Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
* Originally from:
* Copyright (C) 2014 Igor Zhukov <>
import type {AccountPassword, AccountUpdatePasswordSettings, InputCheckPasswordSRP, PasswordKdfAlgo} from '../../layer';
import randomize from '../../helpers/array/randomize';
import {AppManager} from '../appManagers/manager';
export class PasswordManager extends AppManager {
public getState(): Promise<AccountPassword> {
return this.apiManager.invokeApi('account.getPassword').then((result) => {
return result;
public updateSettings(settings: {
hint?: string,
email?: string,
newPassword?: string,
currentPassword?: string
} = {}) {
// state = Object.assign({}, state);
// state.new_algo = Object.assign({}, state.new_algo);
return this.getState().then((state) => {
let currentHashPromise: Promise<InputCheckPasswordSRP>;
let newHashPromise: Promise<Uint8Array>;
const params: AccountUpdatePasswordSettings = {
password: null,
new_settings: {
_: 'account.passwordInputSettings',
hint: settings.hint,
if(settings.currentPassword) {
currentHashPromise = this.cryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('computeSRP', settings.currentPassword, state, false) as any;
} else {
currentHashPromise = Promise.resolve({
_: 'inputCheckPasswordEmpty'
// *, but still there is a mistake, TDesktop passes 'new_algo' everytime
const newAlgo = state.new_algo as PasswordKdfAlgo.passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow;
const salt1 = new Uint8Array(newAlgo.salt1.length + 32);
salt1.set(newAlgo.salt1, 0);
newAlgo.salt1 = salt1;
if(settings.newPassword) {
newHashPromise = this.cryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('computeSRP', settings.newPassword, state, true) as any;
} else {
newHashPromise = Promise.resolve(new Uint8Array());
return Promise.all([currentHashPromise, newHashPromise]).then((hashes) => {
params.password = hashes[0];
params.new_settings.new_algo = newAlgo;
params.new_settings.new_password_hash = hashes[1];
return this.apiManager.invokeApi('account.updatePasswordSettings', params);
public getInputCheckPassword(password: string, state: AccountPassword) {
return this.cryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('computeSRP', password, state, false) as Promise<InputCheckPasswordSRP.inputCheckPasswordSRP>;
public check(password: string, state: AccountPassword, options: any = {}) {
return this.getInputCheckPassword(password, state).then((inputCheckPassword) => {
// console.log('SRP', inputCheckPassword);
return this.apiManager.invokeApi('auth.checkPassword', {
password: inputCheckPassword as InputCheckPasswordSRP.inputCheckPasswordSRP
}, options).then((auth) => {
if(auth._ === 'auth.authorization') {
return auth;
public confirmPasswordEmail(code: string) {
return this.apiManager.invokeApi('account.confirmPasswordEmail', {code});
public resendPasswordEmail() {
return this.apiManager.invokeApi('account.resendPasswordEmail');
public cancelPasswordEmail() {
return this.apiManager.invokeApi('account.cancelPasswordEmail');
/* public requestRecovery(options: any = {}) {
return apiManager.invokeApi('auth.requestPasswordRecovery', {}, options);
public recover(code: any, options: any = {}) {
return apiManager.invokeApi('auth.recoverPassword', {
}, options);
} */