Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

134 lines
3.4 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
import pause from '../../../helpers/schedulers/pause';
import {DcId} from '../../../types';
import {logger, LogTypes} from '../../logger';
import type MTPNetworker from '../networker';
import MTTransport from './transport';
import Modes from '../../../config/modes';
import transportController from './controller';
// import networkStats from '../networkStats';
// #endif
export default class HTTP implements MTTransport {
public networker: MTPNetworker;
private log: ReturnType<typeof logger>;
private pending: Array<{
resolve: (body: Uint8Array) => void,
reject: any,
body: Uint8Array
}> = [];
private releasing: boolean;
public connected: boolean;
private destroyed: boolean;
private debug: boolean;
constructor(protected dcId: DcId, protected url: string, logSuffix: string) {
this.debug = Modes.debug && false;
let logTypes = LogTypes.Error | LogTypes.Log;
if(this.debug) logTypes |= LogTypes.Debug;
this.log = logger(`HTTP-${dcId}` + logSuffix, logTypes);
this.connected = false;
public _send(body: Uint8Array, mode?: RequestMode) {
const length = body.length;
this.debug && this.log.debug('-> body length to send:', length);
// networkStats.addSent(this.dcId, length);
return fetch(this.url, {method: 'POST', body, mode}).then((response) => {
if(response.status !== 200 && !mode) {
response.arrayBuffer().then((buffer) => {
this.log.error('not 200',
new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(new Uint8Array(buffer)));
throw response;
// * test resending by dropping random request
// if(Math.random() > .5) {
// throw 'asd';
// }
return response.arrayBuffer().then((buffer) => {
// networkStats.addReceived(this.dcId, buffer.byteLength);
return new Uint8Array(buffer);
}, (err) => {
throw err;
private setConnected(connected: boolean) {
if(this.connected === connected || this.destroyed) {
this.connected = connected;
transportController.setTransportValue('https', connected);
// #endif
public destroy() {
this.destroyed = true;
this.pending.forEach((pending) => pending.reject());
this.pending.length = 0;
public send(body: Uint8Array) {
if(this.networker) {
return this._send(body);
} else {
const promise = new Promise<typeof body>((resolve, reject) => {
this.pending.push({resolve, reject, body});
return promise;
private async releasePending() {
if(this.releasing) return;
this.releasing = true;
// this.log('-> messages to send:', this.pending.length);
for(let i = 0; i < this.pending.length; ++i) {
const pending = this.pending[i];
const {body, resolve} = pending;
try {
const result = await this._send(body);
this.pending.splice(i, 1);
} catch(err) {
this.log.error('Send plain request error:', err);
await pause(5000);
this.releasing = false;