Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

63 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
import type {InputWebFileLocation, WebDocument} from '../../layer';
import type {MyDocument} from '../appManagers/appDocsManager';
import type {MyPhoto} from '../appManagers/appPhotosManager';
import {getFileNameByLocation} from '../../helpers/fileName';
import isWebFileLocation from '../appManagers/utils/webFiles/isWebFileLocation';
import {THUMB_TYPE_FULL} from '../mtproto/mtproto_config';
export type ThumbCache = {
downloaded: number,
url: string,
type: string
export type ThumbsCache = {
[key: string]: {
[size: string]: ThumbCache
const thumbFullSize = THUMB_TYPE_FULL;
export type ThumbStorageMedia = MyPhoto | MyDocument | WebDocument | InputWebFileLocation;
export default class ThumbsStorage {
private thumbsCache: ThumbsCache = {};
private getKey(media: ThumbStorageMedia) {
if(isWebFileLocation(media)) {
return getFileNameByLocation(media);
return media._ + ((media as MyPhoto).id ?? (media as WebDocument).url);
public getCacheContext(media: ThumbStorageMedia, thumbSize: string = thumbFullSize): ThumbCache {
/* if(media._ === 'photo' && thumbSize !== 'i') {
thumbSize = thumbFullSize;
} */
const cache = this.thumbsCache[this.getKey(media)] ??= {};
return cache[thumbSize] ??= {downloaded: 0, url: '', type: thumbSize};
public setCacheContextURL(media: ThumbStorageMedia, thumbSize: string = thumbFullSize, url: string, downloaded: number = 0) {
const cacheContext = this.getCacheContext(media, thumbSize);
cacheContext.url = url;
cacheContext.downloaded = downloaded;
return cacheContext;
public deleteCacheContext(media: ThumbStorageMedia, thumbSize: string = thumbFullSize) {
const cache = this.thumbsCache[this.getKey(media)];
if(cache) {
delete cache[thumbSize];