Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

65 lines
2.0 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
import _limitSymbols from '../../helpers/string/limitSymbols';
import {Chat} from '../../layer';
import getPeerActiveUsernames from '../../lib/appManagers/utils/peers/getPeerActiveUsernames';
import I18n from '../../lib/langPack';
import wrapEmojiText from '../../lib/richTextProcessor/wrapEmojiText';
import rootScope from '../../lib/rootScope';
type GetPeerTitleOptions = {
peerId: PeerId,
plainText?: boolean,
onlyFirstName?: boolean,
limitSymbols?: number,
threadId?: number
} & Pick<WrapSomethingOptions, 'managers'>;
export default async function getPeerTitle<T extends GetPeerTitleOptions>(
options: T
): Promise<T['plainText'] extends true ? string : DocumentFragment> {
const {
peerId = rootScope.myId,
managers = rootScope.managers,
} = options;
let title = '';
if(peerId.isUser()) {
const user = await managers.appUsersManager.getUser(peerId.toUserId());
if(user) {
if(user.first_name) title += user.first_name;
if(user.last_name && (!onlyFirstName || !title)) title += ' ' + user.last_name;
if(!title) title = !user || user.pFlags.deleted ? I18n.format(onlyFirstName ? 'Deleted' : 'HiddenName', true) : getPeerActiveUsernames(user)[0] || '';
else title = title.trim();
} else {
if(threadId) {
const topic = await managers.dialogsStorage.getForumTopic(peerId, threadId);
title = topic?.title || '';
if(!title) {
const chat = await managers.appChatsManager.getChat(peerId.toChatId()) as;
title = chat?.title || '';
if(onlyFirstName) {
title = title.split(' ')[0];
if(limitSymbols !== undefined) {
title = _limitSymbols(title, limitSymbols, limitSymbols);
return plainText ? title : wrapEmojiText(title) as any;