Handle instant peer changing correctly Display unread badge only in chats Delay opening on ESG hover Lazy load sticker sets thumbs Fix onchanging profile info flick Hide shared media menu tabs Scroll on click to shared media tab Fix media tabs scroll position Fix voice messages playback in search on iOS Hover & play on waveform Better input fields border animation Don't lock scroll on horizontal scrollables if unnecessary Restrict editing & deleting outgoing messages Display avatars in notifications Open chat on notification click Don't close country selector on scrolling Select single country by enter Fix jumping text in context menus Changed preloader color
Telegram Web K
Based on Webogram, patched and improved. Available for everyone here: https://webk.telegram.org/
Install dependencies with:
npm install
This will install all the needed dependencies.
Running web-server
Just run npm start
to start the web server and the livereload task.
Open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.
Running in production
Run npm run build
to build the minimized production version of the app. Copy public
folder contents to your web server.
- leemon (MIT License)
- pako (MIT License)
- cryptography (Apache License 2.0)
- twemoji-parser (MIT License)
- rlottie (MIT License)
- fast-png (MIT License)
- opus-recorder (BSD License)
- libwebp.js
- fastBlur
You are welcome in helping to minimize the impact of bugs. There are classes, binded to global context. Look through the code for certain one and just get it by its name in developer tools. Source maps are included in production build for your convenience.
Additional query parameters
- test=1: to use test DCs
- debug=1: to use debug wherever it tests the flag
Should be applied like that: http://localhost:8080/?test=1
Troubleshooting & Suggesting
If you find an issue with this app or wish something to be added, let Telegram know using the Suggestions Platform.
The source code is licensed under GPL v3. License is available here.