Handle instant peer changing correctly Display unread badge only in chats Delay opening on ESG hover Lazy load sticker sets thumbs Fix onchanging profile info flick Hide shared media menu tabs Scroll on click to shared media tab Fix media tabs scroll position Fix voice messages playback in search on iOS Hover & play on waveform Better input fields border animation Don't lock scroll on horizontal scrollables if unnecessary Restrict editing & deleting outgoing messages Display avatars in notifications Open chat on notification click Don't close country selector on scrolling Select single country by enter Fix jumping text in context menus Changed preloader color
293 lines
8.6 KiB
293 lines
8.6 KiB
* https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb
* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
* https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/master/LICENSE
import { getRichValue, isInputEmpty } from "../helpers/dom";
import { debounce } from "../helpers/schedulers";
import { checkRTL } from "../helpers/string";
import { i18n, LangPackKey, _i18n } from "../lib/langPack";
import RichTextProcessor from "../lib/richtextprocessor";
let init = () => {
document.addEventListener('paste', (e) => {
if(!(e.target as HTMLElement).hasAttribute('contenteditable') && !(e.target as HTMLElement).parentElement.hasAttribute('contenteditable')) {
//console.log('document paste');
//console.log('messageInput paste');
// @ts-ignore
let text = (e.originalEvent || e).clipboardData.getData('text/plain');
let entities = RichTextProcessor.parseEntities(text);
//console.log('messageInput paste', text, entities);
entities = entities.filter(e => e._ === 'messageEntityEmoji' || e._ === 'messageEntityLinebreak');
//text = RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(text);
text = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(text, {entities, noLinks: true, wrappingDraft: true});
// console.log('messageInput paste after', text);
// @ts-ignore
//let html = (e.originalEvent || e).clipboardData.getData('text/html');
// @ts-ignore
//console.log('paste text', text, );
window.document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, text);
init = null;
const checkAndSetRTL = (input: HTMLElement) => {
//const isEmpty = isInputEmpty(input);
//console.log('input', isEmpty);
//const char = [...getRichValue(input)][0];
const char = (input instanceof HTMLInputElement ? input.value : input.innerText)[0];
let direction = 'ltr';
if(char && checkRTL(char)) {
direction = 'rtl';
//console.log('RTL', direction, char);
input.style.direction = direction;
export enum InputState {
Neutral = 0,
Valid = 1,
Error = 2
export type InputFieldOptions = {
placeholder?: LangPackKey,
label?: LangPackKey,
labelOptions?: any[],
labelText?: string,
name?: string,
maxLength?: number,
showLengthOn?: number,
plainText?: true,
animate?: true
class InputField {
public container: HTMLElement;
public input: HTMLElement;
public inputFake: HTMLElement;
public label: HTMLLabelElement;
public originalValue: string;
//public onLengthChange: (length: number, isOverflow: boolean) => void;
protected wasInputFakeClientHeight: number;
protected showScrollDebounced: () => void;
constructor(public options: InputFieldOptions = {}) {
this.container = document.createElement('div');
if(options.maxLength) {
options.showLengthOn = Math.round(options.maxLength / 3);
const {placeholder, maxLength, showLengthOn, name, plainText} = options;
let label = options.label || options.labelText;
let input: HTMLElement;
if(!plainText) {
if(init) {
this.container.innerHTML = `
<div contenteditable="true" class="input-field-input"></div>
input = this.container.firstElementChild as HTMLElement;
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
if(processInput) {
// * because if delete all characters there will br left
input.addEventListener('input', () => {
if(isInputEmpty(input)) {
input.innerHTML = '';
if(this.inputFake) {
this.inputFake.innerHTML = input.innerHTML;
// ! childList for paste first symbol
observer.observe(input, {characterData: true, childList: true, subtree: true});
if(options.animate) {
input.classList.add('scrollable', 'scrollable-y');
this.wasInputFakeClientHeight = 0;
this.showScrollDebounced = debounce(() => this.input.classList.remove('no-scrollbar'), 150, false, true);
this.inputFake = document.createElement('div');
this.inputFake.setAttribute('contenteditable', 'true');
this.inputFake.className = input.className + ' input-field-input-fake';
} else {
this.container.innerHTML = `
<input type="text" ${name ? `name="${name}"` : ''} autocomplete="off" ${label ? 'required=""' : ''} class="input-field-input">
input = this.container.firstElementChild as HTMLElement;
input.addEventListener('input', () => checkAndSetRTL(input));
if(placeholder) {
_i18n(input, placeholder, undefined, 'placeholder');
if(this.inputFake) {
_i18n(this.inputFake, placeholder, undefined, 'placeholder');
if(label || placeholder) {
const border = document.createElement('div');
if(label) {
this.label = document.createElement('label');
let processInput: () => void;
if(maxLength) {
const labelEl = this.container.lastElementChild as HTMLLabelElement;
let showingLength = false;
processInput = () => {
const wasError = input.classList.contains('error');
// * https://stackoverflow.com/a/54369605 #2 to count emoji as 1 symbol
const inputLength = plainText ? (input as HTMLInputElement).value.length : [...getRichValue(input)].length;
const diff = maxLength - inputLength;
const isError = diff < 0;
input.classList.toggle('error', isError);
//this.onLengthChange && this.onLengthChange(inputLength, isError);
if(isError || diff <= showLengthOn) {
labelEl.append(` (${maxLength - inputLength})`);
if(!showingLength) showingLength = true;
} else if((wasError && !isError) || showingLength) {
showingLength = false;
input.addEventListener('input', processInput);
this.input = input;
public select() {
if((this.input as HTMLInputElement).value) { // * avoid selecting whole empty field on iOS devices
(this.input as HTMLInputElement).select(); // * select text
public setLabel() {
this.label.textContent = '';
if(this.options.labelText) {
this.label.innerHTML = this.options.labelText;
} else {
this.label.append(i18n(this.options.label, this.options.labelOptions));
public onFakeInput() {
const {scrollHeight, clientHeight} = this.inputFake;
if(this.wasInputFakeClientHeight && this.wasInputFakeClientHeight !== clientHeight) {
this.input.classList.add('no-scrollbar'); // ! в сафари может вообще не появиться скролл после анимации, так как ему нужен полный reflow блока с overflow.
this.wasInputFakeClientHeight = clientHeight;
this.input.style.height = scrollHeight ? scrollHeight + 'px' : '';
get value() {
return this.options.plainText ? (this.input as HTMLInputElement).value : getRichValue(this.input);
//return getRichValue(this.input);
set value(value: string) {
this.setValueSilently(value, false);
const event = new Event('input', {bubbles: true, cancelable: true});
public setValueSilently(value: string, fireFakeInput = true) {
if(this.options.plainText) {
(this.input as HTMLInputElement).value = value;
} else {
this.input.innerHTML = value;
if(this.inputFake) {
this.inputFake.innerHTML = value;
if(fireFakeInput) {
public isValid() {
return !this.input.classList.contains('error') && this.value !== this.originalValue;
public setOriginalValue(value: InputField['originalValue'] = '', silent = false) {
this.originalValue = value;
if(!this.options.plainText) {
value = RichTextProcessor.wrapDraftText(value);
if(silent) {
this.setValueSilently(value, false);
} else {
this.value = value;
public setState(state: InputState, label?: LangPackKey) {
if(label) {
this.label.textContent = '';
this.label.append(i18n(label, this.options.labelOptions));
this.input.classList.toggle('error', !!(state & InputState.Error));
this.input.classList.toggle('valid', !!(state & InputState.Valid));
public setError(label?: LangPackKey) {
this.setState(InputState.Error, label);
export default InputField;