: number, offset: number};
export type ProgressCallback = (details: Progress) => void;
type DownloadType = 'url' | 'blob' | 'void' | 'disc';
export class AppDownloadManager {
private downloads: {[fileName: string]: {main: Download} & {[type in DownloadType]?: Download}} = {};
// private downloadsToDisc: {[fileName: string]: Download} = {};
private progress: {[fileName: string]: Progress} = {};
// private progressCallbacks: {[fileName: string]: Array<ProgressCallback>} = {};
private managers: AppManagers;
public construct(managers: AppManagers) {
this.managers = managers;
rootScope.addEventListener('download_progress', (details) => {
// const callbacks = this.progressCallbacks[details.fileName];
// if(callbacks) {
// callbacks.forEach((callback) => callback(details));
// }
const download = this.downloads[details.fileName];
if(download?.main?.notifyAll) {
this.progress[details.fileName] = details;
private getNewDeferred<T>(fileName: string, type?: DownloadType) {
const deferred = deferredPromise<T>();
let download = this.downloads[fileName];
if(!download) {
download = this.downloads[fileName] = {
main: deferred as any
deferred.cancel = () => {
const error = makeError('DOWNLOAD_CANCELED');
deferred.cancel = noop;
deferred.catch(() => {
this.clearDownload(fileName, type);
}).finally(() => {
delete this.progress[fileName];
// delete this.progressCallbacks[fileName];
} else {
const main = download.main;
(['cancel', 'addNotifyListener', 'notify', 'notifyAll'] as (keyof CancellablePromise<void>)[]).forEach((key) => {
if(!main[key]) {
// @ts-ignore
deferred[key] = main[key].bind(main);
const haveToClear = type === 'disc';
if(haveToClear) {
deferred.catch(noop).finally(() => {
this.clearDownload(fileName, type);
return download[type] = deferred as any;
public getNewDeferredForUpload<T extends Promise<any>>(fileName: string, promise: T) {
const deferred = this.getNewDeferred<InputFile>(fileName);
promise.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject);
deferred.finally(() => {
return deferred as CancellablePromise<Awaited<T>>;
private clearDownload(fileName: string, type?: DownloadType) {
const downloads = this.downloads[fileName];
if(!downloads) {
delete downloads[type];
const length = Object.keys(downloads).length;
if(!length || (downloads.main && length === 1)) {
delete this.downloads[fileName];
public getUpload(fileName: string): ReturnType<AppMessagesManager['sendFile']>['promise'] {
let deferred: CancellablePromise<any> = this.getDownload(fileName);
if(deferred) {
return deferred;
deferred = this.getNewDeferred(fileName);
this.managers.appMessagesManager.getUploadPromise(fileName).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject);
return deferred;
/* public fakeDownload(fileName: string, value: Blob | string) {
const deferred = this.getNewDeferred<Blob>(fileName);
if(typeof(value) === 'string') {
.then((response) => response.blob())
.then((blob) => deferred.resolve(blob));
} else {
return deferred;
} */
private d(fileName: string, getPromise: () => Promise<any>, type?: DownloadType) {
let deferred = this.getDownload(fileName, type);
if(deferred) return deferred;
deferred = this.getNewDeferred<Blob>(fileName, type);
getPromise().then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject);
return deferred;
public download(options: DownloadOptions): DownloadBlob {
const fileName = getDownloadFileNameFromOptions(options);
return this.d(fileName, () =>, 'blob') as any;
public downloadMedia(options: DownloadMediaOptions, type: DownloadType = 'blob'): DownloadBlob {
const {downloadOptions, fileName} = getDownloadMediaDetails(options);
return this.d(fileName, () => {
let cb: any;
if(type === 'url') {
cb = this.managers.apiFileManager.downloadMediaURL;
} else if(type === 'void' || type === 'disc') {
cb = this.managers.apiFileManager.downloadMediaVoid;
} else if(type === 'blob') {
cb = this.managers.apiFileManager.downloadMedia;
return cb(options);
}, type) as any;
public downloadMediaURL(options: DownloadMediaOptions): DownloadUrl {
return this.downloadMedia(options, 'url') as any;
public downloadMediaVoid(options: DownloadMediaOptions): DownloadBlob {
return this.downloadMedia(options, 'void');
public upload(file: File | Blob, fileName?: string, promise?: Promise<any>) {
if(!fileName) {
fileName = getFileNameForUpload(file);
if(!promise) {
promise = this.managers.apiFileManager.upload({file, fileName});
const deferred = this.getNewDeferredForUpload(fileName, promise);
return deferred as any as CancellablePromise<InputFile>;
public getDownload(fileName: string, type?: DownloadType) {
const d = this.downloads[fileName];
return d && d[type];
// public addProgressCallback(fileName: string, callback: ProgressCallback) {
// const progress = this.progress[fileName];
// (this.progressCallbacks[fileName] ?? (this.progressCallbacks[fileName] = [])).push(callback);
// if(progress) {
// callback(progress);
// }
// }
public downloadToDisc(options: DownloadMediaOptions, justAttach?: boolean) {
const media =;
const isDocument = media._ === 'document';
if(!isDocument && !options.thumb) {
options.thumb = (media as as PhotoSize.photoSize;
// const {fileName: cacheFileName} = getDownloadMediaDetails(options);
// if(justAttach) {
// const promise = this.downloadsToDisc[cacheFileName];
// if(promise) {
// return promise;
// }
// }
// const {downloadOptions, fileName} = getDownloadMediaDetails(options);
// if(downloadOptions.size && downloadOptions.size > MAX_FILE_SAVE_SIZE) {
const id = '' + (Math.random() * 0x7FFFFFFF | 0);
// const id = 'test';
const url = `/download/${id}`;
options.downloadId = id;
const promise = this.downloadMedia(options, 'disc');
// this.downloadsToDisc[cacheFileName] = promise;
if(justAttach) {
return promise;
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.hidden = true;
iframe.src = url;
// createDownloadAnchor(url, 'asd.txt');
// const events = [
// 'emptied',
// 'abort',
// 'suspend',
// 'reset',
// 'error',
// 'ended',
// 'load'
// ].forEach((event) => {
// iframe.addEventListener(event, () => alert(event));
// iframe.contentWindow.addEventListener(event, () => alert(event));
// });
let element: HTMLElement, hadProgress = false;
const onProgress = () => {
if(hadProgress) {
hadProgress = true;
element = iframe;
indexOfAndSplice(promise.listeners, onProgress);
promise.catch(noop).finally(() => {
if(!hadProgress) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
// if(this.downloadsToDisc[cacheFileName] === promise) {
// delete this.downloadsToDisc[cacheFileName];
// }
return promise;
// } else {
// const promise = this.downloadMedia(options, 'blob');
// promise.then((blob) => {
// const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
// createDownloadAnchor(url, downloadOptions.fileName || fileName, () => {
// URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
// });
// });
// return promise;
// }
// const promise = this.downloadMedia(options);
// promise.then((blob) => {
// const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
// const downloadOptions = isDocument ?
// getDocumentDownloadOptions(media) :
// getPhotoDownloadOptions(media as any, options.thumb);
// const fileName = ( as Document.document).file_name || getFileNameByLocation(downloadOptions.location);
// createDownloadAnchor(url, fileName, () => {
// URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
// });
// }, noop);
// return promise;
const appDownloadManager = new AppDownloadManager();
MOUNT_CLASS_TO && (MOUNT_CLASS_TO.appDownloadManager = appDownloadManager);
export default appDownloadManager;