/* * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/master/LICENSE */ import { formatPhoneNumber, putPreloader } from "../components/misc"; import Scrollable from '../components/scrollable'; import Countries, { Country as _Country } from "../countries"; import appStateManager from "../lib/appManagers/appStateManager"; import apiManager from "../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker"; import { RichTextProcessor } from '../lib/richtextprocessor'; import Page from "./page"; import InputField from "../components/inputField"; import CheckboxField from "../components/checkboxField"; import Button from "../components/button"; import { isAndroid, isApple, isAppleMobile, isSafari } from "../helpers/userAgent"; import fastSmoothScroll from "../helpers/fastSmoothScroll"; import { isTouchSupported } from "../helpers/touchSupport"; import App from "../config/app"; import Modes from "../config/modes"; import { _i18n, i18n } from "../lib/langPack"; import lottieLoader from "../lib/lottieLoader"; import { ripple } from "../components/ripple"; import findUpTag from "../helpers/dom/findUpTag"; import findUpClassName from "../helpers/dom/findUpClassName"; import { randomLong } from "../helpers/random"; import AppStorage from "../lib/storage"; import CacheStorageController from "../lib/cacheStorage"; import pageSignQR from "./pageSignQR"; import getLanguageChangeButton from "../components/languageChangeButton"; import { cancelEvent } from "../helpers/dom/cancelEvent"; import { attachClickEvent } from "../helpers/dom/clickEvent"; import replaceContent from "../helpers/dom/replaceContent"; import toggleDisability from "../helpers/dom/toggleDisability"; import sessionStorage from "../lib/sessionStorage"; import { DcAuthKey } from "../types"; import placeCaretAtEnd from "../helpers/dom/placeCaretAtEnd"; type Country = _Country & { li?: HTMLLIElement[] }; //import _countries from '../countries_pretty.json'; let btnNext: HTMLButtonElement = null, btnQr: HTMLButtonElement; let onFirstMount = () => { if(Modes.test) { Countries.push({ name: 'Test Country', phoneCode: '999 66', code: 'TC', emoji: '🤔', pattern: '999 66 XXX XX' }); console.log('Added test country to list!'); } //const countries: Country[] = _countries.default.filter(c => c.emoji); const countries: Country[] = Countries.filter(c => c.emoji).sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name)); let lastCountrySelected: Country = null; const inputWrapper = document.createElement('div'); inputWrapper.classList.add('input-wrapper'); const countryInputField = new InputField({ label: 'Login.CountrySelectorLabel', name: randomLong(), plainText: true }); countryInputField.container.classList.add('input-select'); const countryInput = countryInputField.input as HTMLInputElement; countryInput.autocomplete = randomLong(); const selectWrapper = document.createElement('div'); selectWrapper.classList.add('select-wrapper', 'z-depth-3', 'hide'); const arrowDown = document.createElement('span'); arrowDown.classList.add('arrow', 'arrow-down'); countryInputField.container.append(arrowDown); const selectList = document.createElement('ul'); selectWrapper.appendChild(selectList); const scroll = new Scrollable(selectWrapper); let initSelect = () => { initSelect = null; countries.forEach((c) => { const emoji = c.emoji; const liArr: Array = []; c.phoneCode.split(' and ').forEach((phoneCode: string) => { const li = document.createElement('li'); let wrapped = RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(emoji); if(RichTextProcessor.emojiSupported) { const spanEmoji = document.createElement('span'); spanEmoji.innerHTML = wrapped; li.append(spanEmoji); } else { li.innerHTML = wrapped; } li.append(c.name); const span = document.createElement('span'); span.classList.add('phone-code'); span.innerText = '+' + phoneCode; li.appendChild(span); liArr.push(li); selectList.append(li); }); c.li = liArr; }); selectList.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => { if(e.button !== 0) { // other buttons but left shall not pass return; } let target = e.target as HTMLElement; if(target.tagName !== 'LI') target = findUpTag(target, 'LI'); selectCountryByTarget(target); //console.log('clicked', e, countryName, phoneCode); }); countryInputField.container.appendChild(selectWrapper); }; const selectCountryByTarget = (target: HTMLElement) => { const countryName = target.childNodes[1].textContent;//target.innerText.split('\n').shift(); const phoneCode = target.querySelector('.phone-code').innerText; countryInput.value = countryName; lastCountrySelected = countries.find(c => c.name === countryName); telInputField.value = lastValue = phoneCode; hidePicker(); setTimeout(() => { telEl.focus(); placeCaretAtEnd(telEl, true); }, 0); }; initSelect(); let hideTimeout: number; countryInput.addEventListener('focus', function(this: typeof countryInput, e) { if(initSelect) { initSelect(); } else { countries.forEach((c) => { c.li.forEach(li => li.style.display = ''); }); } clearTimeout(hideTimeout); hideTimeout = undefined; selectWrapper.classList.remove('hide'); void selectWrapper.offsetWidth; // reflow selectWrapper.classList.add('active'); countryInputField.select(); fastSmoothScroll(page.pageEl.parentElement.parentElement, countryInput, 'start', 4); setTimeout(() => { if(!mouseDownHandlerAttached) { document.addEventListener('mousedown', onMouseDown, {capture: true}); mouseDownHandlerAttached = true; } }, 0); }); let mouseDownHandlerAttached = false; const onMouseDown = (e: MouseEvent) => { if(findUpClassName(e.target, 'input-select')) { return; } if(e.target === countryInput) { return; } hidePicker(); document.removeEventListener('mousedown', onMouseDown, {capture: true}); mouseDownHandlerAttached = false; }; const hidePicker = () => { if(hideTimeout !== undefined) return; selectWrapper.classList.remove('active'); hideTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => { selectWrapper.classList.add('hide'); hideTimeout = undefined; }, 200); }; /* false && countryInput.addEventListener('blur', function(this: typeof countryInput, e) { hidePicker(); e.cancelBubble = true; }, {capture: true}); */ countryInput.addEventListener('keyup', function(this: typeof countryInput, e) { if(e.ctrlKey || e.key === 'Control') return false; //let i = new RegExp('^' + this.value, 'i'); let _value = this.value.toLowerCase(); let matches: Country[] = []; countries.forEach((c) => { let good = c.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(_value) !== -1/* === 0 */;//i.test(c.name); c.li.forEach(li => li.style.display = good ? '' : 'none'); if(good) matches.push(c); }); // Код ниже автоматически выберет страну если она осталась одна при поиске /* if(matches.length === 1 && matches[0].li.length === 1) { if(matches[0].name === lastCountrySelected) return false; //console.log('clicking', matches[0]); var clickEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); clickEvent.initEvent('mousedown', true, true); matches[0].li[0].dispatchEvent(clickEvent); return false; } else */if(matches.length === 0) { countries.forEach((c) => { c.li.forEach(li => li.style.display = ''); }); } else if(matches.length === 1 && e.key === 'Enter') { selectCountryByTarget(matches[0].li[0]); } }); arrowDown.addEventListener('mousedown', function(this: typeof arrowDown, e) { e.cancelBubble = true; e.preventDefault(); if(countryInput.matches(':focus')) countryInput.blur(); else countryInput.focus(); }); let pasted = false; let lastValue = ''; const telInputField = new InputField({ label: 'Login.PhoneLabel', //plainText: true, name: 'phone' }); telInputField.container.classList.add('input-field-phone'); let telEl = telInputField.input; if(telEl instanceof HTMLInputElement) { telEl.type = 'tel'; telEl.autocomplete = 'rr55RandomRR55'; } else { telEl.inputMode = 'decimal'; const pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio; if(pixelRatio > 1) { let letterSpacing: number; if(isApple) { letterSpacing = pixelRatio * -.16; } else if(isAndroid) { letterSpacing = 0; } telEl.style.setProperty('--letter-spacing', letterSpacing + 'px'); } const originalFunc = telInputField.setValueSilently.bind(telInputField); telInputField.setValueSilently = (value) => { originalFunc(value); placeCaretAtEnd(telInputField.input, true); }; } telEl.addEventListener('input', () => { //console.log('input', this.value); telEl.classList.remove('error'); lottieLoader.loadLottieWorkers(); const value = telInputField.value; const diff = Math.abs(value.length - lastValue.length); if(diff > 1 && !pasted && isAppleMobile) { telInputField.setValueSilently(lastValue + value); } pasted = false; telInputField.setLabel(); let formatted: string, country: Country, leftPattern = ''; if(telInputField.value.replace(/\++/, '+') === '+') { telInputField.setValueSilently('+'); } else { const o = formatPhoneNumber(telInputField.value); formatted = o.formatted; country = o.country; leftPattern = o.leftPattern; telInputField.setValueSilently(lastValue = formatted ? '+' + formatted : ''); } telEl.dataset.leftPattern = leftPattern/* .replace(/X/g, '0') */; //console.log(formatted, country); let countryName = country ? country.name : ''/* 'Unknown' */; if(countryName !== countryInput.value && (!lastCountrySelected || !country || lastCountrySelected.phoneCode !== country.phoneCode)) { countryInput.value = countryName; lastCountrySelected = country; } //if(country && (telInputField.value.length - 1) >= (country.pattern ? country.pattern.length : 9)) { if(country || (telInputField.value.length - 1) > 1) { btnNext.style.visibility = ''; } else { btnNext.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } }); telEl.addEventListener('paste', () => { pasted = true; //console.log('paste', telEl.value); }); /* telEl.addEventListener('change', (e) => { console.log('change', telEl.value); }); */ telEl.addEventListener('keypress', (e) => { //console.log('keypress', this.value); if(!btnNext.style.visibility &&/* this.value.length >= 9 && */ e.key === 'Enter') { return onSubmit(); } else if(/\D/.test(e.key) && !(e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) && e.key !== 'Backspace' && !(e.key === '+' && e.shiftKey/* && !this.value */)) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); /* telEl.addEventListener('focus', function(this: typeof telEl, e) { this.removeAttribute('readonly'); // fix autocomplete });*/ const signedCheckboxField = new CheckboxField({ text: 'Login.KeepSigned', name: 'keepSession', withRipple: true, checked: true }); signedCheckboxField.input.addEventListener('change', () => { const keepSigned = signedCheckboxField.checked; appStateManager.pushToState('keepSigned', keepSigned); AppStorage.toggleStorage(keepSigned); CacheStorageController.toggleStorage(keepSigned); apiManager.toggleStorage(keepSigned); sessionStorage.toggleStorage(keepSigned); }); appStateManager.getState().then(state => { if(!appStateManager.storage.isAvailable()) { signedCheckboxField.checked = false; signedCheckboxField.label.classList.add('checkbox-disabled'); } else { signedCheckboxField.checked = state.keepSigned; } }); btnNext = Button('btn-primary btn-color-primary', {text: 'Login.Next'}); btnNext.style.visibility = 'hidden'; const onSubmit = (e?: Event) => { if(e) { cancelEvent(e); } const toggle = toggleDisability([/* telEl, countryInput, */btnNext, btnQr], true); replaceContent(btnNext, i18n('PleaseWait')); putPreloader(btnNext); //return; let phone_number = telInputField.value; apiManager.invokeApi('auth.sendCode', { phone_number: phone_number, api_id: App.id, api_hash: App.hash, settings: { _: 'codeSettings' // that's how we sending Type } //lang_code: navigator.language || 'en' }).then((code) => { //console.log('got code', code); import('./pageAuthCode').then(m => m.default.mount(Object.assign(code, {phone_number: phone_number}))); }).catch(err => { toggle(); switch(err.type) { case 'PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID': telInputField.setError(); replaceContent(telInputField.label, i18n('Login.PhoneLabelInvalid')); telEl.classList.add('error'); replaceContent(btnNext, i18n('Login.Next')); break; default: console.error('auth.sendCode error:', err); btnNext.innerText = err.type; break; } }); }; attachClickEvent(btnNext, onSubmit); btnQr = Button('btn-primary btn-secondary btn-primary-transparent primary', {text: 'Login.QR.Login'}); let qrMounted = false; btnQr.addEventListener('click', () => { pageSignQR.mount(); /* const promise = import('./pageSignQR'); btnQr.disabled = true; let preloaderDiv: HTMLElement; if(!qrMounted) { preloaderDiv = putPreloader(btnQr); qrMounted = true; } promise.then(module => { module.default.mount(); setTimeout(() => { btnQr.removeAttribute('disabled'); if(preloaderDiv) { preloaderDiv.remove(); } }, 200); }); */ }); inputWrapper.append(countryInputField.container, telInputField.container, signedCheckboxField.label, btnNext, btnQr); const h4 = document.createElement('h4'); h4.classList.add('text-center'); _i18n(h4, 'Login.Title'); const subtitle = document.createElement('div'); subtitle.classList.add('subtitle', 'text-center'); _i18n(subtitle, 'Login.StartText'); page.pageEl.querySelector('.container').append(h4, subtitle, inputWrapper); let tryAgain = () => { apiManager.invokeApi('help.getNearestDc').then((nearestDcResult) => { const dcs = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); const done: number[] = [nearestDcResult.this_dc]; let promise: Promise; if(nearestDcResult.nearest_dc !== nearestDcResult.this_dc) { promise = apiManager.getNetworker(nearestDcResult.nearest_dc).then(() => { done.push(nearestDcResult.nearest_dc); }); } (promise || Promise.resolve()).then(() => { done.forEach(dcId => { dcs.delete(dcId); }); const _dcs = [...dcs]; const g = async(): Promise => { const dcId = _dcs.shift(); if(!dcId) return; const dbKey: DcAuthKey = `dc${dcId}_auth_key` as any; const key = await sessionStorage.get(dbKey); if(key) { return g(); } setTimeout(() => { // * если одновременно запросить все нетворкеры, не будет проходить запрос на код apiManager.getNetworker(dcId/* , {fileDownload: true} */).finally(g); }, /* done.includes(dcId) ? 0 : */3000); }; g(); }); return nearestDcResult; }).then((nearestDcResult) => { if(!countryInput.value.length && !telInputField.value.length) { const country = countries.find((c) => c.code === nearestDcResult.country); if(country) { countryInput.value = country.name; lastCountrySelected = country; const str = '+' + country.phoneCode.split(' and ').shift(); const {leftPattern} = formatPhoneNumber(str); telInputField.setValueSilently(lastValue = str); telEl.dataset.leftPattern = leftPattern; } } //console.log('woohoo', nearestDcResult, country); })//.catch(tryAgain); }; if(!isTouchSupported) { setTimeout(() => { telEl.focus(); }, 0); } getLanguageChangeButton(inputWrapper); tryAgain(); }; const page = new Page('page-sign', true, onFirstMount, () => { if(btnNext) { replaceContent(btnNext, i18n('Login.Next')); ripple(btnNext, undefined, undefined, true); btnNext.removeAttribute('disabled'); } if(btnQr) { btnQr.removeAttribute('disabled'); } appStateManager.pushToState('authState', {_: 'authStateSignIn'}); }); export default page;