Rolled back reply wrapper to height animation Preserve topbar with opened keyboard on iOS Fix stickers size on iOS Fix inputs size on handhelds Fix saving scroll on ESG opening
421 lines
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421 lines
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import { toast } from "../../components/toast";
import { BotInlineResult } from "../../layer";
import appPeersManager from "./appPeersManager";
import apiManagerProxy from "../mtproto/mtprotoworker";
import { RichTextProcessor } from "../richtextprocessor";
import appDocsManager from "./appDocsManager";
import appPhotosManager from "./appPhotosManager";
import appUsersManager from "./appUsersManager";
import appMessagesManager from "./appMessagesManager";
export class AppInlineBotsManager {
private inlineResults: {[qId: string]: BotInlineResult} = {};
public getInlineResults(peerId: number, botId: number, query = '', offset = '', geo?: any) {
return apiManagerProxy.invokeApi('messages.getInlineBotResults', {
bot: appUsersManager.getUserInput(botId),
peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId),
query: query,
geo_point: (geo && {_: 'inputGeoPoint', lat: geo['lat'], long: geo['long']}) || undefined,
}, {/* timeout: 1, */stopTime: -1, noErrorBox: true}).then(botResults => {
const queryId = botResults.query_id;
/* delete botResults._;
delete botResults.query_id; */
/* if(botResults.switch_pm) {
botResults.switch_pm.rText = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(botResults.switch_pm.text, {noLinebreaks: true, noLinks: true});
} */
botResults.results.forEach(result => {
const qId = queryId + '_' + result.id;
/* result.qID = qID;
result.botID = botID;
result.rTitle = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(result.title, {noLinebreaks: true, noLinks: true});
result.rDescription = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(result.description, {noLinebreaks: true, noLinks: true});
result.initials = ((result as botInlineResult).url || result.title || result.type || '').substr(0, 1); */
if(result._ == 'botInlineMediaResult') {
if(result.document) {
result.document = appDocsManager.saveDoc(result.document);
if(result.photo) {
result.photo = appPhotosManager.savePhoto(result.photo);
this.inlineResults[qId] = result;
return botResults;
/* function getPopularBots () {
return Storage.get('inline_bots_popular').then(function (bots) {
var result = []
var i, len
var userId
if (bots && bots.length) {
var now = tsNow(true)
for (i = 0, len = bots.length; i < len; i++) {
if ((now - bots[i][3]) > 14 * 86400) {
userId = bots[i][0]
if (!AppUsersManager.hasUser(userId)) {
result.push({id: userId, rate: bots[i][2], date: bots[i][3]})
return result
function pushPopularBot (id) {
getPopularBots().then(function (bots) {
var exists = false
var count = bots.length
var result = []
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (bots[i].id == id) {
exists = true
bots[i].date = tsNow(true)
var user = AppUsersManager.getUser(bots[i].id)
result.push([bots[i].id, user, bots[i].rate, bots[i].date])
if (exists) {
result.sort(function (a, b) {
return b[2] - a[2]
} else {
if (result.length > 15) {
result = result.slice(0, 15)
result.push([id, AppUsersManager.getUser(id), 1, tsNow(true)])
ConfigStorage.set({inline_bots_popular: result})
function resolveInlineMention (username) {
return AppPeersManager.resolveUsername(username).then(function (peerId) {
if (peerId > 0) {
var bot = AppUsersManager.getUser(peerId)
if (bot.pFlags.bot && bot.bot_inline_placeholder !== undefined) {
var resolvedBot = {
username: username,
id: peerId,
placeholder: bot.bot_inline_placeholder
if (bot.pFlags.bot_inline_geo &&
GeoLocationManager.isAvailable()) {
return checkGeoLocationAccess(peerId).then(function () {
return GeoLocationManager.getPosition().then(function (coords) {
resolvedBot.geo = coords
return qSync.when(resolvedBot)
})['catch'](function () {
return qSync.when(resolvedBot)
return qSync.when(resolvedBot)
return $q.reject()
}, function (error) {
error.handled = true
return $q.reject(error)
function regroupWrappedResults (results, rowW, rowH) {
if (!results ||
!results[0] ||
['photo', 'gif', 'sticker'].indexOf(results[0].type) == -1) {
var ratios = []
angular.forEach(results, function (result) {
var w
var h, doc
var photo
if (result._ == 'botInlineMediaResult') {
if (doc = result.document) {
w = result.document.w
h = result.document.h
else if (photo = result.photo) {
var photoSize = (photo.sizes || [])[0]
w = photoSize && photoSize.w
h = photoSize && photoSize.h
}else {
w = result.w
h = result.h
if (!w || !h) {
w = h = 1
ratios.push(w / h)
var rows = []
var curCnt = 0
var curW = 0
angular.forEach(ratios, function (ratio) {
var w = ratio * rowH
curW += w
if (!curCnt || curCnt < 4 && curW < (rowW * 1.1)) {
} else {
curCnt = 1
curW = w
if (curCnt) {
var i = 0
var thumbs = []
var lastRowI = rows.length - 1
angular.forEach(rows, function (rowCnt, rowI) {
var lastRow = rowI == lastRowI
var curRatios = ratios.slice(i, i + rowCnt)
var sumRatios = 0
angular.forEach(curRatios, function (ratio) {
sumRatios += ratio
angular.forEach(curRatios, function (ratio, j) {
var thumbH = rowH
var thumbW = rowW * ratio / sumRatios
var realW = thumbH * ratio
if (lastRow && thumbW > realW) {
thumbW = realW
var result = results[i + j]
result.thumbW = Math.floor(thumbW) - 2
result.thumbH = Math.floor(thumbH) - 2
i += rowCnt
function switchToPM (fromPeerID, botID, startParam) {
var peerString = AppPeersManager.getPeerString(fromPeerID)
var setHash = {}
setHash['inline_switch_pm' + botID] = {peer: peerString, time: tsNow()}
rootScope.$broadcast('history_focus', {peerString: AppPeersManager.getPeerString(botID)})
AppMessagesManager.startBot(botID, 0, startParam)
function checkSwitchReturn (botID) {
var bot = AppUsersManager.getUser(botID)
if (!bot || !bot.pFlags.bot || !bot.bot_inline_placeholder) {
return qSync.when(false)
var key = 'inline_switch_pm' + botID
return Storage.get(key).then(function (peerData) {
if (peerData) {
if (tsNow() - peerData.time < 3600000) {
return peerData.peer
return false
function switchInlineQuery (botID, toPeerString, query) {
rootScope.$broadcast('history_focus', {
peerString: toPeerString,
attachment: {
_: 'inline_query',
mention: '@' + AppUsersManager.getUser(botID).username,
query: query
function switchInlineButtonClick (id, button) {
var message = AppMessagesManager.getMessage(id)
var botID = message.viaBotId || message.fromId
if (button.pFlags && button.pFlags.same_peer) {
var peerId = AppMessagesManager.getMessagePeer(message)
var toPeerString = AppPeersManager.getPeerString(peerId)
switchInlineQuery(botID, toPeerString, button.query)
return checkSwitchReturn(botID).then(function (retPeerString) {
if (retPeerString) {
return switchInlineQuery(botID, retPeerString, button.query)
canSend: true
}).then(function (toPeerString) {
return switchInlineQuery(botID, toPeerString, button.query)
} */
public callbackButtonClick(peerId: number, mid: number, button: any) {
return apiManagerProxy.invokeApi('messages.getBotCallbackAnswer', {
peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId),
msg_id: appMessagesManager.getServerMessageId(mid),
data: button.data
}, {timeout: 1, stopTime: -1, noErrorBox: true}).then((callbackAnswer) => {
if(typeof callbackAnswer.message === 'string' && callbackAnswer.message.length) {
toast(RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(callbackAnswer.message, {noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true}));
//console.log('callbackButtonClick callbackAnswer:', callbackAnswer);
/* function gameButtonClick (id) {
var message = AppMessagesManager.getMessage(id)
var peerId = AppMessagesManager.getMessagePeer(message)
return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('messages.getBotCallbackAnswer', {
peer: AppPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerId),
msg_id: AppMessagesIDsManager.getMessageLocalID(id)
}, {timeout: 1, stopTime: -1, noErrorBox: true}).then(function (callbackAnswer) {
if (typeof callbackAnswer.message === 'string' &&
callbackAnswer.message.length) {
showCallbackMessage(callbackAnswer.message, callbackAnswer.pFlags.alert)
else if (typeof callbackAnswer.url === 'string') {
AppGamesManager.openGame(message.media.game.id, id, callbackAnswer.url)
function sendInlineResult (peerId, qID, options) {
var inlineResult = inlineResults[qID]
if (inlineResult === undefined) {
return false
var splitted = qID.split('_')
var queryID = splitted.shift()
var resultID = splitted.join('_')
options = options || {}
options.viaBotId = inlineResult.botID
options.queryID = queryID
options.resultID = resultID
if (inlineResult.send_message.reply_markup) {
options.reply_markup = inlineResult.send_message.reply_markup
if (inlineResult.send_message._ == 'botInlineMessageText') {
options.entities = inlineResult.send_message.entities
AppMessagesManager.sendText(peerId, inlineResult.send_message.message, options)
} else {
var caption = ''
var inputMedia = false
switch (inlineResult.send_message._) {
case 'botInlineMessageMediaAuto':
caption = inlineResult.send_message.caption
if (inlineResult._ == 'botInlineMediaResult') {
var doc = inlineResult.document
var photo = inlineResult.photo
if (doc) {
inputMedia = {
_: 'inputMediaDocument',
id: {_: 'inputDocument', id: doc.id, access_hash: doc.access_hash},
caption: caption
} else {
inputMedia = {
_: 'inputMediaPhoto',
id: {_: 'inputPhoto', id: photo.id, access_hash: photo.access_hash},
caption: caption
case 'botInlineMessageMediaGeo':
inputMedia = {
_: 'inputMediaGeoPoint',
geo_point: {
_: 'inputGeoPoint',
'lat': inlineResult.send_message.geo['lat'],
'long': inlineResult.send_message.geo['long']
case 'botInlineMessageMediaVenue':
inputMedia = {
_: 'inputMediaVenue',
geo_point: {
_: 'inputGeoPoint',
'lat': inlineResult.send_message.geo['lat'],
'long': inlineResult.send_message.geo['long']
title: inlineResult.send_message.title,
address: inlineResult.send_message.address,
provider: inlineResult.send_message.provider,
venue_id: inlineResult.send_message.venue_id
case 'botInlineMessageMediaContact':
inputMedia = {
_: 'inputMediaContact',
phone_number: inlineResult.send_message.phone_number,
first_name: inlineResult.send_message.first_name,
last_name: inlineResult.send_message.last_name
if (!inputMedia) {
inputMedia = {
_: 'messageMediaPending',
type: inlineResult.type,
file_name: inlineResult.title || inlineResult.content_url || inlineResult.url,
size: 0,
progress: {percent: 30, total: 0}
AppMessagesManager.sendOther(peerId, inputMedia, options)
function checkGeoLocationAccess (botID) {
var key = 'bot_access_geo' + botID
return Storage.get(key).then(function (geoAccess) {
if (geoAccess && geoAccess.granted) {
return true
return ErrorService.confirm({
}).then(function () {
var setHash = {}
setHash[key] = {granted: true, time: tsNow()}
return true
}, function () {
var setHash = {}
setHash[key] = {denied: true, time: tsNow()}
return $q.reject()
} */
const appInlineBotsManager = new AppInlineBotsManager();
export default appInlineBotsManager; |